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Two men approach a ledge. They are underground in an incredibly hostile environment that neither could foresee arriving in when they woke up that morning. They are tired, mentally frayed and have an uneasy trust in each other based entirely on circumstances. The first man reaches the ledge, after an awkwardly long second staring he finally drops down the 3ft drop to continue along the dimly lit path. The second man approaches the ledge but rather than drop down he freezes, staring at it whilst his comrade looks at him perplexed. The man walks away from the ledge before coming back to it freezing again. He refused to jump down to continue their trek. Was it fear preventing him? Had the ordeal and horrors he'd witnessed finally pushed his mind to far?

No, it's just that playing House of Ashes in online co-op was a miserable buggy experience.

You see I played this with a friend, we play together nearly every evening and are always looking for a new Playstation co-op experience. We had enjoyed Man of Medan despite some issues and heard this game was supposedly all around the better of the two. We ran into constant technical problems though. Characters getting stuck, locking up for no reason. The game taking forever to actually perform an action, even picking up an item to look at was a complete chore of waiting 10 seconds to see if they would actually move. We had to quit out and restart half a dozen times to get past various sections and by the end we were frustrated by it all. The thing is it wasn't just the technical problems but a variety of issues built up leaving a bitter taste in our mouths. We beat the game, kind of hated it and moved onto Wild Hearts. The thing is, I decided to go back to it to see if the game was better playing it on my own and my second experience has left me softer towards it overall though certain flaws continue regardless of player occupancy.

For those unaware The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of horror games by developer Supermassive Games that are more like quick time event interactive movies. Your inputs decide the outcome and the wrong move at the wrong time can see characters permanently die and adjust the story outcome slightly. Our first issue with this game is the button prompts for these events. They are based on the PS5 controller with white buttons with the Cross, Triangle, Square and Circle symbols overlayed in grey. They aren't clear without colour to tell them apart and when you only have a second to work it out...well the design is awful. I went into the accessibility options to change them all to cross because it was implemented so badly when playing on my own. I will at least give them credit for those features.

A lot of the rest of the game has it's ups and downs as well. I really liked the setting going with a Mesopotamian historical influence which isn't something seen in games all too much. The modern plot setting there of the 2003 invasion of Iraq looking for chemical weapons however certainly is...a choice. It did allow a good relationship build up between two characters of Jason a lieutenant in the US marines and Salim a sergeant in the Iraqi army. Their characters and relationship are the two best parts of the whole game with some well written dialog and voice acting that bring them to life as being both professional and empathetic. If only the rest of the writing was as good or even competent because most of the other characters are just unrelatable buffoons. I didn't care for the forced interpersonal drama between 3 of them and was quite happy for them to die. They are needlessly confrontational, rude and in a lot of cases completely inconsistent. In one scene as an example:

Character 1: "What's there to think about? We go and save him"
Character 2: thinks about it for a second
Character 1: "He isn't one of us lets leave him"

It's like they are different people from line to line at times completely breaking immersion when they 180, never mind in the same conversation. Frankly except Jason and Salim they are all extremely unlikeable. I understand the developers want to build a varied cast that will leave difficult decisions for the player with conflict but they went overboard leaving a negative experience in a lot of scenes because I just didn't care about what happened to any of them.

The story also kind of lacks suspense and scares which I was surprised by. It has an interesting setting and atmosphere but it never really uses them to build up any tension or fear of the unknown. Except for a few scenes early on the game is more just a military shooter than a horror title. The magic is gone when the monster is revealed and the curtain gets drawn back. In this case it just happens all too early.

I will say my second playthrough was far more enjoyable overall regardless of the issues above. The only bugs playing solo was a trophy not unlocking (I had to disconnect from the internet and restart my PS5 replaying the scene to unlock it as a work around found by the community). I really like the visuals and general ideas presented here, they just needed more polish and to iron out the cast to a better degree. Still I am glad I went back to it as it has convinced me to play the second game in the series Little Hope which I had initially written off after my first playthrough of House of ashes, I just won't play it online...

+ Jason and Salim are great characters with an excellent comradery.
+ Visuals are gorgeous.
+ Mesopotamian setting is a nice choice.

- The other characters could all rot for all I care.
- Playstation quick time buttons are unclear.
- Online is a constant buggy mess and a semi bugged trophy.
- Not scary, no tension or build up.
- War setting is...a choice.

A massive improvement from the previous two Dark Picture titles. Man of Medan was very "meh" and Little Hope squandered the ending. House of Ashes swung with its very unexpected setting and did not miss.

First off, the monsters in this one? Peak. God damn, that's all I ever could ask for with these games. I really wish that I wasn't thinking "There is no way they do me wrong 3 times in a row" the entire time I was playing, but I had been burned too many times before. Nope. There is a genuinely icky threat to deal with here and while we don't learn all that much about them, they are violently diabolical enough to garner a few repulses from me whenever they showed up again. The setting sells it a lot. You feel trapped and claustrophobic. You're really unsure if there is a light at the end of the tunnel when it seems like the only way to go is further down into the darkness.

I really enjoyed those aspects a lot. There's much more action in this game in comparison too. I found it way easier to accidentally murder the shit out of the characters in this one, mainly because the thematic tells in this one were way less obvious. There was some genuine pants filling whenever you missed a QTE because you never knew if it meant life or death in that one moment.

There's two storylines going on in this one and one of them is very uninteresting. I don't want to get into it without spoilers, but there's a certain triangle of characters that have some extremely annoying scenes you have to get through when you really just want to see more of the horror instead. The other plotline was fairly predictable where it was going right from the beginning, but it made for a surprisingly warm ending if you were able to keep those character's alive.

It's short and takes you for a wild ride. I was pleasantly surprised.

Strongest of this series so far.

The choicing and consequencing feels a bit more present, especially compared to little hope. Whilst the characters may be less memorable than it's immediate predecessor, it wastes no time getting going and staying well paced.

Still kinda short, so there's no long term choicing and consequencing as it'll be over in 3 hours. Monsters aren't spooky, but a specific area later is well designed artistically.

Get cheap or free if you can.

Esse jogo é realmente muito bom, só nao dou maximo por que nao acho que seja o melhor da franquia, mas ainda sim gostei muito, jogar em Co-op torna o jogo MT MELHOR

Até o meio do jogo é bem mediano, mas o final salva muito. Salim carregou o jogo nas costas e é fácil o melhor personagem da antologia inteira até agora, também gostei muito da lore do casal separado e do Jason, o Nick é o único que fica meio que sobrando

i really liked this one idk u guys r so boring

This one’s just the peak of Dark Pictures so far. My man Salim is just the goat here

This review contains spoilers

This is the first Dark Picture that feels like it works well no matter how the story plays out. It felt unfair to review previous entries after a single play-through. What if you were one mistake away from a tighter plot, more thematic closure, better character arcs?

Surprise surprise, maybe Baldur's Gate 3 has really changed the way I approach gaming: pre-BGS3, when I tried Man of Medan and Little Hope, I thought that "winning" meant keeping everyone alive. A death, even open conflict between characters, meant that I had strayed from the "correct" path. I finished both games stressed and unsatisfied.

Once you realize that these games aren't really about keeping characters alive, or molding them into heroes, you play them completely differently. You see themes laid out in the prologue, and then try to shape the narrative around its premise. You note the archetypes of each character and realize that, actually, yes, some of them SHOULD be ripped apart by bat vampires in order to serve the story. And when things don't go as expected, you see opportunities for delightful chaos.

Does that make these games RPGs? I'm a dipshit and don't know enough about game genres to say one way or another, but I feel like they can be approached as such, to great effect. Give away some control to the designer's intentions and judge the writing and pacing on its own merits.

As far as House of Ashes goes, the setting and themes are so rich, the production values so great, that even if the plotting misses a few QTEs of its own, and the story stacks hats on hats (imagine watching the Descent, Aliens, the Mummy, and Ghosts of Mars at the same time), it all coheres. Top notch voice acting. An action director's sense of camera placement. But, most importantly: one moral character, another who could be redeemed, and three others who really need to die for the sins of American Imperialism. Hilariously, one of them is Ashley Tisdale.

Look, there's no number of ancient alien infestations that can absolve America of the innumerable crimes done to the Iraqi people. The American presence in Iraq in 2003 was the only the most recent extra-terrestrial visit. Like the British before us, we were outsiders trying to re-form the world's oldest civilization in our own image, and left only death in our wake. Maybe Salim should drive a stake through our hearts, too.

After a terrible Man of Medan and disappointing Little Hope, House of Ashes finally hits. The characters all work. The dynamics between them are interesting. The threat is interesting and the decisions taken in the story feel more important.

Setting the game during a war and having the group be composed of characters from both sides was quite smart and did a lot to amplify the intercharacter relationships. The antagonistic force is also much more intriguing with a cooler mythology behind it.

Playing this with a friend was a great experience. Yeah this is not very well written and the decisions aren't actually that impactful, I'm sure it would be worse on a repeat playthrough, but this is the best in the anthology by a mile and some of the most fun I've had playing co-op with a friend and making decisions together.


I fucking loved this one. Goes insane with the scale in a way the preceding Dark Pictures games did not, and is full of really wild sequences and decisions. The wacky horror action movie vibe it goes for really works and I was on the edge of my seat for much of the time. Dying to replay it with a friend sometime.

it's funny, but this is a horror game, so it shouldn't be

The best dark pictures game so far. Actually interesting characters that faces an "actual" threat this time. Feels as if they could have added more choices instead of letting the characters making their own decisions. Some pretty decent scares in this game as well. We need more military horror games!

No dark pictures character makes me feel what Jason does, I want him so bad. His accent is the best thing of this game idc

Played this we friends on their PC. Compelling story and characters.

Story was the thing that kept this game going. Animations was mid, nearly no eye movement and occasional robotic head movements made the characters much more artificial than they are. Textures are good. Finished it in one sitting in 5 and a half hour. Just play it if you have the time and money or other means to obtain it ;) otherwise it's not a masterpiece game that you should play. There are better games on this genre than this one, so go for them.

this was definitely the best one in the anthology so far! i kind of lost hope for this anthology as the previous games were very meh, but this was really good (except the weird control issues and visual bugs)
it started off slow but in time i started really caring for the characters, especially salim! i just wish clarice or merwin was a playable character as well, we have 6 playable characters but 1 of them you only play with at the start of the game for 10 minutes, so my partner had way less playtime than me because he basically played with 2 characters while i did 3.

Is this a good game? No, not really. Is it scary? No, its not scary. Would I ever play this alone? No, there is no way I'd be able to finish this game alone. Did I have a great time laughing at how bad this game is with friends? Absolutely. The way to play these games is to pass the controller around with some friends on the couch and laugh out loud at the dumb writing and clap when your friend botches a QTE and gets their face eaten by some creature. I'll definitely be buying the next one of these terrible, stupid games.

И опять, в очередной раз я ищу каких-то эмоций, которые мне подарила Until Dawn. Которую надо бы пройти по-настоящему уже, а не на ютубе 8 лет назад (возможно эти эмоции - фикция). И опять те же грабли. Хотя и с изменениями. Давайте по пунктам

Бабочка опять халтурит?
Я прошёл игру два раза. Один раз в Онлайн, другой раз в Киновечеринке. И не сказал бы что два рана оказались разными. Пара персонажей разменял, да. Ну и всё. Тут как бы детали только меняются.
- Салима могут в конце забрать на базу, если вы рацию почините
- Кларисса может в конце залететь к вам. Ну свалите вы её в овраг и всё
- Отношения любовного треугольника. Хотя кста вообще в душе не знаю, роляет это на что-то кроме пары диалогов.
Но это просто растворяется в бесконечном хождение по катакомбам. И они в большинстве случаев линейны. Хотя в некоторых случаях казалось бы.
В прошлых частях было по сути та же витвистость, но в тут прям были очень паливные моменты, где разрабы засетапили выбор, но сделать либо не успели, либо не захотели
Перед финалом, некоторые из ваших персонажей могут получить ранения. А аптечка оказывается одна. И это проговаривается вслух. Если играть повторно, то можно прикинуть, что подлечить лучше Ника, так как он пойдет в логово врага. Но игра автоматом лечит. В моём случае это два раза был Салим.
А и ещё. Есть какой-то режим Куратора, который "содержит новые сцены, в которых можно управлять другими персонажами и принимать иные решения". И это либо брехня, либо ну очень малозначительные изменения, которые можно было и в основу запихнуть.

А поиграть?!
Я помню жаловался, что много ходьбы в предыдущих играх. Ну так вот. Теперь вы на ходьбу преимущественно смотрите. А в этом мало фана. Плюс персонажи постоянно ноют о чем-то. Например, чуваки впервые видят космический корабль. Как бы нихера себе. Но видите ли Джейсон когда-то гражданскую застрелил. И иранцу надо об этом сейчас рассказать
QTE те же. Завезите головоломок уже что ли. И то будет интересней локации пылесосить

В лицо смотри!
С анимацией всё так же. Эмоции героев очень сложно считывать по серьёзке. А иногда они могут просто резко поменяться в лице. Понятно, что у разрабов дедлайн и надо быстренько игру на полку, но это не дело, правда.

Ну и что?
Да ничего собсно. Игра проходняк всё так же. Играть не советую. Но буду ли я играть в следующие части? Конечно. Потому что всё таки в этом что-то есть. Хотя в одиночку я бы не стал себя мучить

Several war crimes were commited

Nothing too crazy here. It's fun with a friend, but I would not recommend it for solo players. They have a cool coop mode where each player gets assigned a character and they ask you to pass the controller when it's someone else's turn to play.

It's fun to laugh at a friend who just missed a QTE or to decide on which choices to make as a group. The story and the characterization are pretty much inspired by b-horror movies so you know what you're getting yourself into. Once again, play it with someone else, that's where 90% of the fun will come from, otherwise you're probably better off just ignoring it or watching a playthrough instead.

Until dawn com vampiros alienígenas...

this is the one i threw a spear through my buddy at whoops

By FAR the best in the dark pictures anthology

Happy that they experimented new stuff on this game, removing the fixed camera gameplay which really suits the setting. Characters were well written and likeable. Really impressed by how many choices can affect the ending especially when you have to fail a QTE on purpose.
Death scenes were not as cool as Little Hope but that's okay, this one had a longer gameplay and a more content.

salim carried the entire game i swear , love triangle was annoying as fuck though

the only other game i’ve played by supermassive was until dawn and this was a massive improvement in every way. story was way better paced, it didn’t feel like i was just playing a “walking simulator,” story wasn’t as cringey either despite the love triangle. the characters were written well and i actually liked them (besides rachel). graphics have improved tremendously since until dawn. gameplay feels a lot smoother as well. just feels like they’ve improved on the formula that they found with until dawn here and i can’t wait to check out the other games. saved salim, jason, eric

House of Ashes finally provides a game within the Dark Pictures anthology with a decent ending to it.

This time ditching the five ‘ordinary’ people type ensamble for five military types who trapped in an ancient sumarian temple underground during the iraq war (a bizarre setting but okay) and chance upon an ‘ancient evil’.

House of Ashes had a tonne more combat-heavy encounters this time around and was far more hands-on than the previous titles in the anthology, which really worked to offset the dialogue moments - something I don’t feel like was present enough in the previous two entries.

Though I have started to notice, and it was particularly prominent in this one, that character models and facial animations are extremely stilted while they’re choosing what reaction to have based on your choices. There also seems to be the occasional disconnect - for example, I’d chosen to reconcile a relationship and 2 minutes later the two characters were talking as if they hated each other, despite just kissing and hugging and professing their love. This is ‘minor’ though, I suppose, given how many choices you are presented with and how things can change at any given moment.

I also found it weird they’ve chosen to re-use facial models from previous entries but with a new voice cast - again, it’s minor but it feels… strange to know. Why not use the same voice cast? Or even the actors behind the faces?

House of Ashes is definitely the peak of the series for me though, I found myself desperately wanting to find out the truth behind it all, more so than Little Hope (which I genuinely enjoyed, besides that ending), and it did not disappoint.

achei a mitologia desse muito foda e bem interessante, eles juntaram varios filmes de terror que são classico pra montar a historia e isso pode parecer nada original mas eu ja acho um mais do mesmo bem feito e divertido, a história e frenetica e vai bem direto ao ponto e eu gosto disso, não fica explicando tudo com um monte de dialogo expositivo e é muito bom descobrir tudo pelas escrituras ao longo do mapa, o terror aqui está mais na ação de sobreviver e não deixar ninguém morrer, o mapa daquele lago de sangue onde a rachel cai junto com a outra moça e bem tenso e muito construido com o audio design contribuindo bastante. Alguns pontos negativos são os cliches de personagem burro e cético que é a coisa mais batida no genero, e aquele triangulo amoroso e uma abominação, que trama chata do caralho td hora que era esses três discutindo ou essa trama de casal CHATA eu torcia pros vampiros matarem eles sem dó, terror exploitation com scifi nao tem espaço para romance!