Reviews from

in the past

I must have written a dozen drafts for this review. It's good and I like it but I don't LOVE it. The game has a lot of excellent qualities of which I'll get to in just a bit. There are also a lot of frustrating gameplay elements, some which were admittedly mitigated through the use of an emulator. I used save states for things like instant death or hard bosses because the cutscenes are unskippable and it's a pain to sit through them again and again. Fast forward also helped. It's of course to be expected, it's a product of its time but it is nonetheless frustrating.

Ask anyone on the street and they'll tell you that Parasite Eve is Square Enix's unholy love child of an RPG mixed with Resident Evil. To be honest, the game has nothing to do with Resident Evil save for the horror theme. Just throw that idea out the window. Ammo is plentiful, there are no zombies, the puzzles are serviceable at best. Parasite Eve shines in a lot of other departments.

The story is loosely based on the book by the same name written by Hideaki Sena. The game kinda serves as the book's sequel but Sena had no involvement in the story of the game.
We play as Aya Brea, a NYPD cop with a mysterious past. While attending the opera, Aya witnesses a cast member transform into a monster called Eve. The monster burns the entire crowd to a crisp and Aya pursues Eve into the sewers. Eve eventually escapes and we spend the bulk of the game pursuing Eve.
The story as is, is surprisingly entertaining. Believe me, without spoiling the plot, the story definitely goes places. It can get pretty bizarre and wacky and it's something that you'll have to experience for yourself.

The graphics are great even for today thanks to the use of detailed pre-rendered backgrounds and Square's staple CG cutscenes. I especially love the aforementioned backgrounds. I've always loved this technique because it allows developers to cram much needed fine details into the background. Traversing the world feels like traversing a painting at times and Parasite Eve's version of New York City is no exception. For example, your main base of operations is the police station and it looks like its design is based from cop shows from the 90's like NYPD Blue. The desks are littered with folders and papers, there are phones and dimly lit computer monitors on each desk. It is fantastically designed.

The game has a fantastic eerie and atmospheric soundtrack courtesy of Yoko Shimomura, one of the greatest composers the game industry has and will ever see. The soundtrack and the game's story complement each other beautifully. There's something alien and foreboding about all the tracks and the music really enhances the body horror imagery.

As for the gameplay, I feel that that's the part that can be frustrating at times. I love the overall aesthetics of the game but the gameplay can be kinda hit or miss. Especially when we're talking about combat.

Right off the bat, I like the overworld sections best. You traverse through certain parts of NYC like Central Park, the Natural History Museum and the police station. There are multiple and varied areas in the game. For the most part they don't really overstay their welcome. There are some frustrating parts though. It is not always clear what is interactable in the environment and what is not. Certain crucial key items are hidden in obscure places and these items are necessary for you to progress.
Some areas can get confusing to navigate and the game as a whole would have benefitted from a map system of some sort.

The game uses Final Fantasy's well known ATB-system where you can perform an action once a bar has been completely filled over a certain amount of time. The difference between Parasite Eve and Final Fantasy is that in Parasite Eve, you can move around during battles, potentially dodging enemy attacks. But it doesn't always work. Arenas are cramped, limiting your freedom to move and some attacks from some enemies seem impossible to dodge. This gets extra frustrating late in the game when enemies can annoy you endlessly with adverse status effects like poison, stun and mirroring the controls.

You'll primarily fight with guns: handguns, SMG's, rifles etc. You can use items to patch yourself up and there's a sort of 'magic' system where Aya can use her mitochondria powers to heal or buff herself. There are a few offensive powers but for a JRPG especially they're rather scare, only two. Nonetheless they are rather powerful but the biggest downsize is that they'll drain most of not all of your MP. The result of this is that combat isn't all that varied. There are no enemy weaknesses and almost every battle boils down to shooting your enemies to hell and back. Honestly if this game was any longer I would complain more about this but Parasite Eve is rather short for a JRPG, around ten hours long. For me personally, this isn't a bad thing. I love JRPG'S but the sad thing is that I don't have a lot of time anymore to spend it on these games.

I recommend playing it if you like JRPG's and body horror. Even in this day and age, Parasite Eve has a lot to offer. It has an entertaining story with a great cast of characters, an incredible soundtrack and the overall look and feel is still incredible

It's a game that accomplishes most of what it's trying to do but it never reaches its full potential. The gameplay has its annoyances, admittedly they are products of their time. But if you stick with it and learn to work with the game's quirks, I'm sure you'll have a good time.

First date idea: you and me vs the ultimate being

I traded Naruto Clash of Ninja 3 for this game years ago at a Con and never played it until now. An always loved trope of mine is JRPGs in modern settings. I loved the premise, though dumb as hell if you analyze it hard enough, it was enough to keep me going until the end. What really stood out to me was the amount of animations within just standard dialogue. For a PS1 game, I didn't expect that much detail.

The battle system was pretty fun once I got the hang of it. Though, it felt limited because of how few of the guns differentiate themselves. My biggest complaint would have to go to the gun customization. It's maddening that it's treated as a one use item with no chance to think about what to use it for. The same could go for BP. I could use the BP to maximize damage on a gun, but then I could just use a tool to bring those BP over to the new gun, or I could take the passives on this gun and bring it over. It was very frustrating trying to plan out my upgrade path, especially on a blind play through because I didn't know when I would find "my" gun.

I think for me from a historical standpoint it's really cool what was done here, but can't see myself going back to this game ever. I hope that the second game rectifies some of these complaints and continues on with an otherwise intriguing story along with even more intriguing gameplay.

I like when the evil baby becomes a muscly hunk. Powerful game.

"The mitochondria is taking over the nucleus!"

If I had a dime for every time someone in this game said mitochondria.

Parasite Eve is an obviously dated but nevertheless very fun time. I can see why fans have clamored for this series to return in some form. There's a lot of great things about it. I think the story is fun, the characters are a bit over the top but also fun, the RPG mechanics are interesting, the soundtrack is great. The cutscenes are pretty top notch as far as PS1 games go. I found the focus on inventory management interesting and how it levels up as you do.

However, a few things hold this back from a higher rating. Movement speed is a little too slow for my taste, especially when the camera angle far away and you're crossing a room. It's not tank controls like Resident Evil, but even those games had sprint buttons so that would've been appreciated here. Some of the systems in the game I felt weren't really explained very well. I thought the trading cards were all but useless until they weren't. The menus are a little clunky but work fine enough. I couldn't have imagined playing this without a guide, but that goes for a lot of games from this time. Also, there were times were this was pretty challenging for me, but that's more of a me problem.

This definitely deserves a remake or follow-up of some sort. Imagining this with more modern game design sounds like a real treat.

A unique entry in Square's prolific and experimental PSX era, Parasite Eve adapts FFVII, with its grandiose FMV cutscenes and pre-rendered environments, into a survival horror. It's still a JRPG at its core, but one which trades micro-level complexity for macro-level; the single-protagonist combat cannot match the complexity of the party-based approach of Final Fantasy, but limitations in inventory, ammo, and items mean that choices regarding how you invest in your character's attributes and equipment have consequences that paint a complex picture in the long-term. The "long-term" thankfully isn't too long, clocking in at around 10-hours for me, resulting in a game that's well-paced and with areas that feel fully-developed and lived-in - no endless nondescript dungeons here, it's all-killer no-filler. Pair all this with a bonkers sci-fi story, wonderful music, and a diverse cast of characters, and you're left with a game that completely lived up to its potential.

Reminds me of those Michael Bay type movies that, if you suspend your belief for a bit, are a really fun ride. The gameplay only shows its age in terms of how slow the character move, otherwise it's a pretty flawless system. Emulation and turbos really help here.


Eeyikes...!! looks like there's some sort of PARASITE happening during Christmas EVE... I better maya clean escape! HELP ME MEMETOCHONDRIA!!!

I like this vidyajames but I was kind of disappointed by both how stupid the story was and how dated the gameplay feels. I expected to feel more instant connection, being both an perpetual soyfacer of classic survival horror games and a retarded Final Fantasy fanboy - you'd think this dumb game would be perfect for me.

The combat is a cool concept but with the limited arena size it feels more annoying than anything, and they clearly had to bump the amount of healing items in the game to a gajillion because you take made-up damage from hitting imaginary walls. I think if I didn't have an epic speed-up function I'd have gotten bored halfway through. Walking is so fucking slow you can basically put a piece of tape on the left analog stick and in the time it takes Aya to get to the end of a hallway you could play a whole Resident Evil game in the meantime on your second monitor. Unless you're poor, in which case you'd have to alt-tab.

There's some sick ass body horror FMVs though, if you're into that janky ass warped texture lookin ass PSX jittery polygon ass big eyes aesthetic (you are). The soundtrack feels like it already got sampled for 60 fringe electronic albums 2 years before the game released - rightfully.

It plays on the specific type of anxiety that you feel being near a very pregnant woman, knowing a wrong move could kill a fetus. Now, don't get me wrong, I love women and I love cumming in them, but let's not pretend the bulging stomach of an 8 month pregnancy doesn't tickle the imagination towards grotesque imagery. All that skin stretching and there's a creature living in your organs. I don't know how pregnant women aren't freaking out all the tim- ohhhh

A whole 1/5th of the game is about protecting sperm so that a woman can't stuff it up her hole and become pergenat.

I really need a remake of this or FFVIII for the voice acting alone.

something something sperm banks mitochondria

ok real review this time, mostly gameplay, i'll try not to spoil much of the game's barely coherent story
parasite eve is kind of a jrpg but different from the usual style. it used that action turn based kind of thing that chrono trigger did, and if you've never played that game, you basically wait for a bar to fill before you can attack and the enemy waits as well before they can attack (though there's no visible meter for them). also unlike most jrpgs, you don't get an entire party, you only control aya, and you can move her around to... attempt... to dodge enemy attacks. you get some guns to shoot, each with their own different stats such as range and certain... abilities i suppose, that you can swap out to other guns, like you can make a rapid fire grenade launcher that shoot 7 shots at a time... its not as effective as it sounds, sadly.the more shots, the more the actual power divides between them so ideally you'd want a big gun that shoots one powerful bullet rather than something like an smg that sprinkles enemies. you can, however upgrade guns in various ways.... i hoarded my upgrades though until the end so i could have my grenade launcher just nuke everything (thats the fourth grenade launcher you get btw, you get it about halfway through and if i knew how much i would use it, i would have upgraded mine way earlier). you can also like use resources called tools to combine one weapon or armor with another, but idk i never used that. the game is only around 10 hours, so unless you do the post game building with 77 floors and 8 bosses (i didnt), it feels like its a lot of depth for something that doesnt really feel all that worth it. i got along just fine for the most part with weapons that weren't upgraded.
the game also has magic, in the form of parasite powers. you start out with next to nothing and wonder why the hell the green meter is even there because it seems so useless, but as the game goes on and you level up, you unlock more powers. some really useful, some pretty useless. a couple are even attacks. that do some good damage and kill most enemies in one hit.
however, there were some particularly annoying enemies... mostly the ones that dealt status effects. there are i believe 3 status effects in the game. poison which will slowly drain your health (i found that killing the enemy quickly was way more effective than using poison cure) stiffness which will slow or outright stop aya in her tracks (i only really used the cure when a boss trapped me) and the worst one, darkness, which these annoying bats inflict you with with a damn near impossible to dodge sonic attack, and anytime you use darkness cure, the time it takes for aya to use the item, you'll be in the middle of another attack that instantly inflicts it on you again. each area seemed to introduce enemies that will inflict a new status type on you, largely abandoning the previous status type, and then for the final level you'd think they would throw everything at you (and maybe they do in the new game plus section idk) but in the final area of the game, enemies just rush at you and dont inflict any status, it's kinda weird. they're just kinda hard to hit because theyre so fast and move to the other side of the screen before aya can shoot at them.
probably for the best that the final area isnt flooded with status inflicting enemies though, because that means after fights you'd be flooded with several different types of cures and that kinda brings me to my next problem with the game...
inventory space. you start the game with next to no space with no way to drop anything besides either discarding them entirely or just finding an item box you already opened and shoving something in there. you get so many items that i just started discarding any status cures i find. junk too. you might think discarding junk seems obvious, but if you give 300 pieces of junk to the gun guy in the police station, you can get a chance to get the best weapon in the entire game. cool but not worth it unless you're aiming to do the chrysler building.
it's a fine game, pretty fun, cool designs and feels rather ahead of its time, but i do believe there are certain aspects about the game that could benefit from being remake. the movement could certainly use some tweaking. just moving around is so sluggish even when running and the jank 8 directional movement does not help things, picking certain things up can also be really really finnicky especially early on for some reason. the very first time i tried playing this game, years ago, i got lost in the opening level and gave up because i just didnt realize i could even interract with certain things because it was so weirdly precise. the movement in the combat could also be refined as areas are smaller than they seem with invisible walls getting in the way of the fights, and attacks being bigger than you expect. a dodge button could also go a long way to improving the general feel of the combat. you get so many shield items in addition to your parasite powers because the game just expects you to take so many hits from things you couldn't realistically avoid. theres not even any way to really run from battles either, which i didnt even think of until writing this. parasite powers are another thing that could be improved, you have to go to the pause menu and go to your parasite powers tab to use them, and there really should just be a button to bring up the powers when in combat, it's a major reason why parasite powers didnt feel right until towards the end of disc 1. the inventory is the biggest reason though why i feel this game needs a remake, as even at the start of the game i was constantly running out of slots of my inventory as if this were a survival horror game or something, only at least resident evil at least scattered some bottomless boxes around that just connected to each other, in this you need to keep going back to the police station visiting the same guy over and over again. i learned really late that i shoulnt just discard guns and armor im not using. there are also more minor things that could just really use some improving, and maybe they are in the sequel

sorry for any errors or if i went in circles im a bit drunk lol, but the game is good, i just wish it was better

su puta madre sacara el true ending.

Uma experiência muito singular, tem cara própria e ousa assumindo uma mistura louca de survival horror com rpg. Mantém uma gameplay muito equilibrada, mesmo se jogando quase 26 anos depois.

Absolutely AIRTIGHT experience, everything about this game is so fucking COOL. The whole "crime series" vibe, the urban feel of New York, THE MUSIC, the combat and nice cast of characters... What else do you need?

Just get through first two days, they're a bit boring, but everything else is amazing.

At their core Survival Horror games and JRPGs are both about managing your resources and accruing enough advantage that eventually the monsters don’t seem so scary, and the Gods seem killable. There’s so much overlap in their design language it seems strange that this is a well that hasn’t been drawn from more frequently, and Parasite Eve is largely successful in its attempt to marry the two genres. I think the only area it stumbles in is that it’s maybe a bit too cinematic. What it’s able to do in presenting this story is no doubt impressive for the standards of the time, but there is so many big money CG sequences and expository dialogue that it sucks most of the tension out of the room, and slows down the otherwise excellent pace of play.

The combat here is so juicy even if it’s a bit rough at times. Having the Final Fantasy ATB system mixed with realtime dodging and kiting enemies like in a traditional survival horror game is a match made in heaven. You get these short frantic bursts of action at pretty much exactly perfect intervals while exploring, and other than a bit where I got lost in the final dungeon I pretty much never got annoyed by the encounters.

FINALLY A JRPG THAT ISNT SET IN A FANTASY WORLD WITH A GIANT FUCKING TREE IT TAKES PLACE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE NEW YORK CITY🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm going to preface this review with a complaint: Any game that finishes on a four phase bossfight and follows that up with a multi-faceted escape sequence that can end in a game over if you move slightly too slowly through its intended sequence deserves a strongly worded letter and discerned frowny face. Parasite Eve, here is your frowny face :(.

Parasite Eve was one of those games that I had been greatly interested in but had long escaped me because I didn't grow up with or embrace the Playstation ecosystem until the PS4 came out so I could jump on the FF7R bandwagon. This means I lost out on a lot of the mid to late 1990's classics and favorites from developers in their golden ages, in this case that was Square Soft and the nearly endless hits it seemed to release. Parasite Eve, a JRPG horror game with much of its development DNA being rooted in Final Fantasy was an immediate piqued interest to me. I knew absolutely nothing about the gameplay going into it, zero as to what the story was about, and again very little about runtime. What I got out of finally playing the 1998 classic was a quick and easy b-movie with a simple (yet enjoyably so) gameplay loop.

Taking place over six days, Parasite Eve's story revolves around a parasitic growth named Eve who is hellbent on creating and perpetrating the reign of the "Ultimate Lifeform." Unfortunately this story does not involve Shadow the Hedgehog's origin story. What begins as an NYPD cop named Aya Brea going on a date to the opera quickly morphs into a race against the clock to save Manhattan, and in turn the world. Aya begins her investigation immediately after the entire opera house is morphed into gloop by the demonic Eve on stage. Collaborating with the lead detective in her NYPD precinct, the military, and a Japanese scientist she embarks on a desperate mission to understand the mystery of Eve's origin and goals so that peace can be restored. I appreciate the limited scope of the story, as I mentioned previously this title only takes place in the one borough in New York, allowing for the story to move at a hastened yet measured pace. There's no moment where you think you should be in a zone longer than you are, and you don't miss out on anything by only hitting a few of the marquis locations within Manhattan. In your investigation you'll visit the zoo, the Museum of Natural History, the Statue of Liberty, and the Chrysler Building should you choose. I've said it before, and as a fan of Metal Gear Rising I'll say it again, games that pace themselves well are a dime a dozen and it's a severely underrated way to craft a solid game.

Gameplay in Parasite Eve is fairly basic, with combat utilizing a classic Final Fantasy ATB system where you can choose to either use special PE powers or simply shoot your gun at the opponent. The PE powers cover all the bases like healing yourself, giving Brea a shield or speed buff, and eventually moves that do devastatingly large amounts of damage to the opposition. These moves are strong and bolster your survival arsenal quick a bit, but need to be built up over time in battle. I liked this balance, forcing you as the player to dish out damage in the random encounters and boss fights while you're PE gauge built up and you could add some survivability into your kit. Because the game stayed at a lower level of difficulty throughout, I never felt like the system of running around in a fight to build up my gauge felt unfair or busy. World encounters (which are random to an extent) are often remedied through simply gunfights, but the bosses will require more planning and usage of the paranormal.

Weapons in Parasite Eve are limited in diversity but do give you an interesting way to complete the game. There's a few categories of guns you get: Pistols, rifles, machine guns, shotguns (I think,) and grenade launchers. Each come with their boons like how rifles have a longer range and machine guns have a higher rate of fire, but also have their cons that seem to balance them out. Rifles with that range have a lower rate of fire and maybe a smaller clip size, whereas machine guns dish out more shots but do less damage per shot and aren't as effective from further away. This leads to a chief complaint I had with PE, and that's how customizing rate of fire on your weapon felt rather... pointless? This is because the more shots you get in your "turn" to attack, the less damage each shot does. I remember upgrading one of my weapons to have seven shots per turn, only to find out I was doing twelve damage per shot. I was mystified and thought I'd reached some random difficulty spike, but I soon discovered that my error lied in trying to do more damage per turn. Though there is some reasoning you could give to have more shots per turn, I felt like the ability to blast through the opposition as quickly as possible with fewer, high damage blasts felt a lot better.

Playing PS1 era games nearly thirty years after they've come out is often a crapshoot because of how far visual fidelity has come. Even within the genre, think about how expansive the differences in Final Fantasy VII and its Remake title are. Even though Parasite Eve shows its age on the polygonal front, the FMV cutscenes that it hangs its laurels upon are to this day still pretty impressive. Many horror games from the 1990's simply don't "feel" scary because they can't impart an actual element of visual horror on the player, but Parasite Eve goes to an incredible extent to make the disgusting transformations, deaths, and general grime of its cinematics feel visceral. Multiple times through my playthrough I made an exhausted uneasy face at what I was seeing, coupled with impressive soundtracking work to make the moment feel eerie. Square since time immemorial has known how to do work in the CGI space and its vindicating to go back and see how great they've always succeeded in that space. Nearing conclusion, I felt like I played a grotesque version of Final Fantasy VIII.

I do want to shoutout the legendary Yoko Shimomura here for her OST. For a game this short, it's filled with certified BOPS and BANGERS that make each area and moment feel distinct right from the opening crawl all the way to the end credits. It may be an interesting take for a lot people to hear but I think this is her best work yet, even in a career that includes Kingdom Hearts, FFXV, Live A Live, and Super Mario RPG.

Before I close, one thing that nearly ruined this game for me is that I named my protagonist "Gherkin." I don't like pickles... as a matter of fact I hate them but for whatever reason when the chance came to name my protagonist I thought of a sloppy, large, green gherkin. I couldn't stop laughing any time her name came on screen, and anytime I told my buddies I was going to go "Gherk" it erupted myself into cacophonous laughter. I guess my lesson here is that most players should probably keep their first name as "Aya" or go with something less abrasive. It reminds me of when I named my Tidus "Chad" in FFX and completely forgot his name wasn't Chad for months after I played.

Parasite Eve is a quick and fun JRPG experience that should not be missed if anyone still has a Playstation 1 around. I recommend this game to anyone with a knack for the golden age of JRPG's or the older Resident Evil title.

the aesthetic, atmosphere, style and cutscenes are almost unmatched by most games. this is a game that just cannot be replicated today the ost is out of this world. i cannot get enough of what they made here & i havent even beaten it i grew up watching my brother play it

i think we all dream about becoming a director for a video game on this website. well i think about that alot too, as for this games case i would absolutely love to make this Adult rated, as not many game are being made in this fashion anymore (triple A that is) and this rating would at least get some people intrigued. i cant imagine a parasite eve remake without the outright nudity, strange sexuality and creative gore, it wouldnt be the same infact id argue it would be a disservice to the original material

a classic with flaws.
i remember it like yesterday, seeing this game played by my neighbour and instantly wanting to play it too. one of the main aspects for this being a female main protagonist (which, surprise, is not even close to rare these days anymore, but when i was around 6-7 years old, this seemed like a huge deal to me.)

this game has an absolutely amazing story that you instantly get into. you basically have no other choice than that, the opening to this game being basically watching an opera as the whole frickin place gets burned and hundreds of people die.
the game is a little strange to get into, it is basically an action rpg with survival horror elements that sometimes get WAY too scary. im talking about the warehouse for example. if you do not have enough heals or are not careful enough how you spend your PE (parasite energy) you are basically fucked. and this goes for a lot of places in this game. its far from forgiving and every move you make should be calculated - is this worth shooting now? should i heal? try to charge my energy?

it can be really frustrating but what i like is that it never seems unfair to me.
the choices i make in battle are mine in the end.

the games music is absolutely fantastic and just goes to show how much of a classic parasite eve is when, after more than 10 years, the opening sequence is still burnt into your memory, same goes for the battle theme.

overall, this game has its regular ps1 flaws but is still a nice game to play these days and i honestly do not want it getting touched anymore, seeing what kind of remakes and remasters came out already.

Near unmatched style and presentation for a PS1 title. Parasite Eve boasts a stupid, out-there, and self-serious B-movie tier story paired with an insanely good OST. Combat is surprisingly fun, short, simple, and easy for the time, which makes exploration less of a chore than most JRPGs that came out around this time. If I had any gripes about this game it's the limited inventory space and sometimes confusing intractability.

Basically, Mitochondria Eve makes me feel hot.

A lesbian rookie cop story that includes ungodly horrors terrorizing New York City during Christmas 1998.

The soundtrack is also Yoko Shimomura's best work (imo)

Created in a lab to specifically appeal to me in every way possible. Golden age Squaresoft RPG with ATB combat system, sci-fi / body horror, cinematic mystery story, cool female protagonist, an evil atmosphere AND a Christmas NYC setting. Not without its flaws but it's such a one of a kind experience. The awesome last bosses are going to stick in my memory. Deserves way more love from SE and their fans! It's only 8-10 hours long so not a big commitment at all.

Good stuff! I feel like this exists in a pretty unique place in Square's history. Being "the Cinematic RPG", it absolutely feels at home on the PS1, sacrificing so much of its contemporaries' complexities as an RPG to go all-in on its frequent FMVs. But it's not an incompetent RPG either. The battle system at play is simple but rewarding, a good blend of 3D space and 2D Square's ATB system which I understand would be later refined in Vagrant Story. The gun upgrade system is a fun way to incentivize some character customization in such a linear adventure with its lone party member. And I hardly need to get into the cast or story or anything like that. I love that Aya and Daniel and Eve all feel like they've wandered off the set of an action movie and into this horror story, and rather than adjust to the tone, they just continue to do their own thing despite all the body horror going on.

This playthrough was my third time through this game, after reading an LP and playing it myself years before. I'll admit I embarrassed myself on stream this time around, spending over an hour trying to escape the Warehouse bonus dungeon while underleveled and underequipped. My cohost made the most of it - see here - but I worry I gave a bad impression of the game's overall experience. It really is great, I'm just bad at the video game. Sometimes that happens, I guess.

For this particular playthrough, I thought it'd be a fun exercise to read the novel that acts as this game's prequel. It's remarkably different - not bad, but pretty slow medical procedural for the first two thirds while you're waiting for the action to start up. The best comparison I can think of to describe the game and book's relationship is like when Hollywood takes a fairly tame source material and spices it up for their big-budget, feature-length blockbuster release. Which, I suppose, is also befitting of "the Cinematic RPG".

I've never tackled the Chrysler Building. Between the LP and the various horror stories I've read online, I have no interest in doing so. I guess I respect the moxie of it existing and that it's a challenge for people who got deep into the gameplay loop, but I'm good. I'll take the weird, non-canon false ending that gets retconned in the sequel.

I want to play more retro games. This was a good survival horror game with a decent plot and a depressing conclusion.

Played for the first time in 2023. While it has some issues, that graphics are dated, the speed of traversing is horribly slow, etc., the game in itself has some nice charm and the story is presented in this movie-like way that is very appealing and not seen in games from that time.


Parasite Eve (1998): Mezcla de ideas que brilla con luz propia. Sí, combina su premisa original e interesante con los peores tópicos policíacos pero su gameplay de Survival Horror combinado con el RPG de la mejor Squaresoft lo hacen uno de los juegos más divertidos y con identidad de su época (8,15)

Really delivers on the cinematic front. The first few hours of this game are enchanting, and the setting is so unique. It kinda falls apart towards the end. The combat I can take or leave. The OST is fantastic.

No início Deus fez o homem a sua imagem, homem esse chamado Adão que por sua incapacidade de solitude acabou se sentindo sozinho, mas porém todavia contudo Deus foi generoso e forneceu a ele uma companhia, e das costelas de Adão foi feito a segunda gostosa do mundo, Eva.

Parasite Eve é simplesmente a experiência de PS1 que eu precisava, reforço mais uma vez o quão os caras estavam com a pika pingando de tesão quando fizeram o PS1, só jogo pika jogo foda alguns nem tanto mas é detalhe, nem jesus é perfeito quem dirá um aparelho de videogame. Mas puta merda, olha os jogos que essa buçanha tem, Metal Gear, Final Fantasy 7 e 9, MegaMan X4, MegaMan 8, Resident 2, Klonoa e o inferno a quatro.

Mas, um jogo em específico me chamou a atenção pra jogar ele, parasite eve, eu já havia visto comentários do mano hater de JRPG Tulkas e também um vídeo especial de natal do Kane, mas só umas semanas atrás tive interesse pra ir jogar pois eu tive um tesão com RE 2. E porra, vamos concordar que Parasite Eve é conhecido como o Resident Evil da Square Enix né, mas rapaz, que joguinho BOM. Fui pega de quatro e meteram no meu burrinho o meu novo favorito desse console e um dos meus jogos favoritos, após zerar o grande Parasite Eve vulgo LA PELÍCULA estou completamente satisfeita e feliz.

Aya top mulheres dos videogames e quem não iria na Eve forma final é mentiroso ou mentirosa.

Nota: 10

Mixing two genres like horror and RPG probably didn’t sound as strange back when this game first released, as playing Parasite Eve made me realize that the two genres, specifically in the PS1 era, used to share a lot more commonalities than they do now. The pre-rendered backgrounds, the heavy focus on music, the amount of times spent in menus managing inventory, the constant scavenging of every last room to find items, there’s a surprising amount of similarities I wouldn’t have expected. SquareSoft in the 90s was probably the perfect company to take a crack at the idea, and what they came up with is definitely good, but I can’t help but feel like there was potential for a lot more.

The strongest points of the game are without a doubt its horror elements. Super intriguing atmosphere, cool story, awesome creature design, checks all the boxes there. The FMVs are especially grotesque and the aged animation only adds to the horror in my opinion, can’t imagine these working as well or feeling nearly as dreadful with hyper realistic graphics like we see in the modern Resident Evil remakes. Special shout-out to the final day of the game which was very exciting.

The RPG mechanics, while leaning on the simpler side, generally work well for a game as short as this. There’s no real character building so these mainly revolve around the weapons, but being able to consistently upgrade and swap traits between them is interesting enough to hold my attention.

Where the game tries to implement those survival horror gameplay elements though… that’s where I start wishing more had been done to flesh this concept out further. You’ve got some genre staples like inventory management, limited ammo, etc, but none are nearly as effective as they usually are. Ammo is so abundant you will never run out, and the inventory is large enough that you’ll probably never have to really consider what you’re carrying, but it’s just small enough that you’ll probably be cramming it with countless potions that just go unused until the endgame difficulty spike.

Combat is generally fine, but never really had me engaged. It’s mainly focused on avoiding any attacks while waiting for your ATB bar to charge, fitting considering the emphasis on avoiding damage in horror games of the era. However, unlike those games, Parasite Eve has a strict encounter system where you’re forced into killing those enemies. This isn’t a problem in and of itself, but it places a higher emphasis on enemy attack patterns which are usually not very interesting or fun to avoid. Some are flat out unavoidable (yes I checked online to confirm this, it’s not a skill issue), which makes sense for an RPG but doesn’t feel great in a game that feels like it encourages you to avoid everything that you can.

All in all, there’s really not much to dislike about Parasite Eve. I certainly enjoyed my time with it and it’s a pretty easy recommendation, the presentation alone makes this worth playing. But I just feel like there’s so much more to explore with this concept that holds it back from being something that really clicked with me. A more skill focused combat system with more consistently tense encounters and less materials scattered everywhere (or dropped from enemies) could’ve made this something really special.