Reviews from

in the past

It wasn't bad but it could be better it was a bit buggy but over all good

A nice little experience but I was expecting a little more. Was lucky not to run into any major glitch and was able to get all the achievements. Climbing is definitely a little buggy and it's easy to unintentionally jump off something when you're trying to climb

stray حبيته اكثر من

Fun concept but the game that is there leaves much to be desired. Love the way the cat controls and I hope they make a bigger and better sequel.

Finito nei termini in cui si potrebbe considerare finito un sandbox totale, considerando che la vicenda principale (riportare il gatto a casa sua, in cima a un edificio) è un mero pretesto per svolgere decine di piccole missioni all'interno di un classico quartierino giapponese. Lo si potrebbe prendere come una sorta di b-side di Stray, se non fosse che non c'è nulla di quella cura produttiva. I requisiti di completamento poggiano interamente su richieste molto basiche e dubito che il viaggio valga il prezzo in termini di tempo, anche se soddisfare la curiosità di essere un gatto che si comporta come tale, ammettiamolo.. potrebbe essere inizialmente simpatico.

Adorei, mesmo sendo curto e simples. Ao que se propõe a fazer, é excelente e bem engraçadinho. Após zerar, continuei jogando por alguns minutos pra poder encontrar as roupas extras.

No fim do jogo o mapa te dá a localização dos cosméticos o que é ótimo pra você não ficar procurando por muito tempo, mas ele só informava algumas coisas, não aonde as sidequests estavam, e como o mapa é relativamente grande e sua capacidade de movimentação não é tão grande assim, não quis ficar buscando, mas provavelmente seria um jogo rápido de fazer 100%.

I'm a simple man. I see cat, I give 5 stars. (Very cute and entertaining little game though, should definitely check it out).

This is just so silly.
The game is awesome showing a cool and soft art and jazz soundtrack when you are playing as a cat that explores the big city that feels very alive. It may have some bugs, bur overall, a great game.

Muy cuqui, tiene un gameplay muy simple de plataformas y explorar por lo que es perfecto para alguien que tenga minima experiencia con videojuegos, o que le gusten mucho los gatos :3

Absolute Goty

joguim bem simples e fofinho pra ficar apenas sendo um miau miau por aí e completando quests

Very relaxing and silly game. Great way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Art style was great!

A cozy, albeit janky collect-em-up with all the charm that you'd expect of a cat simulator. Some bugs and frustration getting the 1000G, but still a wholey enjoyable small indie that was a great relaxation tool and pallette cleanser between other, larger games.

Cat. meow at stuff and make humans trip over.

The game's various bugs start to be shown in full force when going for all achievements sadly as some are made more difficult to get/flatout impossible on your save due to glitches. Luckily I managed to fix two of the worst ones but not after 30+ minutes each of pulling out my hair.

a cute little game, i just expected a bit more for the price it is...

La verdad, es de esta clase de juegos que me encantan: esteticamente bonitos, con un gameplay pulido y simple, mecanicas bien pensadas e implementadas y una historia simple que logra de sobremanera sincronizarse con las vibras cutesy que presenta como fachada. No es lo que consideraria una gema del medio, pero es bastante disfrutable, en especial a cuentas del tiempo que tardas en terminarlo.

This was a really charming little game, definitely gave off strong Untitled Goose Game vibes but was it's own thing as well. You play as a Kitty in a little city open world where you run around causing some light mischief in order to get back home. The controls/physics can be a bit wonky at times but it works pretty well for what they were going for. It is fun to solve the little puzzles and wander around the city collecting items and talking with the other animals, and of course climbing up on things (and smashing things, as cats love to do). Very worth the little time investment, I stayed longer to do all the main tasks and clean up some of the bonus objectives, a few of them were a bit too tedious for me though.

Pretty boring because it's not orange cat experiences

meio bugado e curto, mas dá pra tirar uma graça

(Finished main story and ~70% of side content)

First and foremost, this is a game overflowing with charm. Its starts right from the first cutscene, as the titular kitty slips off their windowsill perch and rube goldberg's their way all the way down into a trash can on the street. Then you immediately get to basic cat-ing, such as

- Stealing slippers
- Knocking pots off of ledges
- Knocking paint buckets over an artist's canvas

Soon enough you get to start meeting some of the game's charming cast of critters, from a crow thats the embodiment of the trade offer meme, and a chameleon thats terrible at hiding. Everyone you can talk to is charming in their own way, each with a uniquely silly personality. But as you go around collecting shinies for the crow, finding capsules with cute hats for the kitty to wear, and generally exploring the open city block you have access to, you'll quickly run into the game's biggest weakness: Platforming.

Platforming in this game is often janky and inconsistent. When trying to jump a gap, your kitty might instead drop down from the edge. When you try to jump up to a platform above you, one the same height as the last ledge you climbed, your kitty just can't make it unless you approach it just the right way. Sometimes when making those jumps, the game might interpret your landing as wanting to slide down the wall. While some of this is a matter of execution, I do think this game should have taken an approach more similar to Stray, another cat adventure game.

Little Kitty, Big City is a game definitely pushing against its budget, which can sometimes be rather obvious. But the platforming issues and little bugs are never frustrating enough to ruin the overall experience. The game's charm ultimately succeeds in delivering a fun, kitty exploration adventure.

Fun but short game. Not much to do but its a good way to kill some time. Mainly collecting stuff which even non completionists can 100% in a few hours.

Extremely relaxing and cute, really worth playing.

Played time: 1hr

This game is super charming and the cat is adorable. There's a lot of cute interactions between objects and people. That being said the controls of the game are not the best. The cat controls kind of poorly and I found myself getting stuck in objects a lot. Overall this game was enjoyable but maybe wait for a sale before you buy.

really good cat simulator, not so good 3d platformer :[ i never felt secure climbing stuff bc i knew something would glitch and i'd fall or something, so my completionist ass was sad about this one. it is however really fun to just mess around and poke stuff and talk to other animals. the cutscenes are so so good as well