Reviews from

in the past

This was the first game I ever got to use Steam's refund system on a few years ago. I got my 10 dollars back! Yay! I went to buy a sandwich from Jimmy John's instead. It was fuckin' tasty.

This game is like one of those "gaming addiction" t-shirts. You know the one. You wore it growing up because you thought it was cool, then you grew out of it mentally and physically, but several years down the line, you kinda miss when you liked stuff like that. This is precisely how I feel about Sunset Overdrive.

Everything about this game feels like the last hurrah of the raunchy, edgy side of Insomniac, the one that internally named "A Crack in Time" as "Clockblocked". A game from an interim after the PS3 caused R&C to lose its edge, and before they were doomed to work on Marvel slop with safe writing for the rest of their days. The writing in this game is not going to appeal to everyone; Hell, if I played this a few years back, I'd probably blow it off. The reason it broke through to me is because it never backs down, and it knows to never take itself seriously.

The actual plot is completely aimless though. As it turns out, you gotta do more than make a varied series of missions with really funny scenarios to actually make a memorable story. At its core, Sunset Overdrive just wants you to have fun. In a unique subversion, the orange-flavored Fanta zombie apocalypse isn't portrayed as the endtimes; It's a chance to start your life for real, no one around to tell you what to do, be your own boss. You're trapped in a surveillance state controlled by a soda brand, but you're not gonna let them stop you from enjoying yourself.

Everyone puts on an excellent performance, but Yuri Lowenthal definitely steals the show as the voice of the male protagonist, an everyman who's taking all this chaos in whatever stride he can. There's basically no fourth wall as far as the writing is concerned, so if you're still sick of those writing trends, a decent chunk of the dialogue will probably make you wince. I thought it was done pretty tastefully though. It's mostly just unafraid to remember it's a videogame, if it thinks it can make you laugh.

This game's soundtrack is like your high school band festival. One guy going ham on his electric guitar, another going apeshit on the drums, and a vocalist shouting lyrics so loudly that even the people in the very back of the venue can hear them. I don't think I'd personally listen to any of this music outside the game, but it works phenomenally for this game's tone. While a lot of the songs sound similar by nature, their individuality always keeps me guessing when a new one kicks in. I'm more likely to remember certain events from the game if you play the songs associated with them, music's kinda nuts like that.

I see a lot of reviews saying "ohhhhh, this is where Spiderman PS4 got its movement mechanics!", and I subsequently have no idea what these people are on about. The movement mechanics in Sunset Overdrive aren't heavily automated and cinematic. Instead, you control the buttons you push, bouncing, grinding, swinging, and wall-running across a veritable playground for these moves. You can grind on pretty much anything that looks like a straight edge, and there's a healthy amount of objects to jump off in order to keep your momentum going. There's a lot of random junk sprinkled around the map to collect, and I always go for it because the movement makes it so seamless. Fast travel is a nice gesture, but it feels wholly unnecessary when shmoovin' and groovin' is this engaging. Jogging around on foot will see you quickly swarmed by enemies, so grinding and bounding around them while firing away is the ideal way to play, made more enjoyable by a fairly generous auto-aim. Chaining different moves together raises your style meter, and at certain thresholds, equippable buffs known as "amps" activate, incentivizing you to keep moving. It ALL feeds back into the movement mechanics, and it never gets old.

So yeah, Spiderman PS4's origins? Get outta here, this is more like a long-lost Ratchet & Clank title, if anything. R&C1 weapons always felt homemade, like they were sloppily welded together in your garage or something. All the weapons you get in Sunset Overdrive feel like they're made of random junk that you'd find in the aftermath of a fraternity party. Shit like hair spray, stuffed animals, fireworks, vinyl records, and we can't forget the liquid nitrogen, a staple of college life. Weapons gain experience, level up, and can be equipped with amps to give them extra effects. Sounds like the Omega Mod system in Ratchet: Deadlocked to me. Hell, your crowbar is basically Ratchet's wrench, straight down to the aerial slam and using it to bust crates for money/ammo.

Imagine an alternate universe where this game released on PS4 instead. I bet it would've been considered a cult classic in some circles. No shade towards the talented people working at Insomniac, but I would've gladly taken a sequel to Sunset Overdrive instead of more capeshit. Fate dealt them a cruel hand, and now they're stuck working in the Marvel Mines forever, probably. Ah well, I'm just happy this game exists at all. Feels like an anomaly when you put it between R&C: Into the Nexus and R&C (2016).

It's bright, it's colorful, it's loud, but most of all, it's a blast. It's Sunset Overdrive, baby.

This game is one of the best xbox exclusives that still is stuck on that console. I had so much fun running around the map and the combat was so fun since it rewarded a constantly moving fast pace aggression to its combat so i was just having a blast running around that map shooting zombies. The gunplay was also so fun and you would make your inventory and have a weapon for each situation and it made it fun to switch weapons and since you was moving all the time you would be switching weapons while running around the map. This game is so fun and i remembered playing multiplayer with my friend.

Sunset overdrive gets 4 stars just because it's oozing with swag

I couldn't get the taste NOS and orange Monster Energy out of my mouth the entire time I played this, and I haven't had an energy drink in 10 years!

Definitely a case of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts. While the individual gameplay mechanics, systems, traversal, and combat all leave something to be desired and can feel unwieldy quite often, if you can buy into the specific charm and vibe it's going for, you'll love it.

I mean, a GameFAQs reference AND an appearance by King Motherfucking Buzzo? Sold.

Sunset Overdrive a solid 5/5, simply again they don't make it like this anymore. The amount of fun you can have in this game is insanely good and for a almost 10 hour campaign it's all worth to enjoy it because it is a former exclusive made by insomniac and it did not disappoint me at all on how good their games are like for ex a 4 year later spiderman remastered that also slapped good.

This game is all about the movement, if you enjoyed the movement in spiderman you will love this as well without the spider web, you have plenty of upgrades for guns and even character customization that is pretty neat and this third person game is full of action with saturation and many more for example the sword you get at the end of the game is very fun to play, other than that the missions are good tho they seem too simple you have variety with some tower defense at Floyd and some side missions from the survivors like buck national. I think words can't describe how good the gameplay is and for some it might get repetitive but the weapon upgrades from the amps change that formula fairly quick, simply a charmful game that some might call A GAME WITH SOUL that won't be reproduced again for being so underrated.

You are a former employee from the fizzco who has to fight with the OD, humans mutants that turned from a soda also known as overcharge drinkers, your town sunset city is on a lockdown and you need to find survivors and a way to leave the city behind. You get the help from Walter and Floyd at first but later on you find a kid trapped in a train station that is flooded with ODs, you help him get out of there and he's being thankful for your service and now Sam is at your side, going to his hideout location you will find any kind of spoiled brats that can help you make a 3D printer that can help you get out of the city, first you will need to complete their quests like help a girl from there to rescue her dog going even to check on some rich parents who went on bahamas and after you helped them they made a 3D printer but they need a powerful processor so you had to talk with Floyd on where can you find some good specifications, sometime later you find a tower hold by Buck National and he needs you to film some action in order to give you the CPU. Going back to those kids you have the last piece for a complete flight to get out of the city in pieces, heading to Walter to jump in and get out you, in the meantime you are being chased by a blimp and you need to escape his radar being guided by Sam, after that you see a border at the end of the city and walter sacrifices himself so you can live another day. One sad memorial later you get the information that one guy called Master Bryllcream is the one who can make a boat scheme that can help you get out but while going there you meet Troop Master Norton that informs the sad news of Bryllcream being kidnapped by the scabs, but he can help you get intel on where he is, but he just lied to you and one of his troops help you gather the real intel, 4Kim joins the squad alongside Sam and together you find that Norton planned this kidnap with the scabs so you go to find him on a trash truck with his limbs off, after that heading back to the little tokyo you confront Norton but he has a OD drink that transforms him into a dragon so you need to rip his spine off with a execution pose. After you defeated him Bryllcream will award you with a boat scheme that needs to be turned by Ignatius, you go there and see a lot of larpers in a RPG theme, seems like Ignatius got a fever and you and his party members go and find food resources stole by the scabs, the only larper who isn't really a larper is one girl called Wendy who has a talent for music and she informs you about the real cause of Ignatius and after some roasted birds and some useless medicine that is not on the theme of medieval times you sacrifice your blood for the leeches to make a real cure. After healing Ignatius he requires you to get his crown back from the king scab, all of you decided to invade his land to recover the crown from Ignatius.
After one roller coaster of blowing up fireworks and stealing a crown Ignatius will do the boat scheme and you gather with wendy to escape the sunset city but one thing happens, the fizzco has gone insane and you are being called by Sam that informs you about that and you feelings play in that rule and you turn the boat back to the city by forcing wendy to do so, by doing so you find a hospital with some foreign ladies called the Las Catrinas who helps kids in the hospital, trying to make them join you is not that easy and your quests is to forge a sword so you can gain the trust of Esperanza and after you initially fail you find a kid that suffers from a terrible disease and in act of justice you promised him that you will find a rock band to make a concert for him so you can make him happy and so you gather 4kim to play the drums, king buzzo as the vocalist and wendy to setup this concert. Informing floyd that you will need to defend the concert and so you impressed Esperanza and her clan, they will be at your side and also the kid did not have that disease. After some rock n roll all of you gather to stop fizzco from his malefic attack to destory the city and you make a plan until Sam decodes a way to destory fizzco building and after helping the survivor you had to go up to reach a huge soda bottle that goes right in the building. By all the means you sacrificed your life and the game ends there, but no wait insomniac could not flop this ending to shit and so you rewind and on a time limit you have to shot the tower up with guns and BOOM sunset city is saved from all the junk that was there and everyone can live happily now.

stylish, fantastic gameplay, dumb but fun story, just wish it had a longer story and more side content

Sunset overdrive is a game that feels endearing with how shitty the dialogue is at points, like on one hand it's obviously very shitty, but it never gets to the level that borderlands does with ultra cringe dialogue that makes me want to kill myself. Depending on my mood I'm either like "hell yeah dude this is awesome I love my gigachad protagonist and the biggest group of betas for a supporting cast ever" or "holy fuck please shut the fuck up my ears are bleeding can you please stop talking for 3 seconds" and few games can match that perfect amount of cringe, for what it is I have incredible respect for this game for being to pull that off.

Going away from the dialogue the game itself is fun, exploration is super satisfying and the gunplay is fun enough. I don't like a lot of the weapons and NONE of them feel as good as Ratchet and Clank weapons but with how combat actually plays it works out. I like jumping on shit and grinding on literally anything it's a good time. Honestly my biggest problem is the side content and collectation aspects of this game kinda suck. Especially the side quests, they're really boring.

Basically the game itself is fun if you ignore side content. Dialogue is the perfect amount of cringe to at the very least be endearing. Good and short game to waste a few hours on

A friend of mine recently beat this game, felt the urge to start playing the game again and did all the side content and finished the DLC's as well. Game was ahead of it time and easily one of the best Xbox's games to be made, shame we are never gonna see any sort of sequel from this game, cause Insomniac probably would have cooked up something crazy with both movement and the weapons, especially after coming off the Spider-Man games and the new Ratchet and Clank.

Eu faço drift em poste de energia e atiro em zumbis de forma estilosa enquanto faço piadas de como eu comi sua mãe

Isso é Sunset Overdrive, um diamante da Insomniac Games esquecido pelo tempo

O Orochinho é professor de Irônia dessa faculdade aqui.

Slow and uninteresting. This game doesn't feel like it's allowed to cuss. It's bad.
The corrupt save file thing is very real. I am BAFFLED that it ships like that, out of the box. I cannot access the save menu at all without it crashing. Blind Squirrel continuing their streak of terrible ports.

I could have been outside watching a real sunset but i was playing this pile of flaming garbage

I've unexpectedly returned to this game for a 2nd playthrough after a number of years. It's excellent and deserves more than it got. I hope it has a long shelf life in steam.

Zipping across the city with Ratchet and Clank guns is a joy, if a simple one. There's lots of things to jump on or press X to grind or swing off, but this could've really sang with some kind of trick system, or some other extra way to excel with skilled play. Even so, this is still the best kind of open world game, the ones where you actually wanna move through the world and not use the fast travel.

Oh nice, this banger album came with a game. Pretty cool.

This is pretty much everything I look for in a game, and then some. It's bright and colorful. It's got a giant pile of incredibly wacky guns, like an acid sprinkler and bowling ball launcher. It's unique, with its own voice. Its core mechanics are polished to a shine. It's bombastic and surprising. It's funny. Like, really really funny.

Unfortunately it's the kind of comedy that occasionally veers into being completely annoying, but generally you only have to tolerate these detours for a moment before the genuine guffaws start again. Parts of it are very much "of a time," but that doesn't bother me. I've done a bit of comedy writing, enough to recognize that this sheer volume of jokes only happens with lots of work and iteration. Video games are the hardest medium to be funny in; every element both technical and artistic has to be tuned just right. My hat is off to the whole team, here; the animations, sound design and snappy load times all bolster the writing in what I found to be a truly jaw-dropping display of artistic prowess.

The biggest flaw is one that a lot of games fall prey to: absurdly aggressive hinting. There was one quest where I had to get into a factory. "The front door is blocked; see if you can find another way in." Literally 3 seconds later: "Try looking around the yard for something that you could use to get in the factory!" Literally 2 seconds later: "Use the crane to smash the wall of the factory!" Literally 4 seconds later: "What's taking so long? Use the crane to smash the wall!" Like at this point I'm still getting my bearings trying to figure out what building they're talking about. It's an incredibly common problem and for a game of its era it's not surprising to see, but it is one that I've always been baffled by.

The repetitive voice lines during missions only got super bad during a couple moments. The final boss fight in particular I had to disable dialog for because it was purposely written to be grating, and the fight was challenging enough that I had to retry it a few times and hear those same grating lines over and over. Again, forgivable, but annoying nonetheless.

The voice acting is top notch; I played with the female protagonist and voice actor Stephanie Lemelin brought an incredible energy and bravado to the character. She simultaneously sounded like she was born of this weird world while also being the most relatable part of it, a tricky needle to thread that had me cheering for even her most eye-rolling quips and one-liners. Her voice felt like mine.

The traversal is fantastic. I think this is the only open world game I've ever played where I basically never used fast travel because just getting from point A to B is so much goddamn fun. Bouncing, wall-running and grinding my way across this city never got old. The stunt scoring system that enhances your damage output ties it all together in a multiplicative way.

In a lot of games it feels like they give you the fun parts to get through the challenging parts. In Sunset Overdrive, they give you fun parts to have more fun with the other fun parts. There's still plenty of challenge, especially in the boss fights and base defense segments, but even when I'm dying it's usually because I'm so overwhelmed with weird guns to shoot, barrels to explode, and cars to bounce off of. If Assassins Creed is like a gumball machine, doling out one piece of candy at a time at a steady consistent pace, and Dark Souls is like crawling through a bombed-out munitions factory looking for the last grimy jawbreaker, Sunset Overdrive is like diving head-first, mouth open into the candy vault, Scrooge McDuck style.

Somehow the exact perfect midpoint between Insomniac's two other prime offerings, Ratchet & Clank and Marvel's Spider-Man, and it definitely feels like a necessary stepping stone for the latter's development in particular.

Has a great aesthetic and soundtrack, but somehow the game just kinda feels undercooked all throughout. Like, this is probably the least polished Insomniac game I've ever played. The moments where the game leans into how stupid and manic and frenetic it all is are where the game truly shines, but in between those moments (usually Insomniac's trademark Mega Set Pieces and Absurd Corporate Satire), the game is strangely... I wanna say "rizzless"? Despite being ostensibly My Shit, it never fully clicked with me.

Yuri Lowenthal was basically carrying this game on his shoulders too: without his charismatic performance, I would find it hard to care at all about anything narrative-wise. Don't think I'll be able to name a single memorable character from this in about a week. I will certainly remember the bizarre surprise celebrity cameo that occurs near the end of the game for seemingly no reason, though.

Anyway, don't mythologize this one like I did due to its elusive platform exclusivity: it's entirely skippable.

I loved the part when Ms. Overdrive said "It's sunset overdriving time" and sunseted all over the OD

"Tony Hawk + Ratchet and Clank" was a great pitch, but this is not that. Some sort of cheaply assembled open world game with pseudo shared world multiplayer missions - when its clear the game was built for the Base Defense finales. They should have focused it all into that.

Better than most superhero games.

Looks and runs pretty good, core mechanics feel nice but the tone and structure are all over the place. On first boot it gave me a warning that my nonexistent save had corrupted and then hard crashed the first time I died.

Game would be a 10/10 if the characters shut the fuck up

EU PRECISO DE UMA SEQUÊNCIA SONY ANDA LOGO. ( De preferência dublada igual esse 😁)

i hate that for years all i heard about this game was that its “just kinda mid”

a little janky, some jokes can fall flat
but it’s obviously made with passion, and its fun

Fun gameplay but slightly wears out it's welcome, especially when you realize there's no penalty for dying. On the other hand, King Buzzo.

Solid open world adventure with pretty fun traversal and combat. Didn't hold me to the end credits but it was a good time for about 15 hours.

Will forever be one of my favourite games of all time. Everything from the story to the ridiculous characters are just hilarious and has never been replicated by another game. And omg the movement is just perfection like easily the best movement in an open world game to date!

The traversal in this game is so goddamn good

comment sections love to call this game underrated. I just remembered I played it back in 2015, I guess it was fun but I don't remember much else about it.