Reviews from

in the past

Tentei jogar mas no decorrer do jogo fui cansando e ficando desanimado.

This one hurt. This game is fun as hell but god it's story bored me to tears. Maybe strikers raised my expectations for what a Persona spin-off could be a little too high, but regardless this one was just disappointing.

Worth it for the new characters Toshiro and Erina alone. Wish they were actual P5 characters. Gameplay is a very fun combination of Persona and XCOM that works well, if that piques your interest as well.

criminally underrated and a nice entry point into strategy based games

Persona 5 Tactica Review:
Hours: 30
Spoilers: 0

We have hade the original Persona 5, Dancing in Starlight, Royal, Strikers and now we all have Tactica. Atlus has milked and continues to milk the Persona that hit the mainstream crowd and the real question has to be, does Tactica justify the milking?
Let’s moo-ve onto the review and find out!

If you have played X-Com or Fire Emblem you will be already quite familiar with how this game operates except this is absolutely a more dumbed down version of that. Think Raving Rabbids but not THAT obsessed by the French. Tactica is a HEAVILY cover based strategy game relying on moving the characters you know and love on a grid based map to defeat all the enemies.
For new players of the genre, this game absolutely can operate as “My first tactics game” and does a good job of elevating the difficulty making it more of a Hitman styled puzzle box. If I move my unit here, and press this elevator button, will the enemy be taken out of cover for me to get a critical hit and have another turn?
The elevation is really gradual and I think that if people have issues with how easy the game is at the start, it does become more of a strategy game in its later portions. Other than this, it is a Persona game. You take turns with each character (up to 3) to attack using guns, melee attacks and persona skills now just with a cover twist as a mission based puzzle box.

I assume if you have played Persona 5, you probably enjoyed that sweet, sweet narrative. I gotta say, I really enjoyed the plot that follows Tactica. I have a lot of issues with the ongoing narrative of this series of games as they all ditch Royal and seemingly do not connect with Strikers at all. I understand they are side games to spin off from that main game but the fact there is no consistency at all is painful because it does feel like none of it was worth it.
However, if we look at the game in its own box without any other elements, Tactica is a beautiful narrative and though it is obvious from the get go, the game also realises that you will get what is happening really quick. Leaving you no spaces where you feel the characters aren’t catching up as fast as you.
I adore where this story goes and made me genuinely cry so hard. I haven’t cried this hard since Final Fantasy 16 but this felt even more intense. I love what this narrative represents and gives a great spin on what they were going for in the base game.
Just like all the other spin off games, I absolutely love the new characters and how they blend with the existing Phantom Thieves. It is just a shame on narrative level that they will be thrown away not to be seen in another P5 game unless we get a fighter.

Bruh it’s Lyn, what more do you want. Of course it is fucking good.

This is a short review compared to some others I have been writing lately and I think that is because there isn’t too much to say. If you love Persona 5, you are going to play this and most likely enjoy it. However there is that chance which is likely, that you are just tired of this being milked to hell and back which is fair criticism.
I myself, think Tactica is a fantastic game for those who want to see these characters interact more and enjoy a concise tactics game playable at multiple difficulties.

Disclaimer: I do however need to point out that the game has day 1 DLC that costs $30 AUD to play as the best character in the game (Imo) and best girl from Royal (imo) which pains me because you just know this could have been baked in on the disc or AT LEAST, came out a week or so after. Not day 1.
Stupid practices and really shows Atlus greedy little milking hands.

I didn’t buy that Toshiro actually changed near the end of the game but thankfully the developers made it so I had to fight 3 reused bosses where Toshiro says he’s different this time.

This review contains spoilers

Como buen "dick rider"(? de la saga Persona siempre me interesó todo lo referido a este, sean las entregas principales, sus adaptaciones animadas, y lo que nos concierne hoy: un spin-off de la quinta entrega. La mayoría de Spin-off si bien suelen ser para robar plata, suelen ser buenos juegos que te aportan alguna que otra cosa más. Pero este es distinto, y yendo directamente al grano; es bastante malo. Pasá que te lo cuento.
Persona 5 Tactica desde su concepción y anuncio no se esperaba absolutamente nada. La gente venía con el hype del también anunciado Persona 3 Reload y de con un cansancio acumulado de spin-offs de Persona 5. ¿Por qué explico esto? Porque se nota mucho lo irregular que este es y las pocas ganas que le dieron durante la mayoría del juego, como si hubiese sido lanzado para aprovechar el hype del P3R y tener publicada una nueva entrega de la franquicia después de 2 años.

Empecemos con el gameplay, a diferencia de otros juegos de la saga, este utiliza un sistema de juegos tacticos (valga la redundancia) de otros del estilo como puede ser XCOM. El sistema en su concepto crudo (e incluso en el juego) no me parece malo, pero no termina estar bien hecho y acarrea 2 problemas:
La estructura del gameplay/setting y el diseño de nivel.
Con el primero me refiero que al haber solo 3 tipos de misiones que se hacen prácticamente de la misma forma, nunca termina incitándote a cambiar de equipo ya que los mejores siempre van a ser los que mas se muevan y ataquen sin aplicar un estado negativo, y aunque rotes de equipo, el juego es tan fácil que lo único que va a cambiar es que terminas el nivel 1 o 2 turnos después.

Y con el segundo hablo de que solo 10 niveles (aprox.) Tienen un buen diseño en lo estético y en lo jugable, el resto son niveles con patrones random con el fin de hacerte dar la vuelta o recorrer la otra punta del mapa, de vez en cuando con alguna que otra cosa como alguna escalera, o mierdas como ascensores que se eleva uno y baja otro. Jugarlos un par de veces no esta mal, pero en cierto momento termina siendo cansino y pareciendo que lo hicieron para tener algo de relleno y poder vender el juego en 60 dólares.
Me gustaría haberme explayado más sobre la jugabilidad, pero no hay más para decir que eso: es muy simple.

Ahora hablando más de la historia en sí; es un embole. Termina hartando de cierta forma con lo repetitiva que es, sobre todo la primera mitad del juego, que infumable. el primer reino va estúpidamente lento durando casi la mitad del juego y pudiendo haber durado muchísimo menos. Y la temática sobre la rebelión que era un concepto bastante piola del original acá fue básicamente simplificada a un "no dejes que te abusen". Algo similar pasa en el tercer y cuarto reino.
Esto pudo no haber problema si los personajes fueran bien escritos y tuvieran buenas interacciones entre ellos, pero no. El cast principal se siente totalmente flanderizado durante todo el juego y haciéndolos unidimensionales con una caracterización sacada de memes de reddit, y los nuevos personajes si bien no son buenos, hay algunos a rescatar y que quiero hablar, como Toshiro, Erina y su relación con la historia.

La narrativa se centra en Toshiro, ya que estos mundos son parte de su cognición, con cada jefe siendo alguien que "ataba" a Toshiro a cuestiones y traumas de su pasado y presente que lo atormentan y Erina una parte pura de su corazón que lucha ante esto. Durante la mitad del segundo reino y el resto del tercero es donde más se intenta explorar esto, y lo consigue hacer bien en gran parte, pero siempre ocurren baches:
-Cuando al juego se le ocurre darle un persona tras rebelarse a su propia sombra y derrotarla, cagandose en persona 4 y 5.
-Inmediatamente después después tirar un plot twist de mierda sobre que un primo boludo de Yaldabaoth estaba detrás de todo.
-Hacer una dungeon de relleno que termina arruinando el pacing del momento (sumando chistes de mierda).
-Gimmicks de mierda en los combates y el jefe final.
y demás cosas que hacen que hacen que la recta final sean un despropósito.
Para acabar, al principio quería hacer esto un análisis serio, pero terminó siendo una especie de ráfaga de puteadas ya que acá no hay mucho que analizar realmente. Dicho esto, no considero P5T como el peor juego de la historia. La música sigue siendo excelente, el apartado visual tiene estilo y el personaje de Toshiro junto a su conclusión es bastante bueno dentro de lo que es este juego. Espero que ya que esto sea el fin de una etapa de sobreexplotación de persona 5 (ponele, todavia falta p5x) y ATLUS se ponga a laburar en nuevas ip's.
Y al pobre tipo que leyó esto, un abrazo pa.

There are a few fun moments here during the first few hours. But, horribly repetitive battles really weigh this title down, while the overall gimmicks unfortunately don’t do much for the SRPG genre.

Pretty on par with the forgettable nature of Strikers, another P5 spinoff that fails to capture the same quality and breadth as the source material.

This game's soundtrack release the day the game came out and that makes it better then Persona 3 Reload.

As a bit of a change from the usual, Tactia’s story focuses on the internal struggle of a single person, telling an extremely personal and emotional plot. This game is much shorter than other P5 titles, so it fits perfectly. The acting is fantastic, and the art style, while different, still captures the fantastic aesthetic P5 is known for. If your gonna do Chibi, this is how you do it.

The game is a tactical RPG, with a battle system very similar to the Mario + Rabbids game. As 3 of the characters, you must plan your next move, use battlefields to your advantage, and defeat enemies of decent variety. The Persona gameplay transitions really well into this style, and the game breaks you in slowly, never overwhelming players with new mechanics. It’s pretty forgiving, but very fun and satisfying to manipulate the enemies into giving you more turns to move, then destroying entire groups with an All Out Attack.

There are optional quests which act as mini puzzles, often testing your mastery of the games mechanics, and these were fun brain teasers.

The game has a pretty breakneck pace, as outside of battles, there’s no overworld to explore. This does make it a little harder to be invested in the worlds you enter, but the game has a focus, and it sticks to it.

The music is great of course, and I find it to be the perfect length. Tactica is more of a side game than a sequel, but it really stands on its own - 8/10

Legalzinho, mas não combina com persona

mechanically solid foundation marred by boring and sometimes bad map design, a questionable presentation, and an insanely boring story.

queria ter um motivo pra dropar assim mas honestamente só achei sem graça, não tem nenhum ponto horrível mas simplesmente não é divertido

While it was cool to go on another adventure with the Phantom Thieves, the lack of challenge and variety in gameplay makes this the least fun Persona 5 game.

my only experience with a tactics game is mario + rabbids (have not beaten by the time im writing this) but this game was really fun! story was pretty good, i wasn't onboard with the artstyle but i grew to really like it! the gameplay is pretty damn fun though it can drag if this game is not your thing, the soundtrack is bombastic! would recommend! tho after playing persona 5 royal atleast and that goes for any spinoff

The more I think about my experience with this game, the more I love and appreciate it. While the price tag hurts (especially with the dlc), the gameplay, story, music, interactions and especially the new characters are so amazing, charming and wonderfully done. It saddens me a little that the thieves kind of suffer from background character syndrome, but apart from that, absolutely worth every second. I love this cast and this artstyle was extra charming and cute for them!

While this game doesn't expand much from the original cast of P5, what it brings new is all incredibly well done. Erina, Guernica, and especially Toshiro are some of the best characters not only in the "P5" series of games, but the series as a whole. The art style is striking and an improvement over that in the Q games. The gameplay took a long time to get used to, but once it hits, it hits hard and it makes the game addicting. Overall its in the upper tiers of Persona spin-off titles.

Following its initial announcement, this game was met with an outstanding and overbearing silence that echoed throughout the lands of the fanbase as absolutely no one alive was hyped for the prestigious release of Persona 5 Tactica.

Well- I lie. I WAS EXCITED! I was so hyped, I went to every DM for every friend who even remotely knew of Persona, telling them that "Persona 5 Fire Emblem finally exists!" I was wrong, but I wasn't right either. It was more "Persona 5 Mario + Rabbids," than anything, but it was a Persona 5 tactics game, and for that: I couldn't be happier.

Persona 5 Tactica is an odd strategy game. Rather than meticulously honing in on enemies and playing it safe throughout each battle, Tactica expects you to play aggressively, utilising skill advantages and 1 More's to decimate opponents, leaving them open so you can wipe the battlefield before a conflict can even begin. For this, the game can be admittedly exhilarating to play. You're always on the move, and when you get the hang of it, it becomes an absolute joy to play! Characters bounce off each other well, and each Side Quest teaches you what each character's toolkit offers, as well as how they might differ. Sooner or later, you begin realising which character works well for what scenario, and you lose yourself in the all-out revolution of war that this game tries its best to tell a tale of.

That was how it was for me, anyway. Being weak in this game is a major strength in battle. What you lack in OH-KOing enemies when being under-levelled, you make up for in being able to push them around the map, allowing you to crowd control a large group before sending them home with an All-Out Attack. It's incredibly satisfying to pull off, and even though I was worried about making certain missions impossible when I was over the level for certain ones: The game still provided me enough versatility to think around the box and use a different character's skills in new ways.

Mind you, everyone is diverse, but not everyone is fair - and I saw this is an issue in what was thankfully the best possible way. The one outlier in the main cast, being Yusuke, is thankfully just a REALLY good unit to have in every battle. With the right skills, he provides extra movement for every battle, and he quickly became a favourite for getting slow-coaches like Haru and Makoto across the map quickly without needing to waste turns positioning them. Speed is the main aim of the game, and regardless of the overall difficulty setting you're playing in, you're ultimately rushing to success with everyone on-board.

You must forgive me, though. Tactica is admittedly one of the few times in a Persona game where I was so incredibly enamoured by the gameplay, that I absolutely lost myself in it without first realising just how good the story could be. Is the story good? If you've played Persona 5's original campaign and the Strikers spin-off, you'll see the ending twist coming from beyond a mile away - and then you'll sigh in dissapointment as the game tries its best during the final few hours to get you on-board for the finale when you're absolutely ready to bash his head in like the ones before him in other games.

The story isn't amazing, but it's not horrible either. What makes it, "not horrible," though? Define it for me, Yoshistar!
Okay, fine. I will: Toshiro and Erina! These two bubbles of fear and absolute delight had me giggle a few times with how silly they could be! Tactica is implied to take place during winter of P5 Royal. The Phantoms Thieves don't develope. They've done doing that. You SAW THEM do that. No complaints here, okay? From here on, Toshiro takes the stage, and Erina joins alongside him!

The two rub off each other like skin and soap, ribbing on one another constantly while also providing aid in their faults. It's incredibly heart-warming to see, and during the final moments of seeing Toshiro coming to grips with who he is, you begin loving these characters for being the way they are. Toshiro for being a goof who has to accept his faults, and Erina for being the #badassgirlboss that doesn't take "no" for an answer. She represents the game's themes of Revolution perfectly, and to that end, the story of the game can be immensely engaging. It's a character-driven narrative, and the characters this time around are the goofballs, Toshiro, Toshiro, and Toshiro, with a side helping of Erina whenever the plot demands it. It's not perfect - but it's engaging, and I loved the game for it!

There are little things too, that I enjoyed about this game. I didn't mind the constant menu navigation because, as always, Persona 5's UI and themes of Revolution hit the nail on the head whenever you even THOUGHT of checking something out before a battle. You could get lost for HOURS fusing Personas in the Velvet Room if you're lucky (I was sadly, unlucky, though: When I had to sit in their for 40+ minutes for a PS achievements :/), and seeing bonus conversations only to THEN mix and match skills in the Skill Tree becomes dangerously addicting before every battle. Now... if only the game didn't notify me EVERY TIME even ONE of the units needed a tiny upgrade for SOMETHING RELATIVELY MINOR- D:

"Yes, I know Haru can get a small HP upgrade for 10 GP, game, but MAYBE I DON'T WANT IT! LET ME SAVE UP MORE DAMN IT- THE FLOOF NEEDS HER OVER-POWERED PSIO SKILL DAMN IT!!!!!"

Sorry about that.

So that's it? That's my only complaint?

I told you all before. I was one of the only few who was excited for Tactica's announcement. I was so excited, I waited for a sale and snagged it when the tide of prices was looking safe to surf on many months later. Call it cheap (it was on my wallet), but it worked. The game receiving such a lukewarm reception has likely damaged any resemblance of more Tactica-like games from ATLUS, which is a shame - but it does make me hopeful we could get Persona Q remasters one day. And even if I WAS the one singing this game's praises enough to Platinum the game on my PS account, I had an absolute joy doing it.

People are getting sick of the Phantom Thieves. They've hit a slump, and they're just not as good as they used to be. ATLUS love them just as much as we've apparently outgrown them, and that's the harsh reality of the world we live in. To that I say: Enjoy it while it lasts. I'm hoping one day people avert their eyes from the fatigue, and give Tactica the 1 More it deserves. It's not a masterpiece of a game, but it's not harmful either. Persona 5 Tactica is a game that excels in what it does, and is a joy to play from start-to-end to New Game+ and beyond. It's not perfect, but it's not a Persona game without polish - and you'll see that more if you ever ever decide to give it the glance it deserves.

played the main story and god bored.. the dlc was better

Persona 5 Tactica is a side-story / sequel of Persona 5 Royal of dubious canonical implications. While I won't go into that here, it severely hampered the playing experience as the returning Phantom Thieves did not grow as characters during this time.

Instead, it's a Toshiro and Erina game, and I much wish that it was a spin-off featuring those two without the phantom thieves. Without the presence of the phantom thieves, the story could've much better handled their story instead of limiting their story to their third kingdom, which was by far the best in the game in terms of story, pacing and battles.

Kingdoms 1 and 2 were utter slogs at points, with lengthy cut scenes / dialogues between battles that meant you were often doing one or two battles for 20-30 minutes of dialogue or cut scenes.

Kingdom 4 had the exact other problem, where there was nothing to break up constant bosh rushes. It introduced the big bad and just, didn't delve into the implications outside of the standard Persona big bads.

In terms of game play itself, it largely prioritized style over substance, much like Persona 5 Royal. Many of its systems are very exploitable which lead to a fairly easy game experience even on hard. That being said, it was a very fun power fantasy.

Persona 5 Tactica is ultimately a game about remembering and recovering from childhood trauma, which was explored by Persona 2 Innocent Sin with much more nuance and tact.

I can recommend this game to die-hard Persona 5 fans, but otherwise there isn't really much reason to play. (Unless of course, Persona 5 Arena happens and Toshiro/Erina come back but that's just copium isn't it)

Not as good as strikers or royal. Pretty emotional at the end oh my..

please please please please make a game like this again but with better gameplay

nao tankei, tentei insistir mas dropei na segunda dungeon
jogue o strikers, é melhor

I hate this game, if you value your time just please, play something else

Con unas 26 horitas ya he completado Persona 5 Tactica, incluidas las misiones opcionales.

Al final lo que más me ha gustado es volver a ver a los Ladrones Fantasma y sus dinámicas. Junto a Persona 4, siento que estos personajes son panitas.

Muito chato mas eu achei os desings bonitinhos

Might come back to this sometime, but it looks like the most unremarkable Persona 5 spin-off by far. Not really my cup of tea, but it's not doing much to appeal to me in the first place.

Oh yeah, and these characters keep on acting like shells of themselves the more you shove them into spin-offs.

Waiter? More launch day DLC episodes!

Got about 2/3rds of the way through before dropping it. There's nothing terribly wrong with this game but its incredibly bland. Stages are painfully easy and often pretty tedious. Furthermore, they're implemented into the game in a very simple way - just going down a list of them - so there are no further mechanics to redeem the core gameplay. Characters also lack any of the charm they had in P5 or even the other spinoffs like Strikers, Q2, or the dancing game, which while not as engaging as P5 in terms of writing were still enjoyable stories for fans of the P5 cast.

Wouldn't really recommend this to anyone - not even P5 fans. If you're a massive fan and feel the need to play it just for the sake of it definitely wait for a sale. You're not going to be missing much by putting this game off for the year or so it'll take for it to get a discount.

UPDATE: P5T now has a small discount on PSN, but I’d still recommend waiting a bit longer until you can get it for even less. Wouldn’t buy this for more than 20 USD.

stop milking this game, the characters get more bland with each new spinoff this gets