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NOTA: 7,75

Shadow of Mordor é um game de ação com foco em combate contra bandos e mecânicas de utilização do cenário junto com stealth, além de progressão de habilidades.

A trama se passa no universo de O Senhor dos Anéis, tendo seus acontecimentos muito antes da franquia, relatando a ocupação de Sauron em Mordor e a união entre Talion e Kerebrimbor em busca de derrotar o mão negra.

Além da ação e variedade de abordagem nos inimigos, o ponto mais interessante e surpreendente para mim é o sistema de coletar informações para descobrir a fraqueza dos Orcs chefes e os eventos em tempo real onde os inimigos verdes se desafiam em confrontos onde o player pode intervir e decidir a conclusão dele. Além deles aumentarem poder e moral ao derrotar outro orc em busca do cargo maior e também ao derrotar o player.

A qualidade desse game é bem alta para 2014, ótimos gráficos e detalhes de visual, além de uma boa dublagem PT-BR que tem diferentes dialogos ao se aproximar dos inimigos dependendo de seu histórico com eles e seus superiores.

Por outro lado, embora a progressão de Talion traga habilidades vantajosas, ela não é tão aparente e nem de ritmo bom, o que se compromete pela parte de ação do game ser bem repetitiva. Ambientado em 2 diferentes mapas abertos, os elementos do cenário e montarias sequer muda entre eles também.

Além disso, o game me passa uma sensação de ser muito rushado, quando parecia se aprofundar, os personagens que aparecem tem suas conclusões muito cedo e num piscar de olhos, os preparativos para a criação de um exército ( uma mecânica de controlar os orcs muito foda por sinal) e enfrentar o mão negra estão finalizados.

Por último, além do climax breve, as boss fights contra o Torre e o Sauron ( se é que pode se chamar de fight) são bem ruinzinhas, assim como os eventos secundários ( exceção os confrontos) do game que são bem skipaveis, já que não contribuem com o aumento de poder. Apenas para xp.

Em resumo, Shadow of Mordor me empolgou no começo, mas acabou perdendo o gás no meio para o fim, contando com outros modos também, joguei a campanha do Kerebrimbor e embora seja interessante também sofre com pouca variação, porém para não garantir tanta repetição, pelo menos se trata de uma experiência mais curta e divertida, o que me faz recomendá-lo sem dúvidas, partiu Shadow of War.

If this won game of the year, 2014 must have been a bad year for video games. Shadow of Mordor isn't bad per say but it's not a 10/10.

My favorite thing about this about is the Sauron's army mechanic. Taking out captains, helping them rise through the ranks, pitting warchiefs against each other. That was a lot of fun and very unique too. Only complaint is having to open the menu so frequently. Combat is pretty fun and so is the stealth only I wish there was less of it.

There's not really a story here, it's just a series of events that take place until Talion decides he needs to move on with the plot. Game's main story feels like a bunch of side quests stringed together. Speaking of side quests, 10 missions for each weapon and 24 outcasts missions is a bit much. Fighting captains and warchiefs always pauses the game so you can hear them say some dumb line. Open world is dull and the inconsistent climbing makes it a slog to traverse. The two final bosses are The Tower and Sauron respectively. I have never fought a more underwhelming boss fight. The Tower, you just sneak up on him 3 times. Sauron is just 4 quick time events and 1 mashing the button moment. I was so confused I made to look up if that was the real ending. It was, but I think it's supposed to be a set up for Shadow of War. Making a video game just to set up a sequel instead of standing out individually is not looked up too highly by my eyes.

I do believe Shadow of Mordor is a fun game with great Lord of the Rings lore despite talking more negatively about it. It sucks because the issues I have don't make it a bad game, they hold it back from being a great game which it certainly has the potential to be. Or maybe I expected too much from a game my dad has been bugging me to play since it came free on ps plus and the fact that it says "Game of the Year"? So much so to the point where nitpicks made me rate it far harsher than I should have. Guess we'll never know.

Great game for all Assassin's Creed and The Lord of the Rings fans with super cool Nemesis mechanic

So good, but admittedly less good than when I first 100%ed it. Idk, when you've done it once before, there is something less all-encompassing about the experience; you don't marvel at the depth of the nemesis system, the two maps seem a bit, well, same-y, and the like. Still, I'd give anything to play it fresh for the first time - a modern classic.

A total blast. One of the best games I've ever played. The combat makes you feel so badass and is SO intuitive, allowing you to choose your style of play (magic-casting wraith, swordsman ranger, or both) and switch it up in a matter of moments. The story is really exciting and ties into the lore of The Silmarillion in a really fun way, and the Nemesis System... God, the Nemesis System. It's incredible. There's nothing I can say about it that hasn't been said. It's perfect. It makes every Uruk feel real. The way they kill each other and are replaced so easily is such a good little commentary on the war machine. I can't wait to play the sequel.

The Nemesis system makes this game a fun time in the face of repetition, offering a near infinite amount of unique encounters. However, everything else ranges from mediocre to simply falling flat, such as the simple Arkham-style combat, the underwhelming story, and boring characters.

Playlist da Gameplay completa no Youtube:

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (Terra Média: Sombras de Mordor) é um jogo eletrônico de ação-aventura ambientado no universo da saga "O Senhor dos Anéis" do autor J. R. R. Tolkien, desenvolvido pela Monolith Productions e distribuído pela Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

O jogo "preenche as lacunas" entre The Hobbit e O Senhor dos Anéis. É uma história de vingança, assassinato, e mistério que acontece em Mordor, a Terra das Sombras. O centro da história é Talion, um homem simples que perde tudo, incluindo a sua vida mortal.

One of my favorite games of all time! There is something relaxing about butchering uruks :D! Loved the mechanics and the story.

Jogo fácil, não demora pra zerar a história principal, tá marcando que eu joguei 13h na steam, o sonho do clt

very nice game, the combat reminds me of the Arkham games, and the story of what i have experienced so far is extremely immaculate

Perfect. Smooth gameplay, i love it from the start, one of the best rpg i have played.

Has some really addictive combat and it's very fun to just run around and clear outposts. It does get grindy after a bit and I wouldn't say it's endlessly replayable but its worth experiencing for the nemesis system alone.

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Very cool game, but not as good as Sex 2

goddamn the nemesis system is good

Uma mistura genérica de Assassin's Creed com Batman Arkham forma um jogo igualmente genérico, de uma franquia que não tenho muito apreço (só assisti os dois primeiros Hobbits) e que só joguei por ouvir falar do sistema Nemesis e por ter ganhado o código de uma alma generosa no twitter.
E ele foi exatamente isso. Perto da metade, pensei até em desistir, algo que eu nunca faço, mesmo gostando do sistema de derrotar o exército de Sauron. Quando chegamos no segundo mapa, minha exaustão estava no ponto máximo, mas algo aconteceu: Eu não precisava mais só derrotar o exército. Eu tinha que o CONTROLAR.
Isso fez um jogo de 2,5 estrelas virar 3,5, e me fez entender o porque é tão aclamado. É tudo o que dizem mesmo, cada um que jogar terá pelo menos uma história marcante e única, e é extremamente satisfatório evoluir, manipular seus orcs e eventualmente lutar ao lado deles. É realmente espetacular, e me deixou cheio de vontade de jogar a sequência. Só espero que a qualidade do jogo acompanhe essa mecânica, ao invés de ser apenas uma cobertura incrível numa sobremesa amarga.

Vale apontar que é um CRIME que o sistema nêmesis seja patenteado e que nenhuma outra publisher possa fazer jogos que o utilizem. O próximo será da mulher maravilha, e esse aqui seria do Batman antes de ser cancelado. A Warner tá segurando a evolução da mídia por uma exclusividade pateticamente burra.

It's a fine game. Just when the gameplay starts getting boring, they change up the mechanics and make it more interesting, which I really liked. Trying to dominate the Captains is a waste of time though, just run the main story and only go for captains when the story tells you to.

Platinum Trophy - lots of ideas that won’t be fully capitalized on till the following entry, but a lot of this felt more visceral and personal than shadow of war. Most notably the nemesis villains, I’ll always remember my first captain who came back to life 3 times and killed me several times.

Replayed this on PC in 2019. Amazing game set in Middle Earth. Great combat, the amazing nemesis system, good parkour, serviceable story. Overall, very much worth getting this game. I highly recommend it.

Apesar de ser um jogo bem na pegada Assassins Creed, ele consegue ser bem imersivo, e respeita a lore oficial (até onde é possível com esse tipo de abordagem).

Quite alright, the tests were absolute pain full of unclear RNG and the DLCs were a slog. The game could do with more movement abilities (the boost after jumping over small obstacles was alright but not that useful).

Sombras de mordor es uno de mis top 3 de las últimas dos generaciones. Desde que lo completé en su versión estándar de PS4 me enamoré por completo, tras eso compré de oferta la versión GOTY en Steam y de nuevo en PS4 (GOTY) con todos sus DLC con las campañas adicionales.

Muy recomendable si te gusta el universo de El Señor de los Anillos y muy frenético en cuanto a los combates rodeado de hordas de orcos. Puro botoneo!

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An open world game that doesn't overstay its welcome as much as others. Obviously the nemesis system is great, but there are so many other parts which made it one of my favourite open worlds:
- Stealth is fun! For a lot of open worlds the stealth is an after-thought. In this game i used it for about half the game
- Combat is great too. I am surprised how much like a dynasty warriors game this feels like
- Mounts can traverse cliffs and walls, keeping the flow of the game and not having awkward collisions and paths (in theory)
- The map is small. This is a big one for me, as I am turned off open worlds these days by the junk they pile in to make it "AAA". A handful of ubi-style towers can be fun. 20 is not.
- The shadow dash/brand/kill mechanic is great and allows for such quick traversal when sneaking

While these are all pros, there are a few things I wish they had refined more:
- Even though the map, collectibles and missions were smaller compared to other open worlds, the 24(!) free the slaves missions were such a ball-ache. You could easily half that and probably still make it feel saturated
- While the mount traversal and versatility was appreciated, it still was quite janky, accidentally climbing things i didn't want it to
- A bit nitpicky, but i did a lot of orc killing and side questing before tackling some main story missions, and sometimes the dialogue inferred I had not done things that I actually had, breaking the immersion a bit
- DLC was a bit underwhelming - mostly more of the same (which can be played in perpetuity on the main game, as uruks get replaced as time goes on!)

If shadow of war is better, as everyone says it is, then it might just be a masterpiece!

Una obra que sitúa correctamente su historia en el lore de LotR. El sistema némesis muestra mucho potencial que en la secuela llegaron a explotar con increíble acierto.

A great game, but can become repetitive once you get into the late game.

this game is like the testing ground for shadow of war, pretty darn easy game

Good first game with a good template for a future title