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o boss final é uma parede kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

This game hates you and me, but it's a good kind of CBT.

As much as I enjoy the super shotgun and the new enemy designs, THESE LEVELS ARE ABSOLUTE TRASH AND ONLY GET WORSE AS THE GAME GOES ON
Also the soundtrack is weak as fuck compared to the original

Same problems as the first game but new enemies and the super shotgun are nice editions


I didn't grow up with Doom. I enjoyed them for what they were, but my FPS darlings will always be the Half-Life 2 and Modern Warfare 2 campaigns.
Playing this on my switch, I've been slowly ticking away at the wads that were added, and for me that's where the real fun has been. For a game like this, fan levels are more interesting to poke around in than what was in the original, credit to those originals of course, if it weren't for those we wouldn't have so many geniuses making their own Dooms today.

the final boss is really frickin' weird

Both DOOM and DOOM II occupy a shared space in my head, so my thoughts on the original - a watershed release that unbelievably still kicks ass and occupies a valid and unique space in the modern FPS landscape - remain true for DOOM II. Honestly, I tend to rank the two games in a shared spot whenever I'm putting together a list of favorite games, so complete do the two games feel together. A bit like Sonic 3 & Knuckles, just without lock-on.

But let's go ahead and talk up DOOM II specifically. The game runs on the same engine as its predecessor - why mess with perfection, honestly - but a few things have been added to shake up gameplay. On your side, you have the Super Shotgun, which basically outpaces every other weapon in the game. And they know what you're here for, so the game doesn't waste time before chucking it your way. On the bad guy side, you have a lot of new demons to round out the legions of the damned - honestly a welcome addition, given how prevalent Imps and Pinkies were throughout the entirety of the original game. Most of them are instant favorites, and "Mancubus" and "Arch-Vile" join "Cacodemon" and "Cyberdemon" in the pantheon of Greatest Video Game Enemy Names (bonus points if you imagine "MANCUBUS!!!" as being shouted by Laura Bailey every time the name comes up - thank you, Critical Role).

The other major change after the weapon/enemy shake ups is the design ethos behind the levels themselves. If I had to put a word to it, DOOM's levels are designed around "place", while DOOM II's levels are more "high-concept". This isn't to say that one precludes the other, and in DOOM II's case, there's a clear progression through an Earth city to another citadel of the Underworld - but the specifics of where you are tend to be informed by the type of high-concept design that comes from being there. Progress through settings is broken up with levels like 'Dead Simple', 'Tricks and Traps', and "Barrels o' Fun". All fun levels, but different from the first DOOM, which had little in the way of gimmick levels.

As I said before, I tend to think of DOOM and DOOM II as parts of a whole experience, so I tend to rank them together. As for which one is better - man, I dunno. Probably DOOM II, since it's just DOOM with more stuff. Certainly, I'd expect most fan-made level packs to pull from DOOM II's toolkit for that reason. But I also cherish how unique and groundbreaking the original DOOM was, too. Besides, there's no moment in DOOM II as effective a challenge as 'Tower of Babel'. Yeah, it's fun seeing the Cyberdemon and Spider Mastermind duke it out in 'Gotcha!', and yeah, the Icon of Sin is a funny clusterbomb of a fight, but there's just no comparison. Usually I give the first game the edge, but I could hear an argument for the second just as easily. Both are very much worth playing, either way.

They took Doom 1 and perfected it.

I had some issues with doom 1 but at the same time didn’t really hold it too hard against them as they were testing the waters with that title. I am very happy though that they seriously perfected the formula with doom 2 to an insane level honestly. I loved pretty much everything about this game which I am about to get into!.

What made me like it so much more?

First off, instead of episodes we simply get 1 big episode which I really like over separate episodes. Furthermore, they really upped the level design as I found myself only disliking a couple levels out of them all which I couldn’t say about Doom 1. As well the additional new enemy types were all very good since they all brought something new to the table alongside a new layer of difficulty. Speaking of difficulty they got it perfect with this title as I was genuinely struggling with some levels. To elaborate, I played on Hurt me plenty and throughout Doom 1 I never once had any issues past the absurd level spike midway through. With doom 2 the difficulty felt very fair for the most part as I saw myself really thinking about how I want to tackle down certain levels as some of the new enemy types are deadly. As well the super shotgun is amazing and a blast to use. I always chose it over the base shotgun unless I was low on ammo. Furthermore the final boss design is awesome and while the boss itself isn’t anything special in today's standard for its time it's honestly amazing. Overall this game is the godfather of its genre and for very good reason it's an action packed great time.

Not much more to say

There really isn’t a lot more to get into with Doom 2 it's more of doom 1 but wayyyyyyyyyy better with a banging OST. You know doom and most likely have already played it but if you haven’t I do recommend checking out the first 2 titles they are very solid and very cheap. Even cheaper if you have gamepass since they are on gamepass.

The enemy designs are rad.

Me perdi muito no level design mas foi uma boa experiencia.

They took DOOM, an already perfect game, and gave it an even better shotgun. No notes. Some of the maps haven't aged the best in terms of level design but those were all made by Sandy Peterson anyway. Romero levels are and always will be peak

Good but oh my gods, fuck the jank ass Icon of Sin.

Let down big time by a disappointing final boss/stage.

I wasn't sure if the game held up to my memories of it once, so I booted it up to play one or two levels, see how it felt, y'know? I made it halfway through the game before snapping out of the trance I was in, at which point I decided that, yeah, it holds up pretty well.

The mods are the best part of Doom II, the base game is fun as well.

i geniunely could not telll you how many times i replayed this game and how many wads i played throught my life time, this game is timeless.

Fun playthrough, some maps are confusing to navigate.

I do kind of wish they stuck to the episode structure, but there's nothing really else to complain about here.

More of the same from the original, but with some welcome new enemy types, the venerable super shotgun, and some crazy map designs that give a much heftier challenge than the original Doom, even if it can get cheap or frustrating at a few points.

This game is a classic. I had more fun with it than I did the first DOOM.
My best friend and I had a lil LAN setup in his room and we’d slaughter eachother into the wee hours of the morning.
I still play the single player on my RG35XX.

Doom II: Hell on Earth is definitely what you think it is; shooting demons in a glorious hellscape, just like its predecessor. The enemies are varied enough to keep it interesting and challenging. The new enemies are designed heavily well with the behavior along with their designs. I love the introduction of the Super Shotgun, to really make you feel each demon you've killed. Even somehow more than the original Shotgun. I like the back-and-forth in your head if you want to use the Super Shotgun, or the regular one to conserve more ammo. It's a great feeling of conquering various types of demons. Lots of grand varying levels too as you venture through Hell.

I do enjoy Doom II quite a darn lot and just the action of the Doom series in general.

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Another great retro shooter that has aged well just like the first part, I played it on steam deck and had a great time. Some levels were too open for me and it was easy to get lost in them. I liked the more closed design of the first part. The new enemies had a great design and of course the two baler shotguns were a great new weapon. I liked the easter egg on Wolfenstein 3d, which is at the end.

Pain is mandatory

What is a Doom II on Ultra Violence? A misserable lttle pile of go fuck yourself. A huge amount of issues regarding the pacing of the whole experience sadly make this sequel fall short of surpassing the original game. Sure, the new enemies are pretty good for the most part (I will find whoever thought of adding the Pain Elemental, and I shall teach them) and the super shotgun is probably the most iconic weapon in gaming at this point, but the whole experience gets bogged down by downright mean level design. I began theorizing with a friend that they did it this way so you would just skip the single player campaign and go play deathmatch since that was all the rage at the time. The small pockets of pure fun are incredible, blasting through scores and scores of baddies and meanies with a finelly tuned arsenal of deathfuck, but the puzzle and fucking platforming sections just tank the experience to a whole new degree of unfun.

There was a whole lot of hurting in this one fellas, mostly from Petersen's level design. You heard about traps and hidden switches? Now get ready for THE AGONY CONTRAPTION. You could fill a small nation with the amount of cacodemons present in his levels (my personal theory is that he is such a TTRPG nerd he just adds them because it reminds him of DnD).

Shoutout to the music tho. I found myself stopping to just hear it after every carnage. Yeah we all know it's mostly just stolen heavily inspired by the metal they were listening at the office at the time, but the ambient tracks and original stuff knocks it off the park.

On to build engine games, starting with Duked Nuked DDD. I won't play them on the hardest difficulty since from my experience the level of fun just goes to the shitter with them, while in Doom it's a somewhat achievable punishment for trying to have fun.

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Aviso; Desta vez eu joguei no GZDoom mesmo, nada dessa palhaçada de DOSBox

Finalmente zerei o diabo do Doom 2 (não foi um trocadilho intencional), eu estava muito animado para jogar esse senhor depois de zerar o Doom clássico, e meu hype valeu muito a pena, se eu não acho o primeiro Doom um dos melhores jogos de FPS pré-Quake, então o dois com certeza é.

A gameplay é mais ou menos a mesma do primeiro, ainda rodando na mesma engine do primeiro Doom, as únicas novidades sem serem as fases são a Super Shotgun, a arma que todo mundo concorda como a melhor coisa do Doom 2, e alguns inimigos novos, dentre eles os Chaingunners, Pain Elementals, Arch-viles, Revenants, Arachnotron, Mancubus, e mais uns outros inimigos aí, de cara parece que é a mesma coisa que o primeiro Doom com algumas coisas extras, mas eu acho que o povo geralmente subestima demais os inimigos novos e como eles são utilizados, no papel parecem poucos inimigos novos, mas o que eleva eles é o potencial deles para fases, olha por exemplo os Revenants, ele não tem muita vida, mas ele atira projéteis de fogo TELEGUIADOS e eles se movem bem rápido, quando tem apenas um sozinho numa arena até que aberta ele não é um problemão, mas quando combina mais de um Revenant ou ele e mais outros inimigos (especialmente hitscanners), a situação muda e os combates ficam muito mais engajantes e desafiadores por causa disso, outro exemplo é o Arch-vile, ele se move ainda mais rápido que o Revenant, tem um ataque de fogo que demora para atingir mas quando atinge causa dano para um cacete, e o único jeito de evitar o ataque dele é se esconder dele, de novo, o mesmo caso do Revenant se aplica aqui, só que com o extra do archvile ser ainda mais perigoso em locais fechados combinados com hitscanners ou Pinkies por exemplo, o que, mais ainda do que no primeiro jogo, exige uso adequado do arsenal do Doom Guy, mesmo que a Super Shotgun seja bem forte e cause muito dano de perto, você ainda precisará engajar no resto do arsenal e usar ele no seu potencial máximo, seja a Chaingun para inimigos tipo Pain Elementals e Mancubus (ou economizar munição da Super Shotgun), o Rocket Launcher para matar vários inimigos ao mesmo tempo, o que é óbvio mas como aqui salas com hordas grandes de inimigos são ainda mais frequentes, o uso do mesmo é muito mais crucial aqui do que no primeiro jogo, tendo um dos bestiários mais perfeitos de qualquer jogo de FPS existente, não é atoa que tantos WADS usam de inimigos como Revenants e Arch-viles. Mas é claro, level design também é algo super importantíssimo para um boomer shooter, como ele se sai nesse quesito em relação ao primeiro? Eu não sei muito bem dizer, mas uma coisa é fato, quem fala que o level design desse jogo é ruim com certeza está super exagerando demais o level design do jogo inteiro, ainda mais comparado com outros jogos de FPS tipo Hexen e Jedi Knight (Dark Forces 2 e principalmente sua expansão), mas isso também não quer dizer que ele não tem problemas de level design, ele definitivamente tem problemas, que surgem especialmente da necessidade de aumentar o escopo das fases do jogo, sendo bem maiores que as do primeiro, com algumas contendo foco bem maior em verticalidade tipo The Industrial Zone, algumas fases podem ser meio arrastadas e até confusas de saber o que tem que fazer para progredir na fase, tipo fases como The Chasm, o que já era algo comum no primeiro Doom (especialmente no Episódio 3) e se repete aqui, e falando na The Chasm, a qualidade das fases é meio inconsistente, algumas são muito boas, tipo Tricks and Traps, Suburbs e Barrels O'Fun enquanto outras são meio fracas tipo a citada The Chasm, The Factory (que parece tudo menos uma fábrica só para ressaltar) e entre algumas outras, mas as fases que são boas são com certeza MUITO MUITO MUITO BOAS e superam qualquer fase do primeiro Doom, Tricks and Traps é um highlight em especial por conter inúmeras salas com inúmeras armadilhas e várias salas com inúmeros inimigos para você matar, alguns momentos podem ser frustrante, mas no geral uma das fases mais distintas do jogo junto de Barrels O'Fun, com inimigos que atiram projéteis e explodem os vários barris explosivos nas salas, te obrigando a correr o mais rápido possível até a próxima parada da fase antes de ser explodido, mas ainda mesmo desconsiderando esses highlights, dá para ver que os duelos contra os inimigos ficaram muito maiores e mais perigosos no geral, até mesmo sem a presença dos dois diabos citados acima, com hitscanners sendo mais comuns do que nunca, Imps e Cacodemons que atiram em você em lugares não tão fáceis de desviar, tudo isso contribui também mais ainda para o design de encontros de inimigos nas fases, sem contar é claro quando vem um trilhão de inimigos em um plano para te matar em fases tipo a citada Suburbs, coisa incrível, ah, eu também já tenho que tirar isso da frente, o jogo não é dividido em episódios igual o primeiro jogo, ele segue uma grande sequência de 30 fases ao contrário de 3 episódios de 8 fases cada (sem contar fases secretas e Thy Flesh Consumed), o que gera alguns probleminhas na minha opinião, o mais óbvio é que você carrega todas as armas mesmo depois de cada parede de texto que você vê, o que faz sentido já que vem muito mais inimigos aqui do que no primeiro, mas o primeiro tinha um ritmo melhor devido ao fato de ser dividido em episódios. E por último o chefe final, eu não vou spoilar ele aqui, mas ele ainda é MUITO MELHOR QUE OS CHEFES DO QUAKE, e olha que é só um no fim do jogo, ele não tem um puzzle que até gente com 3 anos de idade resolve sem nenhum obstáculo no caminho ou o puzzle mais estúpido do mundo.

Visualmente o jogo é bem mais ambicioso do que o primeiro, apesar de ainda ser bem datado, pelo meno nos cenários, as fases de cidade são tão realistas quanto o CGI do traje do Homem-Aranha do MCU, ou seja, NADA, muitos ainda são retângulos gigantes que dão ilusão de uma cidade, mas é nada comparado com System Shock (que lançou apenas alguns poucos meses antes de Doom 2 por sinal), mas a direção de arte ainda é legal, ainda mais nos inimigos, visualmente os inimigos são tão maneiros quanto os do primeiro, especialmente os Revenants. Trilha sonoramente, é Doom, então ainda é muito bom, talvez não tão bom quanto o do primeiro, mas ainda muito bom.

Enfim, muita gente diz que esse não é tão bom quanto o primeiro jogo, e depois de zerar eu acho que esse povo está exagerando demais os problemas do Doom 2 e agindo como se o primeiro fosse uma obra prima, sendo que eu acho que o primeiro é mais amado por ser um jogo icônico na cultura pop do que pelo próprio jogo em si, porque muitos jogos já superaram ele mesmo depois de apenas alguns anos, como é claro, sua sequência, que pega o gunplay do primeiro que já era muito bom e eleva a níveis estratosféricos que o primeiro apenas reza para sequer ter algum dia, e tudo que ele traz de novo faz dele uma sequência incrível apesar de alguns de seus problemas, se você amou o primeiro Doom, recomendo demais que jogue este, e se antes você achou Doom 2 ruim, dê uma nova chance para o mesmo e preste mais atenção no impacto que as novidades dele trazem para o jogo no geral, você não vai se arrepender.

Depois de um tempo, oficialmente decidi que é 9/10

As a wise man once said, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…just lightly modify it to your taste. Doom was an extremely popular game that basically invented the first person shooter. So of course a year later there was gonna be a sequel. But would this sequel live up to the original?


You play as doomguy yet again on his mission to defeat the same demons you fought in the first game. Your mission is to save earth and destroy hell once and for all. The plot is pretty standard just like its predecessor but it works for what the game is going for. It’s also set in a continuous sequence of linked levels unlike the first game where you have three different chapters. Now onto the gameplay…

The gameplay is similar to the first game. There aren’t many graphical improvements or anything but there are a few added additions. For starters, the levels are much bigger and a lot more ambitious than the previous game. There are some new enemies and with them comes a new weapons. The new enemies can be pretty tough and overall they are really cool additions. The new weapon is the super shotgun and oh man, is it super. You can now shoot two barrels at once and it works excellently against the tougher enemies. You also have a new power up known as the megasphere which improves your health and armour to the maximum of 200%. Overall the game has some neat additions that do make it stand out to the original doom and it works really well.

So…is doom II a good sequel? It sure is. Coming from the original doom it’s quite the improvement. The new levels are very ambitious and the new additions are fun to use. The gunplay is still as fast and fun as it always was with that gripping level of brutality. The music is also as hardcore as ever. Like come on, you can’t have doom without metal music (we don’t talk about the ps1 port even though it works kinda well).

Great sequel, ambitious levels, cool additions, still fun gunplay, music will always be hardcore, fan made levels are kinda ambitious

You have entered deeply into the infested starport. But something is wrong. The monsters have brought their own reality with them, and the starport's technology is being subverted by their presence.

Ahead, you see an outpost of Hell, a Fortified Zone. If you can get past it, you can penetrate into the haunted heart of the starbase and find the controlling switch which holds the Earth's population hostage.