Reviews from

in the past

They made a single-player Mario Party for some unfathomable reason. There are some good minigames in this (and some real stinkers), but overall, it's still not totally clear why this game exists.

My least favorite Mario Party! I do like the graphics a tiny bit though.

This is one of my favorite GBA games to be honest, maybe it's nostalgia talking but tedious as it may be at times this game felt like a strong and cohesive adventure (not what you'd expect out of a Mario Party game)

Como un juego donde podías hacer misiones mientras tuvieras save state todo bien, y si no... bastante estresante

Yep, now I see why people don't like this. It made me reconsider MP8. But the sprites work is very cute.

it has a lot of charm but I don't feel like completing it anytime soon

Los minijuegos multijugador son mejores que todo el conjunto.

Los minijuegos multijugador no son buenos.

Simple to play, easy to finish. Wish there was more variety in terms of mini games.
A great, relaxing, single player experience.

Odd game, it doesn't really feel like a Mario Party game but I wouldn't say its bad. All of the characters are fun and I like the gadgets. Only having 4 playable characters kind if sucks though but the game as a whole is definitely interesting.

i used to play this with my friend and one day she got really mad when i won a mini game and looked me dead in the eye and asked "why do you enjoy always being better than me" and i started crying

I never had friends to play this with, so I mostly just ended up playing the minigames by myself. They were pretty fun for kid me, all in all.

This is a very unique single player spin on Mario Party, traversing a huge board and solving quest everywhere to unlock more mini games for multiplayer and other single player minigames. All to the lead up to a mini game against Bowser which is pretty nice! Now I will say, the requirement of needing your own copy of the game does suck in order to play everything together but a lot of the duel and single system mini games are fun! That said this is definitely a game you might check out on your spare time when you're just interested enough to try it.

If this is Mario’s party I’m headed home.

Going around fulfilling missions for mario characters would be fun if moving through the board wasn't so annoying and some of the missions weren't so bad.
EDIT: Eventually went back and finished it. I guess the game's charm and the actually good minigames won me over despite all the terrible missions of going back and forth through the board, all the minigames that are drawn out and monotone and the fact that the minigames have no variations in the story mode despite having them in the side modes which is almost as baffling as them having almost half the minigame list appear only once through the main mode of the game which makes the repetition drastically worse than it would be otherwise.

This isn't really a Mario Party game more so a mini-game collection. The games aren't exactly bad but this game couldn't keep my attention for more than a couple hours.


Doing nice things for your friends: the official video game of the hit motion picture of the same name

I always like a good long John-Hughes-ass wrap up of what all the characters are up to after the game. I hope Flutter finds happiness, if not love, and I can’t believe Dorrie hadn’t heard from Yoshi in a while. And after Yoshi promised him they’d be friends! He promised!

I have a soft spot for this game. I honestly don't know why

A solo style Mario Party game to keep you entertained on the go, filled with puzzles, riddles and, of course, minigames

weird, weird little game but a lot of charm that i think goes unrecognized

Cute! This game is basically incomparably different from a core Mario Party title, but it's not bad by any means. Accepting that the Game Boy Advance wasn't powerful enough to make proper 4-player Mario Party work, this is a good compromise - 4 player action through mini-games, single player board game antics. Changing the focus from multiple smaller boards to a single big board in Shroom City lends itself to a lot of fun, particularly with the different recurring NPCs and subplots. I think the mechanic of trying to extend out your play by stockpiling dice is interesting. It's certainly frustrating if you run out partway into resolving a Quest between two different locations, but it's not too difficult to jump back in and keep grinding out the last few where needed. Not a game with a ton of longevity, but not a bad time overall.

And while I never got the chance to play it, it is nice that they tried to strike a compromise with the Bonus Board, at least making SOME way to play a Mario Party board game with 4 friends... even if it's a physical copy (certainly don't see that these days!).

I never got into the game as much. I bought it along with Mario Party DS at a local game store a few years ago and only ended up playing the mini-games. Some of them are fun, but some aren't. It didn't age as well as some other games in the series.