Reviews from

in the past

The story has good ideas, especially near the end, and I'm glad that the MC isn't a 100% silent one. But even though I am probably the millionth person to say this, the gameplay is absolutely unenjoyable, probably my least favourite turn-based battle system that I've ever played. The game in general is underwhelming and episodic in the first half, with most of the thematic and interesting story moments coming later.

At least the music and visual style are very good, especially for a PSP game. Sadly, I was really only playing this for CCC, which was apparently Nasu's favourite project he worked on.

Going through Fate/Extra in a new save with Caster felt like a different experience. It was painful at the beginning but me, being a totally normal person, grinded to unlock all her skills and raise Magic stats to the point by mid to late game I was overleveled.

But yeah, I love Tamamo. I've already loved her before but I finally did her Matrix Event without messing up this time. A certified Chiwa Saito classic. I also love Rani and in my opinion, fits this game's story more than Tohsaka. Hakuno Kishinami is still top 5 best Type-Moon protagonist of all time.

I really going to miss OG Extra's music. It's one of a kind so going through the game made me appreciate it a lot more. Sad to see it go in Record remake.

My take on its infamous gameplay is that it's satisfying when you don't have someone screaming in your ear about how bad it is. It's not perfect, when you gotta grind for levels you gotta take the time to learn the patterns each time you go to a new Arena so it can get tedious but a lot of it's shortcomings are negated by the existence of Skills. By midgame, you don't need to worry learning patterns and just spam Skills.

Fate/Extra is truly underappreciated game. I always felt it gets overshadowed by its sequel but I think it still holds up well today. It's story, characters, and music really moved me. It's definitely one of my favorite Fate spin-offs or even Type-Moon works in general. I can't wait to play Fate/Extra Record when it comes out in 2049.

7/10 (Estou sendo bem complacente e gentil. )

Jornada cansativa.
Foi uma boa narrativa, uma boa história, mas todo o resto não valeu tanto.
Não irei dizer muito ou o que devo, pois teria diversas coisas a dizer e seria mais interessante em formato de vídeo e uma pesquisa adicional.

Em suma assisti a adaptação em conjunto com o jogo e tive uma experiência interessante, por mais que eu prefiro e acho a adaptação superior, não consigo dizer que ela funciona totalmente sozinha.

Fate extra nas suas primeiras 8-10 horas é bem passível de drop, um ritmo bem fraco, uma gameplay que me deu um burnout fodido, ccc tá vindo aí não sei se vou tankar, mas enfim esse jogo cansa de vdd, seja pelo level design simplório das dungeons, pelo grind ruim,pela falta de diversidade de cenários com detalhes a mais e etc, etc, sim eu sei que o psp é limitado e infelizmente ele afetou demais o projeto final, anseio que o remake corrija os defeito e faça o melhor fate.

Dito isso, se você se agradou em digital devil saga no segmento budista, se gostou da temática presente em obras como texhonlyze e similares, creio que vale a pena dar uma chance

I'm sad that I don't have more contact with Buddhism to be able to understand all the allusions that F/Extra ends up making. But its central themes are one of my favorite themes; Stagnation, War, Nihilism. While a lot can be taken from Buddhism that the work is steeped in, in my opinion it can also be taken from Nietzsche, since Nilism is one of the components that runs through the entire game. I think Extra encapsulates Nasu's pessimistic phase well, as it is hammered into our heads how stagnation is not an option and can be worse than war, but at the same time war is not a good thing and neither should it be be an option, much less an endless repetition like Twice wanted, because it would just be hell - A war that never ends just another means of stagnation. All that remains for us is to look for another option other than either of these two, however the work does not indicate which option this is. It says that we must find, however it does not indicate what we must find, what we must aspire to. This reminds me a lot of Nietzsche, who for years had not yet discovered amor-fati and was therefore unable with his heart to cling to the notion of the superman, or his other beliefs.

That was fantastic, I'm glad I actually got around playing it
This setting is so interesting, I love seeing their takes on returning F/SN stuff, and the themes it uses it for
The cast is all around pretty solid but the one who truly shines is Hakuno, what a great protagonist they are
I do wish some of them got more time, specially the main antagonist, but I understand the limitations probably prevented that from ever happening
Also the gameplay loop was great, had a lot of fun with it
As annoying as the combat can be at times, I find it fun and satisfying most of the time
Overall a great game, I really liked it a lot

I called this Slop jokingly before but it really is slop, good slop but slop nonetheless
However it did have Shiki Ryougi so just for that it gets a good score

if you want to play rock paper scissors for hours just head on down to your local playground. if you want a story well you wont find that here either

Really good writing but wow that gameplay is rough. When's the remake coming out nasu?

So let me preface this as I'm sure a lot of people would love to kill me for this but, but I did actually enjoy my 10ish hours with Extra quite a lot. Now why would I abandon it and also give it such a rating? Well it's because one, the remake looks pretty amazing and I'm sure it won't take all too long to release since Type Moon has been pretty active lately and second which comes from point one, the presentation and execution of the game. Now I really liked everything conceptually. The unique spin on the grail war, the setting and reframed and newly added cast members were all great... in concept. It just isn't really able to present those things in an appealing way whatsoever. The lack of voice acting doesn't bother me all too much though hearing one single voice line every now and then really makes me wish it was fully voiced. The absolute dogwater dialogue of the mc doesn't help this. It tries to go the Persona route but also give the mc somewhat of a personality which fails miserably. I've chosen Archer as my starting servant and he's actually really well implemented and the constant references he makes are quite nice too. My highlight were definitely the antagonists though. They're great, insanely unique and well implemented characters that not only work as antagonists but also as reference points as to where the mc is currently mentally (which is all over the place 95% of the time). I think the second amtagonist especially and his servant worked so well as a duo. But here again, I think they could have vastly improved upon this unique concept by giving the characters more screen time. And I think the thing that actually made me abandon the game is the horrendously bad gameplay loop. Like I hate grinding lifeless levels just to face a boss and then do that stuff all over again. It's incredibly boring and it's not even trying to hide this by implementing any unique elements at all. So yeah, I'll play the remake as I do have quite high hopes for that and again, this game is by no means a bad game. It just doesn't accomplish what it sets out to do at all. Though if you're interested in the Extra verse this could still be something you have less problems with than I had so just go for it if you wanna give it a go since the concepts are some of the most complex and unique ones seen in the already absurd world of Fate

"Ah yes, these actions will SURELY be the right ones to counter the enemy's turn this time" <<<< my clueless ass about to have saber instantly KO'd

Idk how i was able to play it until end.. It's really mid yet it has some really good qualities, so i'd recommend playing if you're really into the nasuverse. Anyways, high hopes for CCC.

Has some good parts and the My Room stuff is pretty consistently well written but felt most defined by when I got to the route split, said "okay now hopefully we start getting enemy masters who are interesting people with internality" and then watched Lil Ronnie walk onscreen.

Great music, great visuals, but playing a second time to see the other route completely broke me. Just really turned me into a shell of a person.

The general story and themes of the game are well thought out and executed greatly. Every character is interesting, although due to the game's structure, many aren't as expanded upon as I'd like. Of course, I have to mention the music; it's a stellar ost! I love to listen to it as i do homework

While a good idea, the combat is not up to snuff. I appreciate the concept of learning enemies attack patterns in a strategy game but a lot of the time, it can just feel like random bullshit

Overall, I'd say this game isn't something I'd recommend to anyone, but if you're a Fate fan and want to check out a fun atmospheric game written by Nasu himself, I'd say check it out!

I really love Dungeon Crawlers and I loved this game's setting. In a way, it reminded me a bit of MegaMan Battle Network. The Rock-Paper-Scissors was cool, but it was a little stresful at times, mainly while fighting other Servants.

It's 5/5 in my heart, though in reality it has numerous issues with its gameplay and plot. That said, it means a lot to me and it's easily my favourite game of all time.

this game has a rock paper scissors battle system because all the girls want to scissor hakuno and that rocks

neither an amazing fate story nor an amazing dungeon crawler. i still like it quite a bit because i love fate, it's got some themes, it's got some character writing, it's got some atmosphere, but it didn't leave me an emotional mess like these things are supposed to. i feel like the story doesn't really get to have enough scope or room to fully work. or maybe i've already read too much nasu.

fate extra gets shit on for its awful combat but those people didnt understand the real appeal of playing as tamamo no mae, getting fucked by the first 3 dungeons and completely decimating the latter half by never letting the enemy get a turn in and for that i give it 4/5 stars. wish the game was as strong as the entire conversation with twice at the end

Still playing as of writing this because I can't contain my anger against this game.

You had to be actively trying to make a game this fucking boring. "Information is everything etc." could have been a good game design if you let player to figure out things by themselves instead of gatekeeping the INFORMATION behind scripted events. Same fucking three enemy design all over the game, slightly changing patterns which make the game almost necessary to play with a guide. Whoever made this game somehow made a worse gameplay loop than Persona 3's Tartarus by making an exact copy of it.

Why do I need to constantly ask myself the question "Why do I play this game actually?" when playing a game. My room segments, dialogue with enemy servants and some SOME well written parts are the only redeeming thing about this game. I don't have enough free time to waste my time a game like this and I truly envy who do.

acayip eski persona havası veriyor bir ara geri dönecem

iç çekme Oldukça ilgi çekici bir konsepte ve hikayeye sahip bu oyunun zindan tasarımı kötü.
PSP oyunu olsa dahi kötü, gameplaye değinmek istemiyorum belli ki adamlar da kasmamış buna....
Hikaye ve karakter tasarımları oldukça hoş.
Gameplayden hiçbir şey beklemeyin, belirli düşman türlerine karşı ezberlediğimiz patternlerle oynadığımız bir taş-kağıt-makas bildiğin.
Keşke servantların classları da etki etseydi gameplaye.
Remake gelecek biliyorum, ama yine de oynanmaya değer visual novel ve fate'i seviyorsanız.

A very decent game not the best but gameplay could have been better

This is a bit of a hard one to rate, since Extra as a game is so... Experimental? Weird? It tries a lot of interesting and different things to try and convey the sort of feeling you'd get with the back-and-forth of Servant battles in the original VN. Thing is, most of the time, it sucks. The core gameplay loop is essentially glorified rock-paper-scissors, where guessing wrong one too many times means an easy and instant game over. Playing this is like pulling teeth, and it practically DEMANDS the use of savestates, save scumming, or just straight cheats.

All that said, the game is utterly oozing with soul and love for the characters, such that it's almost possible to forgive the gameplay. Definitely worth checking out for that alone, if you can get past the rough exterior.

It's a 5/5 to me, but I won't give it because it frustrated me sometimes because of the repeateedness of it at times.
Combat is fun, story is interesting and full of good characters, the design are very nice to look at and the OST is really under valued

Minha mulher me obrigou a jogar esse jogo à força

História ótima, mas a gameplay é puro sofrimento, quem teve essa ideia de pedra papel e tesoura??

Great game. I really enjoyed the rock paper scissors battle system - thought it was really unique but I think the game felt formulaic by the end