Reviews from

in the past

Uma melhora do primeiro em todos os aspectos, o desenvolvimento dado à glados foi uma adição certeira. A backstory da aperture também é boa.

Головоломка-блокбастер для всех. Кроме мощного концепта задачек, построенных на порталах, игра даёт крутую историю, динамику, зрелище и хороший саунд.

Not the sort of game I usually play or enjoy but man if this isn't an absolute banger. Really recommend this even to non puzzle fans. Fantastic

I loved portal 2 but just didnt as much as everyone else, maybe its because im just too late to the party. One of the few games i cant really name any issues, and comparing it to Portal 1 its 10 times more funny.

ran through the game recently and felt like a speedrunner. going through test chambers with ease. then wheatley turned really rude and messed up my new PR so i had to lock in even harder. ending definitely takes place in indiana

Well here we are again. It's always such a pleasure

This game looked way too good for 2011 and holds up incredibly well. Love the characters, the environment, the humor, the puzzles, just.. everything. Played through the whole co-op campaign and moved to co-op workshop chambers because I just needed more.

An extremely common subgenre of the puzzle genre is what I'm going to call the one-mechanic genre, where all the puzzles in the game build on one mechanic from start to finish, with the end goal almost always being the same, usually getting some object from Point A to Point B. 90% of those make the same mistake for me: the mechanic gets old. There are only so many ways you can push a box, draw a line, etc. without it getting dull. I'd say Portal 2 is the best example of this type of puzzle game, and it does it effortlessly. I don't think this game has a bad puzzle, or a boring stretch, at any point in its relatively long playtime. This is helped by the antics of Wheatly and GLaDOS but, obviously, the game design itself takes most of the credit. I think the main thing is that Portal 2 adds new and interesting mechanics regularly, and always combining them with old mechanics in interesting ways. This feels like an obvious statement, of course you want to add new types of puzzles as the game goes on, but it's so hard to do this well and Portal 2, again, does it in a way that feels effortless.

I wish Valve still made games regularly, because I think their work is genuinely masterful when they do.

Much like the first game, the story and humor are on point in Portal 2. Wheatley is a great counterpart for GLaDOS. The mechanics are substantially expanded from the first game with the various types of goo, and I enjoyed the variety of new puzzles that provided.

The intro to the game really drags on, though, with lots of incredibly easy puzzles and loading screens. I would have preferred if it jumped into more challenging puzzles much more quickly. I liked the general idea of the non-puzzle areas, but I did get a bit tired of hunting around for the little bit of wall that I could put a portal on.

Those are just minor complaints, though. While Portal 2 isn't necessarily a personal favorite, I can see why it's generally rated among the best games of all time.

i'm not saying this was my lesbian awakening but i'm not not saying that. everything erik wolpaw writes for is peak no exceptions

We all took the devil's bargain when we accepted a yassified Chell in exchange for yuri.

Лучшая игра Вальв и Лучшая Головоломка: Часть 1.

Just as good as the previous one, if not better. 10/10. No flaws. If you haven't played it yet, you're missing out on a surreal, beautiful, explosively delightful experience.

The best puzzle game of all time. Anything that can come close is probably The Talos Principle. Best game Valve ever made, great story that at times doesn't have to take itself serious.

This one is a must-play, even if you're not a puzzle game person, cause I wasn't either till I played it. And differently of the first game, the replayability is higher cause of the coop. The coop is perfect, It's basically an online portal 3, cause It's kinda of a continuation of the game in itself.

Definition of a perfect sequel, still lovely to boot up today, and I don't really enjoy puzzle games typically. Great voice acting, clever puzzles and co-op on top of all that? Fantastic.

Takes the simple concept of the first game and blows it up tenfold to make it full game experience with many various new mechanics. A sequel that is better in every way and one of my favourite puzzle games of all time. Review is for single player only however I plan to play coop.

Portal 2 is the prime example of a game that truly lives up to the hype it has amassed over the years. Every single little thing about this game is just perfect. I'm not too big of a puzzle game fan because I'm more of a platformer and RPG fan but there's elements in this game I really appreciate since I'm not familiar with puzzle games. Once again, the portal gimmick is still amazing but also the new features such as the coloured goos and the tractor beams (I don't remember the names) were really fun to use in tandem with the existing things. I think the best part of this game is the shift to a more narrative direction. Portal was more about its puzzles with an escape sequence that was really well done, but Portal 2 amplifies everything and has a fun and engaging story with two very wonderful characters on the forefront that make the journey so much better. Just having banter and even music as well made the experience so much better. It's also impressive that most, if not all jokes landed. I streamed it to a friend and I had an absolute blast playing this, and there's a co-op campaign as well that I want to try out as well, though for my review here I'm going over the single-player one. Overall, this game is a really engaging and fun puzzle game with a pretty solid story and great gimmicks and it truly deserves all the hype it gets.

Um dos melhores jogos que a Valve já fez

Portal 2 é um game de puzzle de portais, eu nunca fui muito de jogo de puzzle, mas esse jogo me prendeu do inicio ao fim, a sua historia é tão boa e engraçada e a sua trilha sonora minha nossa senhora que arte. Mesmo você não curtindo muito jogo de Puzzle dá uma chance pra Portal2 sério.

fun fact : i played first through the coop campaign before the solo campaign.
one of my favourite games, great story, great gameplay, great ambiance, great lore, great music and sound design, great characters, great writing, so much fucking content for it if you decide to go deep into the mods the community has been crafting for years.
i love Portal 2 to bits.

The smartest game about idiots ever made. it's perfect.

After being told to play this game for the longest time, I get it now...

This is one of the better puzzle games I've played. The sense of humor in it is also really cool and actually made me laugh, which is different from most games.

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14 year old me pogged so hard when u shoot the moon at the end

Sometimes puzzles are actually fun. Who would've thought?

Fucking phenomenal sequel that perfected everything that the original had and it's a bunch of fun, co-op is also a really nice addition with it being all original levels so having a blind friend who also is their first experience is great. Love everything about this game, fuck that goober British circle though.