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in the past

The "bad" Metal Gear Rising DLC (Fight one sort of original miniboss after collectable hunting through cheaply remixed levels)

Mistral 😳

I really like the concept of this DLC, its short and we get some background on Blade Wolf, which is worth it by itself.

Combat is difficult here, but you are not really supposed to fight. Even the last fight can be tackled very easily by using stealth halfway through.

I think it's better than Sam's DLC, the stealth is fun and completing it gets you a lot of BP, which can be used to customize Raiden for future playthroughs. Very worth it.

Can't recall anything that happened in this or the other dlc so it gets 2.5 stars just because.

I already thought that stealth was one of the weakest points on the base game, so a DLC center on that wasn't my favorite, it works and can fun, but can also be a bit frustrating, and you surely will have a better experience with the base game or the other DLC

Luta maneirinha no final e só. Não chega a ser ruim mas fodase

No me gustó el movimiento y se me hacía difícil manejar al perro, quizá sea puro skill issue mio pero bueno.

just mid
controls are weird
also just not that fun

Bladewolf's appears in Sam's DLC, but Sam doesn't appear in Bladewolf's DLC so he never stood a chance

I’m sure when we played the base game we all wanted Mistral to call us “little doggy”.

they clearly put a bit more effort in this than in Sam's DLC but Bladewolf sucks so much ass to play as

I love Blade Wolf, he's definitely my favorite character alongside Raiden.

His playstyle is completely different from both Raiden and Sam, and he has some unique attacks aswell, but he feels clunky and heavy.
Also the platforming levels didn't fit well in my opinion.

I appreciate the fact that Mistral got some development and screentime, I really liked her as a character in the main game but she appeared for a very short time.

Lastly, the boss fight is a little bit disappointing and just okay.

Final Rating: "Average" ~ 5/10.

Gosto que a dlc realmente te deixar decidir entre ir com stealth ou ação, e até que a luta com o boss é daorinha, uma pena que jogar com o blade wolf seja paia.

despite suffering basically from the same problems as Sam's DLC, I'll give it 0.5 stars more because Wolf is such a good boi 🥺🥺🥺

a primeira cutscene afetou a minha estrutura cerebral em minha tenra e altamente influenciável juventude (homossexual). é tudo que eu lembro dessa DLC pra ser honesta.

Interesante ver la otra perspectiva de wolf y porque cambio de bando tan rápidamente.
En lo que respecta a gameplay es bastante interesante que otra vez podamos manejar un personaje nuevo con su propio seting de movimientos.
Aunque siento que wolf es muy pesado para esquivar los ataques cargados, el jefe final es meh y la campaña pudo haber dado más para que no se sintiera tan normalita.

Blade Wolf is yet another story DLC prequel to the main events of the game, this time instead of playing as a beloved character in a sort of remixed way parallel to the actual campaign, we play as LQ-84i, character which eventually becomes a sidekick of Raiden under the name of Blade Wolf after defeating it earlier on in the story, but in here the mutt-like is under Mistral's training for on-field combat, and that is pretty much everything that there is to say about this one as it is super short. The (fanservice-y) appearance of Mistral as a whole is greatly appreciated since she kinda shows up and then disappears forever as you defeat her.

The rest is pretty null and the stages themselves and the other character that shows up are pretty bad in general, you're practically doing stuff in Denver and then you're faced with a Roblox obby comprised of dev textures which you have to actually do to advance, and then when you're out of training and get into the meat of things it just ends, so there's not really a lot of value besides playing as the new odd character.

Surto coletivo que a dlc do Sam é melhor que essa

Score: 50/100
Dont like wolf that much, and he is just boring with boring lvls

The emphasis on stealth works surprisingly well, although some of that was possible in the base Metal Gear Rising too. The Blade Wolf DLC was held down by a few platforming segments that were unfortunately quite tedious and didn't really add anything other than padding.

Annoying Ass Obby

Into a pack
There’s no choice
But take orders to attack
Locked up in chains
I get fed
But the hunger still remains

Not content to live this way
Being led by the blind
Got to plan my dispersal
Time to leave them all behind
Breaking out of my pain
Nothing ventured, nothing gained
I’m my own master now

Bear the mark of my scars
Shedding blood underneath the stars
But I will survive somehow


Hear me howl
Time to leave them all behind
I’m my own master now

La peor campaña de las tres.
Es MUY corta, su duración a duras penas llega a ser de dos horas si lo juegas de corrida. La historia no aporta NADA a la historia del juego que ya conocemos. Los primeros dos niveles del juego son simulaciones VR, que si bien aportan a la historia de Blade Wolf, no aportan a la jugabilidad, estos dos niveles podrían ser removidos, y nadie se quejaría.
Ambos niveles, por cierto, reciclados del juego base. Verdaderamente es la peor campaña de las tres.

Assim como a DLC do Sam ela é bem curta e conta um pouco do que o Blade Wolf passa antes de se juntar com o Raiden, curti um pouco mais do que a do Sam por conta do ultimo boss, mas no geral é uma DLC ok também