Reviews from

in the past

Really enjoyed this one, great looking game with a unique battle system that didn't quite click until near the end for me. But it culminated in a fantastic final boss.

I think the story is a bit weak but the game isn't very long so it doesn't overstay its welcome.

i am not smart or eloquent enough to explain why i love this game so i will just give it a 5 and move on

Um jogo extremamente elegante, com uma soundtrack absurda e história bem boa também.
Sinto que Transistor passa por muita gente despercebido, entretanto ele é um jogo que mexe com a emoção do jogador com suas lindas musicas.

A fairly cool melding of top down action and basic strategic gameplay, accompanied by a haunting soundtrack and beautiful art. Another Supergiant banger

supergiant mãe demais né, não tem jeito

The art: beautiful. Soundtrack: stunning. Gameplay: fucking amazing. Story: genuinely don't remember it. Absolutely amazing game worth playing for the combinatorial explosion of possible builds and tactics, but the story was pretty mid. Still deserves five stars despite that because of how well done everything else is.

Possibly the best game ever made. An unbelievable triumph, perfection from every perspective. This is the best example of fitting all pieces together while still being experimental. The subversion of classic futuristic aesthetics is astounding. The chamber play aesthetics of the cast with depressing voices telling a grandeur story is also my favorite game narrative to date. The aesthetics, the aesthetics, the aesthetics are what makes it so great. And Red. You wouldn't believe how big of an effect the simple humming feature has.

All of this is done within the framework of a fairly normal game - if you're looking for something this good in a more avant-garde form, NaissanceE is what you're looking for.

On a more personal level, I love its themes of a city, its inhabitants and change. I love this game to death.

Transistor is one of the unique games that Supergiant Games excels at creating. Unique in being a mix between a turn-based and action RPG. The turn-based nature is an excellent way to learn your enemies, The Process, and plan your attacks. The action nature is also really smooth; which I am not surprised by coming from Supergiant Games.

The story of the game is really intriguing. Especially when it comes to its end. The story closes in a grand, and for me, unexpected way. The main characters well constructed too in the way you get to know them through optional notes.

You gain special moves going through the story, but all of them were people at one point which is a very interesting concept. But what makes it more interesting is when you lose your health, you lose one of these slots for a certain amount of time. So you switch between various moves, which sort of gives you more of a connection to each person. Especially when you read their optional notes too.

Transistor is great concept that has a few major flaws which unfortunately brings it down. The graphics, music and story are all fantastic. The gameplay is solid and I enjoyed mixing functions to get different effects a lot. However, some of the enemies are very poorly designed. The worst issue though, is when you lose all your health. Instead of dying you lose a function randomly. It can become a major problem if you lose your main attack function to the point it can ruin the game.

I wanted to really like it, buuut idk the combat was pretty awkward. :( Cool aesthetic and ost tho.

Really beautiful game with great combat mechanic and artistic direction.

gorgeous game with a story that made me cry, the way the love between these two characters is shown throughout the game made me so invested and ive not cared this much about such a short game before. please play it

BOOOORRRINNNGGG OH MY GOD. I don't know what I missed that everyone sees with this game. I love SuperGiant's works but this one? The gameplay is so jarring and slow, Red's anonymous boyfriend comes off as a mysterious fedora wearing edgelord, and the big bads are so boring and pose the same amount of a threat as regular enemies except for the final boss. Left a bad taste in my mouth trying to keep my perfect trophy streak on my PSN account.

I think it was pretty average for a Super Giant game

It might not be the best Supergiant game, but it's my favorite.

Art direction and music are incredible, but gameplay is a total slog. Give commands->dodge until cooldown. It's not fun.

I love the dreamy aesthetic of Cloudbank, and the excellent soundtrack extends that feeling. The story is engaging and the characters are all interesting. I like how you are offered a lot of customization with your moveset. I didn't love the combat, the real-time/turn-based mix is interesting conceptually but just doesn't quite work here.

With the hype for Hades II, I felt like revisiting this jewel of a game from Supergiant.

I’m a fan of the battle system; the planning mode is a great mechanic!

This time I also appreciated how the game forces you to try new builds by temporarily removing abilities when your health goes to zero.

A short, tight experience wrapped in amazing music by Darren Korb (Paper Boats is a favourite of mine!).

Nessa altura do campeonato, onde a Supergiant já é uma supergigante de verdade e todos estão jogando o early access do Hades II, eu fui experienciar um dos jogos abandonados da minha biblioteca e cai nessa obra de arte. E que bom(!) que eu fiz isso.

Uma história de amor em um mundo futurista, com um combate estratégico e uma trilha sonora absurda de boa, que dá arrepio só de ouvir. Isso é Transistor. E eu sou uma pessoa melhor por ter vivido dentro dessa história.

Better gameplay and more engaging story than bastion, art remains fucking superb, but the worldbuilding and story didnt engage me as much as later supergiant games, and I really wish it did. Not sure if I give 3.5 or 4 stars but rating systems are stupid anyway

I love a woman who goes a rage induced revenge quest, narrated by her supportive boyfriend who thinks she can do no wrong.

The best soundtrack I've heard in a game.

Ambientación muy buena, el estilo artístico cumple, historia interesante al igual que le gameplay.

No es que sea un juego que te cambie la vida, pero quién busca alguna experiencia curiosa le gustará el juego.

In going through my library for games to review here, I was struck with the strong desire to replay Transistor. Lovely to look at, satisfying and fun game mechanics, plenty of optional lore to sift through.

Neat little game about a woman with no voice.
I found the game very enjoyable due to how much stuff you can do in the beach and the way you can customize your loadout of abilities.
The music is good in every Supergiant game, but in this game there's a particular focus on it because of the fact that the protagonist is a singer.
I haven't tried replaying the game, but I probably would.

I had this game on my backlog list for a couple of years, i played the intro when it came the game came out and it immediately huck me but i had other games that i wanted to play that i just put it on hold, came today when i wanted to give it a try, the intro still huck me to this day but i wasnt able to get into the game post that, the game mechanics are fun but couldnt get invested in the story and the "Transistor" sword talking all the time didnt mad things better, i gave it an hour but yeah want my cup of tea, have to shelve it...

Le système de combat est très riche et laisse au joueur la possibilité de le personnaliser selon son style, mais malheureusement l'enveloppe narrative est assez peu engageante.