Reviews from

in the past

Los puzzles son súper divertidos, cortos e interesantes. No son demasiado complejos, pero la manera en la que están presentados los hace muy divertidos. Además, es muy cortito, así que se acaba antes de que se vuelva repetitivo.

Muito divertido!
É um jogo de puzzle bem criativo e legal, teve umas fases que fiquei um pouco agarrado, mas foi só pensar um pouco e consegui.
Eu diria que é um jogo muito legal pra qualquer tipo de público dar uma jogadinha, é muito bom!

wonderful concept, cute characters, funny puzzles. it's a pretty good game, although it may get a little boring by the end

finished too quick much like myself if ask my partner

Cute but v slight? Like some clever puzzles but I also blew through it in a couple hours and it didn't really move me, just an exercise in cleverness, I dunno. Maybe if I hadn't played Gorogoa so recently, which feels like it does a lot of the same stuff mechanically but in a more artistically complete kinda way or something? It's almost like I'm knocking this puzzle game for being a series of puzzles, whatever, oh well! I enjoyed myself.

The true challenge was how can I make it gay and still complete the story

Used it to teach basic english vocabulary to my students and it worked so It's 10/10

Quick, easy puzzles that you can do while idling around. Game is high key carried by the novel artstyle and aesthetic, since the gameplay loop by itself isn't compelling enough to warrant any more than a few minutes IMO.

Cumple lo que propone.

Storyteller es un juego de puzzles sencillos y que, si bien utilizan tu intuición y las reglas de las historias clásicas para funcionar, sabe llevarlo más allá en alguno de sus niveles más complicados. El juego no se caracteriza por ser extremadamente dificil, pero si tiene algún nivel que igual te hace pararte a darle un par de vueltas. Creo que la mayoría de niveles tienen un equilibrio interesante entre entender qué tienes que lograr y forzarte a pensar dos veces en como lograrlo, lo cual lo convierte en un juego que sabe ser ameno pero aún así ser disfrutón.
Creo que el mayor punto a favor de Storyteller es ser un juego que puede jugar, entender y disfrutar cualquier persona, tenga o no idea de videojuegos. Salvo que seas un niño, que se te pueden atascar conceptos como las infidelidades o alguna referencia concreta a obras clásicas (Hay puzzles inspirados en Hamlet, Blancanieves... etc pero pueden superarse sin conocer la referencia), cualquier adulto puede abrir el juego de 0 y superarlo solo entendiendo dos mecánicas tan simples como "Tienes estas escenas, tienes estos personajes. Colócalos de manera que se genere este resultado"

En general, un juego de puzzles entretenido, que apenas te llevará 2 o 3 horas y, sobretodo, accesible para todo el mundo. Actualmente, su versión para Android se encuentra incluída en cualquier suscripción a Netflix, así que ya sabéis que recomendarle a ese amigo que no tiene ni idea de videojuegos para introducirlo a este mundillo.

Storyteller is definitely a fun time, but I can't help but feel a bit frustrated with it. WARNING : my grievances here are pretty much personal so I think people will enjoy this more than I did! which means this is overall a pretty good game.

okay so positives first :
- the artstyle is really nice and cute and the game is really well animated.
- the game, while being short, is in my opinion of a perfect length for what it is (especially if like me you played it through your Netflix subscription), with just enough levels to spare the player from feeling like the game is repetitive.
- I found the majority of the puzzles to be really engaging and fun to figure out, it's also pretty cool to see the overall lil story being told when you find a solution.

on the technical side, I found the controls on mobile to be a bit frustrating, pages turning when i didn't mean to, the game giving me the wrong character or tile to move around, your playing space feels crammed in when playing on your smartphone. the game wasn't made first with mobile in mind but i wish we had some more adjustments made for the new layout made possible by the platform.

my main problem with the game, and sadly it tends to be like this for me when it comes to puzzle games or just puzzles in games in general (I may just be really bad at them), is that I found some end game puzzles to be way too tricky, with solutions that are hard to come up with by yourself. I had a lot of trouble with chapter 11 and the final chapter, I just couldn't wrap my head around what the game wanted out of me, which can be frustrating when the rest of the game was pretty much smooth-sailing, with moments of headscratching, sure, but where I never felt lost. here in the end stretch I just found myself lost enough that I had to look up some hints online on how to finish the puzzles (basically I didn't spoil myself the whole solution, just the first (two) panels and then went back to the drawing board from there). I kinda wish there was a hint system à la Professor Layton to give those struggling a push in the right direction.

that aside, I liked my time with Storyteller, the base concept and presentation are solid enough that I don't see myself giving this game a score THAT low. but if I hadn't struggle with the controls or on the puzzles, I would have loved Storyteller that much more.

Tinha muito potencial mas se resumiu a joguinho de parada de ônibus

this was really fun to do with friends!

Very fun and charming puzzle game. Great game to play on mobile and it was free to play for me through Netflix.

Ainda bem que é curto, se fosse maior seria um saco de jogar, fica repetitivo sem adicionar muito conteúdo

Mas no geral até antes de ficar repetitivo é mt legal

É bonitinho, bem feitinho, amo as animações, a ideia, etc..

Mas a fórmula começa a ficar muito repetitiva: rapta, toma o trono, mata, ressuscita, casa, bla bla bla..

Por mais curto que seja, eu consegui me cansar muito dele.

This is just chill game to make your brain heat

Rip Henry Winter you would have loved to push people off cliffs 💔

"Storyteller" has an incredible gameplay concept that may eventually be realised into an amazing sequel. As it is, the game is a little short and often trivially easy, but the attention to detail and originality on display made it worth the $15 spent. Characters have countless unique animations based on the background, scene partners and the events leading up to that panel.

Causality is the main theme "Storyteller" explores. The game does this brilliantly by giving you a story prompt, and forcing you to work your way backwards such that the ending is properly set up by preceding events. As simple the stories are, prospective writers could definitely learn something about "cause and effect" from this game. My favourite detail is how later panels update instantly when making changes in earlier ones, showing the immediate effect of your action. The game never feels obtuse in its puzzle logic and flows incredibly well from puzzle-to-puzzle. I found it hard to put down in the 4 hours I took to beat it.

The game's difficulty is its biggest problem. Half of the levels can be solved in under a minute, making a large chunk of this game feel somewhat arbitrary. I wish the game left more room to fully experiment within its sandbox. I'd love to eventually see a level editor for this game that allows you to upload prompts to a server and see if players can realise it through their creativity.

I would love to see a sequel that implements some sort of meta aspect where solutions to individual stories are fed into some larger narrative. Since puzzles are often open-ended, this could involve whether you chose to kill off or spare characters, leading to repercussions later. Some of the best puzzle games in recent memory - Can of Wormholes, Baba is You, The Witness - have this sort of meta-puzzle that really elevate the mechanics beyond what you thought was initially possible. Storyteller lacks that sort of revelation, which prevents it from reaching the upper echelon of puzzle games.

Nonetheless, it was a fun couple of hours and I can't stop imagining what sort of games could stem from this concept.

'Storyteller' es un juego sin una historia aparentemente definida, sino que la vas construyendo a través de una serie de viñetas, colocando actores y escenarios de manera dadivosa para que produzcan la situación deseada que resuelva el puzle. A simple vista recuerda mucho al malogrado 'Scribblenauts' en DS, pero es mucho más simple, hasta el punto que el abanico de posibilidades es demasiado limitado como para provocar situaciones estrafalarias o bizarrías que el juego no sepa cómo interpretar nuestra intención (lo cual era el gran lastre que poseía esta saga). En 'Storyteller' todo está perfectamente medido para construir una historia determinada con los pocos recursos que tienes a tu alcance, de modo que la respuesta muchas veces no es cómo puedo conseguir que X escenario suceda, sino en si estoy ofreciendo la solución con la secuencia específica. Algunos puzles disponen de varias soluciones para aspirar al 100%, pero no puede decirse que haya mucha flexibilidad en el músculo creativo que hace gala del juego, lo cual también sirve para que la dificultad global sea baja y pueda completarse en un par de horas.

Ahora, ¿cuál es el potencial detrás de esta obra, labrada durante 15 laboriosos años de desarrollo por el ahínco de unas pocas personas? (Financiadas en última instancia por Annapurna, eso para Keighley quiere decir que es indie). 'Storyteller' prefiere ser visto como un pequeño entretenimiento sin mayor aspiración, ni una gran ambición detrás del concepto, pero se sabe tan determinista en su ejecución que pocas veces plantea sorpresas que arranquen una sonrisa frente la pantalla. Tampoco ayuda que la gran mayoría de puzles versen sobre los mismos conceptos del amor y del desamor, la deslealtad y la traición, y además vengan representados por los mismos personajes y escenas durante toda la partida. He perdido la cuenta de las veces que he movido al barón cuyo cometido es asesinar a la monarquía para usurpar el trono; o la Blancanieves que besa al príncipe para librarlo de su maldición (y viceversa). Aunque cada puzle verse inspirado en una obra icónica de la literatura clásica, no parece tener otro nexo que los haga distintivos entre sí, y la evidente falta de variedad consigue que sean percibidos conjuntamente como una masa uniforme, plana, incolora, insípida, meramente funcional. 'Storyteller' tampoco tiene un sentido de progresión como tal, ya que si bien los 60 puzles son accesibles desde el comienzo, están estructurados de forma que no hay una clara dificultad ascendente. Categorías similares pueden tener puzles a modo de tutorial más adelante que otros que exigen cierto conocimiento de los personajes y su modo de actuar.

En ese sentido, 'Storyteller' es entretenido y agradable el poquito rato que cuesta completarlo. Pero no se sabe creativo, no se sabe exigente, no se sabe rompedor, ni tampoco tiene fondo de armario para romper la escaleta de formas malpensadas o imprevistas. La posterior actualización 'Devilish' añade una pequeña capa de contenido tras completar el juego y una excusa para volver a los puzles resueltos y alterarlos con la intervención de un demonio; sabe a poco, pero al menos se acerca un poco a esa presunta ambición que muchos buscaban con este juego. Pero de nuevo, visto en perspectiva, ¿qué juego buscábamos exactamente en 'Storyteller'? ¿Debía rellenar el espacio que dejó huérfano (y con amargura) 'Scribblenauts' y hacerlo bueno? ¿Ser una fábrica de memes* sin sentido e insoportables? ¿Una expedición por la selva repleta de criaturas desconocidas e imposibles de imaginar? ¿O simplemente esto es lo que ha quedado de rebuscar en el concepto tantos años durante su desarrollo (y la fatiga consiguiente)?

Me quedo con la sensación de que esto es lo que hay y podía sacarse del tema... y probablemente no haya oportunidad para redescubrirlo, después que uno de sus creadores falleciese recientemente aún a tierna edad. Por desgracia, el cuento de 'Storyteller' ha llegado a su fin.

I really liked this kind of puzzle game. It does tell different stories, that you've mostly heard of in fairy tales. Some levels do get a bit convoluted, and you don't exactly know how to finish them, because game want you to do very specific thing. Otherwise, game is really interesting. I do recommend playing this if you have few hours to spare.

Um joguinho tão simpático que é uma pena ser tão (TÃO) curto.

muito legalzinho e interessante, um dia ainda tenho que terminar

Lo disfruté bastante. Es un juego de lógica, así que te hace pensar mucho sobre lo que estás haciendo, para que la historia tenga el sentido y se dé el final que te pide. La dinámica es muy simple y se entiende enseguida, y los logros no son fáciles de conseguir. Es un buen juego para distraer el cerebro, y tanto visual como sonoramente es muy lindo. Una buena sorpresa.

I was shocked at how well the solutions came together. The concept of the game immediately worried me as the type that would fall prey to feeling like you have a correct solution that isn't working because the game wasn't smart enough. This never once happened to me. Every time the game told me something didn't work, it made sense, and every time I reached a good solution it rewarded me. If anything, my only complaint is that it went by a little too quickly. Very few levels actually stumped me, which if anything speaks to how well-made the puzzles were, because it's not like they were overly simple. I do think it should've been much longer, even for the price tag, but what's here is solid.

Cute puzzle game. I personally found the level distribution a bit weird, because even if you can freely jump to the next levels without completing the preceding ones, it's organized in a way that suggests a difficulty curve that is not there: some later levels are much easier than those on the first few chapters.

I highly recommend it though. It's part of the Netflix subscription so there is a chance you don't even have to pay for it.

Felt more like an activity at times than a puzzle but still fun nonetheless