Reviews from

in the past

- Errand boy simulator.
- Cringeworthy Oai and moai voice acting.
- Lifeless NPCs stuck in monotonous walking loops.
- Expected chest locations on maps turned out to be empty, serving as mere time-wasters.
- Stealth elements like sneaking were rarely necessary.
- Keys for chests and doors were practically useless, as picking locks with "E" was more convenient than using keys with "Q," resulting in accumulating unused items in the inventory.
- Several visual glitches.
- Inability to jump.
- Overly extended and dragging storyline (I did all the side quests too).
- Lack of action, lots of running around.
- Underwhelming and excessively easy boss fights with repetitive mechanics and excessive HP.
- Limited enemy and boss diversity.
- Waiting for hours or minutes to progress in some storylines felt like a waste of time.
- The "max weight" aspect seemed irrelevant, as it never played a significant role. I did always sell my junk armor etc., and it's probably good that it never did, but why have it in your game anyway?
- Queen's farewell quest for companion Siora was frustrating due to the need to craft potions, requiring time-consuming back-and-forth trips.
- A minimap would've been highly appreciated.
- No armor piece comparison when purchasing new equipment.
- Mediocre soundtracks, no memorable ones.
- No mounts. Not only that but not a single horse has been seen throughout the entire game.
- Same repetitive layouts for taverns, rooms etc. In every city.

+ Physical setting is fine.
+ Social context is fine.
+ Story was engaging at times.
+ Looting system felt rewarding.
+ I liked the reputation system.
+ Minor details, like when you push against your companions that they back up and move out of your way, are appreciated.
+ The resting place every time you fast travel was a good idea, especially adding the vendor in there.
+ "I am De Sardet, legate of the merchant congregation."
+ Attributes system was cool where you needed vigor lvls to jump certain places for example. Reminded me of RuneScape where you needed to be a certain level in something to be allowed entry. Gives a VIP feeling. Feels rewarding.
+ Likable companions.
+ Option to include companions in some dialogues.
+ Companions actively giving input.
+ Actually made use of the shopkeeper and bought items such as armor and weapons, unlike other games where you use them just to sell stuff.
+ Armor details look good.

Janky but overall seemed pretty fun. Repurchased on steam deck to start over since playstation revoked the license for the monthly free game version.

Greedfall takes us on a long journey through a stylized fantasy universe inspired by 17th century America. The overpopulated and corrupt Old World of Malichor is destroyed by a mysterious plague. Its inhabitants find refuge in the New World, the island of Teer Fradee, where the locals live in harmony with nature and are allegedly full of treasures and other secrets. As our conquistadors go there and explore, their relationship with the natives becomes increasingly strained.

During the game, we control the protagonist whose main mission is to find a cure for a disease that is destroying the Old World. In the adventure, we must make every effort not to put either the natives or the colonizers in too much danger. The decisions we make affect not only the distribution of power on the island, but also how your history will unfold. GreedFall starts with character creation, including gender selection and a few basic traits. The producers have included a development system that doesn't divide the character into classes. This means that more than a hundred skills can be unlocked, allowing you to tailor the protagonist to your individual play style.

The main elements of the story are quests, which can be completed in various ways. While there's nothing to stop problems that arise in missions from being solved by force, stealth or relying on your hero's diplomatic skills often yields better results in missions. The path we choose and which side we support in a conflict affects not only our reputation, but also the local geopolitical situation. In addition, the choices we make have an impact on which of the adventure's potential companions will decide to join us and their subsequent attitude towards the protagonist. It is possible to build relationships with our companions that cause both romance and hostility.

When it comes to battles with enemies, both humans and monsters called Guardians stand in our way. In combat, we use weapons and firearms, which we can upgrade using an extensive crafting system, and the same goes for armoring elements. Magic also comes in handy. As for the game's graphics, the three-dimensional GreedFall graphics are pleasing to the eye. While working on the visuals, the developers modeled their work on baroque artworks. Greedfall offers an average of 40-50 hours of gameplay with all side content. In addition, there are a total of five different endings.

Greedfall is a great game though it's rough around the edges.

Good things:
- Decisions/choices matter (good roleplaying)
- Can save everywhere
- Great immersion
- Side quests are part of the main story and world-building. So it is worth your time to invest in those side quests.
- Fun combats and battles
- Maps are easy to navigate.
- The story and world-building are probably the greatest strengths of this game.

Improvements needed:
- The game still has bugs here and there. But nth is game-breaking.
- Sometimes it feels like a walking sim rather than an exciting exploration. The world is beautiful but there is nth interesting to explore. And exploration itself is not incentivised well most of the time.
- Side quests ask players to walk from Point A to Point B back and forth several times, which does not respect players' time. Walking/running is not fun and it's like a chore. Maybe make the character run faster or give him/her a horse? or make more teleport spots?
- Really appreciate it if we have mini-maps.
- Lack of monster/enemy variety

I still recommend it though. Greedfall is a great gem that needs polishing. Most of my complaints are about the quality of life improvements. I hope Greedfall 2 will also have an amazing story to tell like this one, and the dev will take my inputs into consideration.

The worst RPG I have ever played. Glorified fetch quest, hold W + Shift simulator with the the worst idea ever: clone Witcher 3. It makes Witcher 3 gameplay look like masterpiece. Even the AC games look very good compared to this. The worst open world and map design I have ever played. If someone likes this game the only possibility is that this is their first RPG. I learned my lesson: never play a RPG made by small studio.

If we talk seriously, it's an OK game. It's not bad, its not awesome, its somewhere in the middle.

The story is somewhat interesting, but its a little too easy to figure out since the game treats you like a dumb child, giving you obvious hints, which then ruins the story a little. The different endings are a nice twist that gives replayability to the game.

I actually like the characters but as many have said, they are a little bland in personality. The native wild woman is a native wild woman, the crude mercenary is a crude mercenary, the pirate is a pirate, etc.

There is many better story RPG games than this like for example the Dragon Age series. If the game sells for 10-15$ then I suggest getting it, otherwise, I dont think its worth it that much.

Es difícil de hacer el análisis porque el juego se nota que es de un estudio que no ha tenido todo el tiempo o la experiencia del mundo. Anteriormente desarrollaron Technomancer, un juego que creo que es peor que este en todo, pero en las cosas verdaderamente malas, no se si han mejorado tanto como deberían.

El mundo es muy interesante por lo que quiere contar y sobre todo por las misiones secundarias que te muestra el colonialismo muy bien. Es cierto que gráficamente es normalito y que te vas a encontrar a los mismos 20 NPCs todo el rato fuera de los de la historia. El combate tampoco destaca en absoluto, dándole a click y a veces a cubrirte o esquivar, pero nada del otro mundo. De hecho tampoco hay apenas habilidades, porque se nota que no era el lo que buscaban los desarrolladores.

Un 90% del tiempo estás hablando, un 8 % andando de un lado a otro, y un 2% combatiendo, así que entiendo que no le hayan puesto el mayor esfuerzo de perfeccionamiento a ese apartado. Ojo, el hablar no es que sea de tomar grandes decisiones. Las hay, pero normalmente es elegir en que orden quieres que te cuenten su cosa.

Además, hay un trabajo por intentar hacer las ciudades diferentes, al igual que otras localizaciones, aunque como todas las misiones consisten en ir de A a B, a C, a A de nuevo y a C de nuevo; al final puedes incluso cogerle un poco de asco. Aunque bueno, suelen contar algo interesante excepto en el caso de los contratos, unas misiones que lo mismo te piden matar 4 zorros muy específicos en un valle entero sin señalártelos ni nada. A ver, entiendo la idea, pero no.

Tiene también alguna mecánica de """sigilo""" pero es más una tontería, así como los crafteos o las pociones, que son bastante básicas. E insisto en el tema de los modelos. Si en una misión dejo que un viejo alquimista huya de la Inquisición, y me encuentro su mismo modelo en otra ciudad pero sin gafas y con bigote, por muy bien hecho que esté la historia, pierde toda credibilidad. La falta de tiempo y/o dinero ha sido clave en eso.

Por eso digo que me cuesta recomendar o no este título. Tiene muchos fallos, pero el mundo, la construcción del mismo, las historias de los personajes... Quieren contar algo y lo hacen bien, aunque el resto esté regular. Creo que lo recomendaré, si han mejorado desde technomancer, pueden mejorar eso que les falta para ser un gran juego desde este.

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Playable but not always. The combat is very stiff and the animations limited. The story is cliched and calling it fantasy is a stretch because it's just Europe with magic, so not very immersive. It's almost like they just read up, what an RPG is and did that. The map works just like older games do you go to a corner of it and transport to another map, it's not a continuous world. The missions are at worst fast travel simulators and at best boring. The main storyline is like any story about colonization ever written by a sympathetic colonizer, as in colonization isn't so bad and neither are the natives let's all be friends! Then there's various mechanics which at worst without them you have to painfully the the mission another way (science) and at best useless (lockpicking), the other mechanic which is how much each faction likes you is impossible to actually control since I played the game two different ways and ended up with almost the same results which by the way, don't matter. So no matter how you play, everything ends in the same way.

É uma tentativa de The Witcher, mas tem suas particularidades. História mais ou menos, mas gostosinho de jogar

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The game seemed like it would offer some decent RPG storytelling and action in a novel setting, but everything is just...bland?

+ Props to the developers for creating a novel setting.
- The storyline is very predictable and boring, even verging on tedious. The three factions are very archetypal and unrealistic. It's basically a somewhat edited three-trope character selection: the Science Faction, the Money Faction, the Combat Faction. It's the scientists vs. businessmen vs. mercenaries storyline.

Das ist so zach wie ein Hybrid aus Kaugummi und den Steaks die meine Mutter kocht

It's a knock off bioware but not necessarily a bad thing
Don't mean it's that great either
It's fine

Never have I ever played the RPG as a diplomat

Yummy yummy double AA jank. It’s a decent Dragon Age-lite with killer aesthetics. Party members are pretty weak, the game is too long for it’s own good, and the zones largely lack visual distinction but this is still a pretty fun game

Fun little game with some good party members, quests, and dialog. I appreciate the setting and the unique take on colonialism.