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Something about this game isnt great, the characters are fine, and the writing is alright but i got bored relatively quickly of it, it had some sparkling ideas and a possibility for great way to make me feel something through the characters, but it fell kind of flat for me personally

Ни черта не понял, срочно нужно 10 часовых пересказ-анализов внутривенно

Nunca aceptes agua de desconocidos, excepto en el caso de que te mueras de sed, entonces acepta, pero ya si que no aceptes una segunda vez, a no ser que quieras estar hidratada, entonces acepta, pero ya si que no aceptes una hamburgues, a no ser que tengas hambre, entonces si, y ya si que no aceptes dar tu alma y las frases de tres obispos, a no ser que quieras convertir a un pajaro en dios, entonces si.

Bien, si has seguido las intrucciones correctamente, habras hecho que dos chicas en su UFO rodante exploten, buen trabajo.

Es bastante quirky, en todos los sentidos y a veces demasiado para su propio bien, pero la historia engancha, hay algún diálogo sorprendentemente divertido y en ciertas ocasiones su intento de surrealismo introspectivo conecta de verdad.
Otro tema es su aspecto visual, artísticamente (e incluso en lo musical) estamos ante toda una joya oculta

visual novel divertida e bem diferente, os visuais e musica são incríveis mas a historia infelizmente não é muito interessante, mas ainda assim pelo preço e tempo de jogo que tive valeu a pena

o dev tem mt potencial pra fazer algo ainda mais interessante no futuro, acompanho ele com o projeto musical de vocaloid, e da pra ver nesse jogo o tanto de talento e habilidade que ele tem, ansioso pra jogos futuros.

Interesting! You can definitely tell a lot of soul was put into this. However, this is a very odd piece, in a lot of ways.

The art and music is pretty brilliant. But the story is so surreal it almost becomes nonsensical. It has a lot of cool, shocking moments, which were really engaging. But because of how obtuse and abstract everything is, it can feel like connecting the dots is very difficult.

The writing is also a bit amateurish. I don't actually mind that too much. It's quirky in a fun way. But that naive writing style makes the scenes feel a bit juxtaposed, in a bad way. It's like the story wants to be an introspective jaunt about a weird, sci-fi world, but half of the text is a slapstick anime comedy. It is definitely more unique because the story is shamelessly itself, but it definitely loses a little drama and impact while trying to be openly sincere.

In the end, it's a unique little VN. And seeking out the more complex endings might be fun for those who really found themselves loving the premise. But it was just alright for me, and I don't feel inspired to hunt down the other endings.

I loved it. It's what it's and it is priced fairly. Loved the aesthetics and the story. It reminds me more of Signalis rather than MIABOM and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Pretty nice renpy game in the same vain as the Milk Outside/Inside games(Its referenced within the shrimp ending.).

this damn game man, idk it feels like it was designed to fit my specific fav taste of weirdo/depressing/confusing/goober ass Vibes, hard to describe but like it's two dollars give it a go if it looks at all interesting
hacchi my goat fr fr

cool little game. had fun exploring it and the ost is dope

Очаровательная сюрреалистичная новелка на вечер, с довольно интересной историей, прекрасным стилем, завораживающей музыкой и забавными пасхалками.
Концовка креветки канон

A very short VN with some charm to it and an aesthetic I really dig. Honestly I'd say that the visuals were my favorite part of the whole thing, I love the harsh stark colors plus the environmental designs making the setting feel alien.

The tone can wildly flip flop between trying to be comedic, emotional, and atmospheric with varying success. I can totally see if people don't really jive with the constant rude and crassness of the main character, my tolerance for these types of characters is pretty high so it didn't bother me that much. The game tries to go for some emotional moments, and they just did nothing for me really. The game is super short so trying to get me to care for a character we only know through flashbacks is a losing battle. Comedy is super hard to write so I can't even blame the game for not really making me chuckle, but the attempts at humor undercutting other scenes feels very jarring.

For a visual novel with multiple endings with barely any choices, it sure is really hard to figure out what to do to get the other endings. Trying to get endings in this game is like banging your head against the wall, because there's so few choices in this game, Q.u.q. makes it so that all the choices matter in a way where you need to have a specific combinations to progress that and this wouldn't really bother me in other games but some of the combinations of choices you need to do feel so abstract that I needed to use a guide to get like 5 out of the 10 endings.

TLDR I think the game is at its best being a weird abstract vibes game with really nice visuals, and is kind of hit or miss with everything else.

I played this for the artsyle, i love how it looks.

Playing it was weird, at first the main character makes a horrible first impression and is very unlikable AND annoying. After learning a bit more about the story and the world she's still an asshole but it's fine. I like her now.

It's a pretty short story but i enjoyed it, the ost is really good too.

Ahh yes, the iconic shrimp ending

I beat this game months ago, and I still think about it from time to time. There's something about this world that is so utterly interesting to me...
The characters. The state of the world. The art. The music... Just about everything has me intrigued.
It's not very long in duration, and yet there's so much to digest in this story...
I would recommend the following to the people who plan on playing it: Do not search explanations for Q.u.q. from another person. Rather, think about how it made you feel. How it matters, if it even does, to you. Search the answers inside your very own soul. And when you find them, please, don't forget to say hello to the lonely girl behind the screen.

sadece çizimleri için oynadım

I liked it, one of those VN's where the art is really nice but it ends before it really goes anywhere and I can't help but feel like something is missing you know. Glad I played it though.

q.u.q. is a short visual novel game where different choices you make throughout can lead to a multitude of different endings. It's a bit on the quirky side which makes it a bit laughable despite sounding serious at points, so I wouldn't actually recommend if you want a real VN. The characters are pretty neat though, and the world is pretty interesting. Probably the only real complaint though is getting certain endings is kind of just trial & error.

Diferente bom. Deveria ser mais conhecido e quero ver mais jogos do motijan, boa trilha sonora tmb

i mostly got this game for the steam achievements because i am not really a visual novel person but i was pleasantly surprised by this game. i enjoyed the characters and getting the different endings was interesting and made a lot less tedious with the ability to skip dialogue you've already seen. the music was nice, even if the game could use some audio balancing. i enjoy the rough, sketchy feel of the art, which really makes the game feel like a project that the creator is sharing with you.

Really cool art and music propping up a really mediocre and boring story :(

This review contains spoilers

q.u.q. is probably the oddest game I’ll play this entire year, and I say that with the utmost adoration of this game. It’s a short visual novel, I was able to 100% it in less than 2 hours total, getting all 10 endings, and every achievement. But that’s fine, this game is 2 dollars, so it lasting slightly shorter than 2 hours is completely fine. And with what I experienced while playing q.u.q., I ended up really enjoying it. I wouldn’t say it’s a perfect game, I feel like there’s one slight issue I have with it, but I still really love it for what it is.
Now, if you were to ask me what happened in q.u.q., I could not answer you. The steam description describes it best, a girl wanders a desert, carrying a big gun. If you were to ask me to explain any more than just that, I couldn’t answer you. While for some games, I can see that being a negative, but for the case of q.u.q., it’s honestly one of its strongest aspects. q.u.q. is a very abstract game, putting you immediately into the game with little explanation of what’s happening, and everything learned is simply accepted on face value. Through that, I feel like this game is more focused on the experience that you have going through with it than simply just playing the game itself. Getting invested into the game’s vibes, and seeing the deals that come with the few characters you meet along the way. With the few characters found in q.u.q., and the short time you have with each of them, they make quite a strong impression. Because of how abstract q.u.q. is in this regard, I can see it not being everyone’s cup of tea. The lack of any real explanation to what’s going on, and the heavy layers of abstraction and shifting tones might be disorienting and off-putting to some, but I really love it.
And other positives I really have to give this game are in its artstyle and music. When it comes to the artstyle, it’s absolutely gorgeous, while keeping the heavy layer of abstraction that I adore about the game. How things are stylized is gorgeous, and I really adore it. On the other hand with the music, it’s just downright amazing. I love how well it fits each environment that the game has, and every single song is amazing. Though I’m biased because I love these kinds of tracks in games, the lyrical credits theme of q.u.q. is amazing, and I wish I could explain why.
Before I get any further here, I want to mention the one slight flaw I had with q.u.q.. Now, the game has 10 endings total, and while most are easy to find, as there’s very few choices in the game that you need to make, getting some other endings is rather difficult. Particularly, certain endings require very specific choice combinations that you eventually have to sort of guess to figure it out. While I love the lack of explanation for the story itself, I do wish there was a bit of guidance in regards to how I get certain endings, though maybe the guesswork is part of it as well.
Now, usually my conclusions come at the end of my reviews, but because of what q.u.q. is, I really want to try and analyze q.u.q. to see if I can find proper meaning out of it. That means that everything beyond this paragraph will focus on the game itself, spoiling a lot of what occurs. Regardless of that though, I really adore q.u.q.. It’s a hard to properly explain visual novel that I think is worth experiencing. I mean, it’s a 2 dollar, less than 2 hour long game, so there’s not really much harm in trying it out. And I really suggest doing so, it’s such an intriguing game, and I’d love to have people to talk to about it, and examine it with.
[Now, as said prior, beyond this point will be looking and examining q.u.q., and what I believe it could possibly mean. I will be mentioning heavy spoilers. Don’t read past this unless you don’t care about being spoiled]
Now, before I examine what I believe could be the meaning of q.u.q., I want to say I don’t think q.u.q. has one set meaning to it. Referencing the steam description yet again, it asks the reader “Who is that girl? What is her destination and goal?”. The game seems to ask you these questions to get you to asking who the player character is, and why she is like this. Through that, I feel like this could then be said to say that the meaning of q.u.q. is really what the player gets out of it. There could be so many different meanings gotten out of q.u.q.. The meaning I get may not be the one you get, and reasonably, neither would be the correct one, because there probably isn’t one.
Now, to what meaning I got out of q.u.q., I feel like it’s the mind of the player character, trapped in a harmful cycle, probably due to the death of Teia. Now, that might be a bit cliché, but I see a lot of points lead me to that conclusion. First off, when it comes to the major endings, destroying the clock tower restarts the game back from the beginning. Noclue Whatitwas is the one that tells you to destroy the clock tower, which seemingly is what perpetuates the cycle. Noclue Whatitwas, is also the Stranger, so it feels clearly that this cycle is inherently a bad thing. The Stranger is a perplexing character because of this. It’s very likely that The Stranger kills Hacchi (the player character) on your first, and multiple runs as you try to get every ending. And in one ending, The Stranger even claims that they love Hacchi. It’s like an unhealthy obsession, and because of it, I feel like The Stranger is a sort of negative mental force. Not to be too serious with my own mental issues here, but I feel like I have a version of The Stranger in my own head. Feeding me with negative thoughts, and accepting those thoughts it feeds me with which eventually lead to my death, but this aspect of my head is obsessed with me, and never leaves me alone. Which in a way, feels similar to how The Stranger is in relation to Hacchi.
And I find it noticeable how the credits only play when you get the ending that occurs when you Destroy the Sky. It feels like it’s the only proper ending in that regard, which makes it much more important I feel. And because of that, I feel like it represents the breaking of the cycle, freeing Hacchi from the mental prison that’s she’s trapped herself in. In that regard, it made sense that her design has her wearing an outfit that looks like prison garb. It doesn’t mean that Hacchi has moved on over the death of Teia, but she’s granted herself an escape from the cycle that was slowly killing her, and maybe in the future she’ll be able to move on.
Am I right in this regard? No, probably not. As I said prior, I don’t think this game has one specific and exact meaning, it’s one where you find the meaning yourself. This is just simple what I got out of the game, and what you’ll get out of it will be noticeably different. If you’ve played q.u.q. and got a different meaning out of it, please let me know I really want to hear others thoughts about this game, because I find it really interesting. And if you’re reading that and you haven’t played q.u.q., please give it a chance, I really love it.

q.u.q is a nice little visual novel that doesn't overstay its welcome. With the price tag of $1.99, I decided to purchase it from my Wishlist with some of my leftover Steam Wallet funds. What I experienced was something I didn't expect, to say the least.

To keep a short story short, q.u.q features Hacchi, the protagonist. Hacchi has a wish to fulfill from a friend of hers and so she sets off on a journey to fulfill it, encountering weird and mysterious characters along the way. That's about the gist of it. It's short, sometimes weird, sometimes sad, but enjoyable throughout the playthrough.

The artwork is a nice eye-pleaser. The backgrounds are drawn in a pleasing, abstract way, and the characters vary from cute looking to strange. The art style fits the tone of the music and story quite well.

The soundtrack is nice to the ears and also fits the atmosphere of the game greatly. There wasn't a single time throughout my playthrough where I went "Well, this doesn't quite fit with this situation."

For a price tag of $1.99, q.u.q delivers nicely. A short, sweet, and sad story with about an hour of playtime that has plenty of endings to see. If you're a fan of abstract or surreal games such as Yume Nikki, milk inside a bag of milk (and its sequel), or anything of the sort, then you'll enjoy this game.

It's funny, but strange and not so good as visual novel.

Se você se interessou porque viu que foi publicado pelo Nikita Kryukov (criador da Milk Inside e Outside a bag of milk) digo com certeza para você baixar as expectativas, visto que q.u.q não tem nenhum outro envolvimento de Nikita além da publicação, e sinto dizer que talvez até decepcione, visto que é uma experiência mais simples e menos sofisticada que muitas das "VNs estranhas" mas com certeza é um projeto com seu potencial

q.u.q não é uma VN que se estende por mais que uma hora, tendo finais diferentes para os curiosos e interessados mas no geral, a ideia é ser uma história curta e compacta, e mesmo sendo uma escrita visivelmente amadora, ainda foi capaz de me fazer ter alguma empatia com a personagem, essa e esse mundo que são representados com uma arte fantástica e uma trilha sonora incrível para acompanhar

No geral, é compilado falar sobre esse jogo sem citar os eventos cruciais da sua história, essa que por já ser muito curta, prefiro evitar entrar em detalhes, mas pessoalmente, classifico o jogo na categoria de jogo que ou você vai amar muito pelas suas claras influências em obras como Girls Last Tour e seu estilo de arte único que se alinha perfeitamente com a sua ambientação, ou vai odiar e apontar a escrita amadora, corrida e propositalmente confusa como a porque de você não ter gostado, mas para mim os prós foram capazes de superar os contras e ainda tive uma experiência bem agradável

Boring, and it feels confusing not for the sake of being confusing, but because of its bad writting