Reviews from

in the past

En la vida he jugado algo tan difícil. Los Souls and co. son animalicos al lado de esta cosa, y mira que tengo el Sekiro reciente. Solo recuerdo un juego que me resultó chunguísimo, y es el Sin and Punishment de Wii, que no le encontraba el sentido.

easily one of the best platformers to ever exist. the best kind of difficulty challenge and very rewarding.

you know how good the design is, so let me tell you about other stuff, first, the steam version is kinda buggy. It has vsync issues and stutters ever so often, usually in later levels, which can be very frustrating as it can also effect meat boy's physics. The game isn't unplayable on steam, but you will die more because of it. Inputs can and will be eaten every once in a while so that's fun. Also the characters and cutscenes haven't aged the best with newgrounds humor baked in but this doesn't impact the levels. Otherwise it was extremely doing both light and dark worlds.

I'm not a 2D twitch platforming savant -- though I have beaten this and have thoroughly enjoyed challenging games such as Slime-san -- but I didn't really enjoy this too much. I didn't hate it: from a purely technical perspective, this is impressive, especially as something of an early pioneer of this style of platforming.

But it's just not very fun to get through, beyond being able to say you pulled it off. Even that, to a degree, rings hollow. What sinks this one for me is that even though I got through it (note that I'm using "got through" and not "beat"), I never really felt like I was actually getting better at Super Meat Boy. Rather, I bashed against a level enough times for my thumbs to finally do the right thing. I can't take pride in my skill or growth here, only my perseverance. Taken another way, I spent a whole lot of time frustrating myself and it sort of felt wasted.

I think the issue is, ironically, that the controls are "too" precise, or overly sensitive. This is a trademark of twitch platformers, but Meat Boy moves so quickly and erratically based on movements that you're often barely aware of making that for many, it's difficult to ever truly get a handle on him. Going back to Slime-san, that game was quick and floaty but not to these extremes. Additionally, the slow-down mechanic had enough downsides to not be a crutch, but it did afford the player the opportunity to more closely observe how the character responded to input. By the end of Slime-san, I felt like I was much better at Slime-san than I was when I started. That didn't happen here.

Beyond that, the visuals are pretty drab (it's based off a flash game and you can tell) and the humor is immature (Dr. Fetus). Dug the music though.

Anyways, you should play Slime-san.

Dr Fetus is epic, also the controls are amazing, love this game

se vuelve super repetitivo pero peak plataformero

This game makes my blood boil. It pisses me off. I can barely play it.

But GOD, when you clear a run just by the skin of your teeth, HOLY HECK is it rewarding.

Naija is a fish. Fish are kinda cool, I guess. Not a big fan. Naija's fine though. Don't really hold anything against her like I do other fish.

Não consegui zerar, sinto que escolhi o jogo errado para relaxar 😓

just one of those games i randomly threw on one day because i felt like it and i dont really care much for trying to get all of the collectibles and bonus levels but from just the main story its a super solid platformer, i love games that do bite-sized, rewarding level structures

13,760 times I died on my quest to hit 106% completion. Finally I made it there. This is one of my all time favourite games but never bothered to fully complete it until now. It was insanely frustrating at times and with 8 levels left of the cotton alley dark world I nearly gave up, but I didn’t and now it’s done. An amazing feeling.

Man there’s some gnarly ass difficulty spikes in here. But the platforming is only part of the challenge as level hazards really seemed to the bane of my existence. Enemies like the flies who zoom towards you. The little fleshy dog things that chase after you. The balls of fire that roll around in hell proved to be my cryptonite. And don’t get me started on the balls of black mass that hit a surface and break into smaller mouths that fly off in different directions. I can really see why some people just bounce off this game.

There’s lots of content here. 40 levels across 6 worlds with a 7th world featuring a further 10 levels. 20 warp zones with 3 levels each. 100 collectables to collect and 6 super secret glitch levels to unlock and complete. I had a great time polishing all these off.

Super Meat Boy. It’s 106% complete and off my replay backlog. Feels good.

super cute, gameplay focused which is good cause it’s the best aspect (very smooth and snappy, makes you want to keep retrying and retrying when you fail) with a nice enough simple story and characters to charm you and support the platforming.

very simple and quite enjoyable not much else to say.

Was good but hard until it got too hard

originally completed 106% 10 years ago
was worth doing it again

I was kinda disapoiinted with the difficulty as I finished the full game on my first session with it. But the game was fun and addicting enough to make me want to play the full story in one sitting so that shows how much fun the game really is.

I got this game for free and only put a couple hours into it. Its boring. Nothing to it but mechanics. If you want something better play Celeste

really fun to see a 2d side-scroller that is somehow different

plataforma não precisa mas viciante