Reviews from

in the past

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Yeah, this one is going to be really difficult to talk about. I really wanted to like this one, I really did! But... I just couldn't like it, it was just way too blegh. It makes AP sad because I heard that this one was really disliked too, but I thought maybe I'd like it? Unfortunately, no... this is probably my least favorite one so far (spoiler, the next one actually is lmao). Even with X3 and how indifferent I was to that one, I at least could have some enjoyment with it through Rookie Hunter mode. Even when I put Rookie Hunter mode on and used the Ultimate Armor for this game, I still ran into so much frustration and irritation.

I'm going to try and make this a shorter one than normal, so... at first, I wasn't really sure why this entry was disliked almost as much as X7's. I mean, it looked like it'd play just like X5 to me, wasn't really sure what would be here to dislike. Then when I started playing through the game more and more, then I was starting to see why. The level design really was just... all over the place. What sucks is that some of these levels had such gorgeous designs and environments, but there were so many instances where I was just thrown off by what the game was asking of me, or just from being annoyed at a particular level's gimmick. Three stages come to mind for me when I think of how much they irritated me, whether it be Ground Scaravich's stupid totem pole enemies, Blaze Heatnix's mini boss that came back like five fucking times, and then Blizzard Wolfang's awful... AWFULLL... falling ice block section. It sucks because I really do like a lot of the ideas for these stages, and hell, I wasn't even all that against the whole Nightmare gimmick. Though, those levels could also be dickish too with their level design... erm anyway, now it's not all bad. I think two levels I genuinely really enjoyed were Metal Shark Player's and Shield Sheldon's. Well okay, I liked the first half of Metal Shark Player's stage---it reminded me of Mario levels where you need to be patient and not get crushed to death by stuff. And I did think Shield Sheldon's stage was cool with its laser puzzles, I thought that was a pretty creative and fun level. I did really like the music also in this game too... even in the stages I disliked, I was still vibing with the music though lmao. The Gate stages can go to hell though, fuck them. Normally I enjoy the final levels in these games as they get me hyped up for the finale, but these just didn't hit for me. And then Gate himself as a boss was... I don't even know how I beat him really lmao. I just stood in the corner and spammed one of my weapons until I kept making his own attacks explode to kill him lmao. Just really bizarre, definitely one of the weakest bosses I've seen in the series so far in terms of enjoyment. Sigma was okay in this though... I thought it was cool how they remixed his themes from X1 and X2 into a single arrangement, that was nice.

But yeah... so... can't say I was too much of a fan of a good amount of stuff in this game. I will say though that story was good! Well, with the rough English translation put to the side, I appreciated Alia being more fleshed out as a character, alongside Gate being an interesting antagonist. There was a lot of interesting lore that came out from this one, with me even feeling bad for a couple of the Mavericks in the game, lke Blizzard Wolfang, who I thought had a pretty tragic story. Overall, the story stuff for this one was neat. The whole Zero thing though, I mean... lmao. Honestly, I think if the excuse for him coming back was simply that he went on vacation leave, I would've bought that more than what we did get as the explanation lmao. Either way though, personally, I didn't care too much about the Zero retcon stuff. I love Zero, he's my favorite character in the series, so I'm just going to say it's all good he's still alive because I'm hella biased towards him lmao. Also, the entire X and Zero meeting each other again scene with that forearm bromance bump they do at the end is peak Mega Man X content for me, so it's all good lmao. Anyway, so yeah, X6 to me was... just a bit below indifference for me. I really did want to like this one... but in general, it just was not very fun for me. It has its good points for me, but I really wish I could've came out liking this one more though.

i believe this game was made to be used as a torture method for mass murderers.
nearly everything was done poorly, the bosses, the level design. the difficulty is all over the place, i struggled more on the Nightmare Snake (and its 4 refights) than i did with sigma, where i sat there and used the same shadow armour charged attack to kill him basically instantly.
only positive i can think of is it controls really well, but thats standard for mega man games, especially the x series.

dropped this game right before sigma, the X series (and mega man in general) are known for difficulty, but it's always been FAIR difficulty, this is just cursed with terrible level design. sucks that this era of the X series had to end like this but oh well

Cosas buenas: La musica,
Cosas malas: Todo lo demás
Podría ser algo reduccionista y decir únicamente eso, pero será mejor que elabore.

Voy a dejarlo muy en claro, X6 es un juego muy malo, más que nada porque casi todo lo que propone lo ejecuta mal.

Empezando por los niveles, exceptuando el de Rainy Turtloid, tiene partes tediosas, si no que todo el nivel. Literalmente puedo hallar mínimo un problema grave en cada uno. Por ejemplo, Command Yamark sería un nivel decente de no ser porque hay una sección con picos instakill que no puedes ver por la posición de la cámara, Infinity Mijinion (enserio, que carambas es un Mijinion) es básicamente espamearte enemigos a lo bobo, lo mismo con el de Ground Scaravich, con la diferencia de que este tiene secciones random con RNG. Metal Shark Gameplayer es el gimmick del nivel de Dust Man pero en todo el nivel, Blizzard Wolfgang tiene RNG y no puedes escalar en paredes, Shield Shieldon es horrible por el gimmick asqueroso de los rayos láser. El peor de todos de lejos es Blaze Heatnix, literalmente su nivel se basa en matar 5 veces a una serpiente (si, eso era una serpiente xd) durante todo el maldito nivel.

Lo peor es que si bien, el nivel de la tortuga nigga es decente, este y los otros niveles se arruinan aún más con la mecánica de los efectos pesadilla. Estos se activan al superar otros niveles, y su objetivo es meter obstáculos a lo bobo en el nivel, como por ejemplo, el que no te deja ver nada, las bolas de fuego etc.

Luego tenemos el sistema de partes. Ahora la cantidad de partes que puedes equipar depende de tu rango, (el cual no se comparte entre ambos personajes claro está) y para subir este, básicamente tienes que farmear, pero farmear de formas exageradas, si quieres tener todas las piezas posibles al mismo tiempo. Las partes en sí, se consiguen al rescatar reploids dentro de los niveles, el problema es que este juego es X6, y como X6 no puede hacer algo bien durante 5 minutos, pusieron la mecánica de que si un virus pesadilla infecta a un Reploid, este ya no se puede salvar, DURANTE EL RESTO DE LA PARTIDA, por lo que si tuviste la mala suerte de no salvar a uno, te toca borrar y crear una nueva partida si quieres hacer el 100% del juego (Por tu salud mental no lo intentes).

Las armas en sí están muy buenas, por lo que no tengo nada de que quejarme.

Lo de las armaduras es otra cosa, este juego sigue la costumbre de X5 de que tener todas las piezas para poder usarlas, dejando de lado de que hay partes que se obtienen en ubicaciones muy crípticas (como detrás de una pared), la Saber me parece buena, pero la Shadow no me convence, creo que prefiero la Gaia del primer juego por ser más centrado en el Buster. Pero, hay un problema y es que, este juego no se puede completar enteramente sin X sin armadura, debido a que el juego es tan magnífico que te pone saltos que son imposibles sin la Saber, por lo que si o si ocupas conseguir todo.

Los jefes están muy mal también (que sorpresa) los Mavericks en general son demasiado fáciles, pero los jefes finales son otro cuento, son horriblemente difíciles porque ocupas usar un arma especial y el juego no te lo comunica de forma efectiva, o te pone a hacer saltos en plataformas encima de un pozo mientras peleas.

La historia como tal está ok, o sea, si, ya se que aqui empezó el meme de me repare a mi mismo, pero, en cuanto a la trama de Gate, está bastante decente, ya que involucra bien a los Mavericks y le da un poco más de transfondo a la Random esa del Call Center.

Lo único que es bueno de principio a fin, es la música.

Así que en conclusión, no gasten tiempo de su vida jugando está cosa si es que no les convence. Es un juego que le termino poniendo peros a todo que no sea la música o las armas.

The pain continues. Like X5, X6 isn't a good time, but at least it's a little bit better.

First, there are almost no interruptions from Alia and second, it doesn't take forever to defeat (most of) the bosses.
Still, the level design is bland and this time full of enemies and projectiles, so you can't walk two pixels without getting hit by something.

The damage you take isn't high, at least not on Normal which I only played on for now, but it just feels bad because I just played through everything without caring.
It didn't help that a Game Over no longer means anything and you don't lose your checkpoint after you get one, which to be fair makes the experience a lot more bearable.

Then there is a hidden boss that can only be hurt with a specific weapon and is therefore impossible to defeat if you find him without it. And calling him hidden isn't really the case, because in every stage there is a optional route where he can be encountered, and at one point I thought I would go the normal way but ended up fighting him without his weakness again. Combined with the fact that you so easily gain lifes from rescuing reploids and can't leave the stage, I had to be slowly defeated nine times to avoid losing the items I'd collected up to this point.

Speaking of optional routes, it didn't feel good to go those routes to get the items on it and then replay the first half of each stage again to go to the normal boss.

As for the difficulty level, I was confused at first as I didn't think the eight regular stages were that bad, but then came the final levels. Spikes everywhere, enemy spam everywhere, and a boss that you have to stun with the Charge Shot and then hit him with his weakness, which would be fine if it didn't take forever, and worse, the Charge Shot from one of the unlockable armors made his invincibility so janky that I couldn't hit him most of the time. The solution was to use a different Charge Shot the armor had, but it didn't feel right.

I'm scared of what awaits me in X7...

só com glitch pra aguentar zerar isso aqui que jogo buxa rapaz

Completed using Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 on Switch. Playing as X, I collected all Heart Containers, Tanks, and individual Armor Parts. In addition, I fought all Mavericks and optional bosses before proceeding with Gate's stages. Unlike with MMX1-4, I played this one almost exclusively in Rookie Hunter Mode to deal with all the bullshit, and this time, I never turned it off.

Calling this game a disappointment would be inaccurate, because that wording implies I had expectations that weren't met. In truth, Mega Man X6 didn't just fail to clear the bar raised by X4, but proved to be a truly awful experience that makes X5 look competent in comparison.

This review doesn't need to be as long as the one I made for X5, though, because nearly every mistake that game made has been repeated and amplified by this one. Level design hits a new low, with unrelenting enemy spam and maliciously-placed hazards that made me thankful for Rookie Hunter Mode. Stages range from boring to infuriating, with Blaze Heatnix and Blizzard Wolfang's being the worst offenders, perhaps in the series' history so far. There are occasional interesting concepts, like the lasers in Shield Sheldon's stage, but their execution is consistently fumbled. The most promising feature, a record that keeps track of stranded Reploids, is ruined by the Nightmare Virus enemies (which are everywhere, by the way) that latch onto them and infect them, rendering them permanently impossible to rescue. All in all, any subtle improvements over X5 are made trivial by the obnoxious design choices that are present nearly everywhere throughout the game.

TL;DR - Mega Man X6 isn't just unremarkable or inadequate, it's just plain bad. It helped me to appreciate the moments during X5 when it seemed like the developers were actually trying, and had me distraught over how quickly such a popular series fell from grace following its highest point. I will not be playing through Mega Man X7; its intro stage was enough of a warning.

Music bangs but how'd they fuck up this bad.

shit but kinda? maybe? somewhat? a little bit? fun

It's like X5, but actually bad

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay yipeee

Zero me dá tesão

A magia que um videogame tem de te instigar mesmo com todas as suas imperfeições sendo realçadas o tempo inteiro e te fazer supera-las com todas as ferramentas que você tem ao seu dispor sempre me encanta.

Um jogo quebrado, mas um jogo com alma.

O melhor e o pior de Mega Man!

Duas estrelas pela ost... que só presta as musicas mesmo todo o resto desse jogo não funciona, level designer horrivel, historia pior ainda e a gameplay mais triste de todas.

Bom, mas eu odeio a espada do Zero nesse jogo

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh great ost!

this game makes megaman x5 looks like megaman x4

someone give the people who beat this game a hug we need it

There's almost nothing redeemable about this garbage game. I'd go into more detail but that's more than it deserves.

My favorite megaman x series. Best mechanic and enemies. I remember i love to draw shield sheldon as my fave enemy

Hastily pieced together for release months after the supposed end of the series, the game is balls-to-the-wall hard because its level design is all over the place and the nightmare system which adds further hinderances only worsens the experience. The disc I have is so scratched up that for years, the nightmare effects would permanently layer on top of one another and I thought it was normal because that's just how sloppily the game is designed. Some of Zero's weapons can actually get him killed if activated in the wrong place and while the Reploid rescue system from 'X5' is built upon, some of them are left so out of the way or directly next to danger, almost guaranteeing their loss. The music is really good though and brings the game up half a star but yea, you could've let this cook for another couple of months and it only would've come out burnt; there's no fixing a lot of these issues without completely rebuilding its foundation.

I actually love this game. Now if you asked me what I thought while playing it, I would've said its the worst Mega Man I've ever played. But, after beating it, I feel so accomplished. Its like I overcame a huge challenge. Maybe I'm just a masochist, but man that was a lot of fun.
X and Zero both feel incredible to use. X's special weapons are all really good. They're really strong and are all useful one way or another. Rainy Turtloid, Infinity Majinion, and Bizz Wolfang's weapons are the only ones I didn't really use all that much. Commander Yamark's weapon is incredible. Using it for both Zero and X is wonderful. I really like the Blade and Shadow armor as sidegrades for X. Zero's techniques all kind of suck, aside from Commander Yamark's weapon, but its whatever. The animation and sound effects of his moves just make him feel so satisfying.
The stage design is psychotic. I'm a huge fan. I really like rescuable reploids and the upgrades they can provide. Nightmare viruses make them more interesting, but the viruses themselves can also be super annoying. The Nightmare system adds a twist to all the stages when its in full effect. I played Infinity Majinion's stage when it had all the Nightmare effects and it was insane. The best stages are Commander Yamark, Rainy Turtloid, and Blizz Wolfang's stages. I hate Deep Shark Player's stage since its so slow. The remaining stages all have interesting ideas, just done without any real polish. They are all really difficult and arduous to beat, but man, when I beat them, I felt like I was at the top of the world. Maybe I'm just a masochist. Infinity Majinion in particular felt like such an insane stage that when I beat it, I was just in awe. I had a great time. The Mavericks themselves are all really weak. Its a bit anticlimactic going through such hard stages only to fight such weak bosses.
I like how progression is handled. You only need to beat one Maverick to beat the game. The secret exits in the stages are really cool ideas. I like how that's how you unlock Zero and fight High Max. I wish you could do the Gate Stage 1 as X without the Shadow Armor, but that's whatever. The locations of some of the secrets, like Light Capsules and heart tanks are psychotic. Like one is just through a wall that you can just walk through. Its insane. I am a fan though. I like the chip system and the rescuable reploids. It makes exploring the stages feel more rewarding. The music in all the stages is also just drop-dead amazing.
The Gate stages are fun. They throw everything they have at you and you just have to beat them. It feels like a lot, but after I took it all a little bit at a time, I was able to beat it. It did take like a while, but man I felt so accomplished afterwards. The beginning of Gate Stage 2 as Zero in particular was quite the challenge.
I really like the story of this game. Gate and High Max are good villains. I like how Alia has a history with Gate. I don't like how Sigma comes in at the very end, he feels very unnecessary and forced. His fight is really fun though.
I really like this game. It feels like a great challenge to overcome. The game doesn't hold back. When I beat this game, I felt like I earned it. It feels like a first draft of something that could've been the best Mega Man game ever. We didn't get a more refined version, but I love what I played. Its definitely not for everyone, but it is for me.

despite how bullshit it is i have lots of fun playing the game

Un juego hecho a las prisas (y se siente) la dificultad se siente hasta injusta por momentos y sobre mas en los niveles en si que contra los jefes.

This is the best bad game you will play. Megaman fans open your eyes and see the truth.

They really went and published a Mega Man X kaizo rom hack lmaooo

Incompetence and ignorance is often what brings a game down. Mega Man X 6 is a rare case in that malicious design is what brings it down. It is far and away, without question, the meanest game in the whole Mega Man franchise. More than any other game in the series, it demands you to be a skilled and knowledgeable player and still wastes your time. The game, is evil. It’s fun, but it is evil.

What do I mean by evil? The game feels like a prank. You go to Blaze Heatnix’s stage and the first thing you do is fight this annoying Nightmare Snake miniboss. You beat it and then play a bit of the level only to come across yet another Nightmare Snake miniboss. This repeats until you have beaten five of these damn things.

Not to be outdone, Blizzard Wolfang’s falling icy Tetris block segments, the seemingly randomly generated layouts of the randomly selected action rooms in Ground Scaravich’s stage, and the entirety of Metal Shark Player’s stage are all unbelievably annoying and frustrating. To compound on the frustration, every level has a random chance to be affected by the Nightmare Virus, which adds more obstacles/enemies/nuisances. Sometimes feels like the developers are laughing at you for playing it.

I didn’t include Rainy Turtloid’s stage’s acid rain gimmick in that list of grievances, because I don’t think it’s all that bad. I kind of like it, actually. It gives you this sense of urgency and also turns parts of the level into a (very) simple scavenger hunt to get the rain to stop. It’s an interesting novelty for a Mega Man game, especially when compared to five back to back minibosses.

What I don’t like about Rainy Turtloid’s stage is the hidden armor capsule. This capsule gives you a part for the Shadow Armor, a ninja-like set that is by all accounts not very viable, but allows you to walk on spikes. To get to this capsule, you have to get through a narrow passage full of spikes. And it is TRICKY. If you are a pixel off, you’re getting one shotted by the spikes. Some players have found that damage boosting off a nearby enemy is the best way to get across the spikes, but the recommended way is to have completed the other set of armor, the viable Blade Armor, and use its dash to get across. It’s kaizo level stuff no matter what. The hardest spike traversal in the game and it rewards you the ability to not worry about spikes anymore. I’m sure you can see the hypocrisy of the situation here.

The Shadow Armor’s spike walking isn’t even necessary, because arguably the most important spike traversal in the game can be crossed by using one of the special weapons you get from the bosses. The Ice Burst plops a small block in front of you that you can jump on. You can use this block to jump across a large stretch of spikes in Blizzard Wolfang’s secret area so you can save Dante the Reploid dog, who gives you the Jumper parts, which is capital R Required to get through the final stages, if you’re not using Zero (because he can double jump).

Before I get ahead of myself and talk about the endgame too soon, I want to take a moment to talk about the very accurately named Another Route secret areas, which ironically can be used to start the endgame sooner than usual.

The Another Route is a shorter and sometimes trickier version of any of the main stages, where you fight one of the three secret bosses, in order of appearance: the Zero Nightmare, the nearly invincible High Max, and Dynamo from X5, here to start some trouble again. Beating Dynamo gives you points towards your rank, beating the Zero Nightmare unlocks Zero as a playable character, and painstakingly whittling High Max’s health to zero awards you with the ability to go to the final stages.

You could, in theory, begin the endgame without seeing a single boss Maverick. I don’t know why you would want to do that, because those stages are just about the most evil the game gets. Even if you pick Zero and skip the need to get the Jumper parts, the final rematch with High Max is an ordeal WITH his weakness.

I’ve been complaining a lot about Mega Man X 6 but I want to reiterate that it feels good in the hands, one of the most important things a Mega Man game can do. Dashing and jumping around any level feels good, I just wish those levels were better made.

There’s a discussion to be had about half assed level design paired with a strong list of verbs to play around with in those levels feeling good and the growing usage of machine learning to replace creatives, but this review is already too long.

A good list of verbs really does go a long way though, because despite my griping about Mega Man X 6, I’ve beaten it like four times. This was of course when I was a little bit older and could grapple with the hatred this game eminates, though.

I do not recommend Mega Man X 6. It’s too cruel. But I still respect it for choosing to be such a bastard of a game.

This might be one of the worst games I have ever played
Awful level design especially at the end
Imbalanced weapons for X and the worst that Zero has felt so far made this game a chore to sit through
Genuinely not a fun time at all
1 is for how good the soundtrack is and the fact that some boss fights are alright

Very bad game, with a horrible level design, and an unfair difficulty.

Um jogo peculiar que eu gosto e você aprende a gostar