Reviews from

in the past

Tão ruim que parece eFootball.

Eu não vou nem me dar o trabalho de alongar muito essa review pois o jogo é tão porco que merece o mínimo esforço possível.

Aqui é literalmente a decadência concreta e definitiva de algo que UM DIA já foi o melhor jogo de futebol (Saudades FIFA 17). Tipo assim, eu achava impossível o jogo piorar tanto assim em comparação ao FIFA 23 mas puxa vida EA, a senhorita está de parabéns, conseguiu se superar negativamente como nunca antes visto!!!

O jogo é meio que quase injogável, sem brincadeira. Joguei 1x1 local com um amigo e é simplesmente bizarro o jogo ter quedas de frames no PS4. A gameplay beira o injogável em vários momentos. Bugs incontáveis dos goleiros, um ritmo de jogo super lerdo e lento e simplesmente um jogo SUPER ROBÓTICO (Virou impossível defender no jogo, seja com a zaga ou com o goleiro).

Não ironicamente esta é uma oportunidade perfeita para algum outro simulador de futebol aparecer no mercado de games.

- ?

- Bugs incontáveis.
- Gameplay lenta e robótica.
- Layout do jogo e do menu beira o preguiçoso.

blue archive if it's main demographic was ishowspeed instead of pedophiles

I hate this game with a passion will constantly play

Every October: hey the new features are pretty cool and I'm having fun figuring out the new meta. Not bad!

Every December/January: this game is dogshit and not fun and I hate my life.

It should be illegal to make a game this shit and charge full price for it. Granted I got it for free on PS Plus but seriously, this is not a football game.

The tactics don't do anything, the players don't do anything unless you prompt them to pressing R1 or L1, there is no AI intelligence offensively or defensively, it's a buggy mess, and even with the realism sliders put on made by the community, this game is still diabolical to play.

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?

What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?

The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in!

Yeah it is true. See you later, Moss

Mind 'ow you go.

so i tried to give it another chance and all i wanna say is fuck every single ea employee who actually was involved in making this piece of garbage

I think most people think fifa is a bad game due to it’s gambling and pay to win aspects and the fact that it releases every year. These things for the average Fifa player (including me) sadly don’t matter anymore. This community doesn’t care because it is used to these things most people who played this game grew up with it and don’t know any better.

That is the reason I expect EA to atleast make the core gameplay of FIFA good but they can’t even achieve that with this game. I mean how can you release the same game over and over again and make it worse every year as an example the gameplay feels different everyday I am not even kidding sometimes it feels smooth and fast but most of the time just sluggish and slow. Ultimate teams power curve is evolving way to fast by making way to many promos so that everyone has an Overpowered squad halfway through this games life cycle. Something that still annoys me is how pace dependent everything is it doesn’t matter that Rodri is one of the best defensive midfielders in the world if he doesn’t have a promo with atleast 90 pace by December he is useless.

Career mode is also shit and gets worse every year the only thing EA add are some animations that yes are cute but get repetitive very fast and simply can’t be counted as added content. Also please for the sake of my life please remove the club objectives how can it be that I win the Premier league with Luton town and still get a bad managerial rating because i didn’t sign three players from Micronesia.

This game is bad even for a FIFA game but it doesn’t matter because I will still put 500 hours into it because there is no good alternative.

This is the worst FIFA game I have ever played in my entire life. It feels like there is no AI in the game. What else can I say about this game?

o menu é bom, a gameplay é terriiiivel.

is it the same as last year’s entry? yes
is it making me want to harm someone? maybe
is it better than football manager? absolutely not
wait, why did i play this?

I give this a one star, only because I think the content in ultimate team is really good this year - a lot of chances to pack good players, and evolving is an amazing mechanic which should've been introduced earlier. But oh my god, the gameplay this year is awful - sometimes unplayable. Career mode is also completely broken - you need to complete the objectives, or you will be sacked, no matter league position.

Really disappointing, especially as I was expecting more from the new rebrand.

Very at the fun, but can quickly become boring

pretty good fifa but ultimate team carries and too many people have op teams compared to how it used to be

I had heard the Fifa games were not of the highest quality, but this is absurdly bad. it almost feels like a cheap DS game released in 2007 but somehow actually released on modern consoles. You need an EA account to play online, and all the single player modes suck (and it takes like 12 years to even get into a soccer match). The gameplay is playable but extremely barebones. I honestly cant really tell if there is anything different about the gameplay than Fifa 09 for the DS. To top everything off, the switch version looks worse than most PS3 games. I figured id give this game a try since it is free on Nintendo switch right now, and i have now definitely decided i never need to be remotely interested in a Fifa game ever again.

esse merda de jogo foi feita pelo fernando diniz
goleiro pula com corpo de um lado e a mão no outro, vão se fuder caralho
jogador de defesa tem delay pra correr nessa merda de jogo
único lugar em que atacante gordo manco ganha na corrida do lateral mais rápido do jogo
jogo de futebol de areia

It’s probably the most disappointing EA football game released.

It reverses the good defending and the midfield being impactful of past FIFA games to return to pace and skills are king. The player models and crowds are better but it doesn’t matter if the gameplay doesn’t feel like football. The gameplay feels extremely arcade-y especially with the new player trait system being RPG-like in terms of gameplay impact. Plus, I cannot enjoy EA career mode ever again after experiencing the depth of Football Manager.

All in all, I’d only purchase this for sofa co-up. Ultimate Team is a financial and personal drain. Career mode is rubbish. The actual kick off is arcade-y. Just buy Football Manager (it even runs on low-end laptops).

Não sei o que eu esperava, mas...este jogo não tem alma. Dos menus às narrações às comemorações, tudo é asséptico, e ainda com o agravante de ser muito feio e quase inviável no Nintendo Switch. A culpa é de quem? É minha por ter caído em nostalgia.

Only played the trial on EA Play (basically the whole game but limited to 10 hours), but give me a fucking break lol

I'm not a fan of the series, so I don't know what differences it has from previous games. I just played and enjoyed it with my friend

this game is 'free' on ps plus right now so i downloaded it to play through a recent bout of ennui. the manager mode is fine, basically unchanged in 10 years but the bones are still solid. only new feature to speak of is that it gives you a little review of how good you did on transfers. its a fun lil nod to the implied world of blog posts and tweets amd group chats that exist in the imagination of the player. "oh cant believe Chunderly let McJohnson walk for nothing" you hear in your head as the game chides you for not finding a better way to offload a middling youth squad player. its barely good tho, given that im still prone to accidentally overpaying my new players in factors of ten given the way the wage input field jumps around. the game still gave me an A rating after paying some serie d loser 10000 dollars a week because i didnt pay any transfer fee

honestly losing the fifa license or whatever did really fuck this game, no jleague hurts me. no ligamx! i was reduced to playing as the fucking chicago fire!! also, super sick to include the nswl and other intl womens soccer leagues, but i cant play a manager of a womens team?

anyway this year is finally the year that i found out its more fun to set the matches to live sim amd yell at the tv rather than play them at all. i almost cut my finger off making dinner as late penalties in the mls cup semifinals unfolded. they should just like preinstall this game on tvs, its better without a controller.

my last thought is that it an unreal debacle to play multiplayer games locally in a lot of cases these days. like i made like 20 fake xbox accounts last year for a halo mcc lan party so i could tell who was shootimg me. fifa lets you just assign like a 'kick off' name that doesnt require account level access. this should be enforced by law on any game with local multiplayer

oh also its too easy to beat goalies in this game


Worst game that I have ever played

Basing this review solely on UT mode*

Not much has changed, same features as previous releases. The biggest addition has been EVO, this allows you to evolution a selected player. So far most are free and 1 being paid.
The gameplay feels a little slower with the changes of the engine. You now need a masters degree to defend in this game, your players will literally stand still and orbit an attacker and not attempt a single tackle.

Me impressiona como conseguem comprar o mesmo jogo todos os anos e ainda pagar por packs de jogadores. Fifa consegue ser uma das piores atrocidades já feita pela indústria dos games, tanto por suas práticas abusivas quanto pela falta de inovação e repetitividade dos jogos. Parabéns aos fifa players por sustentarem essa bela bosta.

Not really anything great added but it's still good fun to play with friends, wishing they do more with career mode next year but let's be real that's never happening