Reviews from

in the past

Waaaaaaay too long, but somehow a lot more quintessentially Serious Sam. Don't let the cartoony art style fool you, this is a far more polished, varied, and simply fun game than every SS game prior to it. This game deserves more love, or at least a critical reevaluation.

Не заслуживает хейта в свою сторону
Последняя часть основной серии, пройденная мной. Первый раз запустил в далёком 2017-ом и вышел спустя минут 5. Всё казалось каким-то мультяшным и скучным. Да и отношение к серии на тот момент у меня было крайне негативное. Сейчас же считаю её крутой и заслуживающей внимания.

Serious Sam в первую очередь фановая игра. К тому же, кооперативная. Не нужно искать в ней чего-то глубинного и шедеврального. Сами разработчики иронизируют над собой и игрой в катсценах. Так зачем же нам быть такими строгими к игре? Выносите полчища негодяев и кайфуйте.

Как-то раз в 2022-ом решил ни с того ни с сего запустить от нечего делать второго Сэма на полчаса. И это были незабываемые полчаса. Зашёл в сеанс к двум ребятам, проходившим сюжет. Меня удивило разнообразие пушек, врагов, визуал, который спустя почти два десятилетия радует глаз. И тогда окончательно понял: игра стоит свеч. Да, многие фанаты не любят её за тот же несколько иной стиль, не похожий на остальные части. Но это куда лучше той же серой тройки. И разнообразию позавидует любой иной Сэм.

9 часов кампании, которая, к слову, до сих пор работает в онлайн-кооперативе, хоть и с редкими вылетами, были крайне увлекательными. Настройки совместной игры тут, как и в любой другой части Сэма, крайне подробные. Разработчики явно добавляли кооператив не для галочки, а серьёзно (seriously) отнеслись к данной опции, что заслуживает отдельных похвал.

Я считаю, что вторая часть — суперский сиквел, который даёт взглянуть на серию под новым углом и знатно угарнуть в компании с друзьями. Однозначно советую! Жаль лишь, что нет локального кооператива

you can feel the 2005 in this game.

Nostaljik hislerin insanları nasıl kandırdığına kanıt olarak gösterilebilecek bir oyun. Oyun tam anlamıyla SIKICI. Sürekli aynı düşman tiplerini üstünüze salıyor sizde sıka sıka ilerliyorsunuz. Oyunun keyifli dediğim 2 veya 3 bölüm vardı. Hele bir boss savaşı var,yapmanız gereken tek şey dev bir gorile makinalı tüfekle sıkmak ve arada fırlattığı bir iki tane şeyi vurmak. Bu kadar,şaka yapmıyorum cidden boss savaşı dedikleri şeyi farenin sol tuşuna basılı tutarak sıkmak. O kadar gömdük hiç artısı yok mu derseniz oyunun silah çeşitliliği çok güzel testereden tut çifte uziye füze atardan herşeye tek atan bombaya çok fazla silah var. Diğer bölümlerde denemedim ama ilk bir iki bölüm tahta olan herşeyi parçalayabiliyorduk o güzel

I remember seeing this game in the magazines and how different it looked from the first two.

Sam 2 is more comedic, colorful, zany and imaginative then the first ones. But also somehow feels a bit more artificial and less original.

I ultimately was there for the ride and enjoyed myself , I'm glad a version of Sam in this style exists. But it definitely lost some of the elements I enjoyed so much in the originals.

Well what can I say? A simulator of beating the crap out of everything screaming, running, shooting, exploding and trying to kill you!

Hey, mal wieder Serious Sam 2 durchgespielt! ...indem ich durch einen Glitch ein viertel des Spiels geskippt hab. Oh well!

Die Antwort auf die Frage "Was wenn Serious Sam, aber Trend Chasing?"
Serious Sam 2 wurde direkt für die originale Xbox entwickelt, was bedeutete, dass Level kleiner, Action langsamer und das Gameplay gimmicky-er werden sollten.
Außerdem hatte Croteam damals diese verdrehte Vorstellung von "Console Gamers Sensibilities" weshalb sie kaum durchdachte Scoring- und Lebenssysteme reinzwingen mussten, da das scheinbar in Konsolen Spielen so normal war. Im Jahr 1987.

Außerdem ist es eine perfekte Zeitkampsel für die Ära in der das Spiel erschienen ist.
Half-Life 2 kam gerade raus! Also haben wir Physik wo es nur geht und genau ein ganzes(!) Schalterrätsel bei denen man Steine auf eine Platte legen muss.
Doom 3 kam gerade raus! Also haben wir ein paar der Gegner kopiert.
Außerdem kam Halo 2 gerade raus! Also haben wir Granaten per Rechtsklick, die Plasmapistol, Fahrzeugabschnitte und einen seltsamen Fokus auf Dual-Wielding, der aber kurz vor Release fast vollständig wieder rausgeflogen ist.
Sogar das Ghost-Fahrzeug aus Halo wurde 1:1 kopiert... weil man das ja nun scheinbar so macht.

Es ist der vermutlich schwächste Teil einer Reihe mit einigen ups and downs, auch wenn ich für dieses Spiel immer noch einen größeren Softspot hab als für viele der Nachfolger und späteren Spin-Offs.

Die Sache ist, dass der Cartoonstil von diesem Spiel heute als schlechte Idee gesehen wird und auch wenn der Humor furchtbar ist und man bitte zwischen "Cartoony" und "absolut albern und dämlich" unterscheiden sollte in diesen Diskussionen, so seh ich in diesem Missstep keinen Grund die Formel gleich komplett auf Eis zu legen.

Serious Sam ist inherent ein silly Konzept. Es ist ein silly Name mit einer silly Prämisse die auch damals beim ach so viel ernsteren ersten Teil von 2001 schon durch seinen lockeren und humorvollen Tone aus der Masse an düsteren, atmosphärischen Shootern herausstach.
Und nachdem ein sowohl realistischer Teil mit gritty Stimmung, als auch ein nochmal realistischer Teil mit genau so furchtbarer Stimmung wie SS2 nicht aufging, sollte man es vielleicht nochmal damit versuchen.

Die Idee von verschiedenen Planeten mit ihren eigenen Orten und Gegnern ist super cool und visuell so viel interessanter als die Reihe danach jemals wieder wurde.
Beim nächsten mal könnt man aber vielleicht ein gutes Gameplay liefern.

s so good that this game is considered canon, like our favorite Sam’s dream. Madness is madness, but I was at the same time not ready for such changes and ready for something new in this series of games. The most original way to show how not to restart a franchise.

Quote from Serious Sam's Wikipedia
"After the game received a mixed reception from fans, the developers officially announced that everything that is happening is nothing more than Sam's dream while he is flying to Sirius."

Как хорошо, что эта игра считается по канону, как сон нашего любимчика Сэма. Безумие безумием, но я был одновременно не готов к таким переменам и готов к чему то новому в серии данных игр. Самый оригинальный способ показать, как не надо перезапускать франшизу.

Цитата из википедии Серьезного Сэма
"После того как игра была неоднозначно встречена фанатами, разработчики официально объявили, что всё происходящее есть ничто иное как сон Сэма пока он летит на Сириус."

i genuinely think i installed some kind of malware

This review contains spoilers

The long-expected sequel to Serious Sam the Second Encounter.

Serious Sam 2 is amazing. It feels completely different from the previous two installments but at the same time, nothing changed in terms of gameplay, story, and mechanics.

To start off, the graphics and sprites in this game look totally different from the earlier games but are stunning, colourful and polished. It blew my mind when first playing it as a kid. The new weapon models and detailed environments are just impressive. Because the later Serious Sam games did get back to their original roots, the graphical theme of this game feels unique and I kind of wished they would continue with this style. The game feels like an outcast in the series because of its graphics.

The music is also a big surprise. The first games featured mostly metal tracks from the Croatian band Undercode, which was totally fine and enjoyable for me as a metal fan. The music in Serious Sam 2 however, features many different kinds of ambient music and fight tracks which adapt themselves to the specific worlds you are playing in. The tracks from Greendale and Siriusopolis Uptown remain my personal favorite. The sound effects on the other hand, are a little weak. They feel unfitting for the action in this game.

Speaking about worlds, Serious Sam 2 offers five different themed worlds that you are traveling to in order, to find the missing pieces of a destroyed amulet to make your arch enemy Mental vulnerable. You get teleported in by some magic nerds, ripped straight from Star Trek, and they tell you to go look for them, make the amulet whole and destroy Mental on the sixth and final world, Siriustown. Each world has a boss that you destroy to collect the amulet piece. In the end, you fight the big, freaking building, the Mental Institute that houses Mental.

What makes the game so incredibly good to me, is the humor that the developers implemented into the game. Netricsa and Sam talk a lot, make jokes and references to other games and movies all the time and the extensive use of the Gnaar enemy from the first game in the many hilarious cut-scenes, in which he is a NPC that always nags or bothers you is just epic. The first line in the game refers to a bigger game budget, and this is the reason that Netricsa, your silent AI information companion can talk now.

The enemy models are also hilarious and are almost all completely new. Only four enemies from the previous games make an appearance in Serious Sam 2, and even then, they are completely mutilated into something silly and became a joke of their former self. Just imagine fighting a pair of robot legs with a T-Rex head that has a cigar in its mouth, a witch on a broom, a murderous toy rhino with a spinning key on its back or a zombie, complete in a smoking with a tie and a big, fat shotgun.

Serious Sam 2 features a lot of hidden Easter eggs and secrets and every one of them is worth it for a quick laugh. But the best secret joke of all, is the hidden Duke Nukem skeleton, hanging from a tree with sunglasses on and a big, fat rocket in his ass. Then Sam speaks the phrase “Blondie, is that you? I was waiting FOREVER for you to show up”, a nice backstab to the development of the game Duke Nukem Forever that, at the time, was still not released yet and was the biggest competition for Serious Sam.

The game is of course, is just as hard as the other ones, but for a diehard Serious Sam fan, such as myself, I destroyed it.

A special note must be made for the cut-scenes at the start and finish of each level. It is just so funny and well-made that I never skipped any of them when playing. The game does not take itself seriously and it shows in every clip.

The added vehicles made the game also a lot of fun, although, they are sometimes very buggy.

Croteam really outdid themselves with this game and the love and effort they put into Serious Sam 2 is legendary. My deepest respect to this small, cute little studio from Croatia.

I had so much fun playing this game, when I still used the physical disc, and my first time playing, all I could feel was pure, legit joy that did not change over the years.

Still recommend this game to everyone.

Thank you, Serious Sam 2, for your participation in my childhood.

You don't need to have a million IQ to play this game, and its simplicity and humble origins are by far its greatest asset.

👨‍👩‍👦 Hitap Ettiği Kesim 👨‍👩‍👦

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❌ Hardcore Oyuncular

🌆 Grafikler 🌆

✅ Patates
❌ İdeal
❌ Müthiş
❌ Fevkaladenin fevkinde

📖 Hikaye 📖

❌ Hikaye ne demek
❌ Akasya Durağı ile kapışır
✅ Orta
❌ İyimiş
❌ Süper
❌ Etkileyici

💰 Fiyat - Performans 💰

❌ Beleş
❌ Ucuz
✅ Orta
✅ İndirimde Al
❌ Pahalı
❌ Çok Pahalı

💻 Sistem Gereksinimleri 💻

✅ Tost Makinesi
❌ EBA Canavarı
❌ İyi PC
❌ İyi bir Ekran kartı ve İşlemci
❌ Nasa PC'si

⌛️ Oynanış Süresi ⌛️

❌ Tek oturuşta biter (1-2 Saat)
❌ Kısa (2-8 Saat)
✅ Normal (8-12 Saat)
❌ Uzun (60+ Saat)
❌ Arka Sokaklar

⚙️ Zorluk ⚙️

❌ Babaannem bile oynar
❌ Kolay
✅ Orta
❌ Kolay - Zor seçimi var
❌ Dark Souls'la kapışır

🇹🇷 Türkçe Dil Desteği 🇹🇷

❌ Yok ama gerek de yok
✅ Olsa iyi olurdu
❌ Ameriga bizi kıskanıyor
❌ Var

🎧 Ses - Müzik 🎧

❌ Atmosferi hissettiriyor
✅ Aksiyon sahnelerinde kulaklığın sesini kısmak gerek
❌ Rahatsız edici miktarda müzik var
❌ Ses Müzik tamamen kapatılmalı

🔮 Oyun Modları 🔮

❌ Multiplayer
✅ Singleplayer

😡 Bug var mı 😡

✅ Hiç Yok
❌ Rahatsız Etmiyor
❌ Cyberpunk 2077

🎮 Sarıyor mu 🎮

✅ Evet
❌ Ehhh işte
❌ Hayır

İlk oyunun yenilenmiş hali çıkmış olmasına rağmen bu oyun eski retro haliyle karşımızda. Şahsen diğer oyunlara göre az da olsa hikayeyi ön plana koymuş olmaları ve farklı tür dünyalarda farklı şekilde savaşlar benim ilgimi çekti. Kendisine özel espri anlayışı da baya komik. Serious Sam'in o vahşi havasını tekrardan yaşattırdı. 🥉🅑🅡🅞🅝🅩🥉

The cringe factory of dated humor combined with the popping visuals is really fucking charming. But the game essentially feels like SS as brought to you by the Postal devs, raw in every corner; enemy cries drowning each other out in an attempt to breach the sound barrier, Halo 1 tier weaponry, gallery of forced unsatisfying turret and mount sections and a beyond botched physics system.

Like Serious Sam but not a single joke lands. Except the ragdoll falling down the sewers.

You really get the impression that Croteam is embarrassed about this one. There's never been an official HD remake, there are no Steam achievements, the bare minimum has been done for the game's Steam release, the game's considered non-canon, subsequent Serious Sams have gone out of their way to take place in alternate timelines or before the events of the first game, other experimental Serious Sam titles are clearly meant to be side-games... I suspect Croteam would just as soon pretend they never made this one, if only they hadn't made this a numbered sequel.

Which is a damn shame, because of what I've played, this is my favorite by a decent margin.

Yes, this is an idiotic, honestly kinda cringey farce of a game to look at. I have no idea what the hell's going on with all the squeaky, sing-song voices the player hears throughout the game. Some of the redesigns are really stupid, particularly the bomb guys being given singlets. Yyyyyyeah I don't like the that one planet that's populated by Chinese stereotypes and Yellow Peril-adjacent bad guys, not even gonna defend that one.

None of those matter to me (well, maybe the last one of those). What matters is this: because Serious Sam 2 is so bizarre, it actually ends up being a ton of fun with its level designs and challenges. There's an elevator level early on, which is a surprisingly great complement for Serious Sam's usual enemy-spamming. There are a lot of really fun level archetypes, including a "Honey I Shrunk The Kids"-esque giant patch of grass and an intergalactic game show. There's this one boss fight where you're bounding around in moon boots, firing ballistae at a dragon, and it's the distilled essence of this game's experience: really damn stupid, but a ton of fun all the same.

Perhaps a significant portion of my enjoyment for this game came from the fact that I ran through this in co-op. The game doesn't play cutscenes during co-op! This does make the experience of the game a lot more confusing, since there's no attempt to explain within the levels why you're going from world to world. At the same time, from what I've seen of the cutscenes, I think I would be way more irritated by this game if I did have to watch them. I'm perfectly content treating this game as a fantasia of weird set pieces, if that's what we're working with.

The game controversially features a lives system rather than infinite respawns, but if you're playing an online game, you can just set it so lives are infinite. Not something you have to worry about if you don't wanna.

Some of the best you can find in terms of first person shooters. Great map variety, great guns, lots of enemy types and some of the best boss fights in FPS games. The only bad thing is the writing if you don't like dumb humor. Because all the humanoids in this game take turns on who gets the one braincell in the universe. But you can very easily skip all of the cutscenes.

It also has actually fun vehicle segments that aren't too prevalent, keeping them interesting when they appear. There's a lot of fun gimmicks thrown in the mix for levels generally too. Like some levels where you are forced to speedrun them and a "freezing" mechanic where you need to move in and out of shelter.

I never understood why this game is considered the worst in the series. If I were to guess, it's how much gameplay variety it has and the fact it's long. That and how stylistically different it is from every other Sam game.

Cycles between being a stupidly fun 15 minutes shootout of pure dual wielding bliss that makes you think "This is so cool I wonder why people don't like this one as much" to watching an unskippable 2 minutes racist cutscene and remembering why.

serious stuff got a little goofy

A hard FPS game that can be hella fun, especially in co-op with friends. The story is great, the visuals are colourful and vivid, the gameplay is fun, and the voice acting and dialogues are great (and it includes comedy). This is surely a game that is not meant to be taken seriously, it's just all about pure fun.

I still have the "Extra Life" voice line stuck in my head until today.

It plays just like the previous Serious Sam games but with the addition of vehicles, grenades and new weapons. The biggest difference would have to be the cartoon art style and the more comedic tone, which I was indifferent towards. It's not the worst game, but it's not the best either.

Cool shooter game, nice story, but I expected more.

Goofiest game in the series, I love it. I just wish it had steam achievements. I think this was the second game I actually finished ever when I was a kid

alright gameplay, but the first 70% of the game isn't even worth playing
use cheats to unlock levels and skip straight to the second to last episode, the last two episodes are the only thing giving this game as high of a score as it has

bro i just wanna know why the games are named like that like is the first enounter the first game and then the second game is second encounter but then if thats true why is this one called serious sam 2?? people wanna crawl up kingdom hearts ass about the names-

şu oyunun teknik sorunları saçımı başımı yoldurdu ama güzel oyun

A mouthful of endless and chaotic shooting. Underrated. And very lenghty.

This is a game that I have more or less been avoiding for the better part of twenty years. Despite being a big fan of the first two games back in their day, I saw the switch in art style and the move to console and gave it a hearty 'no thanks' that I have maintained up until now.

So, finally playing it has proven to me once again that, yep, my instincts are actually pretty good. It is hideous and stupid almost beyond words. If you tried the original SERIOUS SAMs and thought, hey, they should chop these big, impressive levels up into tiny missions and then put the most unbearably cringe in-engine cutscenes in the long, sad history of in-engine cutscenes between each one, brother, this is the game for you. Along with the new Jimmy Neutron-ass character designs, Croteam's lolrandom wackiness has been cranked up into the stratosphere to match, and man. I usually enjoy these goofy Croats and their funny little stunts and gags, but we're somewhere in RISE OF THE TRIAD-by-way-of-Shrek territory with this shit, and - again - thank you, no.

The big surprise for me here was how close the actual gameplay was to the two previous games. For some reason, I was expecting it to feel as different to play as it is to look at, but it's so similar it really seems more like an expansion than anything. Most of the guns and enemies appear to be straight reskins, and all the newest stuff is just bolted on, like turrets and vehicles. None of it is any good, and basic stuff like encounter and level design is flat out worse than before. Given that SERIOUS SAM was always famously the game with huge, wide-open spaces where you just ran backwards and held the fire button down forever, I didn't really think you could do that notably worse, but lo and behold!

Maybe in a different frame of mind I would be a little bit kinder to this, but given how similar this is to them, I would rather just play the previous games over again than suffer through this cringe nightmare for more Sam action.

best bullet hell game ever

The perfect example for how "group hate" works.
Irrational, unjustified, WRONG hate!
I will never understand the hate this game gets.
It is colorful, diverse... thematical.
You go from beaches to cold mountains, from circuses to the desert... fighting tons of diverse enemy types, unlike the few types of the first games.

The only thing i can imagine is purist deluded minds that are unable to enjoy videogames as they used to unless it's something they are already familiar with. This game is a gem.