Reviews from

in the past

A nice and simple point and shoot game that plays very well despite its age and utilises the hardware really well!
My personal skill with the wii pointer came in handy playing this, as I'd consistently get nearly all the ducks while playing. Lacking a bit in content but this era of games were mostly meant to be pick up and play games anyways, so I'm not complaining

[Anime Central 2024]
If you can get the proper setup going with a good condition Zapper this is pretty good fun still.

I brought my zapper to the range and they laughed at me :(

Barely functional as it was, it was also revolutionary. I'm still gonna put that dog in a blender though.

It's fun and inspired the wild game duck season.

Never have my primal urges to annihilate digital waterfowls been satiated on this level, nor do I think they ever will be again. That dog is an asshole though so it's not five stars.

El primer videojuego que jugué en mi vida. Aún lo de la pistola me parece magia, me hacía reír las reacciones del perro y los patos. Los sonidos y la música aún son increíbles.

we didnt have the zapper so i would just watch the birds fly and get confused as to why the dog was laughing at me. and then i likened type c to ufo sighting.

ça tue des canards et tu va rien dire sinon j'te plombe

My younger self was so amazed by this technology

"Giggles" hides in bushes*

It's a basic shooting gallery, but at least it has charm.

That fucking dog (and birds and faulty CRT TV) that I hate.

Does this happen before or after Super Mario Bros.?

A fun mind numbing light shooter.

I don't know how much it counts if I played the equivalent on Polystation (yes, I know, I had that piece of crap) but yep, there was Duck Hunt alright.

A fully respectable classic, even if it may be funny for the first 10 minutes.

very responsive and shockingly cool on real hardware with a crt

Você atirou

Você atirou no cachorro

Eu tenho certeza de que você já atirou nele

Você não tem vergonha em atirar em um pobre animal indefeso??

Peça desculpas agora

Mindless fun. Played the arcade version. You shoot ducks and clay pigeons till you get bored. Neat

I remember in 1986 realizing that the second controller can troll the ducks. Mind blown.

A game I played as a kid with one of my cousins.

For me, using a gun on a TV console was something technologically advanced back in the day!

Super fun with a real light gun! Makes me want to get more zapper games

While I normally played the Super Mario Bros part of the Super Mario Duck Hunt cartridge, plugging in the Zapper and shooting those little ducks and clay targets was a good diversion from the norm. It ended up giving us a pretty likable Smash Bros character too, which is funny considering that dog was anything but likable in the game he came from.

A classic and one of the first games I have the memory of playing.

Such a fun game with the light gun

Tal vez se vea deslucido y repetitivo con el tiempo, pero en su contexto era muy divertido en especial al jugar con amigos.

You hunt ducks. The game delivers on its promises. Put the gun right up to the screen for easy mode.

i'm gonna kill that fucking dog