Reviews from

in the past

This game makes my blood boil. It pisses me off. I can barely play it.

But GOD, when you clear a run just by the skin of your teeth, HOLY HECK is it rewarding.

I like the setup of this game-- trying to beat my own time and seeing my past attempts helps me improve my gaming skills. It has a cute lil story as well.

I 100%ed this game on a keyboard because I'm a God gamer.

man i really don't like hard games lmao, this just about drove me to the point of insanity. great fun and a good tough genuine challenge. the humour doesnt really do it for me, though. also, i kinda found the controls hard to grapple with and get used to which made it so that when shit got tougher in the later worlds i felt like my patience was being tested more than my skill.

A fast and frantic platformer that really tests your perserverence while still not asking for a lot considering each level can take 10-30 seconds. It feels good to control, the cameo characters are fun, and has a good amount of challenge that doesn't make you rage too hard.

Best 2D platform I've ever played

plataforma não precisa mas viciante

Um dos melhores plataformers


a classic, i'm not a fan of the physics as its too floaty for me but other than that a well made, hard game.

This is SuperMeatBoy! We kill fetuses in this bitch! Take yo sensitive ass back to Celeste!

The levels go flip-flop between being pretty easy to ridiculously difficult with almost nothing in the middle. The level before the final boss was driving me insane. The controls are too good making it hard to platform since the movement needs to be more precise than normal platformers.

really fun to see a 2d side-scroller that is somehow different

A cruely designed platformer. The music, speed and energy of the game makes it feel awesome to play fast, but my god the controls are awful. Airborne controls feels really unresponsibe, 1 out 10 jump may not be read if you're on the edge of a platform, gravitation orbs or whatever those thing in chapter five are called feel uncontrolable. Enemy behaviour gets a bit weird sometimes too. And still I was going for the 100%, I didn't end up completing it because (maybe thankfully) SteamCloud fucked my savefile. I love this game even though I hate it. Great job Edmund

Stupendous and fast-paced precision platformer, great controls. Pretty much invented the modern "rage game," which somehow culminated in Super Mario Bros. evolving to be the same genre.

I hate this game, the soundtrack won't stop echoing in my head, I'm going crazy.

Naija is a fish. Fish are kinda cool, I guess. Not a big fan. Naija's fine though. Don't really hold anything against her like I do other fish.

jeu de con mais trop fun à faire

el peak de las plataformas. me lo paso tres veces al año como minimo

Good game if you had a bad stressful day. You may broke a controller as a symptom, but it's ok, it means the game is having fun with you.

Now this is how you design a challenging platformer.

Really was let down by this one. The controls are just not good at all. My favorite game of all time is a 2d platformer but this is just not it.