Reviews from

in the past

I think we rented this from the video store a few times, and I remember the arcade cabinet too. The novelty of big apes and dinos fighting carried it for me for sure. I could never figure out how to do the special moves though, even after printing out the button combinations for them

This gets a half star boost solely for the dope-ass character designs. You bet I loved the idea of a fighting game with dinosaurs and weird monsters as a kid. Then the execution leaves a lot to be desired, though. Doing special abilities is like trying to unlock a safe! And while the visuals may look impressive, the animations just aren't as smooth as something animated in a 2D space (hello, Steet Fighter!). Interesting novelty, and fun to play in the arcade, but outshined by its rivals.

Like Clayfighters, another generic fighting game that was elevated by awesome characters and visuals. The blood and violence was exciting to a young me

Oh wow. I remember this game. It's not good, but one of the monsters had farting as their special attack.

Primal Rage WILL be at Conman EVO/ConVo/Convolution Championship Series 2024. Each entrant will have to chug a full Monster Energy drink and snap into at least two (up to ten) Slim Jims between each match. One Slim Jim/Cheese combo will be provided at finals in honor of the game’s “no cheese” system.

This game is butt ugly and plays horribly. The dinosaurs look like something Chris Chan would make with model magic. Clayfighter is ass and this plays just as poorly and personally this game makes me happy the dinosaurs went extinct.

I didn't much care for this game i might have respected it more if i played it back in the 90s but it just sucks to be fair the other fighting games are the hell of alot better. I don't know why I never bothered with this game back in the day must be popular though it has a port on every console from that generation, I just couldn't get into it.

The most epic shitty game of all time

cool looking but uncomfortable fighting game that looks right but plays really poorly.

Pros: Prehistoric carnage at its best, the stop-motion models for the dinosaurs, apes, and whatever Vertigo is supposed to be, are incredible. There's a Ray Harryhausen quality to their movement, and they really do feel like creatures that would terrorize wonderfully campy B-movies. The fighting gameplay is standard, but between you and me, I don't know SHIT about fighting games, I'm almost embarrassed to say it, but I'll be honest... I just button mash. Sorry FGC, I'm not part of the club. So really, I'm a poor judge of gameplay quality here, but in my experience, I enjoyed playing this game up against similarly low skilled players, and I still had a good enough time.

Cons: The SNES version has several shortcomings from the arcade original, mostly with the spritework being lower res and lacking in effects. And yeah, I may be a poor judge of fighting games, but I could tell, this was no Street Fighter 2.

What it means to me: Look, Jurassic Park had just released the year prior, so I was all about dino-mania when this game released. I was IN! The makers of this game knew this too, they marketed the hell out of it, posters, board games, toys, ads everywhere, and I in particular LOVED the action figures. It was a rare thing back then to get action figure toys from video games, at least, ones you'd see in high quality next to all the big budget hollywood movies of the day. And these toys were nice, and I had a few of them. Vertigo, the half cobra half dinosaur, was perhaps the coolest of all the characters, she had, if my memory serves me right, hypnosis powers, and her toy could shoot water or something, I don't know. Anyway, I've rambled way off topic here waxing nostalgia about toys, point is, this game meant something to me, even if the gameplay side of things barely mattered (oh man, and that Chaos the ape character would piss and fart for an attack, and that shit was HILARIOUS to me as a kid, lmao).