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in the past

Sonic Frontiers: The Lost Levels

Definitely a very scattered addition to Sonic Frontiers. Having new playable characters in Tails, Knuckles, and Amy is really cool and I really liked being able to control someone other than sonic in a mainline game for the first time in a LONG while. There's a whole extra island full of the typical stuff you'd need to find and do in the base game, just now split across 4 different similarly-controlling characters. The big primary gripe that I (and a lot of other people) have with this expansion is just the fact that it's uncharacteristically difficult compared to the base game or just other sonic games as a whole, and it really emphasizes the flaws from the base game rather than playing towards its strengths. Since Sonic is for some reason the only character that can enter the (now much more demanding) cyberspace levels, in order to make interesting platforming challenges for the new characters there's a lot more focus put on the random floating sky blocks and rails that plague the islands of Sonic Frontiers, and the pop-in still does not help much. There were several instances where the game prompted me with a waypoint that to the understanding of my current view was just a random inaccessible point high up in the sky because the render distance was too short to actually show what kind of platforms I needed to be getting to or where the path to go there even starts, and conversely there were also times where I felt like I used each of the new characters air movement in a way to bypass entire large platforming challenges that I was intended to do a specific way. There's also these really tall towers that need to be scaled with their own unique lengthy platforming challenges to reach the top, and they are incredibly stressful to climb as any small mistake has the possibility of sending you all the way back down. The overworlds balance is just as sporadic as the random blocks that float around within it.

Combine that with a boss rush that is aggravatingly difficult as it demands you clear the first 3 bosses on the same pool of rings which as a speedrun challenge works fine enough for the first and third bosses but the second one being a cycle-based fight means you pretty much have to get a perfect cycle or two otherwise the entire run is dead which is always fun. They introduce the "perfect parry" mechanic here where instead of just holding the bumpers to be in a automatic parry state you need to time your parry properly which sounds deeper on paper but considering the very weirdly timed hit windows on the bosses attacks I think I understand why the parry system was how it was in the first place! And this is even after several patches that nerfed things to make them easier, this shit was even harder when it first dropped!

It's just kind of hard for me to tell who this expansion was really made for. The new characters and world make me believe it's for anyone who has played through Frontiers, but the higher difficulty makes it a pretty tough pill to swallow. The extra story content might mean it's for sonic lore masters, but really the alternate ending doesn't really amount much differently than the base games ending, if at all. The extra focus on challenge implies that it's for challenge-seeking veteran gamers, but the challenge comes more from managing the games jank and figuring out what the game may or may not want from you as the game itself doesn't really inform you on shit! I think the base game being much more mellow and casual in design helped hide the mechanical cracks in the seams, but with this game being much spicier those cracks are all the more apparent. To me, a games final impression matters as it's both the note to end the whole thing off on as well as one of the first things that I think about when I reminisce on it given that it's usually a more recent memory of playing it. Playing through this made me genuinely consider if Frontiers was actually this mid the whole time, and that's never the kind of note you want to end your bonus content on... I will give them props for making something of this caliber a free update instead of a paid expansion, but like it might be for the best to stick to the base game so as not to potentially sour your last impressions on the game like me by playing this.

I wish there a better idea of what to do, because I find this hard to follow.

An ambitious DLC and I'm glad I got to play it, but the execution left a lot to be desired. I loved the increased difficulty and how creative some of the platforming challenges were, especially the new cyberspace levels. But the new characters are just not as fun as Sonic and the boss rush was so awful and frustrating. New final boss is peak though.

SS2 was a nice moment but it did take em a whole year to add some kino like that to the game
I want that shit on release for future Sonic games, I hope Frontiers 2 isn’t some “uh oh we gotta unlock the chaos emerald towers to save our friends!” And goes more autistic like “We have to activate the Chaos Emerald towers and turn them into giant fucking rocket ships and use Super Sonic to guide them as Nuclear Missles to blow up an entire space fleet before they finish charging their death laser and blow up the earth!” Type shit

genuine fucking dogshit. It actually soured my view of frontiers, somehow. And I like frontiers! A lot!

i rage quit so bad but it was worth it for the final boss

Sonic Frontiers kind of sucks actually! I wish I could be more excited for the return of multiple playable characters, but man, all this did was make Frontier's level design look that much worse.

Sonic Frontiers: The Final Horizon is an ambitious effort to actually make good on the promises of the original game. Do not be fooled; this is not new content. This is recycled content attached to ideas that were clearly cut out of the final game because they couldn't be crammed into Sega's rushed release schedule.

The result is a mess. Sonic Frontiers was already broken on every front, and The Final Horizon is truly the nail in the coffin. Every minute of joy attained from breaking the game with its new and completely busted mechanics is equivalent to an hour of the game breaking itself in new and unexpected ways, resulting in what can only be described as the least consistent mainline Sonic campaign to date.

Avoid at all costs. It isn't worth your time.

Why is it that whenever Sonic Team gets criticized they take all of the criticism WAY TOO FAR and end up making the worst fucking Sonic content they possibly can?!?!!!??

This DLC is the absolute fucking worst and I HATED every single fucking second of this.

- It is WAY too hard
- WAY too long
- Too much shit to collect and the map takes FOREVER to fully uncover
- The entire island is now covered in ugly ass floating platforms and obstacles that just make everything look way too cluttered and overwhelming
- Most of these new character interactions in-game are pointless additions and the character animations during these are literally non existent
- The new cyberspace stages are AWFUL!!! With terrible and confusing level design and WAY. TOO. MANY. FUCKING. COLLECTABLES!!!

Even the final boss!!! They were supposed to fix the final boss! and sure, it looks cooler now, but I had to look at a fucking YouTube video just to know how to REMOVE THE FUCKING CHORD OUT OF SUPREME'S FAT FUCKING HEAD, CUZ THE GAME DID NOT MAKE THAT CLEAR AT ALL!!!!

The only things I did like were the boss rush, the new version of I am here and flying all over the place as Tails in his mech...And only Tails, because the other two were not really all that fun to control compared to Sonic.

This DLC is just the worse. I was actually going to replay Sonic Frontiers for a third time just to use the spindash for the whole game, but this DLC completely killed my desire to do that.

It sucks and completely ruins the game. Just ignore it and pretend it doesn't exist, especially if you are a completionist...It's not worth it at all.

They really had something going. How did they fumble it this hard?

I liked the base game. It wasn't anything special but I enjoyed my time with it and was happy to see a good Sonic game from Sonic Team again after over a decade without one. This new content however is just filled with tons and tons of questionable design choices, and I'm aware that pre-patch it was far worse, so I can't even imagine how bad it was then.

Having new characters to play as was nice on paper but they all started out extremely un-fleshed out and were very unfun to play as until I started to unlock most of their skill trees, which required finding lots of Kocos and was very boring. Once those skills were unlocked though it became much more fun and I started to enjoy overworld exploration far more. The new cyberspace stages, on the other hand, aren't good at all though. Minus 4-D which I kind of liked. Having alternate paths is cool but it doesn't matter much when the level design is so obtuse and hard to traverse. Glad they're optional.

Over the course of the past few months I've heard tons of praise for the final boss. Lots of people have said the final boss is great and makes up for this campaign's faults. I have no idea what they're talking about. That boss fight sucked. Were we really playing the same game? I haven't played a game with a final boss fight with design that cryptic since Paper Mario: Sticker Star. I even had to restart the fight at one point because the boss got bugged. Any chance of this getting a higher score from me was ruined by that fight.

Sonic Frontiers made me cautiously optimistic for Sonic's future but this campaign destroyed most of that optimism. The fact the story makes almost zero noticeable changes from the main game's story and has basically the same outcome makes me wonder what reason this update even has to exist, beyond having an excuse to play as more characters. The effort for this really should have just gone into working on another project instead. I fear Sega has not learned from Frontiers' success and will continue to not give Sonic Team the time and budget they desperately need.

I think when people complained about the issues Frontiers had, Sonic Team were like "hold my rings" and went and added a whole loads of updates plus an entire DLC chapter totally for free.

This included tons of little fixes, as well as making Tails,
Knuckles and Amy playable in 3D for the first time in 10+ years! And for Tails and Amy, it's their best playable appearance to date, with Knuckles still being great but he has some room to improve. The story is essentially an alternative ending to the base game, with these other characters getting far more spotlight.

The giant final island is crammed with platforming challenges for every character and they are easily some of the best in the series. Sonics new linear stages are a huge step up.. however.. if there's one thing they took personally, was that the base game was too easy. This is one of the most difficult Sonic sections ever, and some of it is amazing.
The platforming that takes advantage of Momentum is incredible, but enemies are now extreme damage sponges. There are missions in sonic's levels which are literally huge pace breakers, as well as a fair bit of jank overall.

The new final boss is an absolute spectacle, giving us one of the coolest moments for Sonic ever, with the boss being hard but much more consistent than the original final boss.

However I will say some elements are just too difficult for a Sonic game, and it makes this a cautious reccomened - 7/10

Gonna compartmentalise my thoughts on this 'DLC' on the main Frontiers page, for reasons that will become apparent there (if you're wondering about the discrepancy in ratings).

This genuinely might be one of the worst sonic experiences I've had. I enjoyed Frontiers quite a bit, even with all of the fuckin' problems that game had, but the DLC is absolutely something else

The playable characters are mostly pretty fucking boring. Amy was probably the best of the three from a design perspective at least, but I never ultimately had too much fun playing as her compared to Sonic. Her moveset is fine...I guess. Tails' was the easiest to just completely fucking cheese everything with and I was already pretty burnt and I didn't wanna keep playing the game so I just kept abusing his stupid broken abilities he unlocks. Knuckles was by far the worst of the three, I really don't understand how they fucked up his controls THAT much when there's 3 other games he's in where he controlled way better. I really don't have much to say because they really ultimately didn't change much about the game.

The Cyberspace levels I couldn't be fucked with. I played a couple of them and they were....okay? The racing one with the rocket boost was kinda cool, but like the collectible ones with the flickies and especially whatever the fuck 4-E was supposed to be was pretty fucking bad. I'll never truly get why people gas up the Cyberspace levels cuz most of the time they just FEEL kinda shit to controls.

Climbing some of those towers was not really fun. Some of the challenges, I'll admit, were pretty cool, but most of them just felt very punishing. It felt like playing Lost Levels but the pacing was 10x worse. I don't mind climbing the towers again, they just take FOREVER to do.

The first few koco trials were...neat? That one with the strict time limit was kinda dogshit though but the rest were piss easy. The fucking master koco trials are actual dogshit though. Those bosses were not designed to be marathoned and they were not designed with the new parry mechanics. I am not ashamed to admit I cheesed & cheated my way through that shit. If the game's going to waste my fucking time with shit that is not fun at all, I'm not gonna bother playing by its rules. I know they've improved on this post launch but I'm not even gonna bother. The launch experience soured me too much

The Supreme boss fight felt genuinely not different from the original fight. Maybe a couple of things here & there were different, but holy fuck that boss fight sucks so much. The End fight? What a fucking disappointment. The End fight was already pretty dogshit in that game, and this is technically better, but holy fuck is it all the more frustrating. It took me an HOUR to figure out you were supposed to cyloop the fucking thing on supreme's head. The game gave NO indication whatsoever that you were supposed to cyloop it off. Trying to even target that thing was pure aids. The ironic thing is, once you figure all of that out, The End is a pathetic final boss that can go down in like a minute. Once you realize that you're supposed to cyloop, the other cyloops are pretty easy to figure out. QTE before the big finale is kinda cool, and I do think Sonic "going all out" and completely obliterating both bosses because of Eggman was pretty cool, but it was harder to appreciate because of all of the baggage of bullshit it took getting there. Ultimately, I really didn't get much out of this, since the whole point of the ending is to "rework the ending of the game" when in reality you only get this by going through some dinky portal you find at the beginning of the 5th island.

Honestly the story in this might actually be a step down from the base game. I do appreciate making the final boss not anti-climatic, but I genuinely believe they did not need to change it just to keep sage alive at the end. Her death in the original game genuinely got me misty eyed. The post credits show that Eggman DOES bring her back, and it shows a better case of Eggman's humanity. I really don't get why they had to keep her alive? Like...what does that change exactly? Either way she's still part of the series so what's the point?

Like I said, this genuinely might be up there with some of the worst sonic experiences I've had. I can tolerate a lot of "bad" sonic things. Superstars was disappointing but it was ultimately just a mediocre sonic game, Lost World with all of its problems I kinda enjoy, despite all of the baggage Unleashed has I do consider it a good game. I've played sonic games I do not enjoy, like Sonic 4, Forces, Labryinth, but a lot of those games never made me feel outright miserable like this entailed. I don't think I've played ANY video game before that's had DLC that actively made the game WORSE but this actually might be it. If Frontiers was able to make me less cynical about Sonic, Final Horizon was able to make me cynical about Sonic again. If they capped it off at Update 2, I would've been more okay with Frontiers. I already liked the game, and the new additions did genuinely fix some of the issues I had with the game. This 1000% needed way more time to cook in the oven, which I'm really getting fucking sick of saying about almost every new sonic game now.

While the tower climbs can be frustrating and the final trial enraging, the addition of the 3 new playable character, the new open world challenges, the new Cyberspace levels that are expansive and engaging, and the new music including the new vocal tracks makes up for that in spades, not to mention the new final boss, better ending, and fleshed out story details that just feel like icing on the cake.

Yeah, it's definitely got some annoying parts, but the core gameplay loop from Frontiers is still there and it's still really good. Plus, the new characters are really fun to play as and it's got some great new music and story content on top of that.

Initial hype from the new ending makes me want to put a fucking 10/10 and it is the solely reason that this is above 2.5 stars. The rest is messy and really badly designed, game makes you feel free with upgrades such as tornado or gliding but constantly makes you feel left out for not doing the courses of each character.
Really enjoyable especially for fans that miss playing as other characters but only for some first moments until the magic is worn down by just seeing how much everything is scattered around and how tedious it is to do certain things
Also final trial is bullshit af thinking about it while writing this made me lower the final score omfg.
Really really love Sonic, the final fight is kinda weird but really cool to watch, the music is perfect as always, and everything feels so special and well driven, very happy in that regard specially thinking how bad the original ending was. Kinda disappointing that I cannot enjoy the game itself more, please let this be a starting point for how bosses in Sonic must be and what not to repeat for next games.

Final boss was peak but was not worth all of what I had to go through

It's great to see Amy, Knuckles, and Tails playable in a 3d game after so many years. They all have flaws but for a free dlc there is more content in this then actually paid dlcs.

Es una actualización increíble pero muy debatible, tiene bastantes cosas buenas como también malas, al menos se agradece el contenido nuevo que hizo que el juego quedara terminado.

After playing through Sonic Frontiers, I came away with a generally positive impression. After finishing the DLC, that impression has been soured.

The janky platforming is way more intrusive than it was in the base game because a lot of the challenges focus on it. The additional characters are no fun to play. The tower challenges and the boss rush are more frustrating than they are worth, and more often than not failures come from camera and momentum glitching rather than your own mistakes. There's just no reason to play it.

The new cyber challenges are long and frustrating. This wouldn't be so bad if the goal was simply "get to the end." But each level features a fleet of Banjo-Kazooie-esque collectibles that are just no fun to go after.

I think a lot of the hype for this DLC was based around Super Sonic 2, but it just doesn't feel like a fun upgrade to Super Sonic. Actually, because of the smaller parry window required to beat The End, it feels weaker.

I'm so conflicted about this update. On one hand, the final boss truly is one of the most hype things I've experienced in a Sonic game in a long time. On the other, everything before it is either a total slog or way too hard to be enjoyable. The base game was easy, but this overcorrects too much.

The updates they put out later certainly helped, but I can't see myself going back to Final Horizon. I am still very much looking forward to how they can improve the Frontiers style in the future, though.

Now in context to the original game, this DLC is fantastic. It adds more speed stages, playable characters, a new world to explore and a new alternate ending to the original title which definitely helped my favorability of the title overall. This DLC truly feels like SEGA listened to the fans and improved in every way.

Made a peak game better. Literally a skill issue get fucking better :).

i'm sorry but this dlc ruined this game for me, after finishing this dlc i hated frontiers more as a whole. the different characters were cool and i had fun playing as them, but the level design for the cyberspace levels is horrible especially level 4-h which took me 43 minutes just to complete. and some of the koco trials had ridiculous requirements that go from being easy to insanely hard and then easy again. the final boss was the only redeeming quality but unfortunately it was not very clear on what you're supposed to do to attack it which ruined that part for me as well since i was restarting my game over and over thinking the fight was bugged. i'm glad we were able to play the dlc for free, but i much would have prefered us having to wait for them to just finish the game before launch

Hard as hell for no reason but the ending is so cool

((Reviewed back in 2023))

Let's go with the positives first. I enjoy how the story is just as engaging as the main game. I'm also glad this took place in the final island. The gameplay for characters is very fun and great. The final boss fight is a HUGE upgrade from how it was from the main story. The new form for Sonic is very awesome. I also love the interactions for the characters. It is very cool.

Yes I did say that I like the gameplay for Amy, Knuckles, and Tails, but having to unlock basic abilities like attack, cyloop, and parry, etc, is very stupid. I understand they want challenge in the DLC after a lot of people complained about a game being easy. But the towers are terribly unfair and badly designed. The fact that after you fall off them you HAVE to up over AGAIN. The boss rush is even MORE unfairly designed than the towers. They put you back at level 1 for your stats and after you finish each boss, your rings carry over and it doesn't refill.

Overall, despite the flaws.... this DLC is pretty good. Though not the best, it is still very fun to play with. This is great for Sonic fans if they enjoy a challenge. You might rage, but you will probably have fun too I guess lol.