Reviews from

in the past

Love love love Spore but I always give up somehow when the game becomes Civ

I love the concept of this game and while its couldve been better in hindsight it still is one of the most unique and creative games the simulation genre has to offer

hours of fun for the whole family! :)

fun for the first half of the game

Would be better if Tribal stage didn't suck balls.

much like real life, everything becomes much worse when the industrial revolution occurs
did ted kaczynski have a hand in making the civilization and space age absolute ass or what

Some of the most fun I've had in gaming was playing this as a kid and making the weirdest little guys in the galaxy and then building them from a microbe into an interstellar empire.

I've put an ungodly amount of time into this stupid game so I have to give it 5 stars to justify it.

the perfect game if you like creatures. just silly creatures walking around. if you endure for long enough, they'll ride spaceships too. so many creatures. i made one that looks like a watermelon

causing the extinction of other species is so fun like i'm sorry guys but it is

Una excelente idea donde desarrollas tu propia especie y la ves transformarse a lo largo de miles de años. Era extremadamente divertido el creador de criatura y 2 de los 5 estilos de juegos. Pero, justo eso fue lo desafortunado de este experimento, son 5 juegos en uno y pues algunos son más divertidos que otros. Una idea genial, que espero algún día retomen corrigiendo los problemas que tuvo en su inicio.

Le jeu m'a plus appris que mes 5 ans de science forte

As an 8-year-old this was the pinnacle of gaming

Raça: Replicants
Planeta: Zeon
Bem aleatório os nomes, mas essa raça que estabeleceu primordialmente nesse planeta, foi a raça que avançou e conquistou 1% de um dos braços da galáxia, fez aliança com outros 10 impérios e exterminou dezenas de outros. Aquele entrou em território Grox e saiu vivo, viajou entre buracos negros, alcançou o centro da galáxia. Uma nação empenhada em sempre ficar maior, enquanto célula: herbívoro, criatura: carnívoro, tribal: agressivo, civilização: Militar (sem alianças). E ao chegar no ápice de uma civilização hábeis diplomatas e quando necessário imperialistas, trazendo a vida á planetas do outro lado da galáxia. Tudo isso em 5,5 bilhões de anos de evolução

first two stages rock then it goes downhill

it's fun for a while but grindy in the end. sequel please!

I'm not sure I like this game. It has a strong smell of nostalgia as I remember waiting for it to release when I was 9. Now, it just seems to be way too...lukewarm?

I enjoy that there's a lot of variety in gameplay. You start in cell stage which is essentially - simple, fun and engaging. It doesn't last long enough to get boring and then you move to creature stage, which plays similar to any other third-person game, but the complexity doesn't really increase all that much and your only real actions are either charming or fighting. It gets boring after a single time, and the entire stage takes too long to be engaging because you will have to travel around to get to other nests, while avoiding aggressive gangs of carnivores. It's boring.

Then there's the tribal stage, which plays like a very barebones version of AoE or some simple RTS. Build buildings to get tools, gather food to build buildings, defeat or ally with other tribes. Simple, and for the most part fun, as you alternate between attacking and being attacked (I chose the aggressive path throughout the game).

Then there's the civilization stage which was really fun because I got to design a lot of different machines and buildings, but the gameplay is once again terribly simple - either unify or conquer other cities. This plays like a barebones RTS. It doesn't last too long (especially in aggresive playthroughs, as you soon get more powerful with higher-yield bombs and the last few cities can be essentially wiped off the face of the planet in a minute).

The space stage is clearly where the majority of the game needs to be played, but it is incredibly boring. There's some complexity, sure, you have various resources, you have a vast array of tools you can get, you have a relatively large galaxy to navigate through and explore, but I don't know...either it's the fact that I have seen procgen galaxies so many times (from NMS to Starfield), or maybe it's the fact that it is oddly similar to Stellaris, which I love but never manage to figure out for it to be engaging. It felt tedious to do this stage and I quit here after some time.

Creative evolution game very fun to try things

The gameplay's pretty fun, but the real joy is making the most fucked up scrunkly scrimblo bimblos of all time

beginning is hella fun but the spice shit is borrrinnnggggg

Lastima los de EA son unos forros y hicieron que rushearon el development del juego.
Fuera de eso JUEGAZO


The good old times that will never return. Get over it. starts crying

This game made my wife love me again