Reviews from

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Antes de tudo, o que eu mais recomendaria par quem for jogar, é rushar a campanha principal. As sidequests são horríveis, todas são do tipo "vai lá e pega tal item, depois volta aqui devolver" e não acrescentam em nada, pura perda de tempo. Termina a campanha e se quiser, volta para fazer as sidequests depois de zerar, o jogo deixa fazer isso.

O combate do jogo é ótimo, muito divertido, não tem nada a reclamar e nada para vangloriar, cumpre bem o seu papel, não achei enjoativo.

Agora o que mais brilha nesse jogo é a interação do grupo principal, os quatro personagem interagem o tempo todo, conversam, dão opiniões, fazem comentários, até mesmo durante o combate eles se comportam muito bem como companheiros. Dá para fazer golpes em combinado, eles se ajudam o tempo todo na batalha e é tudo muito natural e automático. De todos os jogos que você tem uma party, esse é unico que eu vi que realmente parece que eu estou em uma aventura com amigos, não são só NPCs me acompanhando. Eu recomendo o jogo só por causa disso.

jogo simplesmente incrível com personagens maravilhosos

i loved this game,is not a ff for everyone but if have a time and love the franchise,pls try it

A Journey of Brotherhood and Emotion

Final Fantasy 15 is far from perfect, with its share of bugs, story gaps, and repetitive combat. However, these flaws fade into insignificance against the backdrop of the game’s greatest strength: its characters and the emotional journey they take you on.

The heart of Final Fantasy 15 lies in the bonds formed between its characters. From the outset, you embark on a road trip with your best friends, your brothers. Every aspect of the game is designed to emphasize the importance of these relationships. Combat becomes a testament to teamwork, as you utilize each party member’s unique abilities. Camping at night isn’t just a mechanic for resting and leveling up; it’s a chance to witness your companions interacting and bonding, strengthening your connection to them.

The additional DLCs in the Windows Edition further enrich the stories of each party member, enhancing the overall narrative. By the end of the game, these characters aren’t just pixels on a screen; they’re your brothers, and saying farewell to them is a poignant experience.

Final Fantasy 15 may not be flawless, but it’s a masterpiece in its own right. It serves as a reminder of the profound impact a video game can have, leaving players with lasting memories and emotions that extend beyond the rolling credits. If you’re willing to overlook its imperfections, Final Fantasy 15 offers an unforgettable journey of camaraderie and emotion that few games can match.

This is the most divided I've been on a game.
FFXV is a patchwork of half-cooked ideas from 10 messy years of development but underneath there's a gem with great immaculate vibes and amazing character dynamics sewn into the gameplay

"What can I say...? You guys... are really the best."

Even with all the flaws the game has, the friendship between the four main characters holds everything and makes it worth.

This review contains spoilers

Lo jugué en normal, no fue complicado ni nada, la historia no llama la atención y el final es aburrido

Só gostei dos 4 principais e olhe la... que gameplay cansada, e história cheia de buraco. Um jogo já feito.

Usar item simulator, batalha contra Deuses fodões e algumas waifus bonitas, historia e combate não são perfeitos mas funcionam. Deu pra se divertir.

Durante minhas primeiras 20h de jogo eu me diverti bastante batalhando, pescando, explorando e etc. Mas sinto que depois disso começou a ficar problematico pra mim. Sinto que os personagens principais tem a profundidade de um prato, sem falar de personagens coadjuvantes que simplesmente são esquecidos na historia, Cid, Cynd, Luna (que por sinal é uma personagem muito importante na história) e outros. O combate é simples e repetitivo, depois de um tempo você não fica muito animado em batalhar, isso por que você vai usar o mesmo método para todos os inimigos.

Esses poblemas foram causados pela criação conturbada do game e isso afetou em muito oque poderia sem um jogo incrivel. Ele não é de todo ruim, dá para se divertir um pouco. Mas por conta desses problemas eu simplesmente me apeguei pouco aos personagens e não sinto vontade de fazer 100% do mapa.

Esse é o primeiro ff que eu finalizo, achei simplesmente fantástico, com certeza irei jogar os outros da série...

Jogão mágico, sou um fã novato e esse foi o primeiro jogo da saga final fantasy que eu jogo e eu curti demais.

Entrei no jogo só porque eu curti o protagonista edgy com uns companheiro maneiro e sai chorando com um rei fodão que tem a benção de deuses e 3 outros companheiros fodas. Me pegou desprevenido já que eu sequer sabia do que se tratava, foi mágico a aventura e os locais em que visitei nesse jogo.

A ambientação nos biomas são ok nada demais mas a ambientação das cidades são ABSURDAS de bem feitas e deixa tudo mais imersivo.

História é um ponto alto acompanhar a aventura dos 4 parceiros é bem massa mas a partir do titan o jogo melhora muito no enredo.

O combate eu achei ok mas com algumas ressalvas negativas tipo: o botão de correr é o mesmo de bater?? então se você quiser correr por causa que ta com pouca vida tu literalmente rusha em cima do bixo... achei nada aver

Outra ressalva negativa é: você passa o jogo inteiro jogando com o noctis (protagonista) só para NO FINAL DO JOGO eles te permitirem controlar o ignis, gladio e prompto cada um com habilidades únicas e bem legais que poderiam muito bem ser apresentadas desde o inicio.

NO GERAL É UMA AVENTURA MÁGICA e eu recomendo demais esse jogo, simplesmente me senti imerso do inicio ao fim.

One of the most underrated RPGs ever, great gameplay and story. DLCs make it very good.

Así de primeras voy a decir que me encantó.

Sé que FFXV tuvo un desarrollo complicado, pero a mi parecer el error más grande que cometió este juego fue haberle dado a Noctis ese peinado que ya te hacía suponer cosas de su personalidad (Que la gran mayoría son erroneas) y hacer una narrativa transmedia parte fundamental de la experiencia. Si realmente querés entender bien la historia hoy en día tenés que ver una película (Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV), jugar una demo de PS4 (Platinum Demo) y un anime (FFXV: Brotherhood) y si te interesa mas el mundo de EOS hay una novela que tiene relatos que ocurren luego del final del juego. Tal vez en ese entonces tenía sentido hacerlo así, ir construyendo con diferentes cosas hacia un lanzamiento, pero al pasar el tiempo y querer adentrarte en su mundo esto resultó más tedioso que otra cosa.

El juego en sí se juega muy bien y los personajes me gustaron, las dinámicas de los personajes con el protagonista me parecieron muy bonitas y poder ahondar en sus trasfondos con el anime y sus DLC le dan otro peso a varios sucesos. La música en cambio brilló por su ausencia. No es que no tuviera música (Que Square Enix lanzó como 3 albumes con más de 10 horas de música original), pero es tan ambiental de momentos que no se notaba, ya para el final tomó más protagonismo. Tal vez sea cosa mía, pero los demás FF que jugué la música era tan prominente que este en comparación palidece.

Tiene un cambio tonal a mediados del juego brutal, donde antes parecía que podías tontear por todos lados de repente se vuelve todo serio, los problemas con los compañeros florecen y las cosas se salen de control. Muy bueno.

También quiero remarcar lo que me encanta la traducción en español. Hay algo en la forma que tiene de plantear las cosas y si bien en el DLC de Ignis hubo un par de subtitulos demasiados largos para tan poco tiempo de espacio que tenias para leer en el resto del juego no supone problema.
Me sorprendia mucho escuchar "Demons, blessings, King of kings" y que los subtitulos dijeran "Cadente, fulgor, Entronado" y demás cositas así.

También tiene un modo multijugador que probé durante una hora y lo dejé porque no me interesa.

This review contains spoilers

Final Fantasy XV is an extremely fun romp in the first half and an extremely non-committal tragedy in the second. The plot is okay, but paced very strangely with all of the emphasis put on all of the wrong things. It simultaneously draws attention to the problems of its world and says nothing about them in favor of portraying itself as a typical fantasy epic. The characters have zero agency, as it feels as though they simply go wherever the plot takes them, which I can see resulting in many feeling frustrated and which I personally believe results in Noctis's so-called development feeling unearned.

That all said, GOD, that first half of the game has a feel to it unlike anything else I've played. The open world is expansive and empty, yes, but against all odds I believe this to work in the early game's favor. Bluntly speaking, the main cast is the reason to play FFXV. They're all engaging and lovable characters and their chemistry and banter with one another is off the charts; after playing so many games where you're told the characters are friends and have nothing to prove of it, the palpable sense of love between the boys is like a breath of much needed fresh air. Thus does traversing the world- as long and admittedly tedious as this may be- truly does succeed in feeling like a road trip with your loved ones. There's a reason why I believe the interpersonal drama to be better than that of the main plot. On the topic of agency from earlier, I do feel as though the lack thereof amongst the cast is crucial to the narrative, for as much as FFXV fails to fully capitalize on its own themes. All of the characters are pawns in the cruel and unusual scheme of callous beings far beyond their comprehension from long before their time. They're often given no choice but to follow the path laid out before them like lambs to the slaughter. But check out how cool the Six are! Isn't Noctis so cool? At least Ardyn's a good antagonist and a pretty great parallel to Noctis, in concept.

The presentation of the game is great. It looks good and sounds even better. The gameplay of FFXV ranges from fun to frustrating entirely depending on how ambitious it's feeling at any given point in time, but when it's fun it feels pretty fucking great. Its semi-modernized world never bothered me; in fact, I think that contrast to be found in the combination of aesthetics was one of the cooler aspects of the game. I liked fishing, I liked Prompto's photography, I liked camping... Despite everything, I cannot understate how much I liked Final Fantasy XV. Is the game good? I don't know! Did I, even in all of my critiquing, enjoy my time with it immensely? Very much so. If you happen to spot it on sale, then I would suggest giving it a shot, at the very least.

(Last thing I'll mention is how ridiculous it is how much you have to turn to external material in order to see all that FFXV's world has to offer. Locking some of its best/most important stuff behind DLC and a fucking movie of all things is bokers.)

Devido aos problemas que Final Fantasy XV enfrentou em seu desenvolvimento, o jogo foi lançado incompleto e posteriormente foram lançados em diversas mídias, sendo elas: filme, anime, novel e DLCS, partes da historia que são essenciais para a compreensão de toda a obra.

Recomendo um guia que se encontra na própria Steam ( Link do Guia ), na qual mostra a ordem que devemos acompanhar essas mídias em conjunto com os capítulos que contém no jogo. Inclusive só vale a pena joga-lo dessa forma, pois o ponto mais forte do jogo é a história e seus personagens, que eu literalmente acabei gostando de todos, dos principais aos coadjuvantes.

Os pontos negativos são as side quests que são extremamente chatas e que não recompensam em nada o jogador por completá-las e também o combate do jogo que é bem limitado, tornado a gameplay repetitiva onde basicamente você segura um botão pra atacar, tendo poucas variações de combos e que foca bastante no sistema de esquiva/parry.

Enfim, se você busca uma história incrível com personagens extremamente carismáticos e também está disposto a acompanhar todo esse desfecho em diversas mídias além do próprio jogo, vale muito a pena comprar e desfrutar dessa jornada maravilhosa que leva Noctis ao seu destino trágico de se tornar, O Rei dos Reis.

fuckin rules, vibes like honestly no other game, this road trip americana fantasy mish mash of friendship and broin' out, like, it just can't be found anywhere else in games (if i'm wrong please point me to them because i am desperate for more)

i remember people hating the story and i find that fascinating because to me it's one of the most coherent and consistent and complete stories in the entire series (except what i'll talk about later), and it's just really solid from start to finish

structure is where it kinda falls apart, like the first half of the game being this big open world that turns into linear cutscene fest for the second half is... strange, and feels like two games mushed together, and i get why THAT is offputting to a lot of people, but i didn't mind it so much, but i GET it, but the story?! the story fuckin rules

gameplay mechanics, i.e. combat and such, are... fine, but also not why i'm here for final fantasy, so i just roll with it anyway

now that's my opinion of the main game, which i also played to completion at launch on ps4, and loved it then too, and basically my opinion has not changed at all... except for the additional dlc

EPISODE GLADIOLUS: fuckin baller, love me a WARRIOR'S TRIAL story and this was short and simple and exactly that, and the twist on the usual gameplay was just enough to be engaging, but also extremely exploitable, so not too tough

EPISODE PROMPTO: i played the rest of the game on gamepad, so i stuck with it for this, but i cannot stand shooters on gamepad, so that might have marred my impressions a bit here BUT... not so much a fan of this one, it felt entirely superfluous (much like gladio's) but not in a fun way, just in a "we feel obligated to fill in this space even tho we're providing nothing of real value" kind of way

EPISODE IGNIS: damn they really gettin more and more ambitious with these? it was... fine, but also felt unnecessary, expanding on ravus, a character who i guess was nothing and now is something but i never cared about him anyway, and also offering this bizarre alternate ending choice? which i kind of 1) hated and 2) do not understand the point of, until i learned that the next wave of dlc (which got cancelled) was supposed to also be an alternate ending, and ig uess this was the start of setting that up or something, well, that's my feeling anyway, it sucked

EPISODE ARDYN: now this was fun, i liked his combat style the most, although i was a bit meharhharh at the revelation that actually he was a betrayed king!! cause i felt it undermined his villainy, but then learning that he wasn't just betrayed by his brother, it was actually the gods' will that he be betrayed so that he could later help noctis banish the darkness forever, i dunno, it went full on ultra-betrayal in a way i kinda liked.........but also feel was as unnecessary as the rest of the episodes?

COMRADES: i could see this being fun actually in multiplayer but solo it was a boring fucking grind

so anyway i'm detracting a half star for all the post-game bullshit that mostly sucked

ff16 please come to pc soon so i can play that eh

It's not a bad game but it's not up to par.
The open world is beautiful and exploring it is very entertaining.
The soundtrack is CRAZY.
But the gameplay consists of button mashing and the story is incomplete without the dlcs.

Bom deixo claro que este foi meu primeiro Final Fantasy, dito isso vai ser sempre muito especial pra mim, sei e reconheço os defeitos do jogo, Altissia em diante é uma bagunça extremamente rushado e tendo jogado o jogo no PS4 a primeira vez, aqui no PC com a Royal edition conseguiram ajeitar bastante coisas e as adições somam para o final do jogo e a narrativa como um todo e recomendo a quem for jogar ter a royal edition, eu amo esse jogo adoro a relação dos 4 personagens, chorei muito no final do jogo, como também nas dlcs (eu joguei elas de forma meio esquisita mas somou muito a minha experiência com o jogo, a do Gladiolus e do Prompto joguei logo onde elas ocorrem na história parando o jogo principal, a do Ignis eu joguei após terminar o jogo, o que foi muito bom pq na cena final da dlc chorei tanto quanto no final do jogo em si) esse jogo e toda história por trás dele é muito insano pra mim, eu fico muito triste de pensar com o que poderia ter sido esse jogo sem os problemas de produção mas no fim eu amo esse jogo tanto pelo que ele é como pelo que ele poderia ter vindo a ser.

ato final bem cansativo e cheio de boss fight podre, tava sem item ja. Entretanto, o jogo é maravilhoso e o combate funciona mto bem

O que dizer de FFXV, o primeiro jogo da franquia que eu zerei, então sempre estará guardado num lugar especial do meu coração.
Não é um jogo perfeito, minha primeira crítica vai para seu sistema de luta, que é sofrível, a impressão que passa é que vários dos devs tiveram ideias diferentes do que fazer e no fim juntaram todas elas num jogo só. As primeiras 6-10 horas de jogo são cruciais para você se acostumar com a câmera confusa em combate, os combos com seus amigos e os poderes especiais, se não se acostumar nesse tempo, é muito difícil que se acostume no tempo restante.
Minha segunda e última crítica é sobre as quests secundárias, o que mais esperamos em RPGs é um sistema de quests secundárias que sejam divertidas, diferentes e que acrescentem ao universo do jogo, o que não é o caso de Final Fantasy XV, todas as quests secundárias são de entregador de aplicativo ou de caçador, com raras exceções, você vai lá, pega aquele item e traz de volta, você vai lá, caça aquele monstro e volta, algo que faz com que as side quests se tornem extremamente enjoativas e com a finalidade somente de upar o seu personagem.
A história do jogo é muito boa, o mundo de Eos é lindo e gigantesco, a trilha sonora é maravilhosa (Nota 1000/10), os personagens da trama principal são muito interessantes e o seus amigos, o que dizer deles, você se conecta profundamente com todos durante a gameplay e cria um senso de amizade e intimidade muito grande, como se eles fossem seus amigos de verdade.
Uma última crítica é ao seu vilão, que não é grandes coisas e parece que caiu lá de paraquedas, você não consegue sentir raiva dele e nem empatia, um completo zero à esquerda.
É um jogo nota 8,5, mas não recomendo para quem quer começar a jogar os jogos da franquia, visto que ele tem um combate livre, num estilo mais parecido com o hack 'n' slash, ao contrário de seus antecessores, que são RPGs de turno.

A real diamond in the rough. If you are even slightly interested in this game just do yourself a favor and play it. It´s not a perfect game, on the contrary, it´s a rather flawed one, but it´s an experience greater than the sum of its parts. A beautiful story told rather oddly, the pacing is off and is rather disjointed by nature of its release and its structure. The movie is pretty good and should have been bundled with the game somehow, the short anime series can be found on Youtube and is a great introduction to the best aspect of this game and what has hooked me so. The main cast. I would just die for these boys.
What this game does so well is put you in the shoes of a group of friends, trying to have some fun along the way in a path filled of adversities, and it manages to build such a complete picture of these characters as fully formed people as I have rarely seen achieved in other games. It´s the sense of having embarked on a journey, having seen them grow and evolve together, what makes this game such a memorable experience.

The open world element and its design, just most level design in general, and combat as well, is rather simplistic, and it will depend on how much you enjoy each of these aspects how much you´ll want to engage with the side content, and later end game. The world is quite beautiful but rather empty and traversing it is quite a pain after a while. Dungeons look great and each have a distinct and epic style but are rather linear and end up feeling too similar after having completed a couple. Combat is an interesting aspect, it´s extremely simple, constantly looking to reach epic heights, but it mostly ends up feeling janky, unpolished and uninteresting. There´s nothing epic about pressing one button and the enemies being damage sponges. Side content can become dull very quick once you notice that side-quests are just checking things off lists and doing chores for non-characters. The “epicness” though comes from the visuals and the music. It still looks gorgeous in every level, the art design is wonderful, and the sense of scale it manages to convey is outstanding. The musical score is just on another level altogether.

The DLC “episodes” are must plays. I wish they had found the way to better integrate them into the main game in this “Royal” or “Windows” editions. Other than that, they serve as condensed and streamlined scenarios that showcase the best things the main game has to offer all while further developing these wonderful characters and their stories.

I nearly cried at the end. Highest praise I can give.

Mesmo com todos os problemas (vide ser ''necessário'' várias mídias para entender a história e um lançamento incompleto) eu ainda considero esse jogo muito bom e uma ótima porta de entradas para os novatos na série.

The evil empire has descended upon the Kingdom of Lucia and usurped power from the reigning king of the realm, King Regis. Forced to abandon his road trip to the land of Altissia to marry his betrothed, the oracle Lunafreya, the young Prince Noctis must gather the power of his ancestors in order to command the power of the gods to save his kingdom from ultimate peril. Joined by his closest four friends, Gladiolus, Prompto, Ignis, and their car, The Regalia, they must discover the will to act, lead, and support each other in the dramatic journey of a lifetime.

Final Fantasy XV is a nightmare to grasp. In order to fully comprehend the scale of the world and the entirety of its plot, one must watch a movie, an anime, read a novel, play the entire game, play all four pieces of dlc, watch a press conference, write an MLA cited paper, grill four ribeye steaks to a medium rare complexion, dance the hokey pokey, build a 4000 piece lego kit containing essential lore, and ride your bike uphill five miles to school both ways.

It is quite a mess.

It is also perhaps the only AAA game that has ever tried and succeeded at the feeling of what its like to maintain adult male friendships. Road trips are incredibly stressful, especially long ones. This is the longest, most intense road trip of all time; they snap at each other, they build each other in moments of triumph, and celebrate that they have each other during moments of peace. It is the only game I have ever played that has ever sold me on the authentic relationship that this group of boys have.

Unfortunately this feeling of truth simply cannot hold up against a game that feels largely like its unfinished. Events play out haphazardly, breaking continuity and building into confusion as the journey unfolds. Characters disappear, or get injured in major moments that simply aren't executed during Noctis's journey to save the realm. The idea that a game is so immense that a movie and an anime are developed to expand it isn't exactly the newest idea, but making them essential to understanding the stakes of the world you're inhabiting is impenetrably frustrating.

Beyond its failure as a narrative work, Final Fantasy XV is simply the most sloppily assembled action RPG I have played to date; pretty much every single battle can be solved in the exact same way: by locking onto an enemy using the right shoulder button and pressing the Y/Triangle button to warp to an enemy and attack them. Once you've done this, you run a short distance away and do it again. Occasionally you command your buddies to execute a bonus attack, but much of the game is solved easily with the same combo over and over and over again. There are items, but as long as you have a smattering of hi-potions none of the rest ever really seem to matter too much There's new equipment and skills to upgrade, but as long as you pick the ones that make your numbers the absolute biggest you will succeed. And this is on normal, not the game's alternate easy mode. It is a game that, even though I completed it, never once made me feel like I had to try anything new, and also never feel like I'm getting any better while fighting stronger enemies. It is equally as bizarre as its storytelling ambitions. Neither ever really feel like they work in a way beyond, "you sure can complete the game using its combat."

And yet, though it is such a gosh darn mess that doesn't really work, I truly treasured my time with Noctis and his Kingsguard. There are huge moments of sweeping emotion that work so well, but are immediately undercut by every part of the game that simply won't allow you to invest in its plot or world building. The combat feels like nothing. But its visual design, music, and characters feel like something worth fighting for. And sometimes, that's all a Final Fantasy needs to be something great.....or at least very interesting.