Reviews from

in the past

I think this games just isn't for me, I just wasn't having a lot of fun. Knowing that it's basically a ImSim kinda let me know that my feeling wasn't going to change no matter how much more time I put into it.

Uma obra prima no melhor sentido da palavra

One of my favorite games of all time. I gave it such a low score in spite of saying that, because it’s buggy and unpolished at points, and that really messed with the experience. The main game is fantastic, start is super strong, ending can be very weak, but I enjoyed it more the first time around. Definitely has SOME replay value but nothing trascendental.

Honestly, I just really liked the setting, it pulled “play your own way” just fine, the lows were kinda low but the highs were amaaaazing.

Also the DLC was okay, gave me way more entertainment than I expected, but it really isn’t a roguelike. It also falls off waaaay too quickly.

The best immersive sim ever made.

This is really great AAA game. Lots of creative environmental storytelling, pretty good writing, and an all-around fun to explore sandbox with undertones of BioShock throughout. However, the amount of constant backtracking in the late game (and I can't stress that enough) seriously puts a damper on the experience, especially when loading screen times between areas are absolutely ridiculous.

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A kid in my class was talking about this game so it got me interested but I quit this game within a few hours I just got bored and lost motivation to keep going might try one last time but probably not

It was only towards the end that I realised, wait a minute, this is Fallout! It was a much longer game than I was expecting precisely because of all the various Fallout-style quests.

Obviously not in the setting sense, but collecting resources, story choices, exploring the facility. It's like if you mashed Fallout 3 and Alien Isolation together.

Which I enjoy. I was worried that the crafting system would be obnoxious but it's so detailed and sophisticated I got into it. Plus I have to give props to a game that has so many destructible objects. It's really impressive from a technical standpoint.

I was enjoying getting engrossed in the weird lore, told through System Shock-style audiologs and diary entries, and while I was a little thrown by it all at the start I began to appreciate the characters more going in. If anything I wanted more human stories.

Will always appreciate a game being explicitly anti-capitalist in its storytelling, with an evil corporation exploiting natural resources and using human test subjects only for things to go horribly wrong. The most fanciful idea in science-fiction is that corporate monsters will actually meet with karmic retribution.

Enjoyed the game, and actually appreciated the twist ending. Also managed to get the gold trophy for doing the most empathetic playthrough, the silver trophy for not killing any humans and got a silver for reading all the emails, all on the first playthrough. I'm nothing if not thorough.

beaucoup apprecié l'immersion dans l'univers quand j'y ai joué (moi quand l'immersive sim immerge :o ), la station et tout nan franchement PSARTEK

itsd fucking scAry (annoying)

i can def tell this is a fantastic game but i am horrible at fps games and this one is very daunting and intimidating if you are me

still, this is like a better bioshock

in terms of gameplay, almost flawless. during the end game, you'll be running from section to section, and if you're still playing games with HDDs like me, there's going to be a lot of waiting for loading screens to finish. narratively, the ending does feel abrupt, even with the post credits.

I played Prey back at launch and honestly? I remember really liking it. But for some reason, I just never got around to beating it until this year and I couldn't tell you why. Only thing I could think of is the spacewalk/zero-g sections and even then they weren't as frustrating or bad as I remember them being. And I'm pissed It took me this long to finally beat it because this game deserved so much better then it got.

Prey is one of the best games of 2017, and a worthy successor to the games that inspired it like BioShock and System Shock 2. The story is gripping and intriguing as hell with it's alt-history space race setting, and the characters despite only seeing a few named NPCs throughout the game, are all engaging and interesting as fuck. The twists and turns the plot has are super fascinating too, and without spoilers,
just drive replayability all the more for me. Combine this with the Mooncrash DLC (aka what Deathloop should've been) and you have what I think is an honest to god modern classic.

Biggest problem with this game is the name. Prey is a cool name, sure, but unfortunately this meant people took this game as a reboot for the 2006 idTech4 shooter by Human Head Studios (Or what would become of the cancelled sequel), which this game has nothing to do with at all. The name was a pure mandate by Bethesda/Zenimax for marketing purposes and it unfortunately KILLED this game in sales which is still criminal IMHO. You need to go into this disregarding the name and the baggage that comes with it, because it was never meant to be that way period. And I really do believe you're missing out if you skip this game just because of the name. It's that good.

One of the best concept, story, scenario ever done. A masterpice.

probably arkanes best game

Really just phenomenal game overall. Can get samey w/ enemies and doesn't have the craziest ImSim stuff, but it's simply great at what it sets out to do, has a creepy but cool & meditative atmosphere, a lot of cool surprises and an overall nice feel. Captures sort of a nice middle ground between open world and imsim without having the exhaustiveness of the first & the often restrictive level structures of the latter.

Prey é um immersive sim muito competente, recheado de boas ideias e mecânicas divertidas, mas sendo aquele exemplo de jogo que é ótimo mas não clica muito comigo como jogador.
Falando inicialmente dos pontos positivos, ele conta com uma das propostas de jogo mais interessantes que joguei recentemente, apresentando uma história espacial com fortes elementos de ficção cientifica, formando junto com a história uma sólida fundação para o jogo, sendo contada além dos momentos expositivos por textos e por narrativa no ambiente, contando com uma história extremamente interessante e cheia de reviravoltas.

Os gráficos, apesar de bem agradáveis, não são o ponto mais forte do jogo. A direção artística e gráficos dos ambientes são muito bem feitas, assim como os equipamentos e conceito das tecnologias apresentadas no jogo. Contudo, os outros aspectos são bem falhos, como personagens que tem expressões faciais fracas e a ideia da aparência dos Typhons, apesar de ser muito condizente com toda a historia, acredito ter sido muito genérico, chegando um momento que os tornam extremamente sem graça.

Ainda continuando falando dos personagens, não chegam a ser ruins, mas na maior parte da aventura eles não são parte ativa nela. Por conta da estrutura do jogo, a maior parte dos personagens estão desde o começo mortos, então o que você conhece deles são seus conflitos passados através dos arquivos de áudio e emails, o que dá muita a vida a historia da Talos I, mesmo estando cheia de defuntos. Talvez se tivesse um pouco mais de interação com os sobreviventes, seria mais divertido ao meu gosto pessoal.
Agora, o ponto que realmente me perdeu foi um aspecto da gameplay: Ela é precisa, com armas e poderes extremamente criativos, apresentando um mapa divertido e instigante de explorar. Contudo, sinto que mesmo ele sendo um immersive sim, algumas decisões tornaram ele muito “quadrado”. Você não sente que suas decisões de gameplay são recompensadas, sentido que você tem que se adaptar as circunstâncias mesmo que elas vão totalmente ao contrário do que decidiu na construção do personagem. Por exemplo, se você criou seu personagem para uma gameplay mais voltada para entrar e sair atirando, em momento nenhum você sente que você é bom nesse aspecto. Outro ponto relacionado a isso é como você sempre está em falta de recursos, mesmo investindo recursos em habilidades que deveria contornar esses problemas.

Por fim, a trilha sonora, que é legal e interessante, mas não há nada EXTREMAMENTE marcante ou que me vejo ouvindo além do jogo, sendo uma exceção a musica do Yellow Tullip.

No fim, reitero que o jogo é ótimo e provavelmente vai ser muito mais quisto por outras pessoas, mas alguns elementos dele realmente não caíram bem com meu gosto e estilo de jogador, me impedindo de gostar mais e conclui-lo.

Um jogo muito sólido e bom do inicio ao fim.
A liberdade que Prey traz para quase todos os obstáculos que ele coloca na sua frente é incrível, você realmente sente uma liberdade muito grande de formas de jogar, e caminhos a trilhar.
Prey é muito bom, entretanto os plots são um pouco previsíveis, mas isso não estraga o nível dela.
Prey é um jogaço que vale muito a pena zerar

Great Game, top 3 of all time for me

Prey is what some people call an "immersive sim", I won't waste time defining what that means but I think it ranks about the same level as Bioshock in terms of interactivity, failing to equal the old classics in terms of complexity but being more accessible as a result which is probably what they wanted.
The locations where the player is meant to use a certain ability are marked with the same subtlety as a cracked wall in a Zelda dungeon, but there are often multiple ways to complete each objective and you can also do interesting things with the GLOO gun and certain abilities. Overall, for immersive sim fans Prey is pretty good.
There's a variety of neuromod abilities that the player can unlock, a staple of the genre ever since System Shock 2, and they are pretty useful for the most part. However, I think the only unique one is mimicry, all the others will be familiar to Bioshock players. I'm a little disappointed at the lack of futuristic weapons, but this makes sense in-universe because they mostly rely on turrets and the radiation beam is cool anyway.
That being said, the most noteworthy aspect about Prey for me is how inconsistent the experience is. At first it seems like it's going to be a horror game with difficult enemies that are preferable to avoid, and the game hints as such through tutorial pop-ups, but after a few upgrades nothing can really match the player anymore and resources are far too plentiful to ever be a major concern past the first few hours. By the end of the game there are a couple of "events" to mix up the gameplay and then the whole thing ends abruptly with a bunch of surface level philosophical "quandaries" that are about as black and white as Bioshock's.
Even more disappointing is the cast of NPCs that populates the station. Each one of them is one-dimensional, emotionally unstable and fills a diversity quota as if they were copy pasted from a spreadhseet. The only exceptions to this are the Morgan brothers who have actual goals, agency and personalities complex enough to allow for character development. You could say this wasn't the main focus of the game, but it's the only part that and the game relies far too much on radio calls to communicate goals to the player for me to ignore it. They wanted to make System Shock 2 and ended up with Borderlands almost.
To conclude, I think Prey is alright. It's not as memorable as Deus Ex or System Shock but those are big shoes to fill. They should have leaned on the mimics more instead of just making them trash mobs past the first 2 hours of the game.

Um dos melhores jogos que já joguei em toda a minha vida

Everybody says this game is an underrated gem, but I think the exact opposite. It's an overrated game with nothing of real meaningful value to offer. I thought it was just okay, but not bad. Did I enjoy it? Not really, but I didn't hate it either. It really is rather frustrating to play at times, though, and the plot just gets derailed entirely by its ending, ruining all of the minimal amount of intrigue the game had.

Score: 74

it's really good and got a great start-up but it's not for me and dat hurts me oog </3 </3 </3

No wonder people call it the pinnacle of immersive sims.
The beginning of the game felt just magical! The exploration, learning all the mechanics and what means are available to you, yearning to uncover what happened...
I liked the story. The way of how it was uncovered to you also seemed neat.
Most of the time, the game felt fresh but I would welcome more weapon choices and maybe enemy types.
The ending was a mindfuck >.< Left me wanting to explore different choices available.

-Interesting weapons, very creative with what you can do with them.
-Cool enemy design, even though some of the enemies are reused with a different flavour to them.
- Some sections can feel a bit too long or too tedious to do.
- End game felt a bit janky to navigate.