Reviews from

in the past

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More focus on action and overall more challenging than both Half-Life and Blue shift, but not much more to offer other than that, i'd say it's better than Blue Shift, worse than Half-Life

Even after replaying and enjoying the first Half-Life more, I still think this is the better game overall. It may not have had the same impact and importance the first game had, but in terms of enjoyment factor and consistency, this easily takes it. Also helps that this game did an amazing job of expanding upon the world of Half-Life and showed it from a different perspective. Bring back Adrian Shephard

Petite campagne qui rajoute quelques mecaniques en plus. Fun presque tout le long sauf peut etre pour le boss final qui est vraiment mal designer. Peut-etre que j'etait juste nul, mais j'ai trouver le jeu tres dur comparer a HF1 et Blue Shift.

This is another half-life scenario where the game is FANTASTIC. I mean, I liked it almost better than the original gameplay wise, they updated a lot and it's really fun. However... The final boss SUCKED. Like, genuinely was so bad. I don't understand how Valve created such unique and interesting levels and monsters and then flubbed the boss battles harder than I failed my SAT's. Also you couldn't long jump and it made me sad

gas alert a worthy expansion


Shepard be like : I am Doomguy

certamente uma das coisas mais horríveis que já joguei

nunca foi tão agoniante terminar um jogo, o sentimento de querer me jogar da janela aflorou de dentro de mim diversas vezes, mas como sou brasileiro e nunca desisto.. finalizei com muito orgulho de pensar que nunca mais vou abrir isso de novo

Better than the OG, just better enemy design & gun play / level deisgn.

Really solid expansion with new tools to use, mechanics to engage with, and enemies to fight. Fun stuff but has some tough competition with the main game which feels like a much more consistent experience throughout.

I feel like the last couple of times that I reinstalled this I forgot that there was that one enemy that is a huge pain in the ass in an unfun way. Surely when the stars align again and I play this in the future I will remember. Right?

Jogar esse jogo e prestar atenção em sua história e como ela se desenvolve é muito confuso, porque isso me fez perguntar se os soldados que atacavam o Freeman e os cientistas da Black Mesa estavam fazendo aquilo porque era a missão deles ou se eles só estavam muito confusos mesmo com a situação toda, pois eles também estavam sofrendo ataques dos alienígenas que infestaram o laboratório. Não só os alienígenas, mas como as forças especiais, que tinham aparecido só uma vez no jogo original, nesse spin-off, elas são muito mais frequentes.

Vou deixar isso rápido e claro, a história desse spin-off é interessante mas não é nada muito arrepiante, mas não deixa de ser legal. O que não foi legal mesmo foi a gameplay, que eu honestamente nunca mais vou ter a vontade de re-jogar esse spin-off do quão difícil e chato foi matar alguns aliens fortes e únicos desse spin-off. Honestamente, o que não me fez desistir de zerar isso no mesmo dia é que eu já tinha zerado o Blue Shift antes e ele foi rápido, menos complicado e mais fácil, e eu pensei que esse seria o mesmo.

its cool, liked seeing the origins of cs

really cool new weapons but that final boss can go suck a can of dicks

Apesar de eu ter sofrido muito jogando ele, concordo que é uma ótima expansão do primeiro jogo, trazendo uma perspectiva bem legal de Black Mesa, com novos inimigos, armas e tudo de bom que o jogo original traz

Pretty fun, I loved dying alot and not beating the game 🥰

I still suck at Half-Life :]

I want to spoon Adrian Shepard.

Hank had the worst final of the three...

For a small 3-4 hour long campaign that aims to put a spin on the events in the half-life story, I think this game executes on it's main goals well. I liked the new gimmicks added to this game, and while they weren't really utilized that much (i think there were 3-4 sections where you could climb a rope that I noticed and same deal with the option to use npcs for coop in fights), I found them at least interesting. That said I feel like this game is almost too similar to the plot of HL1 and with a lot of the same jank carrying over from that game to this, I probably wont touch this game again for a long time. That said, it's definitely worth your time, especially if you played and enjoyed HL1. It's more of a fun twist on the story to kill an afternoon or evening than an actual game that I would actively go back to.

Excelente forma de mostrar el lado opuesto del protagonista, sumado a una excelente manera de expandir las mecánicas de juego. Fácilmente pudo ser un juego propio.

The game still very much holds up today, but sufferers from modern hardware issues and such. It is also incredibly short, and to be honest, the final boss was lame, but it is still very much a must play!

Even if very slightly, I'd say I liked this expansion more than the base game.

Some lessons were learned, and the overall pacing of the game felt far better. Admittedly, there is a bad final boss and also this expansion's equivalent of Blast Pit, but there were no levels which felt as annoying as On A Rail or the Xen ones.

The expansion leaning more into the shooter aspect, adding more weapons and enemies, while removing a lot of puzzles in comparison to the base game and Blue Shift is also worth mentioning, and I was a big fan of that.

The story and atmosphere didn't quite feel as gripping than the original, but were well-done, and it was nice to experience this story from another point of view.

By far my favorite game out of all the Half Life games, I'm not even joking. I hope we get to see Adrian Shepard get out of stasis someday, poor guy.

gearbox doesn't deserve to have made this game