Reviews from

in the past

Played 13hrs in 2.5 days and hated myself for it. The first 2 hours were amazing then hit a wall at compression 7 or so
Still would recommend

Really solid idler game that definitely doesn't overstay its welcome. Took me 20,5 hours in total of having the game open to complete it.

Good clicker, as you advance the first things you unlock get more skills to still be usefull.

But a little short

I enjoyed the early game a lot, but eventually the game becomes a bit high maintenance and requires a fair share of micromanagement. Endgame gets too involved for an idle game imo.

incredibly funny flavortext and satisfying visuals

she gnorp on my apologue till I -- [extremely loud incorrect buzzer]

v good idle game ... i feel idle ...

It's fair to say that (the) Gnorp Apolgue sets itself apart from your run-of-the-mill incremental game. All the basics are there; click rock, collect shards, buy things with shards to better help you click and collect. What makes it so unique is how these incremental gains interact with each other, and how much planning and managing is needed to successfully complete it. Players can and will need to evaluate their strategy, lest their production line fall behind.

Where many incremental games have you prestige for the sheer sake of making numbers rise quicker, (the) Gnorp Apologue requires it. Rate of excess shard production needs to increase to move along compression tiers, but rate of collection is what allows for buying units, housing and other upgrades. In fact, increasing collection rate is precisely what unlocks talent points, which can be spent on subsequent runs for passive bonuses that make getting to higher tiers more manageable. It's a balancing act, and a surprisingly engaging one at that.

Visuals are simplistic, but suit the game very well. Hardcore fans of incremental games no longer need to turn to UI-only games for their best-of recommendations, though the UI itself leaves a little to be desired. Tooltips for damage and collection rates of individual units would be nice, as it takes a while to learn what each symbol represents, and early portions of runs can be ruined by trying to buy units too fast, resulting in buying unneeded upgrades at best, and build-ruining ones at worst.

The builds are by far the most interesting aspect of (the) Gnorp Apologue. Planning ahead pays off, yet looking through Steam discussion posts point towards there being a wide variety of strategies that work. Experimentation is encouraged - wonderfully so - though it could turn some players away when they realize the build they've invested an hour or so into just isn't going to cut it.

(the) Gnorp Apologue, with its clear goal but many paths to victory, as well as its intertwined and engaging systems serves as not only a great introduction to incremental games, but cements it as one of the finest. It's rock solid.

Fun little incremental game. It's still that tho, an incremental game where, besides doing a bit of optimization, you won't see much other than number go up.

it's fine! a bit more engaging than just waiting for the number to get bigger. some fun mechanics, but not too incredibly complicated.

I've got a gnorbillion bucks now.

was dreamin' of gnorp strategies until i finished the game

still dreamin' of gnorp strategies after finishing the game

only you will know if an idler with build/progression and literal showers of currency is good for your brain

absolutely obsessed until it was completed, and even then, hitting 'S' sees the game become your desktop background, which is lovely and means it's still on long after 'completion'

really cool to run on an ultrawide monitor

some perks and abilities are neat in principle but aren't quite balanced enough to be worthwhile

bravo; braw wee background game

Very interesting and graphically nice idle game (I do enjoy them), but not enticing enough for me to see an ending.

I bought this game because I wanted something to help me get in a rhythm while I was reading for my comprehensive exams. As a clicker, it turned out to be way more engaging than I expected, even if that meant I didn't get as much reading done as I expected. Normally I don't care for games that make you rehash the same part over and over again, but this game implemented its prestige system excellently. Managing the pile so that it compounds on itself at the right time is such an interesting mechanic. It made it where the goal was not just exponential growth, but navigating windows of alternating growth and preparation. Also, adding a new color each time the boulder compacts made the game visually more interesting than I would have expected from the beginning. The prestige system also makes it that when things start slowing down too much, you can simply start over the progression, but the next time you get to where you last ended much quicker. Also, the prestige systems helps you experiment to find the various interesting perk combinations. I didn't quite finish the game, but I what I saw of it was engaging and I enjoyed my time with it.

Cute little idle game, decent visual stimuli and numbers spam

The Platonic idle game (as in Platonic ideal? Ideal/idle? No? Oh well). I'm concerningly receptable to idle games. They are concentrated, gaming dopamine; numbers junk food. You click buttons, watch numbers go up, till they stop increasing quite so quickly and start over, watching those earlier stages race by faster and faster. Idle games deliver the satisfaction of getting really good at a skill and returning to a basic project to find it's so much easier than when you first attempted it, but you don't invest anything other than time into them. You wait, watch, click occasionally and pleasure is mainlined into your brain veins.

It's because of this that I swear them off, particularly on mobile. One can only beat Adventure Capitalist (and communist) so many times before recognising you have a problem. I'll install one just to play on the toilet, and the next thing I know I'm cancelling plans, watching ads and not even really having fun. They provide compulsion rather than true enjoyment. So I only tried (the) Gnorp Apologue after learning it had an ending, one that is achieved in a sensible amount of time too, and I'm quite glad I did.

There's not much to be said or analysed here. Gnorp feels almost like a toybox idle game, one that encourages creativity and lateral thinking, an almost roguelike mentality towards finding combos and cohesive builds. Getting to the ending is more like a tutorial for the true mode, where you speedrun the game and beat it as quickly as possible with the best setup you can devise. A min-maxer's wet dream, but I was more than satisfied with seeing the game play till the credits. Is it doing anything particularly new? Not really. Is it the deepst idle or management game? Definitely not. But Gnorp is cute and satisfying, a game that stays precisely as long as it could do then leaves you with fond memories of enormous swarms of neon particles. If you enjoy zoning out while watching waltzing hordes of missiles dance across your screen, then I highly recommend Gnorp to you.

Fun and cute incremental game but I can’t shake the feeling of that this genre is just time wasting no matter how much fun I have :/

Adorable little game that's probably the best idle game out there, has a charming style and well-thought mechanics that prevent the game from losing pace and getting boring as hell like most others

I really appreciate people making games that aren’t afraid to cater towards a smaller audience. I think there should be more niche games that aren’t for everyone.

The gnorp apologue was a small game that from the outset tries to give you the feeling of an idle clicker with sharp quick leveling gameplay of a rogue-like.

This small game gives me hope that this will be a great year for games in a £5 package

This game is so adorable. The ending was so worth all the effort.

This is probably the first incremental game that pretty heavily incentivises the concept of "builds". Builds are essentially a requirement since the upgrade currency is limited every run and each run you can choose to focus on a certain upgrade path for a certain set of tools which changes how you approach bashing the rock... until you get rockets which hilariously trivialises every other build

For what it is, it's a really fun, well constructed incremental game with a definitive end but has some balance issues. I think I would keep checking back in on this now and then to see how it's shaped up

An addictive, fun and gorgeous game. Long live the Gnorps!

Lost interest a bit before the end, but enjoyed the simple visuals and funny flavor text.

Schönes kleines Incremental Game mit knuffiger Gnorp-Grafik.

i liked the number crunching and optimization problems. it could use a bit more breadth in terms of upgrades and some clearer tooltips.

it's an idle game, you know if you enjoy this kind of thing. there's nothing very special here (in my view) other than a) the finite ending (which I achieved in ~10 hours, but I might be slow) and b) the cute theming.