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in the past

I just rate it as a 7 due to the story, cause the gameplay sucks.

The ambience for a 2007 game is fantastic, the songs are ok and the story cativated me the most, BUT

It's ubisoft. They have the money, they have qualified people, but they always make a mediocre gameplay. First game of the saga is basically: go there and "investigate" (what it means you have to do the same missions 9 times to discover where your targets are).

I don't remember much stuff about the other ones, but in AC1 the guards literally wanna kill me for any reason. "Oh, you gave me a little bump while you were walking, I'm gonna call 15 guards to gang bang you." The combat is pretty much the same and kinda boring. If you wanna run away, good luck trying. If you're doing parkour, they'll throw ROCKS at you and you'll fall. When you're almost in the hiding spot, they'll find you <3

All I said + tons of bugs and freezings from a 2007 GAME IN A PC THAT RUNS GTA V

Just buy it if you wanna play all of them

Creo que mis ganas de jugar de nuevo este juego estaban tintadas con nostalgia. Después de todo, siempre fui un chico Nintendo, y el XBox360 fue mi primera consola no-Nintendo, y Assassin's Creed uno de los primeros juegos de este tipo que jugué.

Francamente, el juego está bien. La historia es interesante y los entornos son impresionantes. Incluso las primeras dos misiones o así son muy divertidas.

Pero todas las misiones son idénticas, al menos en cuanto a actividades a realizar, y se vuelve muy cansado muy pronto. Además el combate es terrible, y frustrante. Quizás sólo soy malo en el combate en este juego, pero nunca entendí al 100% cómo esquivar o contraatacar apropiadamente, incluso cuando estaba presionando los botones de forma adecuada.

Hay muy poco incentivo también para recolectar los coleccionables, ya que no aportan absolutamente nada... y salvar a los ciudadanos y escalar los miradores también pierde importancia una vez que tienes la barra completa de sincronización, y se vuelve sólo una tarea más.

No ayudó que me tomó media hora editar los controles al iniciar el juego, ya que jugué en SteamDeck y la versión para PC está llena de errores y los controles funcionan raro.

En fin. Me da gusto terminarlo, pero no creo jugarlo de nuevo nunca más.

Assassin's Creed is one of those cornerstones of gaming pop culture that shone through in the late 2000's. I would equate it to something like the early 2000's GTA III or the DOOM's of the mid-90's in terms of how much it shook up the gaming market. AC1 showed us that you can make very dense and detailed realistic worlds while also having intuitive and engaging mechanics. AC1 is also a hard game to recommend for many reasons today, the biggest one being that 2/3 of it's player base has a borderline terrible version of the game, and the 1/3 that got the "fixed" version has to deal with absurd amounts of technical issues (i.e UPlay DRM breaking because UPlay doesn't exist anymore). If one could get the game working on PC, you'll find a final draft of a still too rough game, saved by fluid mechanics and one of the best stories in gaming ever.

Assassin's Creed is a story about conspiracy and finding the truth in institutions corrupted by power. The dynamic of switching between the Third Crusade and the modern day is used efficiently and perfectly. Bartender Desmond Miles is kidnapped and finds himself strapped to a device that injects him into dream like sequences of the 12th Century Holy Lands. Upon awakening, Desmond is greeted by a scientist and his assistant, where they lay a heavy ultimatum: work with them or die. Desmond obviously agrees, so he's sent back in this Animus, back in the shoes of his ancestor: Assassin's Brotherhood member Altair Ibn-La'Ahad. Altair pulls a stunt that throws him back in the novice ranks of the Brotherhood and must follow a similar ultimatum to Desmond: submit to his duty of slaughtering nine targets or die. So both must work essentially brain to brain, present to memory, in order to take back their lives.

Let's start with Altair, as he is the main focus of the game. Altair starts as someone wanting to strike the iron while it's hot against the diametric force of the Brotherhood. The Templars are everything the Brotherhood isn't in philosophy, they wish to conquer the world, destroying and ravaging whatever is in their path in order to gain world order. They pride themselves on the colonization of the Holy Land, due to their shady use of King Richard of England. Altair jumps at their leader, Robert de Sable, and causes one of his assassin allies to die, and the other to lose an arm. Altair is punished for his recklessness at the hands of Grand Assassin Al Mualim. He's sent back down the ranks to novice and is given his aforementioned task. As he kills, he's granted a piece of equipment back and a rank back up.

Desmond is a snarky, sarcastic type (aptly voiced by Nolan North) with a shady family past. Very much intertwined with the modern day Assassin's Brotherhood in some way, the Abstergo Company sought him out to test The Animus device on him. Abstergo reflects the opinions of the earlier Templars, as they want control of what the Order deems weak minded. This doesn't sit well with Desmond, so he constantly clashes heads with Dr. Warren Vidic, the head of The Animus Program. Vidic also has an assistant, Lucy Stillman, and whenever he is out of earshot, Lucy explains her disillusionment of Abstergo after a friend and co-worker of her's was supposedly killed by them in the office. While Desmond's gameplay is VERY limited compared to Altair's, the conversations between the three are very lifelike, well written and convincing.

Both protagonists are interconnected not just by family, but by the similar goal to hunt the truth. Desmond is criticized as whiny, but if anyone was stuck in a random ass room with oppressive color grading they'd act the same too. Altair is an admittedly dangerous loose cannon at the beginning of the game, but when you take in consideration how he's brought up by the Brotherhood since childhood to take vengeance against the Templars without question, you understand why. Altair is punished for doing what he was told essentially, but this ends up with him introspecting in himself and in the others around him, both ally and target. He introspects on what the Assassin's Brotherhood means if all that is thrown at him is hypocrisy. He takes the Creed seriously, he's one of the few really well done stoic characters in video games, as he wants to live by the good he's been taught, and takes time to learn what his Creed means. He gives his targets time to explain themselves, and what could have been written as a simple "no you," every single target holds a similar view of the world that Altair desperately wants to call Al Mualim out on. There is so much more to talk about but I wouldn't want to spoil the plot. It is such a well written experience and I'm just shocked that one of the best written games I have ever played comes from fucking Ubisoft of all companies.

The raw presentation of this game is just breathtaking, the cities you go to (Masyaf, Jerusalem, Acre, and Damascus) are created in vivid detail. It feels like you are actively climbing pieces of architecture and are roaming cities that once really existed. The darker tone of the story is never compromised once, which is extremely commendable in a medium where it is easy to mess up that balance. Yet, I feel like in some ways the presentation of the game could be much better. The cutscenes might as well be radio dramas, with the way no attention was made to proper body language for these moments. Altair's dialogue cuts as deep as his blades, yet he just stands there plainly, sometimes picking up an object and never anything else. The target cutscenes are actually great though, and it makes you wonder why that love was never given to the rest of the game.

Altair's gameplay revolves around quick-footed traversal and easy to learn, but hard to master parkour systems. Should he be caught by guards, he can run and hide (either by blending with crowds or finding spots to lay low in) or fight back, but the latter will end up with him overrun at most points in the endgame. The main issue people have with AC1 is the repetition, which we know the story on why that's the case, as Ubisoft scrambled together poorly thought out side content at the last minute after being told the game was concerningly short, kind of blemishing the otherwise seamless and fast game it originally was. Ubisoft released this Director's Cut for PC and let me tell you the difference is night and day. While the game still does have slower jobs like pickpocketing, eavesdropping and tailing, the selection of jobs has been increased to add footraces to informants, assassinations, and mass distractions. Furthermore, the player can decide when to go on their main assassination now after 2-3 jobs now, making half of the content purely contextual unless you aren't confident without those 3-4 extra pieces of info. I can't describe how much this fixes most gameplay issues. Altair's gameplay now feels less like a slog, and more like living Altair's duties now.

Mechanically I feel like this game hasn't aged. The parkour feels great as it really feels like I had control over every aspect of Altair's movement. There isn't so much stealth in this game as much as it is quick thinking with the sandbox. If you see an enemy spot you, you can move away from them, throw a knife at them, sword fight them quick, or throw them off of a ledge and all of it works seamlessly. Carelessness will cause a massive influx of enemies to chase you constantly, so it is very much necessary to be as careful as you can be.

If I had one complaint about the game's core systems, it would be the swordplay, it's just boring, and I can't tell if Ubisoft made it that way on purpose to make players avoid confrontation in lieu of fast escapes or quick timing. I'd be inclined to think otherwise because there isn't anything inherently wrong with it, its fluid to work with just like the rest of the game's systems, it just so happens to be a drag to do. It sucks that the last hour of this game was just sword fights over and over again.

I found myself surprised with how much I loved this version of AC1. It just sucks that the general perception of this game is now tarnished from the really crappy console version. The PC version has it's big issues to, but I'd be less likely to drop a feature complete, sometimes buggy game, than a boring rushed mess of ideas. I'd urge AC fans on PC to play this once. It hurts to say, but if you are on console, just skip this one.

Honestly this is a game I can barely recommend. Pretty much only play this if you are really curious about the AC franchise and really want to try out the game that started it all. If that’s not you, I’m tempted to recommend skipping it altogether. It’s pretty cheap on a discount, so feel free to try it out though.

The PC port is not good. It isn´t unplayable, but it’s really not good. Mostly in terms of compatibility with newer setups and overall controller input. It’s already a game with janky elements, made even jankier by this port.
It’s an interesting game and I can see why it became so popular when it released. The setting is awesome and one we basically never see in games. It kinda tries to be historical fiction, which I appreciate. There’s also this flow that the game falls into when everything is working properly that is quite engaging. The problem is that it everything doesn’t work properly all of the time.

There’s a lot here that is impressive for its time, but there also is a lot of jank. Some that comes with age, some that I’m pretty sure was always there. Platforming and free running are cool in concept, but rapidly becomes extremely unprecise and unwieldy. The auto-jumping has a tendency to go nuts and the character likes to get stuck at times, completely breaking the flow the game is trying to maintain in these sequences. I was rather impressed by the physics simulation and the NPC density and reactions though.

Combat is button-mashy, very simple in terms of options available to engage enemies, and stealth options are also rather limited, making the non-engagement of enemies pretty much unviable in the long term.

In terms of the gameplay loop, there really isn´t much more to it. The latter half of the game gets a bit more varied in the structure of its main missions. You’ll always end up going to a new section of a city map, unlock a couple of towers by climbing them, dispel the fog of war and unlock some side activities, repeat a couple of these activities (which are all basically the same objectives, repeated over and over), unlock the main assassination, complete it and do this again and again and again. It’s the same exact structure all the time, and as I said, there is some variation in the missions later on, but during it’s first half all main assassinations are pretty similar, and all side activities are the same.

In terms of narrative, it isn’t all that interesting either. Both the ‘present day’ framing device and the main Altair plot are very shallow and by the numbers. The Altair story has its interesting setting and occasional compelling moments going for it. The framing device has nothing, a really uninteresting and convoluted concept that should have been left on the cutting room floor. Altair is a bland protagonist though; the side characters shine a bit more. I would have loved if the PC version included subtitles, alas it doesn´t.

An interesting piece of gaming history, the point of origin for a massive videogame franchise, I think I appreciate it more in that context than as a game I played this year. But, it’s a short game, and I think that there is plenty here to be entertained and appreciate for the length of its main story. If curious check it out, if it seems dull don’t feel bad about dropping it and booting up some of its more accomplished successors.

I really like this game, I think it has the best stealth of the series as it is realistic and doesn't feel too "gamey" Though I think the Ezio trilogy improved on a lot of this, I appreciate the lack of bloat and straight forward gameplay and mission objectives.

Плюньте в мою сторону, но это ужасная игра. Я не отрицаю её культовости и влияния на индустрию, каким бы оно ни было. Если бы не первая часть, мир бы не получил Black Flag и Unity, которые я считаю великолепными. Однако закрывать глаза на многие минусы оригинального ассасина не намерен.
Если бы запустил игру в год выхода, то, думаю, засел бы надолго. А сейчас же всё выглядит крайне уныло и душно. К сожалению, проект сильно постарел.
В сюжете мы имеем однотипные задания, которые даже в побочки особо не годятся. Они обязательны к прохождению, чтобы получить миссию с убийством главной цели. Вот и, собственно, вся структура нашей игры. А если о самих побочках говорить, то они, по заверению авторов, были добавлены незадолго до выхода чисто для галочки. Было бы чем гордиться.
Многие вышки сделаны под копирку, видны фирменные юбисофтовские местами кривые анимации и застревающие модели трупов.
В ремейк бы поиграл с удовольствием, но вспоминать оригинал желания боле нет. Прошёл чисто для ознакомления с таким древним ископаемым.

Plusy: ładna grafika, niezły voice-acting, dobry gameplay, otwartość świata, parkour
Minusy: słabe zakończenie

This game is BROKEN on PC. You have to jump through hoops to get it in a playable state. Beyond that, the gameplay, is incredibly barebones and unengaging. The parkour, the atmosphere and the intrigue are the best aspects of this game, however, the parkour is noticeably clunky at times, the atmosphere is very hit or miss, and the intrigue doesn't get all that good until the end once you have read the Abstergo logs. Don't play this game unless you're a die hard fan; start with literally any other game.

oq mais marcou foi os npc gritando direto pra mim ASSASSIN e o plot twist final foi tão foda qnt o wesker do resident evil

pretty good, held up way better than i expected. once you've played it for a while its an absolute slog to get through since its so repetitive though.


Great concept, great story, but gameplay was repetitive and clunky. I look forward to seeing how future titles improve.

The story is phenomenal but shit bro this pc port is a mess. To get the controller working you need to jump hoops and DL files ( this shit continues in AC2 and isn rectified till brotherhood). Its also really buggy. And it still infamously has no subtitles. So only grab it on a sale and be warned you may or may not even be able to play the thing depending on how it acts on your rig. It does look really fucking gorgeous on 4k and I hope this gets a real remake that doesnt compromise the original story or gameplay.

Honestly i get why it’s so highly rated. Game was amazing, from story to even settings and scenery. Wish it was longer though but still an great game. I played this one like last out of the series so i can’t even really experience the nostalgia that others have but still.

I guess the parkour mechanic was too novel and fun for younger me back in the day to realize that this game sucks.

As much as I liked the story and ending, god damn this game is mind-numbingly repetitive and an absolute SLOG to get through. I couldn't stand waiting for drawn-out NPC dialogue to be over so I could go out and do the exact same missions ad nauseam.

And don't even get me started on the relentless nightmare of mandatory tower climbing in order to progress the story. NPCs just give you a general description of where the important ones are ONCE (if you missed it, tough luck), and I kept having to climb random ones over and over again just to be able to unlock a single quest.

In my opinion, this game is not worth playing at all. If you're interested in getting into this series, I would advise to just watch a story summary on YouTube and to start with a later installment.