Reviews from

in the past

Me surpreendeu muito positivamente, não esperava nem um pouco acabar gostando tanto desse jogo.

Gungrave se sustenta inteiramente no seu estilo e na sua estética, e isso é de fato tudo que ele precisa pra ser um jogo incrível do início ao fim. Todos os elementos do jogo exalam esse estilo de uma maneira ou de outra, seja na gameplay com explosões o tempo todo e uma movimentação constante, ou nas cutscenes que parecem ter sido tiradas diretamente de um anime dos anos 2000. E por sinal, realmente grande parte do jogo parece ter sido inspirada diretamente em Hellsing e eu digo isso como o melhor dos elogios.

Gungrave não tem medo de se apoiar nessa estética exagerada e esse é o seu maior charme, a história é quase inexistente mas a ação é constante e frenética, e o jogo tem a duração perfeita pra que ele acabe antes de que tudo isso fique muito repetitivo.

Único defeito de fato é que ele destruiu o meu pulso de tanto apertar quadrado, mas fora isso, jogasso.

Entiendo porqué a algunos les gusta, esto grita estilo sobre sustancia y edge de los 2000. Lástima que se hace terriblemente repetitivo a los 15 minutos y los jefes son casi todos una cagada a excepción de un par, pero al menos es corto.

Tem estilo, mas não tem uma gota sequer de substância

Tad boring at times but it's insane how evocative it is, feels like a crossover of late 90s anime westerns and 90s shounen wrapped in a game that honestly just kinda fucks thanks to it going full vibes.

No soy un japones asalariado de mas de 30 años, y aun asi siento que este juego es para mi

Ele é ocasionalmente divertido mas tem muita parte chata.

A melhor coisa fora ele ser curto é a trilha sonora, que eu adoraria comentar mais se metade delas não tivesse se perdido no meio das 2000 bilhões de explosões que acontecem mas o que deu para ouvir é legal

I am very glad to make this the 500th game I have played.

The best way id describe this game is a beat em up mixed with a run and gun mixed with an on rails shooter, throw in a raging aesthetic and art design by Nightow (of trigun fame) and you have an absolutely delightful time.

I only played this game since it takes two hours to complete; it can be entertaining at times but sometimes feels quite repetitive

Don't let the score fool you, this game was better than alright, BUT I know this shit was $50 when it came out and I would be pissed if I bought this since I finished it in less than 90 minutes.

Took a few stages for the game to click for me. It's a fun arcade game with 6 stages, the boss fights being the highlight. Half my playtime was on the last 3 bosses alone, tough but fun.

Loved the music, which is probably done by the Trigun guy? The whole game feels like it mutated from a Trigun project with the people involved. Just wish it had more meat to it for the price.

the greatest 7/10 i've ever played

A fun short arcade style romp with a ton of replay value. It's very forgiving and plays almost like a cross between Max Payne and God Hand. The aesthetics are peak mid ps2 era vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if someone made a handful of breakcore songs based off the soundtrack either.
I was surprised at how well they pulled off stylish third person shooting without copying Max Payne. The only complaint I have is the one healing boss and the absolutely atrocious camera angles, but ps2 games are required by law to have terrible camera angles.

the gnarliest video game. pure shonen schlock. style is substance type beat (shoutout maraganger). has the first 10 seconds of the final cutscene play in-engine so you can take the dramatic plot relevant killshot yourself. starts its kickassery when the intro cutscene plays and doesn't stop until the credits roll. a buttonmashy bad time for any bimbos that bumble in front of your boomstick. play it on hard mode, you scrawny fuck.

probably the loudest game of all time

I played this on my phone so i lost a big part of the experience, but the game was really fun, the story was ok, i would replay it later in better conditions

simple but almost perfectly executed arcadey action that can be beaten in an afternoon but rewards replays

Короткая игра, которую трудно отнести к какому-то из жанров. Битемап? Вроде нет. Ранэнган? Тоже не сильно.
Ясно одно: игра аркадная, так как делается упор на перепрохождение и побитие собственных рекордов.
Проходится за час и повторяющийся геймплей не успевает надоесть. Думаю, что могу порекомендовать к прохождению.

Shorter than a girl who says she's average height despite being 5'4. Shoots good but needed full frontal nudity to keep my little brother's attention

this game is like what my presumed idea of killer7 was before playing it

Monoton, kurzweillig und erzählerisch kein Überflieger, aber dafür stylisch, actiongeladen und eine tolle Form von "Easy to learn, Hard to master".

Gungrave hat neben seinen super stumpfen und einfachen Gameplay dennoch eine gute Form der Herausforderung, dank einfachen und kompakten Levels, guten Gegnerplacement und einige Bosse, die gutes Timing verlangen und erfordern. Manche Leute würden sagen, es wäre das "perfekte 7/10 Videospiel", doch für mich ist Gungrave weitaus mehr, als eine 7/10. Es mag sein, dass der Nachfolger das Gameplay sehr entschlackte und einige coole neue Ideen einfügte, doch finde ich das Feedback und das Pacing im ersten Teil weiterhin als die bessere Erfahrung. HIer mehrere Playthroughs zu machen, ist dank der Spielzeit von gerade mal 2 Stunden, leichter auszuführen und viele Workarounds bei kniffeligen Stellen, werden schneller erlernt. Mir gibt Gungrave eher das Gefühl, eines Arcade Titels der 2000er, welche eine simple Idee nimmt und alles damit macht, was möglich ist.

Bottom Line: Ein klassisches Eric-Spiel, welches möglicherweise nicht jeden gefallen wird, aber für Freunde von kurzweiliger und spaßiger Action, genau der perfekte Fang ist.

Und es ist besser, als der peinliche Versuch, welcher 2022 mit Gungrave Gore versucht wurde.

press square. press some more.

Simple and effective. This 3 hour 6 stage game is so much fun. I had recently bought a small CRT and I sat and played this in one full sitting on the PS2. While the game is dated in controls, it does still feel good to play and destroying hordes of enemies in such an arcade style is cathartic.

games these days are afraid to get this loud

Gungrave introduces every level with the smash-header "Kick their asses." Gungrave is about one thing, kicking ass. Or more succinctly, shooting ass. You hardly aim, you don't reload, you hardly move. You mash a button and in response things either die or explode. Grave walks in a straight path, blazing everything in his way and taking every bullet wordlessly and painlessly as a combo builds in the corner of the screen. Get too close and he lifts a coffin from his back and swings it, insta-killing almost anything in its trajectory. The gunfire blows out the music and audio quality, and the gorgeous hard-black cel-shading lights up with muzzle flares as the screams gradient into the wailing jazz in the background. Gungrave is as primal as a video game can be without losing its status as pure, true art.

Unique and weird, but pretty good like Killer7