Reviews from

in the past

If this won game of the year, 2014 must have been a bad year for video games. Shadow of Mordor isn't bad per say but it's not a 10/10.

My favorite thing about this about is the Sauron's army mechanic. Taking out captains, helping them rise through the ranks, pitting warchiefs against each other. That was a lot of fun and very unique too. Only complaint is having to open the menu so frequently. Combat is pretty fun and so is the stealth only I wish there was less of it.

There's not really a story here, it's just a series of events that take place until Talion decides he needs to move on with the plot. Game's main story feels like a bunch of side quests stringed together. Speaking of side quests, 10 missions for each weapon and 24 outcasts missions is a bit much. Fighting captains and warchiefs always pauses the game so you can hear them say some dumb line. Open world is dull and the inconsistent climbing makes it a slog to traverse. The two final bosses are The Tower and Sauron respectively. I have never fought a more underwhelming boss fight. The Tower, you just sneak up on him 3 times. Sauron is just 4 quick time events and 1 mashing the button moment. I was so confused I made to look up if that was the real ending. It was, but I think it's supposed to be a set up for Shadow of War. Making a video game just to set up a sequel instead of standing out individually is not looked up too highly by my eyes.

I do believe Shadow of Mordor is a fun game with great Lord of the Rings lore despite talking more negatively about it. It sucks because the issues I have don't make it a bad game, they hold it back from being a great game which it certainly has the potential to be. Or maybe I expected too much from a game my dad has been bugging me to play since it came free on ps plus and the fact that it says "Game of the Year"? So much so to the point where nitpicks made me rate it far harsher than I should have. Guess we'll never know.

Great game for all Assassin's Creed and The Lord of the Rings fans with super cool Nemesis mechanic

So good, but admittedly less good than when I first 100%ed it. Idk, when you've done it once before, there is something less all-encompassing about the experience; you don't marvel at the depth of the nemesis system, the two maps seem a bit, well, same-y, and the like. Still, I'd give anything to play it fresh for the first time - a modern classic.

One of the best power fantasies ever.
this game truly makes you feel powerful while still being challenging. The combat never gets old, and the open world is very atmospheric and immersive most people criticize it's open world for being too similar to ubisoft's open world games because of some elements like the towers but I think there is nothing wrong with that and I think this game refines that formula and makes it actually fun. The story is pretty okish but it doesn't get in your way too much so it's better than nothing I think you'll like it if you are a lord of the rings fan. The dlcs are great at the start I despised the dlcs because I thought they were just recycled content but after completing both of them I have to say they are the best content of the game.
My final thoughts : you should play it if you are a lord of the rings fan or if you just want to play a solid game with exceptional combat.

Platinum Trophy - lots of ideas that won’t be fully capitalized on till the following entry, but a lot of this felt more visceral and personal than shadow of war. Most notably the nemesis villains, I’ll always remember my first captain who came back to life 3 times and killed me several times.

As someone far from a fan of LOTR, I was blown away by this. It is essentially a more fluid AC game with a middle earth blanket. Everything feels good, and its combat is some of the most satisfying I've ever played within a hack n slash setting. Although, I found the climax of the game to feel undercooked. It has a lot of fun to offer and I'm sure I'll pick it up again to snatch up 100%

Una obra que sitúa correctamente su historia en el lore de LotR. El sistema némesis muestra mucho potencial que en la secuela llegaron a explotar con increíble acierto.

The atmosphere in this game over Shadow of War is really what makes the game for me. The darker tone makes so much of a difference.