Reviews from

in the past

I went in with no expectations, having just randomly snagged this game in a sale after seeing the name in a list of modern 3D platformers somewhere. Man I wish I played it right away because this game was such a treat. It is set up like Super Mario 64 where it has stages which each have a good number of missions each, but adds in a bit of a collectathon vibe with numerous things to find that always scratches that 100% completion itch in my brain. The worlds are colorful and diverse even if there aren’t a ton, but tons of mini games and challenge modes add length and variety to the game which I always appreciate. The best part of the game is just the basics, the jumping feels great and the character feels super agile and fluid. You’ll be triple jumping, diving, long jumping, wall jumping and so much more in no time! Bosses feel a bit tacked on but I can forgive it cause I had a wonderful time.

An alright low-budget 3D platformer that is heavily inspired by 3D Mario games. The gameplay is fun enough even though the physics can be wonky, but the world and characters are uninteresting and lack personality. Characters that should have different personalities will say the exact same things as one another. The environments have a cheap, unpolished look to them. I got bored of the game quickly because I couldn't get invested in the world at all.

I would only recommend this to people who are very into collectathons.

heavily sm64 inspired game that knows its a heavily sm64 inspired game. doesnt do anything crazy but everything it does it does well.

A fun 3D platformer. The jumping feels great which is the big issues with these game typically. Lots of fun collectibles to find but I will say the fire physics are wonky. Very cheap too so check it out!

It's ok. The stages and missions are just fine, it's nothing amazing really. It's average as fuck. A bit janky and the jump can be a bit annoying to get used to.