Reviews from

in the past

Great - nice evolution of the Gone Home gameplay concept - a little less puzzling but the increased complexity of the story and the huge amount of worldbuilding and character detail more than makes up for it.

Una aventura narrativa muy chula, pese a un final un pelín demasiado apresurado.

Me gusta mucho este género (que me niego a llamar walking simulator porque ese término representa todo lo que está mal con nuestra forma de entender el medio) para lo poco que lo juego. La manera en la que aprendemos a conocer a gente a través de los espacios que habitan y lo que dejan detrás de ellos es algo realmente único y especial.

Tacoma además despierta mi vena de gustillo por la ciencia ficción de anticipación con buen worldbuilding y una interfaz diegética que usa con mucho gusto para narrar su historia. Una historia que me ha atrapado y me ha hecho preocuparme mucho por los habitantes de esta estación espacial, además de tener un toque de anticapitalismo muy agradecido en estos tiempos del Mustio destruyendo Twitter día tras día con su incompetencia. Como digo, es una pena que el final sea tan accelerado que te quedes con ganas de tener un cierre más satisfactorio para todos los personajes, pero ha sido una experiencia que he disfrutado mucho aún así.

Absolutely adored this. Couldn’t believe I enjoyed even more than Gone Home.

Tacoma is a tight, little sci-fi thriller set in a corporate-owned vision of the future that is depressingly possible that unfolds at your own pace as you detective your way through a recently emptied space station. Surprisingly, it's not all pessimistic. Through the dioramic scenes you discover through your sleuthing, there is a lot of love of warmth to find. At first, I was a bit cynical towards Tacoma's AR recordings. I thought I could've just experienced this story in real time. It didn't take long for me to appreciate the freedom of being able to luxuriate to my heart's content in these scenes, being able to replay a scene from whatever angle you desire and focus on whatever character you feel. The impression of these characters you're able to gleam purely from voice acting and colored low-poly skeletons is surprising detailed. Essentially having the selected scenes available from every angle allows superflurous details that almost certainly would've been cut from a film or cutscene to be viewable. You can have as deep or as shallow of a narrative experience that you want. Without spoiling anything, the story is good! Tacoma's sense of pacing and intrique are excellent and kept me engaged until the end.

Extremely cool narrative detective puzzle game. The world building is phenomenal and the game does detective-puzzle-play better than a lot of others I've tried.

The story didn't really interest me. It has a cool and unique way of telling it though which I appreciated.

I do like this game in general. I didn't finish it because of a game-breaking bug, that would have only been fixed by starting an entire new playthrough (details in the community discussion tab), which was a major downside. Otherwise, I thought the idea was cool, of the multiple branching storylines happening through different people all at the same time in the same place. I also liked the setting. Unfortunately, I just don't think it was executed particularly well. Not only are the multiple different storylines and character ambitions a little bit too much to process at the speed and sheer number at which they are thrown at you, but the game is quite boring for a majority of your time playing, just watching characters have conversations, then moving across the room, reloading time, and listening to another two characters have a conversation. I do like walking simulators, i love firewatch and what remains of edith finch, but I had a hard time getting into tacoma. If the idea still sounds interesting to you, i would definitely recommend and pray that you do not run into any bugs. Just not really a game for me, necessarily.

Gone Home: Now with Gameplay!

Seriously though, I enjoyed Gone Home, but I enjoyed Tacoma more.

Gone Home no me gustó, y aún así me he puesto a probar Tacoma porque he visto que comparten duración.

No se disfruta en absoluto, y tampoco conectas con los personajes, que es de las pocas cosas que salvo de Gone Home.

Cunde porque está en el Plus, de lo contrario ni le habría seguido la pista.


It was short and sweet. Would have liked some more interactable objects like the pool table. Enjoyed the story even though it wasn't particulary exciting

getting subtle hints that some of these crew members might be gay

Neat concept for a walking sim. I think there's a part of my brain that itches for mechanics in a space setting vs a more mundane one like Gone Home.

Incredible game, such an interesting story, characters were amazingly written and acted, finding out everything you could about a scene felt amazing, the ending cutscene was a bit underwelming but overall still, this is one great game

This game rocks. It's about workers who find love and beauty under oppressive conditions. Its writing is incredibly natural, and because of the game's pace and your objective distance from the characters, you're allowed to absorb its ideas and feelings in a way that feels true and meaningful. It's also visually and sonically immersive, which helps. If you get into games like Life is Strange, What Remains of Edith Finch, or SOMA, you'll probably get a lot out of this one.

This review contains spoilers

A nice short narrative game.
Similarily as in Gone Home, the story starts as really intresting. I had fun watching the AR scenes and getting each characters side of the story. There’s also a lot of items to pickup and look at to get more of the story. I will say that even though I liked some of the characters, they all felt one-note and kinda tokenized for representation.
Another similarity to Gone Home is that the story’s tension builds really well right until the end when it’s suddenly revealed that everyone is OK. I was braicing to find everyone dead, it felt like the logical conclusion, so the actual ending felt like a let down.

Oh, one thing I liked as a Finnish person was that you can find a can of Ananas Lonkero.

Engaging story from start to finish. Left me wanting more info by the end, which is always a double edged sword of being a great sign while also carrying with it a tinge of dissatisfaction. Movement is fairly swift, but transitioning between areas is a bit slow(in fairness, this was more of a problem because I had to backtrack a bit to pick up some trophies I missed so it's not great criticism).
This is one of those games that really pushes the line of what a game is, but it's fantastic environmental storytelling is enough to justify it.

A nice, short narrative game. You go from room to room watching recordings of the space station's crew's, while you also download the AI of the station, as that was the job you were hired to do. The recordings were nice, but there weren't really anything else to do, just walk, listen, walk, listen. Which is fine, but for me the story wasn't all that interesting, until the end. The end was really good, with a good twist. And with how short the game was, the previous boring story didn't seem that long in contrast. So it was fine.

"Although Tacoma's main game mechanics may not be unique, they are expertly used. Not only do they successfully achieve a satisfying gameplay loop, they also tell a wonderful story. In terms of narrative I definitely came in with certain expectations, but I was pleasantly surprised when things didn't go as I thought. And throughout all this, you get to explore the interesting station of Tacoma, while getting to know the cast of complex and human characters. The whole experience, while short, is very worthwhile and I recommend it to anyone looking to spend 2 or 3 hours in space."

Tacoma (2017): Entiendo que hacer walking simulator es difícil, pero si toda la interacción consiste en leer post-its y algún vídeo en forma de RA, sin que tus actos cambien nada y que tu paso por el escenario sea irrelevante, no es un juego, es un museo interactivo. La historia tiene algún toque interesante, pero poco (4,50)

Full disclaimer, I am a total sucker for these types of games. I love the low-key investigatory quality in rooting around the remnants of people's lives. Tacoma pretty much nails this aspect, and even employs some narrative tricks in the form of the AR recordings. Plus, I just enjoy it for presenting a future that is simultaneously ominous and... well, encouraging? Great writing, all around.

first played in 2018 and again in 2024.. really liked it the second time. Was a very unity gaming experience but good still. A lot of simple and satisfying environmental storytelling. Though i felt some characters were barely sketched, like Clive. What was his deal? And andrew, he was under a lot of pressure, plus no one on the crew liked him except for sareh, but that went nowhere. Like there just wasnt enough here idfk.

Unique rewind mechanic isn't enough to save this game. Probably a game everyone wonders how it got on their Steam account.

a fine game that i have not stopped thinking about ever since i played it one time in 2019