Reviews from

in the past

Cara que joguinho gostosinho.
Os gráficos são muito bonitos, mesmo sendo para o 3DS, pois nele é feito de lã e tecido.
Os poderes do Kirby nesse jogo são bons e dão variedade de gameplay juntamente com os veículos ou coisas que o Kirby vira.
As fases são muito boas e diversificadas e a trilha sonora muito boa.

An adorable game whose level design starts to wear out it's welcome by the end of the 9 hours.

the game has everything that made the wii version fantastic to me - plus some little extras that came with the new release.
we have some new abbilities for kirby that he gets by putting on hats. i dont think this was necessary to add, as we already had the several transformations throughout the levels. it made the game harder and, once you reached a point with a transformation, had more of an "op" feeling. this feeling is now completely gone, as now the levels aren't really a challenge anymore.
the new modes seem fine to me but put in there just half heartedly.
but what do you expect of one of the last 3ds game releases, right?
its a nice revisit while it lasts, but other than that the wii version is still the best to play it. :)

Fine game! Looks absolutely beautiful, even on the tiny screen of the original 3DS. Very easy, but that's kinda what they were going for here so it's hard to critique it on that. Especially with how many collectables there are and the hard mode option for each level.

Kinda rushed through it, which made for quite the short experience, but there's extra levels and plenty of side content waiting for me if I decide to go back.

From what I played, it was alright. I have a lot of games on my plate so I'll come back to this one later.

the inclusion of the fucked up demon mode really made this game go from a strange little oddity to something worth playing for anyone who likes kirby. a soundtrack that will soothe your soul and maybe even make your eye well up a big tear or two. i loved setting up my little room in this game.

Im a sucker when it comes to Nintendo doing Yarn games

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New side modes are fun but the addition abilities and devilish modes is only an issue cause i dont like how it interrupts the music. Still an amazing game as a whole with the only real problem being it released on the 3ds at the end of its lifespan

This game is so sillied down it's amazingly boring, although it has a couple of cool ideas here and there.

Why did I buy this? The new additions are hardly noteworthy and 240p 30 FPS hurts the experience. Stick to the Wii version.

Replaying this childhood game of mine was a lot more fun than expected and doing the devilmode when playing the levels "blind" made it kind of challenging too, some things were repetitive yes, but I still had an amazing time.

A good adaptation of what I’d consider Kirby’s best spinoff. It’s just as charming and just as fun (and just as surprisingly difficult, at times). There’s a lot to do and even more if you plan on 100%ing the game. If you haven’t played Epic Yarn yet and you don’t have a Wii, then this isn’t a bad way to go about trying it out.

A great adaptation of a childhood classic. Plays great (minus the train power up, really should have used the touch screen...)

The game did stutter when too many beads were on the screen. Even on my New 3DS XL 😅

something's in my water. I actually slightly prefer this version

Somebody thought it would be real cute to make a platformer that honks a car horn at you every time you move left or right.

I played through the first world but didn't really have any motivation to continue. it wasn't bad but didn't feel super engaged. Rip

Que jogo fofo cara, me diverti muito principalmente pela fofura dele, adoro esses jogos da nintendo com estetica de costura, acho muito top

not technically finished yet, but i get the idea of how i'm gonna feel after its over. this game is super charming with a really cute artstyle. i've never actually played any kirby games before and my extent of him is going "wow he's so cute" when someone shares miscellaneous screenshots or videos of him, but i've wanted to dabble in the series for a while! the plot i dont care for, but the game itself has been pretty fun.

the controls are kinda weird. not the actual button mapping, but how they feel. i always associate platformers with having really tight, snappy controls since thats what feels best imo but i mean, its kirby so he's gonna be pretty floaty. that's not really a problem for me, but i do hate how slippery he can feel. some of the levels in this are genuinely not very fun because of it and finding the stickers or the level icon things can be really annoying when the slippery controls make you fall really far back in a level or into a death pit you really shouldn't have hit. its not a skill issue because while i am definitely not super great at this game, just tapping the d-pad shouldn't send me flying off the cliff ... maybe its my inexperience with the genre overall thats leading me to have trouble with this stuff, but it really makes me dislike some of these levels. i like that they all have their own gimmicks and the boss fights have been, while unexpected, really fun.

this game is nothing super special but its decently short, not too difficult, and very cute. i think some of the level design is tedious in an unfun way, but generally i don't have to think too hard when attempting one for the first time. it's just okay.

It's still Kirby's Epic Yarn and that game is good. I don't want to call it unecessary, but we all know why it was made. Also train levels are still ass

o jogo mais bonitinho do mundo, amo as animações, os efeitos sonoros, tudinho!!! tô com preguiça de jogar mas um dia termino🤓☝️

Enjoyable 2D platformer, nothing special

this is a very cute and very lovely game. the soundtrack is amazing and the gameplay is fun! the story isn't outstandingly good, but it's not the focus of this game. i enjoyed my time with this!