Reviews from

in the past

I was so bad at this and getting owned so swiftly that it was actually starting to affect my mood. I can't win at Yu-Gi-Oh. Can't even get a single win. No matter how hard I try or study or practice my opponent has drawn every card necessary to summon 3 powerful Fuck You monsters to the field in a single turn. I don't understand. The training mode doesn't even come close to preparing me for this kind of Getting Owned.

I work a shitty job, am in enormous debt, I can't afford new tires or a new battery for my car, nothing works out in my favor, and I can't win at Yu-Gi-Oh. I remember when the Cleveland Browns didn't win a single game all year. I wonder how the QB, Deshone Kizer, felt during that stretch. You practice, you study, you do everything possible and yet a single win constantly eludes you. That was on a pretty grand stage, in front of millions. My torment is just in my bedroom while I watch Colorado Rockies baseball, hoping their perpetual losing and inability to play baseball with even the slightest bit of competency will give me perspective on how small my inability to win a Children's Card Game is. But it doesn't. I look at the Colorado Rockies and all I see is a mirror, it's like looking at the devil himself, mocking me for my near-constant bumbling and giving me a microcosm of my various financial woes in the form of a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon being summoned to the field on the second turn just to own me.

If I were younger and still had dreams and aspirations I would probably suffer through the near constant losing just to get a glimpse at what winning a game of Yu-Gi-Oh might look like, but this shit is actually bumming me out. At least when I watch the Shitty Ass Fucking Worthless Colorado Rockies, we are divided by a screen and I am not Nolan Jones letting an easy fly-ball pop out of my glove. Actually BEING that hapless loser is too much for me to bear.

Still highly recommended as it is NOT League of Legends, though.

A great time was had with this, and I actually poured some money into it as well, which I never do with free-to-play games. We've basically caught up to the TCG now (Snake-Eye is the most dominant deck at the moment), so I think this as good a time as any to dip out and retire.

Unfortunately, this is probably the best yugioh sim ever made. Great accessibility, easy to pick up and fun to mess around in. However, this all comes at the cost of the gacha system - extremely hard to get cards you need consistently and can be hard to build multiple decks you want to use for this reason. The crafting system is excellent but you'll typically find yourself lacking SR and UR points pretty frequently. I've found it's best to plan around building a specific deck you'd like to play with for a good period (espc if you are F2P) so you have some consistency.
That being said, this game is also surprisingly free to play friendly as long as you're not itching to make multiple meta decks. While i can sympathize with new/returning players logging on, running into kashtira/vanquish soul/purrely, etc. getting chained into oblivion and getting frustrated with how much the game has changed, this remains the best way to experience a yugioh sim and i appreciate how it's let people (including myself) reignite their interest in the series.
As improvements, I would like to see the game's card base updated more frequently (as many others have brought up) as we're missing a lot of recent staples, and would like gems to be more frequent, which would fix some of the issues with the gacha system.

Send help I m not playing any real video games anymore because I got addicted to yugioh

Prefiro o Legacy Of Duelist Link Evolution. Só por conter praticamente todas as cartas e você ter todo um modo single player onde você pode adquiri-las. O ponto de você precisar gastar dinheiro de verdade me quebra.

solitaire with weird graphics

Fun cosmetics, UI is easy to use; please ban Branded and Swordsoul

The most visually impressive Yu-Gi-Oh! title to date...AND IT'S FREE?!

Outside of some very minor hacking/modding issues from players with no integrity, it's a great game and very easy to get in to.

5☆ - Hands down the best way to play Yu-Gi-Oh! virtually, even if the banlist is weird meaning metas in Master Duel aren't the same as TCG or OCG it's still the best way to play Yu-Gi-Oh! online especially with friends.

It's yugioh
If you don't play the meta like me you can still have fun if you play with friends or in the limited events

The only reason to choose this game vs the free simulators (like dueling nexus) is the pretty animations

Being a Yugi-Boomer is legitimately a skill issue. Could never be me — I know how to read.

the dark magician>> dark magic attack

Konami has let this game go to shit like the company they are right now.

this game makes me question if my cards are good or not

Most abusive relationship I've ever been in.

They should hit Floowandereeze again on the next banlist. Not because they’re good or anything, I just think they deserve it.

They gave us free, "you can probably get to max rank with these", competent loaner decks for a month.

This game's been saved

Yu Gi Oh would be the coolest game in the world if it ever taught you how to actually play it

During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; this turn, each time your opponent Special Summons a monster(s), immediately draw 1 card. You can only use 1 "Maxx "C"" per turn.

I want whoever did the balancing for Snake Eyes Poplar to be publicly stoned for his crimes

Great simulator of the real life trading card game, it even makes it look flashier and more fun to watch, with lots of animations and an extremely good soundtrack. The biggest problem of the game is lack of variety. Solo mode isn't entertaining at all if you have even a slightly decent deck and Ranked is realistically the only multiplayer mode besides private rooms. Events are often just a restricted version of ranked if not straight up "sweatier" Ranked like the Duelist Cup. Ban Maxx C

Ton of fun... until you get high into ranked. Then it's a bunch of sweats using the latest meta deck thinking that copying a deck they found online makes them good at the game

such good free to play that i regularly am at the gem cap not knowing what to spend them all on. That being said the game is so insanely hard to get into that after 200 hours i still dont know wtf i am doing. if you like yugioh this is a very fun one but if you dont keep in mind it will take INSANELY long to get into

my opponent plays more in my turn than me, just like yugi in the anime

Bon jeu, la meilleure représentation de ce qu'un jeu Yu-Gi-Oh doit être. J'ai cependant du mal car trop d'animation dans tout les sens qui rendent le jeu assez lent et pour un habitué et puriste du jeu de carte TCG c'est assez mou

Played, got my ass beat for like a month, then stopped playing.

tinha bastante potencial, mas tem MUITA COISA A SER MELHORADA. Jogadores mais casuais são praticamente proibidos de jogar

Game needs a classic mode badly. Just normal and special summons. Tired of these scumbags having 10 minute turns.

Matches are just too long to be fun