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in the past

You never know what's going to happen on the hole, but it's a good time.

(Reseña sacada de mi cuenta de Steam: APolChrome)

What the Golf hace que el golf sea divertidísimo. Aunque seamos sinceros, solo hay un 20% de golf en todo el juego. El resto son ideas súper graciosas y originales (en ese orden) que llenan 3,5 horas de todo tu tiempo. What the Golf es muy extraño, pero consigue entretener en muy poco tiempo con bastante contenido que "intenta" ser como el golf.

Jugablemente es muy divertido y gracioso. Destaco el gracioso porque la jugabilidad está hecha para que te haga gracia. Juega mucho con el efecto Wow y consigue hacer niveles muy variados con la mecánica de: Cargar un disparo, soltar y que algo se impulse. Con eso, controlaremos a todo tipo de objetos y haremos todo tipo de actividades, cada una más original que la anterior. Desde (muy pocas veces) jugar al golf, hasta alguna sección medio plataformas que hay por todo el juego. Sin duda, la jugabilidad es genial.

Visualmente está bastante bien y se atiene muy bien a su estilo artístico. La música es bastante buena y quiero felicitarles por poner las palabras What, The y Golf en la mayoría de canciones, que las hace automáticamente mejores.

La historia está bien, pero no entiendes nada. Es muy raro todo y el final me ha rallado un poco la mente.

What The Golf es un juego que tristemente, solo me podrá sorprender una vez. Recomendadísimo si no te gusta el golf.

What The Golf is a great collection of fun golf related mini games. A charming mix of 2D and 3D challenges that have varied difficulties and additional challenges to complete.

What The Golf wears it’s influences on its sleeves with constant jokes and references to other games and properties. The cute art style is fun but really looks it’s best in the 3D sections. There’s a variety of different game modes, events, daily challenges and secrets to uncover.

As fun as What The Golf can be its very much something to play casually. The huge amount of content means there’s lots to do but it also means ideas are stretched very thin. A lot of levels are repeated concepts with slightly different executions. At times jokes can be very funny but short burst is the best way to enjoy What The Golf.

Pretty cute little physics-based minigame collection. Not too difficult save for a few spots, but charming. I found the references to other franchises to be on the border between fun and annoying, but no accounting for taste, right?

I loved the wackiest of this game, was super fun to mess around in

A game about everything except golf.

Short, funny and very cool references to other gamers, it's all you can expect and a bit more. Not 5 stars because there are some bugs that can get annoying.

Playing this on my phone was such a joy. Loved nearly every moment of it.

Something is charming about a golf video game making video game-themed putt-putt courses. Somehow, that's not even the most charming aspect of the game. At the end of the day, this is an iOS game and I just struggle to have as much fun with a pickup and play style game as I do with a PC or Console experience

Sights & Sounds
- Cute and cartoonish graphics abound. I like how the 2D and 3D portions of the game feel distinct but still cohesive throughout
- The music is pretty catchy too. Nothing that'll get stuck in your head for a long time, but it's still pretty good

Story & Vibes
- There's sort of a story there about beating evil computers for some reason. I don't really remember because it had nothing to do with the golfing
- And that's probably okay. I don't think like my enjoyment of of a parody golf game was deeply impacted by the lack of a rich narrative
- It's a fun, goofy, casual game

Playability & Replayability
- It's putatively golf in that the goal of every level involves moving an object to a specific location, but it's a fairly loose interpretation of golf
- Each level has 3 variants that typically feature increasing difficulty surrounding a central mechanic or theme. These increases in difficulty may involve things like adding additional obstacles or a par restriction
- I don't know if I can think of a reason to replay any levels after completing them. I don't plan on revisiting the game until the Thanksgiving achievement is unlockable again. Sure there's daily levels and stuff, but there's not much point in playing them until it's possible to 100% the game again

Overall Impressions & Performance
- This title definitely fulfilled my desire to play a completely unserious casual game. No stakes, only "golf"
- Ran very well on the Steam Deck; no issues whatsoever

Final Verdict
- 7/10. Don't expect anything deeper than a silly, casual time. It's a high-quality silly, casual game, though, so it's pretty easy to recommend

Normally I'd bash a game for basing three worlds off of other games but like. I feel like this game gets a pass since they use the ideas from those games in its own unique way. I can't excuse the Rick and Morty easter egg though.
Everytime I see the second mission for a course and its a par mission I grip a replica of a pistol really really hard until I calm down

Fun golf game that takes the concept of golf and makes it more interesting to make a game out of. alot of variety in the levels and i like it alot, definetly worth checking it out. the gimmick gets repetitive though if you plan on playing it in one go so id rather recommend playing the game in bite sizes rather than one big chunk

made me feel like tigers wood

pretty fun game with a unique concept that will squeeze a couple laughs out of you, guaranteed. I was surprised by how much content is in this game though, so buckle up

An incredibly silly game, that reminds me of the WarioWare franchise with its constant bombardment of new ideas that only last a small time before being forgotten about and moved on. Unlike Nintendo's series, What the Golf outstays its welcome and introduces longer gameplay 'skits' that don't have the depth needed to sustain the time. 10s loops would better serve the madcap energy and alleviate the drag.

What the? Golf with a little twist and plot. I've been wanting to play it for a long time and ended up playing it for 2 hours. But besides the main walkthrough, the game also has at least 4 content and even more with custom levels that players can make. A very good indie game that deserves attention.

Что за? Гольф с небольшим твистом и сюжетом. Давно хотел в нее поиграть и завис в нее на 2 часа. Но кроме основного прохождение, в игре еще контента на минимум 4 да и больше с кастомными уровнями, которые могут делать игроки. Очень хорошая инди игра, заслуживающая внимания.

Very cute little game. Reminds me a lot of old flash stuff I used to play on Kongregate or ArmorGames but stretched out to its absolute limits. It throws so many gimmicks at you and 85% are amazing to play with (favorite ones include the football ball and the bike) but man out of that 15% there are some really really annoying bits that come out of nowhere (cough cough the car level with the par limit cough). That said I would still pick this up anytime I feel down or just want something to quickly kill some time. A real great experience.

Played this game when I was real depressed. I think you know what happened. This game cheered me up so much.

Probably one of the silliest, most absurd games I've ever played, if not THE most... and I loved it because of it. The game takes one single mechanic and messes around with it in ways I never expected, adding lots of different elements, game references and lots of cool gimmicks which all have one thing in common: they're sure to make you laugh, at least release some sort of audible nasal air stream. Like, really, it's one of those games you DON'T get tired of playing because you just want to see what kind of joke or reference the developers came up with for the next level. And to top it all, I didn't come across any annoying or unfair levels. It's all kept nicely fun and fair throughout 5-6 hours. A game I'll definitely come back to if I ever have a bad day.

How do you rank a game which dabbles in every genre
I didn't like the levels that involved the silly animal ragdoll physics

Genuinely great game literally bursting with creativity. The number of unique ideas from inserting GOLF into random things really shines through. A great pick up and play game.

Legitimately kind of at a loss for words at how much I genuinely enjoyed this one. Always liked going to the driving range and smacking some golf balls when I was in school; I don't know why that was such a huge part of our sports class, but as an asthmatic, it was one of the only things I could really do, so hell yeah. But I've never been much for golf games. Wii Sports golf was pretty stellar, but that's all I really needed.

Along comes What the Golf, a game that focuses on being a golf game for people who don't like golf. As soon as you hit the third stage, the game throws its pretences of actually being a golf game out the window, focusing on being a physics based arcade puzzler that's using golf as a medium of making you engage with its ideas, and is dead set on coming up with new ways to top its own absurdity. And for me, it worked just about every single goddamn time. I honestly don't even want to talk about any of the insane bullshit the game pulls, because it'd completely ruin the fun of discovering it all for yourself.

Combined with a pretty vibrant artstyle, some comfy music, and a campaign that's full of replay value with different challenges for every level in the game, it's really wild for me to come out giving this game a perfect 10, but I just really enjoyed it that much. I mean, I just rate games based on my own personal value of their worth, not some mythical standard that only a select 7 or so games can reach, and What The Golf is the kind of game that genuinely gave me a one of a kind experience. AND IT'S A STUPID ASS GOLF GAME. Just about every level in the game had me grinning from the creative ways it was able to catch me by surprise, and that's something I can't say for many games. A seriously great time, and one I'd recommend to anyone in the need of a golf fix, a short indie title, or a good puzzle game.

A really fun game that always managed to surprise me. It manages to continuously add new and interesting mechanics to its level while being extremely silly. It also pays respects to other video games with fun references throughout. Most of the levels weren’t too difficult to get crowns on, but a few were really frustrating and took way longer than the others.

fun golf game thats a bit wacky to play when bored

What The Golf ? c'est plein de bonne humeur, ça se réinvente sur chacun des 100 tableaux du jeu, c'est hyper référencé, frais, fun, génial à jouer
Un poil longuet sur sa dernière partie mais c'est vraiment pour pinailler.