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in the past

Don't tell anyone, but I prefer this over superstar. Im sorry :(

Se a primeira impressão for a que fica, esse jogo é a exceção. Esse jogo é o mais focado em vender pra criança, não que os outros não fossem, mas começando pela estética do jogo que parecer ter sido desenhado por aqueles lápis de crayon, é bem óbvio, e ótimo, é bonito e estiloso.
E acabou os elogios, apesar de eu achar que esse Kirby tem a melhor movimentação, as fases dão um sentimento de que duram 10 horas cada, e ainda tem umas quests muito específicas pra pegar os colecionáveis desse jogo, os Heart Stars, — que assim como nos jogos anteriores, levam ao final secreto — de forma alguma tem como você fazer elas sem um guia. E falando no final secreto, o boss secreto continua super divertido, ou eles manjam muito nisso ou eu sou fácil de agradar, mas o DeDeDe desse jogo é muito buxa... nem com uma segunda fase ele causou dificuldade.

Veredito: Bonito, fez um uso bem melhor dos poderes pros animais, mas foi cada escolha questionável pro level design...

absolutely love the art style of this game, it's so nice to look at.

Phenomenal presentation, Dreamland 3's pastel look is so memorable and pleasant. Between that and the soundtrack, it's gotta be one of the most relaxing platformers I've ever played. Sure, it has some occasionally clunky level design but what can I say, I love playing this game and chilling out with it. The level objectives are such a nice little addition, it's just a charming thing to go through and make the various characters happy... some of them are a bit difficult to figure out without a guide but I think most of them are pretty manageable without help. The new animal buddies are all a lot of fun to play with too, Pitch in particular stands out to me as having some really fun takes on abilities. Beyond that, it's a great co-op experience and brings us playable Gooey, so I can't not love it.

This game is like childhood whimsy assaulting you in the face. You better play this gem of a game RIGHT NOW. Also HAL plzzzz bring back the animal buddies PLZZZZZZZ

While I do think it's an improvement over Dream Land 2, specifically in less cramped feeling levels and less irritating secrets....I still don't think it's amazing.
The Heart Star secrets are less confusing, but they can still get annoying or tedious to deal with (I'm looking at you ROB). The animal buddies are alright, but nothing too special tbh, aside from Kine being far better than before.
Play at your own discretion.

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I find the controls frustrating playing this immediately after dream land 2. The lack of a run option in 2 coupled with the relatively shorter levels made the movement seamless, while in this game there’s many times where you make a turn or land a jump and come to a complete stop which I find breaks the flow of gameplay on a minute level.

Some of the heart star mini games where you have to memorize stuff were pretty challenging, I cheated by recording my screen and viewing the playback like a little bitch

Kirby's Dream Land 3 es la tercera entrega en la trilogía de Kirby's Dream Land, y presenta probablemente el mejor apartado gráfico y artístico de Super Nintendo, junto con una banda sonora memorable, como es de costumbre en la saga de la bolita rosa.

Sin embargo, Dream Land 3 resultó demasiado lento para mí. El movimiento de Kirby en este juego es quizá el más lento de toda la saga, y esto solo puede remediarse a través del uso de alguno de los animales, que sirven de montura/powerup en la saga desde Dream Land 2. A diferencia de Dream Land 2, controlar únicamente a Kirby no resulta satisfactorio en este juego, y por ende no fui capaz de terminarlo -apenas finalicé el primer mundo-.

En otro momento me gustaría retomar Kirby's Dream Land 3, pero por ahora mi nota es 4.5/10.

Love that this looks like colored pencil despite being on the SNES

This game is so cute to look at but god damn why does every single action end your dash and then it's so hard to start dashing again it makes moving around feel like such a slog. The little green bird is my new best friend though.

4.5 star game -1 star for the fucked up dashing but +0.5 for Pitch

[review wip]

Kirby's Dream Land 3's the last hurrah for the SNES, but also one of the most 'different' Kirby games in terms of physics, lore and so on. It is infact a sequel to Kirby's Dream Land 2 which directly takes elements from there.
The first thing that got me surprised as i started playing this game is that Kirby's controls and physics are slightly redone for this entry, despite that, however, this title lives up to be one of the most significant entries in the series which lived on the legacy of the Kirby villains, often depicted as creepy eye beings invading Dream Land while hiding themselves in the dark.

Just a super fun game. The art style and music are nice and pleasant and really create this friendly atmosphere. Definitely recommend playing this game Co-Op, which is very easy due to the Nintendo Switch's online service.

God I love the aesthetic and soundtrack so much, but whenever I think about how mediocre the gameplay is I’m left heartbroken.

Tragic stuff…

This game is considered a sort of swan swung for the super nintendo, and does it deserve to be that game?

Sorta, and i will explain why

So, obviously, the artstyle is amazing... shocking i know. In fact, i think its succeed his artbook aesthetic so well that it outshine other stylised game on the snes like yoshi island : the game is just super pleasing to look at...and its the only place where the game isnt outshine by the two main kirby game between it: superstar and 64

Yeah, lets get this out of the way: to me, this game is so close of 64 in a lot of aspect that it could almost be considered like a sorta kirby 63, if that make sense. Im just saying that:

They share a lot of the soundtrack (64 did it better tho)
They share a same antagonist
They share some level idea (the pyramide for instance)
They share a ton of copy ability
They both have a combining ability system in some way
They both ignore the change superstar made on the core gameplay

But what they dont share on the other hand is how they handle level design : 64 is loaded with memorable level due to their theme, gimmick or just, by how fun the level design just was...dreamland 3, on the other hand...doesnt have that much memorable level? I mean, i feel like i star to remember one or two level after the fourth World...yax. legit, the only two things dreamland 3 has over 64 is the fact that i prefer juuuuuust a little bit how kirby play, but i like both so it doesnt change much, and the companion, but, and its a unpopular opinion, i know, but i dont like playing as them that much? Like, conceptually, they are good, and the fact that you can combo them with copy ability to have new one are good, but, other than the cat one, i feel like the control are kinda sluggish with all the other. Plus, i dont like most of the combo they have with copy ability so thats a other point against it. Btw, the copy ability in this game are probably my least favorite in all the kirby game i played so far: adventure had more, superstar also had more too, and they felt incredible to use AND they had entire moveset each, 64 had the combining mecanic, forgotten land had more, had the moveset and a upgrade system, and even dream course, a game that i really dont like, had a very cool way to handle the copy ability

Finally, 64 and this game share something else : terrible collectable, but they are actively worse here, because at least, in 64, they were easy to understand, and you could have most of them in your first run, but here? Each level had one star to collect, and most of them are painfull and easy to miss
...their only value are the cameo from other game...i mean hell, the only of the gems i liked was the one where you had to kill Metroid, because i love metroid, its a really good franchise, except when its not i guess

Anyway, this game is still really fun, but it has A LOT holding back for being actually great

Kirby's Dreamland 3 is a brilliantly crafted game, from the beautifully drawn visuals and the fun puzzles and gameplay! Combining your abilities with animal buddies adds a unique feeling to the game. I've 100%'d it 4 times and would go back to play it again!

best music ever. like it seriously altered my brain chemistry. i hope that they try experimenting with this art style too its soo yummy

This game is so freaking dull. I can't believe people actually seem to like this one

A very slow and chill Kirby game that is essentially a slower and easier Dream Land 2. It is sandwiched between Kirby Super Star and Kirby 64 release wise, and it’s not as good or as memorable as either of them. Still a good time, though.

I like the graphical style, looks super good for SNES. The animal buddies are fun too.

The only thing this game has going for it is its crayon aesthetic which really fits Kirby’s world well. But everything else makes this a slog. Kirby moves around stiff and slowly, there’s only a few copy abilities and they’re all not that great, same with the animal friends who sometimes feel more like a hindrance than a power-up. Levels are long, repetitive and annoying, and then getting the true ending requires solving vague tedious puzzles in each one. Just an overall dull Kirby game.

Kirby Series Ranked

Kirby's Dream Land 3 is a game I wish I could love more, but unfortunately, while it's not bad or anything, it doesn't live up to the expectations I had for it. I was hoping this would be my favourite of the three Dream Land games, but in all honesty, I think 2 was the one that gave me the best time. I didn't 100% either 2 or 3 but I found that you get more out of trying to 100% this game rather than actually just going through the levels, since the true final boss is behind it and every level has a side quest to do to unlock it. Now I wouldn't have an issue with this, if side quests were obscure in objective for most and the game didn't feel awkward to play. I found that the movement just felt off, most likely since it feels a lot slower than every other Kirby game I've played so far. The Animal Friends also felt like a downgrade this time around, with a lot of them being a lot slower or having very close range attacks with the Copy Abilities. The old ones were fine, but the new ones, specifically ChuChu I didn't really like, though I do really like Nago and Coo felt slower this time around. I mainly stuck with Nago + Fire but I still felt like a lot of the combos killed your movement and just didn't feel as smooth to use as something like Sword in Kirby Super Star for instance. There's still some great things about this game, it has a lot of charm, mainly due to the art style and cute OST, and the final boss is pretty fun too. I played this on Nintendo Switch Online so there was the special mode that had a full save file, so I opted to do that over the side missions because I got tired of them after Level 2. The true final boss is pretty fun to fight and probably my favourite part of the game because it isn't plagued by any issues that I mentioned earlier like movement, but it's a hassle to get to for only four minutes of gameplay. I don't know, I wouldn't say this game is anywhere near bad but I would say I was a bit disappointed that this didn't live up to my expectations. Overall, the game has a lot of charm and personality, but it doesn't quite live up to the expectations I had for it.

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as much as this game has its flaws, i do really appreciate everything it goes for. i absolutely love the crayon-esque art style and i wish more games would go for that these days. the heart-star mechanic is fun too, putting a little emotional weight into a fairly standard collectible. i like helping little guys!! (and also samus aran. i guess) dark matter and zero are two of my favourite characters in the franchise, and i love the tonal shift that comes with their inclusion (one of the only kirby characters that's allowed to bleed). the animal friends are a lovely addition too, and i had a blast trying out all the different copy abilities with each of them (kine my beloved<3).

on the other hand, some of the level design can get repetitive at times, especially when it comes to the theming. they could have done more to make each feel unique: i remember them more for the sidequests than anything. alas, i didn't come to a kirby game expecting a super deep experience. the last thing i'll say is that the movement can be a little awkward at times. nothing major, but i find it difficult sometimes to drop through platforms and such.

overall though i loved this game from start to finish. such is the beginning of a new kirby hyperfixation (it's over for me).

The level design is easily the worst thing about the game, but the art style is perfection and the new animal buddies are really fun. I think item collection is more fun than Dreamland 2 but this can have it's annoying moments, too. Overall though it's Kirby so it's gonna be a fun time regardless

Pros: I love the new animal friends in this game, Nago the cat, ChuChu the octopus, and Pitch the bird. Each bring along new movement options and fun copy ability combinations. They're joined by the original three animal friends from Kirby's Dream Land 2, along with more copy abilities to shake things up further. Another friend joins the fun as this game's co-op partner, Gooey! Essentially a second Kirby, he can steal powers and ride animals all the same. He's a funny little guy. The game also has a nice crayon visual aesthetic, perhaps inspired by Yoshi's Island, it's quite nice! Was cool to see SNES squeak this one out on the last year of its life.

Cons: Sigh... It's a big step backwards after Kirby Super Star. It's slower paced in general, the movement isn't smooth either, and each copy ability goes back to the Kirby Adventure/Dream Land 2 method of one attack per ability, and no fun hats either... Also back to far fewer abilties... Yeah yeah, KDL2 ran by these same rules, but after Super Star, it was hard to go back. And the new copy ability "clean" is... it's cleaning... c'mon... Sure it has some neat animal combinations, like the Kiki's Delivery Service inspired broomstick flying move with Chuchu, but eh, it's not very cool on its own. But this game is perfectly playable, it's just not very exciting. I'm also not really into this game's gimmick of each stage having its own "mission" of sorts, where you're confronted with a little jingle at the start of some rooms, and you either succeed in accomplishing the objective, or fail, and then by the end of the stage, you get your reward or not. And if you fail, ugh... You have to replay the stage again, and I just don't really dig it, y'know? It's not very fun. Aside from some neat cameos like Samus, this isn't the form of gameplay I want out of Kirby.

What it means to me: Look, I love the animal friends, that's what puts this game on my list of favs, they're great, they're wonderful, and they have some really fun moves. It's what makes me like this game more than Kirby 64 even, which didn't have them, but still had the slow plodding gameplay from this game (yeah, I like the animals more than I like copy ability mixing, which, again, you only had one move per copy ability... still a step backwards there too...). Played this game back when it came out, and liked what I could out of it, but didn't love it.

Basically all the issues I had with Dream Land 2, from its boring level design to its annoying 100% completion which is only accentuated tenfold, but damn if that art style ain't fire.

More cute companies but also the crayon artist is so cute