Reviews from

in the past

- Really fun and gripping walking simulator. It is a sci-fi story that hit the theme of AI, space, and corporation. But it is also very human story where I got attached to the crew that I was investigating. This crew that is just trying to survive this future.
- The way that AR is used to help dissect scenes is really cool.

What a nice, tight, exploration story.

Kinda like Obra Dinn but in the 2001: Space Odyssey spaceship

Uma experiência gostosa em forma de jogo

That was 3 hours well wasted fun little story very engaging

Eu adoro história super elaboradas, bem escritas, cheias de surpresa.

Mas eu acho incrível como Tacoma pega uma história que sozinha seria a coisa mais sem graça do mundo e torna ela super interessante apenas pela forma que é contada.

Nada tira da minha cabeça que videogame é a melhor forma de narrativa e esse jogo só contribui pra isso.

Went into this thinking it was a horror game, turned out to be a story game, very enjoyable story with great characters

É um jogo no espaço com tudo futurista e pá q te coloca pra descobrir o que aconteceu na nave tacoma e entender melhor como o mundo esta em 2088. A forma de descobrir tudo é interessante, a atmosfera é tensa da maneira certa, os personagens são ate legais e tem muitas ideias boas que não são muito bem aproveitadas.
No fim é um jogo que poderia ser bem melhor, mas a narrativa principal não é tao interessante e acaba sendo angustiante no final.
Fora meu game tendo crashado no final corrompido no save e eu tendo que jogar TUDO DE NOVO

Court, sympa. Pas grand chose à dire c'est un bon petit jeu à faire

Elon Musk and Space X in 60 years

Interesting story that tackles ethical questions about space industrialism in the future. The game has a cool way of presenting its narrative through these holograms of people that lived on the spaceship. I do, however, think that the characters could have been a bit more interesting and in-depth. The ending was also a bit underwhelming. But overall still a good and enjoyable experience.

Let's be honest. I did it for the platinum.

short and sweet! a really well done narrative and I'm glad the game ended the way it did

I opened the game expecting a cool little detective puzzle game, and instead I got one of the coolest narrative jigsaws I've ever seen and I'm so glad. Every time a piece of the story clicked and I put together the pieces a little more felt like such a rewarding experience.

The characters are interesting, the story is engaging, the exploration is great, highly recommend.

I get why some people can’t get into ‘em, but good walking sims are such comfort food to me. Tacoma is such a good example of what these gameplay-light, narrative focused games can bring to the table. This story doesn’t land the same in a non-interactive medium. The mechanics behind the AR logs allowing you to blow up and dissect these conversations is so unique.

The game is just walking, listening and reading for ~2 hours, and the story itself is cute, but not so great.
Wanna know what's nice instead? The way the story unfolds, the particular storytelling. I definitely want to see this formula evolve into more long and more structured games.
A really nice experience.

Playing this game made me realize how dull of a player I am. Why am I reading the nutritional information off the back of this ramen pack

I felt like I was a detective. Lots of walking and reading but it was a pleasant experience.

belo plot bela mecanica de gravidade zero boa revolução contra a propriedade privada

Engaging story from start to finish. Left me wanting more info by the end, which is always a double edged sword of being a great sign while also carrying with it a tinge of dissatisfaction. Movement is fairly swift, but transitioning between areas is a bit slow(in fairness, this was more of a problem because I had to backtrack a bit to pick up some trophies I missed so it's not great criticism).
This is one of those games that really pushes the line of what a game is, but it's fantastic environmental storytelling is enough to justify it.

Videogames have taught me that every job on a spaceship no matter how relatively mundane is almost certainly going to end in your doom.

If you do not enjoy dialogue heavy exposition and sedate storytelling this game will not offer you much sustenance. Fortunately, I do.

It’s well trodden territory but the plot and atmosphere are executed well, it simply lacked some of the sharper writing of the developer’s previous outing ‘Gone Home’.

Imported from my Backloggery:

I enjoyed what I played of Tacoma for the most part, the narrative was interesting for the most part, and some the implications that existed in the story were interesting, and quite dark. The theme and story they were telling was singular, but Tacoma lacked one huge part of the experience, which was involvement. You don't affect anything, you are a passive observer, which deflated a lot of it for me. Most of the narrative was told to you, which bothered me. I also lost my save.

If you have played a space mystery game
You already played this
I find this to be one of the games in poor narrative storytelling genre.
I don't think it's clever it's been a clone over and over (see Fort Solis)
I love great narrative storytelling games this is the type of storytelling we see way too often with just higher production values.

This review contains spoilers

A nice short narrative game.
Similarily as in Gone Home, the story starts as really intresting. I had fun watching the AR scenes and getting each characters side of the story. There’s also a lot of items to pickup and look at to get more of the story. I will say that even though I liked some of the characters, they all felt one-note and kinda tokenized for representation.
Another similarity to Gone Home is that the story’s tension builds really well right until the end when it’s suddenly revealed that everyone is OK. I was braicing to find everyone dead, it felt like the logical conclusion, so the actual ending felt like a let down.

Oh, one thing I liked as a Finnish person was that you can find a can of Ananas Lonkero.

Short and sweet!

The narrative is the main focus and is done in a really engaging way. The game is short and concise, perfect for an evening spent with a hot drink and to just immerse yourself in this game for a few hours.

Much like "Gone Home" there's a lot to explore and world and character building to be gained from interacting with items.

If this studio ever does another game, I will definitely play it.

Extremely cool narrative detective puzzle game. The world building is phenomenal and the game does detective-puzzle-play better than a lot of others I've tried.

A super cool short game with unique gameplay.