Reviews from

in the past

Shin-Chan is a little stinker ain’t he

A charming country life-sim that jettisons most of the small business economic simulations that usually come along, focusing on being a child running around doing kid shit. I have a vague familiarity with the Boku no Natsuyasumi series but this is the first Kaz Ayabe game I've actually played and it's as delightful as I'd have hoped. Catching bugs, fishing, doing odd errands for town folk all rule in a zero-stakes, to-do list kind of way. Helps that the backdrops are astoundingly pretty and really make a case for prerenders in 2023 (I don't love the stiff animations and some of the character design decisions, but they're far from offensive).

I do wish this was 2-3 hours shorter than it is. Not a long game at 8 hours (give or take), but starts to run out of steam at the end as most of the objectives are completed, there's little left to explore in the town, and you're mostly just waiting for days to pass to trigger the next story beat. The story segments broadly are a bit disappointing, being very linear and existing outside the normal flow of the game (the closest we get is being asked to run from one point to the next to trigger a cutscene). Also, this is Shin-chan, so the humor is...bad. Nothing horrifying, but the pun heavy jokes rarely land in the translation, and hinging the end of the game on getting a date with a college student is definitely a choice. It all washed off me from habitual anime poisoning, but stands out more harshly against the otherwise blissful countryside.

Very excited that this potentially opens the door for future Millennium Kitchen games to get localized (the only other one to make it over being Attack of the Friday Monsters, literally a decade ago). Also, open invitation for indie devs to copy this instead of Stardew Valley.

thank god this was localised

For the love of God stay away from the Dinosaur Battles

I'm all for cozy games with no real objective, but this game was weird. It's pretty and cozy, but at the end I felt like I wasted each in-game day doing the wrong thing and I missed out on a lot of stuff. I didn't get any wholesome warm feeling; just confusion and mild annoyance.

A few petty technical gripes; the camera angles when you change zones are really disorientating. The perspective of each zone didn't line up with the map so it was easy to walk in a big circle going between the same 3 zones next to each other. Additionally, the game never saved my custom controls so I had to remap it each time I launched the game until I just gave up on remapping them.

I don't know if it was worth $20 USD lol

Shin-chan in Boku no Natsuyasumi style? I'm in!

most overlooked game of 2021 by far

Bien que je n'ai jamais vu l'animé Shin-chan, j'ai énormément aimé ce titre. Un peu comme si on mélangeait le côté cozy d'Animal Crossing avec un scénario d'épisode filler de votre animé préféré. Si le jeu ne coutait pas 40 euros sur l'e-shop, je le considérerai comme un must-have de la Switch. Mais un de ses meilleurs titres.

I went into this game with no real expectations as I don't enjoy the Shin-chan anime at all but due to enjoying the 僕の夏休み games, I gave this a shot. I ended up loving this game as it's just such a fun wholesome summer adventure and it's much more pleasant than the anime. I found myself getting the platinum trophy too as I just couldn't get enough of it. I absolutely adored the art style too and the backgrounds of every location was just stunning to look at. I also just found it to feel so comfy and nostalgic so I highly recommend it.

Se hace algo largo y pesado para lo que es, pero el Shin-chAnimal Crossing tiene una dirección artística y una banda sonora preciosas, y realmente es la sensación de estar viendo una película de Shin-chan o de tener 5 años e irte de vacaciones de verano al pueblo.

Qué más se le puede pedir.

incredible. inspiring.

i love the mix of slice of life with the dramatic.

the sounds were SO GOOD. all the little japanese voices and town ambient noises about.

the bedtime stories were incredibly calming and i would sit there for the longest time.

i never got good at the card game. next playthrough i'll prioritize that.

this is one of my favorite 1-players games i've played in a while no joke

A game that I was really looking forward to. I waited a long time to play this so I could grab a physical copy from Limited Run Games. Unfortunately my experience fell flat fairly quickly.

The game starts out fine, with a charming art style and beautiful backgrounds, it really felt like it was going to scratch that itch I’ve had for a relaxing cozy game I’ve been looking for since playing Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale. What it proceeded to do was only scratch around that itch—frustrating me to no end, and just wondering when this game would end.

The game controls pretty awfully, which I could forgive if the gameplay was more enticing. Nothing but filled to the brim with tedium, and it’s extremely difficult to see some things on screen. The font chosen for the game is also terrible, slowing down reading portions.

This would rank lower for me had I not enjoyed the first portion of the game, but it absolutely overstays its welcome. Playtime desperately needed to be cut in half. There’s just not enough happening in this shell of a game to keep me interested in playing much longer than 4-5 hours.

Disappointing would be an understatement. The one positive I see in my purchase of this game is that it may contribute to showing developers an interest in this type of game so more are released/localized in North America. I just don’t want another so half-baked as this one.

I am convinced that the people who rate this game low for specifically "being boring and having nothing to do" just speedran it. I just finished the game and it is extremely well-paced for a cozy game. If you call this game a "slog to get through", I am convinced you are better off playing Hollow Knight or maybe a rouge-like. Cozy games, especially one that ISN'T a stardew rip-off, from a company that HASN'T GOTTEN A LOCALIZATION IN TEN YEARS! We literally need to embrace cozy games that are NOT ripping off stardew, I am so serious!

Anyways, I otherwise understand the complaints over the controls and fonts as those are accessibility issues, and the map is easy to get lost in but this is honestly SUCH charming game and was worth the $20 (if you manage to snag this on sale). It lived up to a lot of the hopes I had before playing it for 2 years and I was NOT disappointed. I suggest getting this game as it is an absolute gem.

This game was a letdown for me. While I didn't expect tit to be a masterpiece, there were some jarring issues I've found related to the story and the gameplay.

First of all, the characters seem to be a watered down version of their counterparts from the anime/manga, with a lot of the jokes present on the source material being absent here. For example, Misae personality is more relaxed, not getting angry even once at Shin Chan for his attitude, this can be applies to almost any character, to the point I think that this game was first thought to be something else, and then it was applies the Shin Chan skin.

The story itself was pretty simple and boring, there's not much that was happening through all the days, feeling longer just for the sake of being longer, with a lot of padding and characters saying 2-line sentences equivalent to your average NPC stating obvious facts.

The gameplay loop is also pretty dull, with Shin Chan being a junior reporter who has to pay attention to his environment to check for anything interesting, there's also bug/fish catching, but that part is so simple and dependant to RNG that it's not even about investigating the areas, but just about being lucky.

There's also a mini game about dinosaurs battling each other, and while being a glorified Rock-paper-scissors, I think it's actually one of the coolest ideas of the game, with each movement having it's own Risk vs Reward and it seemed actually well crafter. Sadly, the game doesn't really care much about it, and having no real reward for completing said chore in the highest difficulties.

I know this game it's supposed to be cozy, but i think that seeing how grindy the side content is, I think this game could benefit more from being a Visual Novel where you could visit places, and the side content was totally erased, seeing that it doesn't really bring anything to the gameplay loop.

Me when I am five years old and cannot yet grasp the existential consequences of being trapped in a time loop because a scientist wants to get an all access pass to theme parks

Me ha parecido alargado innecesariamente, el ciclo día/noche noto que sobra. La parte buena que le puedo ver a este juego es que han sabido adaptar al 3D la estética de Shin Chan. Todo el juego en sí me ha parecido muy pobre para ser una IP como Shin Chan.

Como un juego para pasar el rato y tener nostalgia de cuando veías Shin Chan de pequeño a mi me ha valido durante dos horas, el resto no puedo decir que haya podido disfrutarlo demasiado y me duele decirlo porque tanto las películas como la serie me parecen joyas.

Die Mischung aus Shin-Chan und einem unbeschwerten Urlaub auf dem Land voller Abenteuer klingt einfach unpassend und grandios zugleich.

Das Setting ist wunderschön, der Soundtrack und die meisten Gespräche unbeschwert.

Leider ist das Spiel selbst teils Storygetrieben und die .. ist leider einfach bescheuert.
Auch die Dinokämpfe sind langweilig und seeehr langsam.

Abgesehen davon ein schönes Experiment.

It's Boku no Natsuyasumi but with a Crayon Shin-chan skin and a bit more "direction" and less "aimlessness"
Though you can play very aimlessly, the game does have "objectives" it wants you to achieve, and a lot of side stuff you can just go and do if you feel like it

It's a very very good game for an audience that likes things like Harvest Moon and Stardew Valley.

Este juego es muy relajante y me ha sacado más de una sonrisa con la localización.

Lo de que me haya dejado clones de niños en el pueblo de vacaciones y no les haya borrado de la existencia ya para otro día, Shin-Chan cabrón

Lo he platineado así que voy a intentar hacer una reseña más o menos seria.

Tiene sus pros y sus contras.
Lo mejor y más destacable que tiene es lo bonito que es visualmente, con escenarios que tienen flores en un primer plano u otro tipo de detalles, la ambientación rural japonesa veraniega juega mucho a su favor y le da un toque nostálgico.
Coleccionar todos los animales es relativamente sencillo, sobre todo los bichos porque cuando aparece uno que no tienes brilla de una forma muy llamativa. Los peces son otra movida, no puedes saber cual has sacado hasta que no lo tengas en mano. Puedes hacerte una idea aproximada de que pez puede ser segun la forma que tenga pero a veces se le va la olla (me salió una tortuga caimán con forma de anguila ?????)
Quiero hacerle una mención especial a la localización porque es increíble.

Ahora vamos con lo malo.
La historia pese a ser bastante simpática en parte por los personajes es silly de cojones, me hubiese gustado ver algo un poco más elaborado.
El sistema día/noche no me disgusta, pero siento que podrían haberlo implementado mucho mejor. A simple vista parece que tienes un ciclo día/tarde/noche pero realmente es mañana/mediodía/tarde/noche, no hay problema con los dos últimos pero el cambio de mañana a mediodía es imperceptible porque el escenario no cambia nada visualmente y hay peces y bichos que sólo salen por la mañana así que te puede arruinar un día entero.
Lo único que tienes para guiarte es un dibujito simplón de un sol que se va moviendo y te toca a ti adivinar, me hubiese gustado que pusiesen con palabras en que parte del ciclo estás.
Tampoco me gusta que te interrumpan en mitad de la tarde para llevarte a cenar y luego puedas jugar la noche durante 2 minutos y con la mayor parte del mapa bloqueado. Habría estado mejor que te dejasen jugar el día entero sin interrupciones y a la noche cenar para que los personajes dialoguen y que siga la historia para pasar directamente a dormir. Eso o alargarme un poquito más la tarde y quitarme las limitaciones de la noche.
No tengo mucho que añadir, animaciones lentas y toscas. Casi todo es rng exceptuando algunas batallas donde los rivales siguen un patrón del que puedes beneficiarte tras jugar 3 o 4 veces. Por lo demás es un asco.
El mapa segun que zonas es un poco confuso y a veces pierdes medio día dando vueltas en círculos.

En general es entretenido y bastante simpático, se me hizo más largo de lo que pensaba e irónicamente en la última semana tuve que apurarme en completar todo.
Me gustaría darle más nota pero me ha faltado una mejor historia, quitando lo caro que es para lo que realmente te ofrece.

Si te gusta Shinchan y coleccionar cositas, está bien.

-La estética. Ya que es un Boku no Natsuyasumi, pues no pueden ir mal con eso. Pon cuatro matojos prerrenderizados, tres cigarras chillando y sonido ambiente de arroyo y cualquiera se lo come con patatas. Tampoco hay que complicarse.
-David Bisbal es canon en el Shin-Chanverse.

-Historia con potencial, pero se queda bastante escueta. Podrían haber hecho bastante pero es como increíblemente sosa en todos los aspectos y se resuelve en literalmente dos días.
-La traducción/localización. No he jugado otras versiones, pero al menos la española se sentía bastante poco pulida. Entre las muchas (muchas) faltas de ortografía, diálogos a medio escribir y frases repetidas ochenta veces, se sentía como si el X*kas hubiese tenido razón cuando dijo lo de que traducir un juego valía veinte pesetas. Diecinueve si me apuras.
-En comparación con un Boku no Natsuyasumi... pues se queda un poco atrás, las cosas como son. Todos los personajes (incluso los que ya conocemos de la serie, y de los cuales ya sabemos que son personajes con relativa profundidad) tienen la personalidad de un ficus.
-... ¿Un romance con una... problemática diferencia de edad? ¿Por algún motivo? ¿Alguien pensó que era buena idea para un juego cuya demográfica principal no pasa de los diez años?
-David Bisbal es canon en el Shin-Chanverse.

RESUMEN: para lo que vale, es tirar el dinero. Como fan de Shin-Chan, me pareció graciosa la... primera hora de gameplay. Ya el resto se siente tan repetitivo que no hay ni Dios ni ayuda que lo haga ameno, es un constante "A ver cuando se acaba". Bastante hecho a salto de mata en general, se ve que tendrían prisa en sacarlo o algo. Una pena, porque es un concepto que podría haber funcionado muy bien... Otra vez será.

Kaz Ayabe, I would love to play the Boku no Natsuyasumi series and pre-order a physical copy of each installment if there's a possibility of them being officially released in the West someday.

But for now, I respectfully don't need a squeaky, watered-down version of them that fumbles its premise by diluting it with poor execution under a brand.

My biggest issue with what little I've played of Boku no Natsuyasumi so far is that there aren't enough UFO Butt Aliens. This game understood that issue and solved.

(A cute, relaxing game - really enjoyed it playing one in-game day at a time).