Reviews from

in the past

Le jeu est bien meilleur que le premier sur tous les points
L'histoire vraiment excellente, les personnages aussi (SAUF SARAH), le gameplay s'est bien amélioré c'est moins chiant a jouer, bref bien meilleur que le premier
Lee me manque quand même

É muito bom continuar a história com a Clementine e acompanhar o decorrer dela, mas o primeiro continua sendo infinitamente mais envolvente

it's nowhere near as good as the first game but i still liked it despite my issues with the writing and characters!

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eita galera chata do caralho, tava quase soltando foguete depois de me livrar de todo mundo no final

Wow that final choice was far less difficult than I remembered it being

Good game, not like the first but a good game

Best walking dead game
Walking dead season 2 in my opinion has to be the best walking dead game ever made in this game we play as clementine this time because of Lee dying in season 1 sadly.

if u looked too hard this was when u realised telltale games only make ur choices matter to an extent but it was still unreal at the time

Such a good game and was the second best game from telltale. Nothing will beat the first season but i love this entire series so much.

Uma ótima sequência. Ver a Clementine se fuder no mundo acabado, aprender a sobreviver, ver pessoas que ela ama morrer. Eu chorei bastante, foi o primeiro jogo que eu chorei na vida. Muito marcante.

Gostei da continuação, a Claim é uma excelente protagonista, estava um pouco suspeito de fazer uma temporada sem o Lee mas ela aguentou bem
Acho que exageram nessa continuação, parece que qusieram fazer mais , maior e mais pesado,porém me agradou ainda

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and nooobody chose jane

Once again, TWD doesn't disappoint... Bittersweet ending as close as it can get to comparison with season 1. I didn't expect to cry again but I did, twice. I loved the characters in this season a bit more than I did in the first game, and the choices were a lot more interesting.

At first I was skeptical as to whether the game would work with Clementine in the lead role. But my fears were unfounded. The story was convincing and the references to season 1 often brought tears to my eyes. I've only played it once so far and haven't played any more seasons after that, as I think this season is a good conclusion. A must for fans of the first season.

Wow, I don't know what to say, I struggled to get into it initially, but boy, did the game become intriguing as time went on! The storyline, characters, and dialogues were fantastic and engaging. However, I must admit that I was disappointed by the ending. It could have been more dramatically concluded, perhaps due to my choices or just poor writing. Regardless, the game was exceptional in almost every aspect.
As for Keeney, his character was quite irritating during this season, but his conclusion was satisfactory for me.
In summary, the game was excellent, boasting impressive characters and music. I enjoyed most parts of it.

اول مره لعبتها كانت تجربه ممله جدا وغير مثيره للغايه ، لكن بعد م عطيتها فرصه أخرى اكتشفت باني مخطا واني أخطأت وقللت من قيمتها، اللعبه ممتازه جدا قصصيا واحداثها رائعه جدا بحوارات وشخصيات ممتازين كتابه رائعه لكل شي ما عدا النهايه لم تكن سيئه لكن لم تكن مرضيه بالنسبه لي.

بعد ما خلصت الموسم الاول وبديت بالثاني ماقدرت اتقبلها ماقدرت ابلعها كانت نصف المتعه بوجود "لي" اذا ما كان كل المتعه، أحببت كل شي فيه شخصيه ممتازه حنونه حكيمه ممتعه، شخصيه من توب الشخصيات بلى شك، لكن بعد انغماسي باللعبه أكثر تلعقت بباقي الشخصيات وبديت اتقبل اللعبه بدونه ويالها من تجربه، كلمنتاين واحداثها شي رائع ومتوقع تطور كبير للشخصيه بعد كل الي صار.

من أكبر السلبيات باللعبه هو القيمبلاي صحيح اللعبه لا تعتمد عليه لكن كان ممل ومكرر لكن يفي بالغرض.

وكيني شخصيته أصبحت لا تطاق وأعتقد نهايته كانت كافيه بالنسبه لي.

heureusement le goat est là (kenny)

A great entry of the Telltale TWD animated video series. Unfortunately the decisions you take don't branch away from the main story, so it doesn't really matter much, you will reach the same / unique ending.

Eu podia ficar aqui MUITO tempo a explicar por que é que jogos da Telltale não funcionam para mim: as animações são más, o pouco gameplay que têm é péssimo, as escolhas não importam, etc. Mas eu acho que toda a gente já bateu demasiado nessas teclas.

Prefiro falar sobre como The Walking Dead: Season Two falha como uma sequela do primeiro jogo. Infelizmente, eu acho que a qualidade do writing caiu a pique. Frequentemente, o plot não se move por algum motivo compreensível, mas sim porque alguma personagem decidiu naquele momento fazer uma ação completamente ilógica que vai contra qualquer senso comum que tivessem demonstrado antes. Para além disso, à exceção da Clementine e do Kenny, todas as outras personagens são extremamente odiáveis e péssimas pessoas. Para esclarecer: não estou à espera que personagens num apocalipse zombie ajam sempre de um modo moralmente correto. O Kenny é um exemplo duma personagem extremamente defeituosa, mas que tem, lá no fundo, uma boa pessoa, apenas magoada pelo mundo cruel que o rodeia. E estranhamente, o writing do jogo faz todos os possíveis para levar o jogador a odiá-lo e pintar uma imagem negativa do Kenny, enquanto tenta dar sugar coat a todas as outras ações muito piores de qualquer outra personagem. Não sei se alguma vez me senti tão desconectado entre o que uma história me mostra e o que uma história me tenta contar. Não acho que tenha sido intencional eu ficar feliz com quase qualquer morte que acontece ou com vontade de partir o ecrã sempre que uma personagem se junta ao meu grupo. Além disso, a estrutura desta narrativa não é satisfatória. Ao contrário do primeiro jogo, esta história não tem um início, meio e fim bem construídos. Plot points entram e saem sem grande exploração, contribuindo para uma forte sensação de ser tudo uma perda de tempo.

A única salvação para esta experiência é que, por algum milagre, eu acabei por achar o último episódio o melhor de qualquer jogo da Telltale que passei. É provavelmente a única vez neste franchise em que há um clímax emocional merecido, ao ritmo certo e que oferece escolhas reais (com 7 finais distintos). Depois de ver todos os finais, considero que o fim que obtive na minha playthrough foi o melhor (talvez por esta review dê para adivinhar qual foi) e não posso negar que fiquei genuinamente comovido com a conclusão.

Se todos os episódios tivessem o nível de qualidade do último, esta poderia ser uma review de 4 estrelas, mas há um limite do quanto 1 ótimo episódio pode fazer por 4 fracos. Eu não recomendo nada este jogo, o único motivo que consegui motivar-me a não o droppar foi passá-lo em chamada com o meu amigo Gonçalo enquanto gozavamos com tudo. E mesmo nessas circunstâncias, ainda estamos a refletir se queremos sequer tocar na Season 3.

(from original post in 2020) season 1 was better but this was still good

such a jump from the first and if you really get caught up in excitement you forget that these are grown adults relying on a 9 year old

Lowkey changed the trajectory of my view on life and brain chemistry when i was 10

"We don't talk about Kenny" is right. I left them both behind and never looked back at a Walking Dead game.

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Season Two, once it was completed, was not quite the masterpiece that the first season was. That being said, it was my first time playing it chapter by chapter. I finished the first season and immediately I downloaded Season Two from NOSTEAM, my first ever time illegally downloading a file, and played the first episode, "All That Remains".

About two weeks later episode two, "A House Divided" released, I downloaded the game again from NOSTEAM and had to replay episode one, there was no way to export my save file. Patiently I waited for episode three, "In Harm's Way" to release. I repeated the same process when it did, downloading and reinstalling from NOSTEAM, but I was presented with having to play the first two episodes again before I could play the new episode. So, I bit the bucket, I bought the game on Steam and opened it up - just to have to play episode one and two again. I don't know what I thought would happen but at least now I could keep my save game each time a new episode released.

I don't know if it was because I played those first two episodes until they were burnt thoroughly into my brain, but when episode four, "Amid the Ruins" released - the drop-off in quality was incredibly apparent, I ended the episode thinking I was halfway through, and sat there justifying to myself that 'Maybe it will be better in context, if they can just stick the landing...'

But episode five was one of the biggest narrative disappointments I've ever played. The ending, the ending was good, I was emotionally destroyed, crying my eyes out as I shot Kenny before he could stab Jane through the heart. But the writers had fallen into a trap that I've seen a lot of in recent years; with Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker especially. They had seen people talking on the internet, and had altered their story based on what people had been saying. This time it wasn't just 'People don't like it, let's create this sequel as a direct response to people's response to our previous output, and do the opposite of our original intention'.

This time it was, 'People are shipping Clementine, an 11-year-old girl, with Luke, an adult man'. So they killed him off, replacing him with new character Jane, in the exact same plot setup that they were planning with Luke. This created a disjointed narrative that surprisingly...really worked. However, this did mean that Luke needed to be killed off in an incredibly contrived way that served to also get rid of every other character in our group. And I left the series feeling bitter.