Reviews from

in the past

It brings me back so many good memories

Warped is not my favorite PS1 Crash game but it's my favorite in the N. Sane Trilogy remakes. While I have my gripes about the art style and the hit boxes in the first two games, Warped just looks and feels great. It definitely feels like they put the most time and effort into recreating Warped and then went back and retrofitted the other two games on the Warped engine, which unfortunately would explain why NST Crash 1 and 2 feel a little bit "off" to me.

Sadly, Warped is still Warped so I have to dock half a star for all those copious vehicle levels. "Oh yay, another water ski section!" said no one ever. Why did Pura only get two levels but that damn water ski got four? Pura's on the box!

why WERE their heads floating in a void?

I really want to love this game, but the vehicle segments control terribly and there's SO MANY of them

The last Crash game in the trilogy.

It detaches for a bit from the platforming levels replacing it with more variety: underwater, air battles, jetski levels and such. Ain't bad but I do prefer the platforming levels much, much more.

Talking about those levels, they did perfected the level design here giving it a lot of variety with it's 3D and 2D sections. The best platforming levels in the trilogy. More now that we have new powers after defeating bosses.

Again, completionist will be pleased. It derivates from exploration and secrets like in Crash 2 rather than raw ability like in Crash 1. It's a bit more tricky than the second game to get all of the boxes, you may want to see a tutorial if you get stuck or don't know where to find some.

Relics are here as well, this game was made for chasing the best times. Thus, making it the easiest game to go through in that sense. Just, make sure to defeat the final boss before that.

The overall package for me it's very positive. But I can't get the feeling that most of those vehicle sections were forced and don't add much to the main formula. But, it's ok.

This is definitely one of those "The second game, but better" kind of games.

has the variety crash 2 lacked and a super fun moveset

O pior Crash dos 3, as fases novas são meio cansativas algumas.

Fun, but my personal least favorite of the trilogy. Has the easiest and gimmickiest level design. Best part was the ability to gain new abilities each world to make replaying levels more fun.

ainda tem todos os defeitos do remake, mas a fase nova é legal e mostrar o tempo pra relic de platina foi uma boa ideia

Acho que é o melhor da trilogia. Tirando as fases de moto, acho que não teve UMA ÚNICA que eu não curti nesse.

Também achei o level design o mais sólido entre os 3 jogos, provavelmente virou meu favorito.

I feel very conflicted about crash 3. The platforming levels are amazing. By far the best in the entire trilogy. The tiger levels are good too.

Every other gimmick levels are terrible though. They ruin the pace of the game and they're not satisfying to control.

These are probably the best bosses in the original crash trilogy. They're a decent challenge without feeling like they drag on too long. The power ups are cool too and are mostly functional. I rarely used the death tornado spin or double jump since the double jump just feels really awkward and clunky to use. Even when you understand the weird timing to it, it just feels really bad (very happy they fixed it in crash 4).

I usually don't like time trials in platformers, but the platforming levels actually feel like they were designed with this in mind so it's actually pretty fun to do them and doesn't feel like padding to me.

This leaves crash 3 as a game with really high highs and really low lows. Ultimately the whole thing balances out to being extremely average since while I love the actually platforming levels I mostly remember how frustrating everything else was. This ultimately makes crash 3 way less replayable than the first two games for me.

perfectly fine-tuned gameplay, a fun and nostalgic story, and one of the most memorable soundtracks of all time. honestly pretty fun to platinum


só não gostei das fases de moto mas o jogo é mt foda

When you get to cut loose and play the traditional Crash Bandicoot platforming stages, this game offers by far the best version of that formula. I'm not a very skilled speedrunner but it feels incredibly satisfying to blaze through the stages at top speed, especially on repeat visits when you've refined your gameplay and your ability to traverse the stage.

Unfortunately there's a lot of gimmick stages in this game, tons of weird vehicles and the usual on rails animal riding levels. They're far from the worst thing ever, but it's a mild disappointment when they're stacked up against some of the best platforming the series has to offer. And it's kind of unfortunate that they break the pace of what is otherwise a super fun game to try and 100%. Also Hot Coco is just ass I'm afraid. That being said it's a testament to how fantastic the normal Crash stages are that none of this really hurts the game.

"You're either a Crash 2 fan or a Crash 3 fan" is the line I've heard parroted over and over again over the years, and for years I would've wholeheartedly answered that I was a Crash 2 fan. Something about a lack of gimmicks and a pure laserfocus on the same kind of gameplay style was comforting to me as a concept after having been burnt by a similar "jack-of-all-trades, master of none" many times before by similar mascot platformers. Crash 3 was always a game I typically avoided based on the pre-assumption that it'd faulter like all the rest do when it's time to "introduce more variety" to the core concept.

So weirdly then after years of having built up this image of Crash 3 in my head as an overbloated, overcooked sequel... it's the one I came away preferring. Engaging storytelling, varied but intriguing level themes, the best soundtrack of the trilogy to tie it all together and the gameplay perfected to boot. It all comes together fantastically here.

I still have my problems with the title that peeved me off at the time such as minor control issues and some of the later powerups feeling unnecessary, but Crash 3 is a fantastic game that I wish I'd played sooner.