Reviews from

in the past

this game makes me hapy and is super fun even tho its not that good but its super good but its kinda bad

bring back ability mixing

Incredibly simple and easy, but still fun. Great music and an incredible final boss(es).

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fat fuck 64: the crystal sharts

Kirby with Darth Maul's lightsaber, enough said.

Solid and fun platformer with lots of charm and the usual Kirby shanenigans and aesthetic twists.

I absolutely adore Kirby 64 with all my heart. It's the first game in the franchise up to this point that I have no trouble calling an incredible masterpiece. In TRUE Luke Vaughn review fashion I'll go over every facet of this game and explain why everything is done to near perfection.

-Whoever thought of the idea of this game's main gimmick being to combine copy abilities together is a god among men. Extremely creative and always leads to fun experimentation

-The visuals are confectionary as with basically every Kirby game and the level design is the greatest in the series so far. Every level is given it's own spectacle and scale that has never been seen in a Kirby game up to this point

-Kirby 64's story is extremely charming. Sure, it's simple as hell, but the premise of Kirby and his friends going on a galaxy wide road trip to save another planet is very well done. This is partially thanks to the cutscenes. Not only do we actually get to see all of the characters bounce off of each other with NO dialogue, but this is arguably the most personality Kirby himself has ever been given.

-Unlike Dream Land 2, the collectables are fun to get! There's a shit ton of them and they encourage exploration and experimentation with the copy ability combos. My only minor nitpick is that I wish there was a UI that showed how many Crystal Shards you've collected IN the stages

-Best soundtrack in the series so far. Unquestionably. EVERY. SINGLE. TRACK. is a banger and it's the video game equivalent of musical sex

I love Kirby 64 with every fiber of my being and every fiber of my doing. Probably my favorite N64 game of all time actually

I like it! Visually looks pretty cute and the abilities are really smart. The game's way too short, though, and Kirby's incredibly slow.

A really unique Kirby game, i should comeback to it to fully beat it

Punishing af, especially for the specific ability crystal shards.

Combining power-ups is a concept that I am shocked we haven't seen make a return, perhaps even be a staple of the series.

When I was a kid, I had a friend that had this game. Whenever I'd go to his house, we'd play the checker minigame and nothing else, so I was convinced that was the only thing this game was. The actual game is very fun, with a unique power combo system that has seen very little revisiting since. A fun ride overall.

super cute and full of charm with some of the best music in the series. it deserves a stylish remake for sure

I've never been able to get into Kirby games. I always just find them dull and never have the motivation to finish them.
I couldn't tell you what it is about Kirby 64 that clicked for me. This one is just, fun?
I love the 2.5D aesthetic. I love the different stage gimmicks. I love how Kirby's friends feel involved here and they all actively help you. I love the copy ability mechanics. The music kicks ass! This is just a fun time!
I also had a hard time with some parts, particularly boss encounters, but hey I appreciate that. I never like when a game feels too easy.
If I had one major complaint, it's that the game feels a little slow. From what little I've played of other Kirby games I know they're usually much faster than this. It's not a huge deal though, I do enjoy the levels either way.
I haven't beaten the secret final boss yet because the process of collecting all the crystals is kind of time consuming and I'm not a huge fan of it, but I will do that for sure. I enjoyed this too much to not see the real ending.

I guess the biggest thing to say about this game is that Kirby's movement always feels a little slow, in a way that's nice when the levels are scenic but also often kinda frustrating. The visuals are great, the music is jammin, I just wish Kirby could get where he's going a little bit faster.

The best Kirby game, one of my favorites! Me and my best friend both play this one to this day when we need that hit of nostalgia and childhood memories.

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Very nostalgic. My cousins and I would assign ourselvs as the characters. I was Waddle Doo. The ability mixing is super cool to this day. And the music is as Kirby as Kirby music gets.

the kirbiest kirby game out there

One of the weaker Kirby titles, in my mind. It's just very sluggish when compared to most other Kirby games. It feels like an extension of Kirby's Dreamland 3 in that way.

Very loveley and cute game, the music is really good and I love all the characters. I'd say its one of the more cozier kirby games from the series. Nostalgia hard carrying this game for me but its still so good.

i just really really like this game...i really like when kirby and waddle dee do their special handshake to show that they're best buds.

Would be a really fun game if everything just moved like 50% faster. Nonetheless, incredibly charming and cute with fantastic visuals.

you don't really play this game, so much as you... experience it

Apparently a bit of a divisive Kirby game? My introduction to the series, the combination powers are incredibly cool, even if there are like 2-3 that are objectively better than the rest. Generally a pretty easy game, except for one or two parts, including one boss, but 100% the game is a nice challenge.

This is definitely my current favourite Kirby game with one of my personal favourite final bosses in a video game. The combat, the power ups and the combination of power ups is just incredible, I’d give this a 4 stars if it just had better courses but still is a great game.

I wasn't expecting to like this game as much as I did because it was from a 2D perspective but I actually really enjoyed the simple gameplay. It was kept fresh with tons of different abilities you could acquire and combine with others to create hybrid abilities. The retro graphics also kept me hooked. My only gripe is that with these kinds of games, story takes a backseat, But don't write this game off! Play it!