Reviews from

in the past

It was hard to beat To The Moon, but this game will still leave an impact on you.

seria 4 estrelas mas por causa de ter jogado A Bird Story primeiro, aumento um pouco minha conexão com a história

a very strong sequel to to the moon, delivers an emotional impact just as strong if not stronger, while exploring deeper questions around the premise of the games

Another gorgeous story by the people at freebird, got some tears from me, again, I felt like it sort of meandered and maybe could have had some odd half hour of trim, but I could be wrong, I felt like my downtime I spent having questions and theorising was probably intentional and near vital.
I love Eva and Neil

great game, good story, played it with a friend which made the whole thing better : )

I will never stop crying. Thank you very much.

encore une masterclass de freebirds!! l'histoire m'a touché même si certaines choses sont un peu facile à comprendre, on est quand mm surpris à la fin (et ému, bcp ému)

Não é tão bom e emocionante quanto o primeiro, mas dá pra aproveitar. A gameplay ficou mais interessante.

Muy emotivo. Recomendado totalmente.

threw up from joy and devastation

Repitiendo fórmula, pero sin alcanzar el nivel de la primera entrega. La historia te mantiene en vilo, pero creo que el giro de guión podría haber sido más valiente.

It's easily one of the best narrative experiences I've ever had in gaming. The story is a journey that immerses you deeply in its world. Every dialogue and memory is crafted with such care that it left me in a state of profound thought for days after completing the game.
One of the standout aspects is its music. The beautiful score not only complements the story but also elevates it to another level. There were moments where the music was so poignant that it drove me to tears, enhancing the emotional impact of the scenes.
Visually, the game is stunning. Every frame is like a work of art, and it's a joy to simply watch and witness the world around you. The attention to detail is remarkable.
However, one downside I encountered was the lack of controller support. While this didn't detract significantly from my overall enjoyment of the game, it would have been a nice addition for a more immersive experience.

A pesar de que en este juego la historia está algo mejor contada, siempre parece que van buscando la sensiblería del jugador, ese «tocar la fibra» pero que, al menos conmigo, no lo consiguen.

Finding Pardise es esa búsqueda del paraíso, ese lugar donde nuestro protagonista, a pesar de haber tenido una vida completa y feliz, sigue echando en falta. Un lugar en el que era verdaderamente él, sin tener que fingir ni ocultarse, el espacio que compartía con su amiga.

Ese sitio tan especial, ahora al término de su vida y postrado en una cama, lo echa en falta. Su mente ya no esa la que era, empieza a confundir cosas, sitios, recuerdos… necesita de su amiga para tenerlo todo claro y en orden.

Vemos que su mente está dañada, porque los doctores (Dr. Rosalene y Dr. Watts) no pueden viajar de forma lineal por su mente, es decir, su mente no está en orden, salta de la adultez a la niñez, luego a la vejez, luego otra vez a la niñez… mezclando recuerdos actuales con antiguos. Algo falla, pero todos sus recuerdos tienen algo en común, la figura de esta persona misteriosa e importante en la vida de nuestro protagonista.

Sin entrar mucho en spoiler, que creo que ya he contado demasiado para un jueguito de unas 5 h. Lo que veremos es el porqué y cómo esta persona se vuelve tan crucial en la vida de nuestro protagonista. Ese apoyo que le daba cuando más lo necesitaba y esa fuerza para enfrentarse a la vida.

No es una historia de amor, es una historia de la más pura amistad, de esa que no conoce límites ni fronteras.

Es de destacar que en este juego la jugabilidad y las interacciones están mucho mejor llevadas que en los anteriores. También conocemos a más doctores y personajes de Sigmund Corp y también vemos y conocemos algo más de la empresa. Su sede, su razón de existir y cómo los doctores son de moral muuy dudosa algunos de ellos. Y buscan más la investigación y tener a las personas como conejillos de indias, que hacerles realidad su último deseo.

Otro punto muuy destacable, aparte de su arte pixelado retro, es su BSO que también sabe hacer Laura Shigihara, la cual por si no la conocéis, tiene un juego precioso y altamente recomendable: Rakuen.

Pero como en todos los juegos de esta saga, no llega a terminar, saliendo un enorme, «continuara…» en fondo negro, instándonos a jugar a la siguiente entrega, la cual también jugaré, porque total, veamos cómo acaba la historia de los doctores Rosalene y Watts.
Reseña completa en mi Patreon:

very good game just like the one made before

I really like these RPG Maker games, and this one is definitely one of the best in it's category. Gameplay is of course very simple, same as graphics, but it's a secondary thing. Is the story that matters here the most. And the soundtrack is pure perfection.

Like To the Moon, the story is really touching and will at least make you tear up and think about what's really important in life. One of a very few studios that i can pick up game from blindly, because i know they don't disappoint and will deliver.
Highly recommended.

The best one out of the 3 for me but regardless all the games are just as amazing

Initially I was kind of disappointed in the direction the story went in but I've warmed up to it over time. It's a solid follow-up to To the Moon that expands upon its lore and themes in some very neat ways.

No Option to turn off the music.
No option to change the resolution.

Pues... me he quedado un poco igual. Comparado con To the Moon me pareció malísimo, pero como juego individual supongo que no está tan mal.

Esse jogo é um prato cheio pra quem faz psicologia.

This was a stellar follow up for To the Moon. The writing is at it's best here, a twist I didn't see coming whatsoever, music that made me tear up as much as To the Moons soundtrack, OMG IT'S AN AMAZING GAME. I do think there is still the problem of the tone trying to have funny bits after a serious moment ruins a bit of the story it's telling, but I adore this game either way and I hope Imposter Factory sticks the landing.

i dont remember basically anything abt the game so idk how to review it honestly but i liked faye so she deserved at least three stars just for her existence

Holy shit! What a wonderful work of art!! Seriously, Freebird in just one week became the gaming company I love most. What they did with To The Moon was already incredible, and what they did with Finding Paradise was even more incredible, this game simply has no flaws. They improved the gameplay, the mechanics and everything To The Moon needed to be perfect. This game is the definition of what this company offers, it's incredible. In this game, we play with the same doctors (Neil and Rosane) but this time, in a different job. The story and plot of this game is even better than To The Moon and the development of the characters, especially Neil's, is incredible. The mystery is still unclear at the end of the game, and opens the door for the third game in the saga: Impostor Factory. I'm really looking forward to playing it and it will definitely be another work of art, I have no doubt.