Reviews from

in the past

I write this with a heavy heart.

I never played battlefront 1, so having that as part of the collection was nothing but a plus for me but if it had anything wrong with it compared to the original I wouldn't know. 1 is very basic. Its story mode is very barebones, its just a bot match with a slide, a character telling you your mission and maybe movie footage before it. Before I installed the update the movie cutscenes that were really low quality, maybe 360p at best. The update fixed it but the videos were choppy a lot of the time. That same update REMOVED the option to invert the Y axis and also corrupted my saves in both titles. In BF1 I was about 3 story mission in and 2 I just booted to check the menu since I wanted to play while it downloaded. Aspyr you are something else.

Battlefront 2 is one of my favorite and most played ps2 games and I'm happy that I seemed to reacclimate well. Also it has the real menu unlike that awful, lazy concept art that the originl pc version has which I checked last week. The movie cutscenes are also still here unlike in the pc version which again, I check last week, and wern't as choppy as in 1. So as for as I'm concerned this is a better version in that regard natively. Battlefront 2 also seemed like it had more work put into it when it came to the texture upscaling cuz it blew 1 out of the water but it has that issue where using a scope to zoom is still 4:3. Its not all sunshine and rainbows though. Just like Battlefront 1 there is no ability to invert aim despite it being in the older versions which I put in my ps2 to check. Some of the cutscenes cut off early despite me not pressing a button and the last cutscene on hoth didn't even have sound. Also the post mission 501st journals did not exist so I missed out on one of my favorite ones for post Felucia. Some of the heroes voice lines when you are able to play as them are cut off, usually the sith's "what is your bidding" is cut off. Right before I sat down to finish writing this I had the sound die on the main menu as well. I tested it after and its reproducible after leaving instant action. Aspyr might be some of the most inept devs I've ever seen. No wonder you were kicked off the kotor remake and couldnt get the restored content dlc for the switch port of kotor 2 dsepite it being part of your marketing campaign if you can't do something as simple as keep fucking cutscenes in games. They're also too stupid to compress cuz the game was 25gb, and there was zero reason they should have been. Not as bad as on pc where there game is 50.

One of the reasons I was interested in this collection was because it has the content from the xbox release I never had cuz I was a ps2 boy. Kit Fisto and Assaj Ventress were in Renegade Squadron so I got to play them there but never in BF2 proper. Kit was cool with his force ball but I found his moveset to be unwieldy and Ventress had this dual saber connected with a chain with throwing stars. I remember seeing claims that these versions of the characters were a stolen mod and I'd believe it. They don't even have voice lines. The maps were just maps from battlefront 1, I thought they were gonna be wholly new. Assault on all maps ended up being what I thought, force pushing people into pits. Assault on every map is still cool don't get me wrong but I was always sure there was a reason it was only on Mos Eisley.

I had no intention of playing the multiplayer initially as I couldn't give less of a shit about it but with all the complaints about it so I went to see for myself. I booted it up at 9 am on a Thursday and saw several full 64 player matches and many others with 50+. I counted 30 dedicated aspyr server choices among the player created matches. Tried 2 of the 64 player, my internet is comcast bad so it was pretty laggy even wired but hits were registering as I was getting kills and respawning worked. A 30 player lobby had less lag but still there. Whenever someone says something is unplayable, we should all know by now that they don't know what the word means.

This should have been a slam dunk, and EASY slam dunk. Battlefront 2 is still VERY fun to me and the new stuff, new to me damnit, freshened up a game I had over 100 hours in back in the day. However its just all around sloppy in presentation and every mistake the game makes reeks of not caring. Make no mistake, I'll be booting this one up for some splitscreen fun every now and again, but with how stacked the beginning of this year has been and how it WILL be later on, there are better things I can spend my time on like getting a dlc character ready for shadow of the erdtree. I would hope these issues get fixed but as far as I'm concerned its too little to late. You're a joke and a liar aspyr, you deserve the star wars license as much as EA does. Which is not at all.

Damn I despise aspyr. How do you fuck it up so bad?

Gonna try not to be biased as this one of the games I played for hours on end through the years until now as well!
I speedrun this, so I'm always happy for a buggy glitchy game, But the glitches in this are beyond me.

Achievements did not appear for the game on release week, one is currently unobtainable, and its mostly just grinding. How fun, lots of missed opportunities for some creative ones.
The loading sound was removed and changed for the 1st game, everything else worked fine on that, Now the second game, that's where the problems come in.

Missing assets on Naboo, like an entire wall is see through, Enemies and allies Even myself would spawn out of bounds on Naboo.
The new hero hunt mode for all maps completely breaks AI, on Kamino every enemy had no idea where to go, so they resorted to spinning in a circle then running off the edge.

Galactic conquest is broken if you play as the Empire and try to buy a new upgrade I was greeted with a crash every time, meaning I could not play that mode unless I was CIS, Rebels or Clones :(

Apart from that, the game is basically the same (if its not broke why fix it) In this case it was the company trying to add new things like the mode that broke it :(

Wait for Sale on this, or just buy the old ones on the xbox store. Much better.

JUST 100% PURE ASS 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Having these games on the Switch is nice. Well, it would be nice if these games were the games I wanted to be on the Switch. But not only are these not quite the games I wanted Battlefront on the Switch, they're barely even these games at all.

Conmanese to English translation: The experience of playing this is too kneecapped to say this is anywhere close to being Classic.â„¢

Edited for clarity.

Worse than the originals right now. I'm just hoping they fix all the bugs before it's too late. They also, for some reason, removed half the cutscenes in the campaign.
The only thing this collection is good for is making the classic BFs Steam Deck/PS4 compatible. Xbox and PC players just play the ogs.

Se você der uma olhada nas minhas análises, verá que minha avaliação para o Battlefront II original é de 5 estrelas. Você pode estar se perguntando: o que aconteceu para mudar isso?

A verdade é que minhas expectativas eram razoáveis. Eu não esperava um grande remaster, mas estaria muito satisfeito com texturas atualizadas, uma nova interface de usuário e o tão prometido multiplayer de 64 jogadores. Afinal, o jogo original já era excelente, então não parecia difícil acertar, certo?

No entanto, este port é um insulto à memória do jogo original. Listando os problemas, temos:

- O multiplayer simplesmente NÃO FUNCIONA. Os jogadores vem reclamando que não conseguem encontrar salas para jogar, e quando tentam criar uma sala, o jogo literalmente fica travado a 30 FPS, e muito travado.

- O modo campanha permanece praticamente o mesmo, com muito poucos bots, mas agora com inimigos dando RESPAWN NA SUA FRENTE, algo que não acontecia no jogo de 2005. Além disso, parece que algumas coisas foram nerfadas sem necessidade.

- Ao final das fases, não há cutscene, deixando o jogador sem entender o que acontece na história. "Ah, mas tem o filme..." E daí, meu amigo? Se eu quisesse ver o filme, eu assistiria o filme, ora. O jogo de 2005 tinha cutscenes, então por que o remaster não as tem?

- Não há áudio de vitória e derrota!

- O jogo no PC tem 50 GB de tamanho, enquanto nos consoles são 25 GB, sendo que os jogos originais juntos não ultrapassam 15 GB. Isso levanta a questão de como, tendo sido removido mais conteúdo do que adicionado, o jogo ficou tão pesado.

Iria esperar alguns patches e tudo mais, acredito que corrijam, mas achei um lançamento simplesmente desrespeitoso. Como é possível errar em algo que já está feito há mais de duas décadas? Amigos, comprem o jogo original e encham de mods, vocês irão ganhar mais. Mesmo que melhorem essa aberração, não irei gastar dinheiro com essa porcaria. Minha decepção é incomensurável.

will change this to a 5 star once the servers are fixed, for now do not buy this game until the multiplayer is functional

First Impressions: Online multiplayer is unplayable day one, but the singleplayer is as fun as I remember. These games have never looked so good either! Here's hoping they iron things out on the multiplayer front following such a rocky launch. Will update my rating based on those efforts.

Final Impressions: Look, I love the original Star Wars Battlefront games. If you're just trying to hop into Instant Action for a couple matches, play through the campaigns, or enjoy some classic local split screen multiplayer (a rarity nowadays), this collection might just be worth it, at least for us console players. It really is the most convenient way for me to enjoy what I love most about these classic games. As far as the online multiplayer, god, don't even bother. It's a disaster. I don't even bother, and you know what, for the reasons I listed prior, it doesn't bother me. I never really wanted to play these games online to begin with. But hey, if that was the main selling point for you, save your money. Hell, go buy both games individually on Steam. They're actually functional and it'll be cheaper too. For sake of fairness, regardless of my personal enjoyment of this title as a singleplayer experience, I gotta rate it with all of it's issues in mind. It's got the good, it's got the bad, and, dammit, does it have the ugly.

Boy oh boy this one is frustrating. The first 2 Star Wars Battlefront games were a huge part of my childhood. I remember coming home from school, loading up a massive instant action playlist and playing until my TV time was up. When rumors around a possible port of the games began surfacing I had high hopes, both have their strengths and weaknesses, and the PC versions had issues of their own (though years of mods could fix some of these) I really just wanted a way to quickly boot up the original duology and play them on a modern platform. In that way, this collection somewhat succeeds.

Starting this on switch immediately flooded me with nostalgia right down to the profile creation. However, upon jumping into the first game's campaign, I instantly noticed something wrong with the loading sound effects, a portent of what was to come. That said, this was running at a smooth 60fps, and was scaled mostly well to 1080p. Other than that, the game played almost exactly as I remembered, wrinkles and all, but some things looked a little off. This continued once I moved over to Battlefront 2 where certain textures were detached from level geometry, and at the beginning of certain matches, several frames would drop for a few seconds. That said, the game is still playable, largely unupgraded, but I wasnt looking for an upgrade. Unfortunately, the online efforts were near non-existent, with there barely being any servers, and said servers being completely unpopulated after a few days, and the performance on BF2 while in online just being absolutely awful is unacceptable.

This last point is a more personal thing, while I definitely wanted the game to be faithful to what came before, I also thought this would have been a perfect opportunity to fix issues that plagued the original, namely the dumb AI, and the overly aggressive aim assist. Another thing would be that BF1 has air combat on ground maps, and BF2 substituted that with just having space maps, but this would have been a perfect opportunity to port some of that over. Finally, I think it would have been a good opportunity to bring some of the content from the PSP games, and for $35, I think its fair to expect more. However, at the end of the day, the bare minimum is what I expect of Aspyr, and they seemingly cant even do that.

As of today, Aspyr have announced a patch that will be addressing several of these issues, and hopefully returning to this later will prove to be worthwhile.

This is like burning a picture of my dead dog in front of me.

Hoje tirei meu dia para ficar jogando Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection, que é basicamente um "remaster" de jogos antigos do Star Wars compilados em uma coletânea, que, por sinal, tem sido bem comum esse tipo de coisa. O primeiro jogo, admito que nunca tinha nem tocado na minha vida, porém o segundo geralmente é o mais marcante entre os dois Battlefront e, nesse remaster aqui, sinceramente, eu esperava muito mais dele e sinceramente nem deveria esperar tanto.

Para quem nunca ouviu falar da série Battlefront, nem que seja pelos mais recentes, eles basicamente são jogos com a temática Star Wars, porém ele usa como molde o Battlefield. Essas versões mais antigas basicamente também, assim como os recentes, são assim, porém, obviamente, seguindo moldes de um Battlefield mais antigo. Então, basicamente, você escolhe sua classe no game e vai ser lançado ao campo de batalha diretamente falando. A partir daí, sua missão principal é conquistar postos avançados inimigos e eliminar a oposição e por aí vai.

O que eu acho mais divertido nesse tipo de game é como ele é frenético, não importa o tipo de situação que você escolha iniciar, sempre vai ter algo acontecendo em tela. Ambos os jogos, tanto Battlefront 1 quanto o 2, apresentam basicamente a mesma gameplay; apesar disso, Battlefront II sai na frente com sua inovação com o sistema de herói e vilão, onde se você concluir certas tarefas, você terá a chance de ser um herói ou vilão da série. Alguns desses heróis, como Han Solo, por exemplo, são muito similares a outros personagens, como Fett, por exemplo, e quase sempre não dão graça de jogar, porém com um Jedi ou um Sith, aí que o jogo começa a brilhar. O único defeito dessas transformações, principalmente quando a gente fala dos Jedi, é a falta de precisão em seus ataques; simplesmente o jogo é rápido e impreciso demais nesses momentos, atrapalhando muito mais do que de fato ajudar.

Em Battlefront II foi introduzido também o modo multiplayer, onde os times são compostos apenas por Heróis de cada lado, e embora os tamanhos dos times sejam menores em comparação com as batalhas normais, o caos resultante de tiros de blasters, raios e sabres de luz torna a redução de tamanho válida, já que toda essa bagunça é muito divertida. Uma coisa bastante estranha que acontece no game é o fato de você toda vez que entra na batalha ta sempre virado de costas para seu objetivo, o jeito como as partidas terminam são minimamente estranhas afinal do nada você simplesmente é mandado para a tabela de classificação. Mesmo levando em consideração que esse game é um game bem antigo e tá sendo apenas remasterizado, até mesmo para época esses tipos de situação são bem bizarros, fora o problema que mais me incomodou que foi em relação à IA dos inimigos e até mesmo dos aliados que são mais burros que uma porta.

O grande destaque para o jogo online que tá presente no game é que ambos os jogos suportam até 64 jogadores por partida. Considerando que a versão antiga estava restrita a 32 jogadores online no PC e no console bem menos, isso já é um baita avanço. Até seria se não fosse pelas dezenas de problemas com o game a começar pelo básico, o multiplayer simplesmente NÃO FUNCIONA, eu dificilmente achava partida, o jogo em diversos momentos é MUITO TRAVADO, e em vários momentos eu pensei em desistir. Fora o fato de eu simplesmente ter meu jogo crashado em vários momentos.

A Coleção Clássica de Star Wars: Battlefront é uma coleção completamente imperfeita... apesar de sim, trazer um tom de nostalgia para quem já jogou no passado, o jogo foi lançado com dezenas de problemas no seu multiplayer e dificilmente eu consegui jogá-lo, porém... apesar dos problemas eles são bons jogos. Se você optar por jogar offline vai gostar bastante da ampla variedade de modos, juntamente com o modo de tela dividida que também é muito divertido, infelizmente se você tá buscando o multiplayer do game talvez nesse momento de lançamento não seja o momento ideal, ao menos para mim foi uma experiência horrível.

Pontos Positivos:
- Battlefront 2 é um jogo genuinamente bom e eu amo
- Vários modos de jogo legais
- Remasterização das texturas do jogo ficaram aceitáveis

Pontos Negativos:
- Jogabilidade de tiro medíocre
- Mapas pequenos demais no modo online
- Alguns controles são bem estranhos e desajeitados de controlar

Versão utilizada para análise: XBOX SERIES S

Bought the game. tried playing solo to figure out you need a controller for the pc port. refunded. Another year of shlop for star wars fans gaming wise atleast the shows have been good

all they had to do was add online functionality to galactic conquest. maybe expand on it. and it could've been peak

Screw you Aspyr

You really.... you.... you f**ked the pooch on this one.....

What an absolute disappointment, I feel so damn betrayed like, riddle me this, HOW DO YOU MAKE A COMPLETE SET OF OLD GAMES, INCOMPLETE, ON THEIR DIRECT PORT TO NEW CONSOLES???

.... at least the GTA Trilogy had the decency to slightly improve the graphics, models and textures....

First PlayStation game I've ever refunded.... absolutely ridiculous

Brief, unrated, purely informational. This information should be accurate as of 3/14/24

I played on PC for about an hour. I can, at the current moment, wholeheartedly say I do not recommend this release to any PC players, and i would wait on a drastic sale for console players. Also, the game somehow uses over 60gb of storage.

While the game runs and looks better for modern systems than the original releases, it isn't by much, or enough to warrant the price. Single player experience is good, but the multiplayer experience is non-existent. Considering the biggest reason to even buy this game is in hope of having functional online multiplayer, this is a huge slap in the face especially for the pricepoint. There isn't even cross-platform online. There are a total of three (3) PC servers at launch, which cannot hold nearly enough players, and from what I understand, they are laggy servers.

I will update or remove this review when the main issue of matchmaking servers are addressed, but otherwise, think before you spend over $35 on this title.

When playing the Hero Assault mode the only song that would play was the Cantina Band song, no matter the map (played on the Death Star, Mustafar, and a barely loaded in Hoth). When you would die the song would cut off immediately and would restart when you spawned back in. If you died too many times the sound would just completely cut off (a fair punishment that should be implemented in all games). Of all the things that need to be patched in this currently broken collection that I pre-ordered like the stupid man I am (between this and my purchase of the definitive edition of Plumbers Don't Wear Ties I should probably seek out a financial advisor) I deeply hope they keep this one.

How in the HELL did this release in the state it did when we have perfectly functional ports already available on PC? You are essentially paying $30 for a "fresher" online community and Xbox DLC you could have modded in, yourself.

Netcode is terrible, hits do not register as they should. PTP servers do not work. Aspyr's servers crash all the time. No online support for split-screen modes and lacking crossplay when these games and community really needed it. Utter trash and I would have this refunded in a heartbeat if it wasn't for the fact this was a birthday gift from a friend and he has to authorize the refund.

How do you manage to only have 3 low quality servers, increase the combined file size 10x, and have such dogwater connection issues in early 2000's PS2 titles? Either there was no QA work done at all, or the studio failed to even secure QA workers. Regardless, this is completely unacceptable and falls into the norm of modern games being ruined by unnecessary issues that can be easily fixed. Aspyr, you do not deserve profits for tarnishing the holy grails of Star Wars games and being disgustingly money hungry; you only deserve shame and humiliation. Be better.

This port is so bad.

It's already bad enough the file size for the collection is 60 gigs because of the uncompressed ai upscaled textures but the multiplayer barely works at all.

Instantly there's already audio bugs with BF2 being much quieter than 1 even at max volume settings as well as the loading screen sound from BF1 when loading into a map being incorrect (which is a sin.)

First few experiences of me playing this game started with me in BF1 doing quick join and joining a server requiring a password, next match directly after that has me join a match and the game instantly crashes.

Then I try BF2 quick match and end up on a match in Utapau on Conquest. The hit reg is terrible despite having my ping only being around 40 on the server and there was a glitch that me and several other people in the server experienced where when we on a respawn timer, it would just be stuck at 1 and never would go down.

The new textures and graphical changes don't look very bad and I like the upscaled hud and everything but the background cut scenes on Battlefront 2's menu that are upscaled look so horrible.

It's so disappointing because I love these two games but I'm gonna have to refund it because this is ridiculous for a +$30 dollar collection that really doesn't have anything better than the original games on PC. I'll probably only pick it up again on discount if the biggest issues are fixed.

A landmark moment in my many years of gaming - the first Steam game that I ever refunded.

It was a fun time playing the single player but it does suck that the multiplayer was botched on release. At least the multiplayer is being fixed up, but now my friends refunded it until it's fully fixed. Damn... haha

How is it possible to fumble the bag this hard? How did we get here? At a certain point it takes active effort to release something as bad and lazy as this. I am almost convinced that it isn’t even laziness but an act of self-sabotage; like how they could have left some of the DLC characters re-using other character’s animations but instead went and stole the work of a modder’s custom animations.

These games were finished and pretty polished, and certainly didn’t take up anywhere near the file sizes as they do now. Even knowing the textures were upscaled to 4K, how does that end up with 60~ GBs of data? Even on Nintendo Switch, this thing takes up 34 GBs of data— more than Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch. I have not heard of a new engine being utilized so I may be wrong but how did all these new bugs get here?

This release has left me with more and more questions, and this is quite possibly the worst fumble with any re-release/remaster I can think of in recent memory. Absolutely embarrassing on Aspyr’s part.

Offer 10% off pre-orders knowing that your product is absolute garbage and wanting to make as much money off of it before the news breaks that it's a piece of shit. This broken mess has absolutely ruined some of my best childhood gaming memories.

Fuck Aspyr for being absolute con artists. Fuck Disney for putting this game in their hands. Fuck Sony for not allowing refunds of a clearly faulty game and continuing to sell/advertise for it when the multiplayer isn't even accessible.

as usual when a title is review bombed at launch it's issues get blown out of proportion. if you're nostalgic for the old days and don't care much about multiplayer, this is a more convenient way to experience it, even tho the price can be debatable.

A terrible release all around. The core gameplay is still fun, but that's due to the work Pandemic did 20+ years ago. All Aspyr did was AI upscale the textures, add a few reflections to surfaces, and port former Xbox exclusive content to PC. Unfortunately, they screwed up nearly all of this. Thanks to the new textures, the game now requires 60 GB of storage space - that's 10 GB more than the 2015 Battlefront with all DLCs requires! Additionally, the new reflections look weirldy out of place in most locations.

Battlefront 2 now uses the menus of the console versions which look better, but also cut some of the more advanced functions of the original PC version. Multiplayer is straight up awful, even before you get to the gameplay part. The quick match functionality tries to connect you to password protected servers, meanwhile the server browser tended to not load at all for me most of the time.

There are bugs and issues no matter where you look - keep in mind I found everything I list here in less than an hour of playtime. Certain guns clip through the screen, cutscenes show heavy artifacting, even the movie clips that loop in the menu backgrounds are compressed to hell and back. Oh, and sometimes the game will just produce an ear shattering audio error sound - hope you're not playing with headphones!

I have seen this called a cashgrab and I disagree, because a cashgrab would actually make Aspyr money. I have refunded my copy, and I'm assuming others will do the same. As of right now, I see no point in playing this over the originals. Both are available on PC with functioning multiplayer support and tons of mods. In a year or so, this Collection might be patched to a point where it's worth buying, but considering the blatent lack of competence Aspyr has displayed time and time again, I wouldn't bet on it.

What is it with Battlefront players and our horrible luck?

First, we had the 2015 game, which was released with very little content and terrible balancing. We then got the 2017 game, which had extremely overpriced heroes that it was practically pay-to-play.

Now, we have a re-release of the classic games, but this time with multiple bugs and terrible servers.

I'll end this review on an optimistic note at least: history shows that Battlefront games are always able to redeem themselves and get better over time, as we saw with the 2015 and 2017 games. Hopefully this will be the case for the re-release, otherwise I will continue giving it this negative review.

Glad i still have my PS2 versions. Crashing, bad controls, poor online, and stealing from modders make this probably Aspyrs worst port. At least I can play Rhen Var Harbor on the go.

Can't believe I played 15 matches in 27 minutes

look how they massacred my boy

they had 20 years to polish a classic and somehow they ruined it

fuck disney