Reviews from

in the past

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cool run-and-gun game despite its janky controls and enemy AI (that gunshot trigger ending is something I will not forget)

Gungrave é curto, clunky e extremamente charmoso, de fato um jogo divertido pra caramba pra quem quiser algo de 1 a 2 horas pra brincar.

This game looks extremely cool but I haven't played enough of it to say much else about it yet.

Undeniably cool as hell. Simple to the point of bravery, so I'm curious to see if it manages to stay fun all the way to the end (probably not).

Fun but the regenerative boss is annoying

the sewer level reminds me of st. anger

fantastic little game. brain off.. only shoot.

I finished the game and I still have no idea what's going on.

Cool game, but that kinda goes without saying, this game is oozing with style and pizazz. I dunno why I held out on playing it for so long, I didn't realize how short it was. It was fun, but it's a little bittersweet, as cool as Grave and his world are, I would've much preferred to have that Trigun game RED was also making.

To have a Trigun game with this kind of crazy balls-off-the-wall shootout style cel shaded type beat would've been the tits, but it just wasn't meant to be. Hopefully we'll get a beta build someday, or maybe we'll get a shitty Bamco game with the new TikTok fuckboy Vash...

Here Comes The Rain....

A definição de estilo sobre substancia.

I really enjoyed this game super fun short and sweet give it a go

Square button destorys both enemies and enviorenments designed by Nightow i couldnt ask for a better formula for an old game

could NOT get past the first mission I was too bored of the nothingburger I had just experienced

Look, I'm just glad they cut Tsuneo Imahori a paycheck. I'd willingly play through the entire Souls series if he did the music instead of getting the OST out of a vending machine.

Stylish as hell and fun to play. Pity it always felt incredibly short.

it's a very simple two hour trip through dopamine land and it's awesome, i really dig the aesthetics and although the gameplay can be stupidly janky at times it's still fun

Devil may cry 2 before Devil may cry 2. (with automatic fire option)

it was ok

decent fun until the regenerating boss which was very unfun and I had to moreso cheese by dying enough times to get enough rockets to finish off its 2nd half of health by stunlocking it with 8 rockets

last level wasnt great either

rest was okay

Frenetico, combat system divertente, ma purtroppo la storia è molta corta. Ha dalla sua una discreta rigiocablità comunque.

Terrible game, a shame it uses Nightow's art. The nap I took during this game was killer tho.

Super sick arcade-style shooter that was dripping in personality. Sadly on the shorter side but still a hidden gem worth checking out on the PS2.


More games should be sub 2 hours

I played this on my phone so i lost a big part of the experience, but the game was really fun, the story was ok, i would replay it later in better conditions

very short game that i'd recommend playing just for the fun of it

The game is fine, I only played it because Gungrave (anime) is one of my favorites, and I rewatch it sometimes. It is short and doesn't flesh out the characters that much, so I would just recommend watching the anime instead.

Here's a game that I find to be quite underrated when it comes to the PS2's anime library. Gungrave is short and simple, with a good art style and decent visuals. The player takes control of Grave, a guy who was killed, and then resurrected to get revenge on those who wronged him. You'll see yourself playing through 6 stages and fighting 8 bosses, all within the length of about 1 hour and 30 minutes to 2 hours. While the gameplay isn't in-depth by any means, it gets the job done and can offer you some fun to be had.

When it comes to combat, Grave can:
- Dodge in 4 different directions (and shoot while doing so)
- Rapidly fire all around him (by rapidly pressing Square)
- Sling his coffin around his body (by pressing R1)
- Fire a Demolition Shot (by pressing Triangle)

As you progress through the game and complete the stages, Grave unlocks new Demolition Shots to use in battle. To use Demolition Shots, you must create a combo by rapidly firing your guns at everything, be it boxes, enemies, barrels, tables, or anything else that can be gunned down. A blue orb will then enter your Demolition Gauge and you'll be able to use a Demolition Shot once it's filled. You can store up to 4 total Shots, which you can then unleash, or if you're low on health, you can trade 1 Shot for half of your health bar back, which allows some slight strategy as you can choose between a room-clearing Shot, or more health to survive. The game has no upgrade system, so the only new moves you'll get on this journey are the Demolition Shots.

The music isn't anything special, but it works well enough for the areas that the tracks are used in. There were only a handful of songs that I enjoyed enough to listen to outside of the game, but that doesn't mean the OST is awful. Once your adventure is over, you unlock Extras where you can view the character models from each stage, which is pretty neat to look at. In the end, Gungrave is a good game that stands out on its own as a niche little PS2 gem.