Reviews from

in the past

Um CAOS de tão ruim!!

De longe o mais fácil e mais chato jogo do Sonic que já joguei em toda minha vida.

Sonic Chaos talvez tenha o pior level design de todos os jogos de Sonic. Absolutamente nada faz muito sentido ou é de fato divertido no jogo. As vidas são ganhas facilmente, o jogo é extremamente easy e nem os chefes representam perigo ou são no mínimo desafiadores.

(De longe a maior idiotice do jogo é a velocidade final quando se passa pela conhecida plaquinha no fim das fases, mostrando em quantos km/h o ouriço passou????????????)

Um dos jogos do ouriço para ser esquecido.

- Gráficos bonitos.

- Level design grotesco (Sonic super lerdo em slow motion).
- Fácil demais.

With how disappointing the 8-bit Sonic games have been, I was fully expecting Sonic Chaos to be yet another morning spent careening into enemies and hazards that were impossible to anticipate, power-chugging a NOS, and shrugging it off as another 2/5. Perhaps because my expectations were so low, I actually wound up enjoying my time with Sonic Chaos, even despite skipping the Master System version to play the cropped down Game Gear release instead. Look, this isn't on Sonic Gems Collection, I wasn't actually beholden to this like I was with Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (I could've approached this like I did for Sonic 1!) but for some reason I just made the choice to play it like that and I don't know why. I'm a strange creature.

I will likely go back and play the Master System version soon just to correct this mistake, but despite suffering from many of the same flaws as the other Game Gear Sonics (horrible screen crunch primarily), the level design in Chaos feels altogether more cohesive and oriented around building a satisfying sense of speed. Sonic the Hedgehog - like its Genesis counterpart - has a stronger focus on platforming that can feel dodgy at times, and Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is lousy with pits, spikes, and gimmicks that don't feel good. The bar wasn't exactly set high, but to Sonic Chaos' credit, it passed it.

They also gave Sonic rocket AND spring sneakers, it's like an apology for this nerd getting his shoes stole.

I intended to follow this game up with the fan made 16-bit remake, which I saw several years ago and thought looked very promising. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like there's been much beyond the 2018 SAGE demo, and besides some assurances the project was still active a few years ago, I mostly pulled up threads of people asking what happened to it. Regardless of what's ultimately happened to the project, the demo is well worth checking out and serves as a great proof of concept for what a Genesis/Mania-style remake could be. Considering the reception of the Triple Trouble remake, I certainly hope that someone eventually gives Sonic Chaos the same treatment.

I also played this game in the same smoke-filled home that I spent so much time in playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Game Gear) and Destruction Derby, so it's got that stink on it. But nostalgia is hardly a factor here when I also preferred this game to Sonic 2 back in the day. It's just better put together, even if it might not avoid every pitfall of the Game Gear Sonics.

Maybe the number going away was all it ever needed. Something clicked with this game, and it was the beckoning glimpse of what Sonic could really be in the handheld space. Sonic now finally truly has its own Super Mario Land. Like Super Mario Land though, this is by no means attempting to compete with its contemporaries over at the home-console arena. This is a miniature Sonic game still, and the game won't let you forget that. Even the penultimate level is shorter than the shortest levels in the home-console games. Was this really the limit of what was possible?

Sonic Chaos (or Sonic & Tails) is a laughably easy game, but generally fine enough. Short enough to get through in a half hour it's somewhat forgettable but innocent and charming enough. Going for all emeralds as Sonic sees every stage turned into a treasure hunt for rings, regurgitating some of those Sonic CD problems, split up by whacky little special stage trials which makes the game feel more like a minigame collection than a platformer. The game, much like it's soundtrack, is inoffensive but forgetable.

Easiest and least interesting retro sonic title, not bad just bland. Some neat mechanics using moving springs and breakable blocks but beyond that it's a good length full of very little excitement. Be warned that the Sonic Origins version can suffer from audio issues, causing the music tracks to echo pretty badly.

The game is so pathetically piss easy until the final level, when they hit you with shitty 8-bit maze shenanigans yet again. I sure do love when I get spat out of a pipe because I don't know where I'm going, only to fall into a bottomless pit and die. Being punished for being a first time player is just disgusting. Before that shit level though, I was clearing everything else in less than five minutes with absolutely no challenge. This game sucks.

Gonna make the same warning I did for 8-bit Sonic 2: Don't play the Game Gear version, it has screen crunch. You should preferably deal with the Master System version being 50FPS instead, but it's better than having tunnel vision.

Sonic Chaos feels like an overcompensation of the difficulty of Sonic 2, the previous Master System title. In the blink of an eye, we've went from what may be the hardest Sonic game, to the easiest one. The levels shower you with more rings than you need, and generally last about 30-40 seconds each. Bing, bam, boom, and you've reached the credits in a little over 25 minutes. After the struggle that was Sonic 2 on the Master System, this game being such a breeze definitely instilled some feelings of whiplash.

While easy difficulty is not necessarily reflective of the quality of a game, what makes Chaos as average as it is, is the lack of complexity and thinking that comes with this difficulty. Levels can be very easily charged through by holding right and doing an occasional jump, with little in the way of interesting mechanics or optional routes that encourage you to figure out a way to. It's not that Chaos plays badly, I mean, it's a completely servicable platforming game that you might have some fun with, but this fun is so one-note, so completely mindless, and over in so little time, that the game fails to make a lasting impression.

Also, it may be unfinished?? The level design already gives you the impression that Chaos was rushed the hell out of, but adding to that, you have Tails as a second playable character. He can fly! He couldn't do that in the 16-bit Sonic 2, so that's cool! But for some reason, he can't use the Rocket Shoes powerup, nor is he able to access the Chaos Emeralds, thus locking him out of the good ending. Not that there's much of a "good ending" to be had here, all that's there is a very slightly different ending screen. It's not like getting the emeralds is any harder than the main game, but much like the rest of the game, all of it feels pointless. Sonic Chaos is pointless. Inoffensive. And pointless. That's the gist of it.

Decent sonic game but doesn't do anything amazing
Playable tails is cool

Olhando pra ele agora, com mais habilidade do que um garoto de 4 anos... ele é muito fácil, as fases são do tamanho do testículo do Danilo Gentili.

A unique portable version of Sonic, which im sure back in the day was great. But now this just passable and there are much better options.

Doesn’t do much to stand out, but it was alright. Although, how they worked the special stages here felt weird.

don't tell anyone else, but this game is better than triple trouble! it doesn't try too hard to be a traditional sonic game and benefits greatly from that, adding in all kinds of strange power ups and interesting levels. underrated and worth several playthroughs.

I fully realize how, overly easy and generic this is as a sonic game, but...

It was also one of the very first sonic games I ever completed! It left a really big impression on me, and motivated me to finally complete all the genesis games!

Not to mention, a game being overly easy is much better than frustratingly difficult, at least in my opinion. You can finish this one in an hour or so and feel like you got your times worth out of it.

Sonic Chaos is ultimately too easy and forgettable to be even thought about let alone play, also why is the final boss so hard?

Really lacking. Much too easy, save for some poorly telegraphed pitfalls. Much too short, seeing as every level can be completed in maybe 20 seconds to a minute. Maybe it'd be pretty fun as a child? Personally, I'm not a child. I think this one is boring.

Maybe I'm just relieved to have a better game after the disappointment of Sonic 2 Game Gear, but I liked this game decently enough.

This is one of the most shallow Sonic games out there, honestly, there's not much to set it apart from the rest. Letting you choose between Sonic and Tails is neat, as Tails has the ability to fly, but I think only Sonic can get the Chaos Emeralds (and thus the true ending), and Tails doesn't get the rocket shoes (which is pretty much the only other defining thing about this game, and even then I think they come back in Triple Trouble?).

They must have heard the decries of Sonic 2 Game Gear's difficulty, because while that game was way more difficult than it had any right to be, this one is perhaps the easiest Sonic game ever? The only difficulty here is, if you want the Emeralds, collecting 100 rings in a level as it can't be done in every level, and the last two bosses can be tough if you don't grab any rings; they actually give rings for the bosses this time, but only in one item box and you gotta find it first, and it can be a little difficult to regrab the ring if you get hit.

Anyway, I wouldn't really say this is the most worth it game to play, but you're also not wasting much time if you do. If you don't care about the true ending, you can beat each level in less than a minute fairly easily. You could already have been through half the game if you didn't read this review, what are you doing?

sonic 1 game gear remains on top

Edit: I just read the description of this game that's on this page and omg... I know a lot of games would have the story tucked away in the manual back in the day, but geez. You're in an alternate universe? South Island is sinking? You glean none of that from the game itself lol.

extremely surprising how solid and genesis-like this title is, first one i replayed to get both the good and bad endings (though that wouldn’t have been worth it if not for the two playable characters.) aspect really learned their lesson after sonic 2. just please for the love of god stop doing pipe mazes

Actually better than the last two games! Great sense of speed and levels are super short. RetroAchievements actually has achievements for completing levels under 25~35 seconds lmao

Pretty alright. Used to play it all the time on a SMS emulator for my PS1.

Just reminds me of a time where I didn't have to pay bills

This game fills a very strange role in the franchise's Game Gear outings. It seems that the effort put into this title is much lower than the two before it, in terms of scope and art direction at least. The game improves on many aspects of its predecessors though, having shorter levels with less challenging level design overall to accommodate for the system's screen and battery limitations, making the game a lot more playable. The change to the Chaos Emeralds is also welcome, as well as a playable Tails. While this game is by no means perfect, it is a fun, short romp that I can absolutely say is more fun than Game Gear Sonic 2.

Bordering on being an okay-ish game, insanely fucking stupid final boss.

woah.... they can make game gear games that aren't bad?

First game I finished on my "New" Master System. Very short Sonic game, but it was an enjoyable game still. Better than the game gear counterpart for sure.

Ruim demais, não consigo gostar dos jogos do Sonic para o Master System e Game Gear.

Inoffensive, but boring and too easy. Any sense of challenge is a byproduct of the screen crunch on the Game Gear.

it's cute, it's fine, who gives a shit

Sonic Chaos is quite possibly the easiest Sonic game. The levels are short, and there aren’t many obstacles. In a way, this is good, as it’s a stark contrast to the many obstacles you couldn’t see in the Master System version of Sonic 2. That said, there are still a lot of blind jumps, it’s just that in Sonic Chaos, they usually lead somewhere.

Other than being easy, Sonic Chaos doesn’t really try anything new or different. It features two Green Hill Zones – one called Turquoise Hill (that looks exactly the same) and Mecha Green Hill, which is a decent twist on the level.

Sonic Chaos is a fairly safe Sonic game, it doesn’t doing anything bad, but is very unremarkable overall.

that was like, an actual video game! wow! can only imagine how much fun it would have been to play in the car on a road trip in 1993.
It is not 1993, and now I can take sonic mania on a road trip.
This game has actual level design unlike sonic 2 8 bit, but its levels are extremely short and still not great. The game is piss easy and features "special stages" that're borderline minigames. Even they aren't really that hard; just kinda cryptic. The most challenge you'll get out of it is from the bosses. Other than that it uh, it's a game. It exists.