Reviews from

in the past

I can't get my Quest 2 to work with my PC without a sickening amount of screen tearing - hoping to get a proper play on this fantastic bit of kit

If there are only 3 games you can get for vr it's this, alyx, and blade and sorcery.

One of the best immersive sims I've played in a while

the best vr game ever created until bonelab modders finish cooking

black panther for tech bros

now developed an irrational fear of melons

No strong opinions. I get why a lot of people like it, for me it just didn't hit the same

The Bones Work (10 times better then Bonelab, which sounds weird but try both once and just see and feel the difference also this game actually has a fun campain other then bonelab)

omg arthur ford hiiii !!!!

head hurts whenever i play this specific game and no other vr title, overwhelming atmosphere

Fun initial gameplay but started getting old very quickly and the combat started feeling very janky. The story was boring and I ended up just ignoring it. Inventory system was very frustrating at times.

Incredible VR tech-demo/game. Great introduction to VR.

Does a lot of interesting things with physics in VR, but mostly just feels like a sandbox. One of these days I'll get around to Bonelab.

I know there are people who adore this game and I kind of get that. The physics system and parkour are both really fun and the guns are good without being great. Apparently the story is supposed to be interesting but I think it is told awfully, especially for VR. I think the enemy design is terrible and they're not satifying to fight. I don't care about fighting the robot spiders and null bodies like I care about fighting headcrabs and Combine in HLA. The music is amazing though

Great campaign, if you don't suffer from motion sickness but it is really stressful.

Amazing game, confusing story, but one of the best vr games yet

i played it a little on the valve index idk why i shelved it i think i just got board of vr as a whole

vive controllers are good and i wish devs would stop pretending they arent

One of the best VR games I've played. Physics-based VR should be the standard.

Honestly, one of the most fun VR games I've played to date. Which may/may not be saying much, but Boneworks definitely deserves high praise! VR makes me nauseous so I play fairly infrequently and in short sessions, so it took me forever to beat this one. Only complaints that come to mind are that some of the physics puzzles are jank as hell and super annoying to do, and combat felt like a chore at times. Also platforming was equally jank. Otherwise, I really enjoyed my time with it! Since I own a Quest 2 and I played this with Virtual Desktop, I imagine I'll have a much more comfortable time with BoneLab.

Boneworks mostly-overcomes its flaws of having inconsistent pacing/structure, lackluster story and graphics, and janky physics with its impressively-immersive VR movement and interaction mechanics, intense combat, and strong level design reminiscent of classic FPS's.

Waking up inside another place like this,

A confusion,

A jumbled mess.

No but really, boneworks is a truly amazing game. I think those lyrics say a lot about this game. Coming from most other vr games (a few exceptions like Half-Life Alyx, and Beat saber) which are mostly poorly put together games which people perceive as being good because the whole aspect of VR is new so there aren't many great vr games being made so when I got Boneworks I thought it was just going to be "Another Place like this" but after playing for about 30 minutes I felt so confused on why this game was so good yet things like Half Life Alyx got more attention. Then I realised. The motion sickness hit but I wanted more of this Truly great experience. I had to take a break after around 2 hours, but the more I played the less often I had to take a break. Currently i think I could play for 5 hours without getting sick. So even if you get motion sick the first time, just keep playing (But take constant breaks) and you may overcome it like I did. After beating the incredible main story there is still the sandbox levels which I'd say are the best Non main story element of any game. Oh yeah the physics, I could go on about these for 100's of hours but I'm gonna keep it short. As my friend said playing this game "If you can do it in real life you can do it here" except here you have so much more choice, becuase they wont result in a real human being or anything being harmed.

10/10 Gameplay
9/10 Graphics
10/10 Physics
9/10 Story
9/10 Replayability
8/10 immersion (only for the initial motion sickness)
9/10 Pricing
10/10 Music
9/10 Combat

Must buy for any PCVR headset owner and I would honestly say it's worth buying a PC and a VR headset just to play this game

[ Story: 5/10 | Gameplay: 10/10 | OST: 5/10 ]

The freedom to climb and fuck around with just about anything I can get my hands on will never not be absolute fun. I want to throw more bodies around and use them like action figures more often, please.

The physics engine and creativity around VR gameplay is commendable but platforming in VR is straight up not fun. Even the best made games still feel incredibly frustrating and janky in many ways, this one included.

I was having fun playing this back when I had a VR headset, but at one point you already see everything the game has to offer, doubly so since there are so few enemies and weapons.

This was the first game i played in VR and I almost threw up afterwards

The quintessential VR game, with an easily replayable story. I can recommend this game to everyone.