Reviews from

in the past

A great game with lots of heart and character. This game is essential to understanding the overall story since this sets up so many plot threads that will be in future games. Overall this game does have some flaws but overall it's a amazing KH game that was amazing on the system it came out on

foi um inferno jogar sem saber quebrar o jogo, mas quando aprendi foi de boa

despite how good the story is in every KH game, this is still prolly the best story in the series

Fait les 3 fins, sans la fin secrète regardée sur YouTube. Un de mes jeux préférés de la série.

One of the best KH games in my opinion at least in concept. The promises this game makes are a bit taller than it can commit to. Characters in a complex story end up a little flatter then they should be. QoL changes don't quite fix all the issues playing this game can have and Fruitball is a barren hellscape of hate. This game still delivers on a lot, the gameplay feels different than main line games in a way the game takes advantage of very well. the 3 storylines have surprisingly little retreading so it really feels like the 3 work together to make a whole experience. On that, this game is maybe the only KH game to make its cast each feel unique and fleshed out in their playstyles. A lot of the periphery stuff that doesn't quite work here feels like heavy inspiration to a lot of the extra content in KH3 and while it often feels unrefined here there are gems (mainly the command board).

simplemente ta bien, cuando le consiga el platino lo abandono completamente

Actual dogshit game. Legit the worst game i played in a while xd

Terra - Sep 25th '22 -> Jan 14th '23

uno de los mejores juegos de la saga en cuanto a gameplay e historia, y muy buenos mundos (EL DE DISNEY NO). Lo único que no me gusta es que todos piensen desde el principio que Terra es malo malísimo 😢 mi puko. me encantó la verdad

I REALLY like this style of gameplay, it's SO FUN to build your deck and explore the combinations of the Command Styles. During my entire run of the very first route I was giving the game a solid 9/10, maybe even a 10, but... theeeen the others came. It's SO tiring to play the "same" thing three times in a roll. By the middle of my 2nd run I was beginning to feel burned out, but I finished it. And then became the 3rd run... Turns out I finished the 1st route in 3 days, and the 3rd took me over TWO MONHTS to have the enthusiasm to finish. I couldn't take it anymore, it's so boring to go through the "same events" again and again.
So that kinda ruined my experience a bit. But in the end it's still a great game, despite some really odd dialogue lines and very dumb actions done by the characters lol.

Now for some more specific "route rating": I played in this order because the first two characters looked more intersting to play with: Aqua -> Ven -> Terra (in the end I realized this was probably a mistake but whatever, Aqua rules)

Putting that aside: my first impression playing with Aqua was like: "I can play this all day, this is AMAZING"; and it actually was. Her route is my favorite; her Commands; her Styles; everything is PERFECT.

Ven's route is nice too, but he's less exciting than Aqua as a character IMO and his Commands/Styles are more boring overall. ALTHOUGH his route's got some AWESOME moments, like >that< scene in Radiant Garden... oh that's amazing.

And now listen, this is probably a hot take, but... Terra SUCKS ASS, I fucking hate this character. He is SO DUMB and the gameplay with him is SO BORING, he takes too long to unlock good Command Styles, which makes his route REALLY boring until you reach like 70% of progression. He's so fucking slow and clunky at combat; his Commands are trash AND he's dumb and plain. His storyline is so stupid, the game doesn't make very clear what's on his mind and why he does such dumb actions, just to regret everything at the ending (oh what a surprise). You can predict what's gonna happen in his story from miles away.

this game pissed me off beyond belief but the story was so good. i had to watch all the postgame stuff on youtube bc i couldnt put myself through playing the game past the three routes

Одна из лучших историей в сериале, но боевая система полностью испорчена случайной прокачкой, которая заставляет вас гриндить, если вам нужен определённый скилл.

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep (2010): Historia sencilla complicada hasta el absurdo e innecesariamente, personajes más planos que un folio, jugabilidad desbalanceada... y aún así es divertido. Es un juego con defectos obvios, pero sigue siendo bueno. Y Nomura es Kojima (6,05)

Birth by Sleep is a Kingdom Hearts game that I have really enjoyed from start to finish, having to playthrough Terra, Ven and Aqua's story to get all of those stories connected was something that I really like

And the Command Deck mechanic idea being introduced in the game was really fun to use, it's way more quicker and faster to understand with having to fully customize it in the pause menu, better than the whole card battle mechanic in Chain of Memories!

This game has a good story though has some negatives. I love Aqua and Ventus but Terra didn’t really bring anything interesting to the table and his character arc was just a rehash of Riku’s but Rikus was more compelling. Gameplay is kinda clunky and awkward but is better when you get use to it. Awesome introduction to Xeahnort so that makes this a worthwhile experience

Would have been a 5 if the combat was a bit better.
Finished final + secret episode as well.

Not the biggest fan of this game. The combat is poorly designed, lacking any of the polish previous games in the series had. I understand it's a different battle style, but the basic attacks feel like garbage, and enemies often hit you out of your attacks, even the super flashy high-level ones. It ended up making it feel like a lot of the grinding I did to get stronger was pointless. The story was okay though, I liked the premise and characters enough to get me through this game. The cracks in the design truly start to show once you go to beat it with all 3 characters.

something in me snapped when those scrooge mcfucks danced while demanding i shoot ice cream at them

My KH road blocks are:
-most of the data Organization battles/Lingering Will in II
-the Vexen fights near the end of Re:CoM
-my DS crashing anytime I try to play 358/2 days




Good, but doing three playthroughs felt grindy


Aparentemente este era el siguiente capítulo importante de la saga, pero nos acabaron revelando como una precuela que, pese a su importancia argumental dentro de la saga, acabó en un sistema portátil a pesar de tener todos los elementos para llamarse Kingdom Hearts 0 y aparecer en un sistema de sobremesa.

Independientemente de eso, argumentalmente cumple su parte de revelar algunos de los puntos que marcaron la historia de la saga tal y como la conocemos con unos personajes interesantes, incluyendo al probablemente único buen personaje femenino de la saga y de los mejores de esta.

Jugablemente mantiene su estilo Action RPG, algo más tosco y simplificado que en sus entregas de sobremesa pero compensado con un nuevo sistema de enlace de comandos donde tendremos que masterizar habilidades y combinarlas para crear otras más poderosas.

Una más que memorable aventura que aún mantenía un pico de calidad aceptable dentro de la saga, y a mi juicio el último buen Kingdom Hearts.

It's been a while since I actually finished the game, but I remember that I had my fair share of fun, even though it was it's problems. Still better than Re;Chain of Memories though.

combat was janky and playing through the same disney worlds 4 times (i replayed roxas part cuz i accidentally deleted his save) is pretty annoying but i enjoyed the story

I completed 2 routes and stopped halfway through the third. The game is pretty fun when experimenting with command decks and becoming completely overpowered, but three times is just too much.

Additionally there are too many things I didn't like about this game.
One being the worlds feeling so empty. I just personally have trouble immersing myself into a world that is inhabited by 4 people and it ruins the experience for me :c

Then we have the story and dialogue. It's Kingdom Hearts, so I'm used to cheesyness, but this takes the cheesecake so far. And it's not made better by the voice acting being really meh. It's not the worst you've ever heard, but it's far from good.

This game made me finally question, why I am even playing through all the Kingdom Hearts games in the first place, since they are really mediocre in my honest opinion (except for maybee KH2, that one has banger gameplay). But that didn't stop me from playing through all of Yakuza, so I will see this to the end as well x3

♦ Jogo lindo e muito divertido! Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep é um jogo que marcou muito minha infância e só agora, depois de alguns anos, tomei coragem para platina-lo.

• A gameplay é muito boa! O que o torna único, é o sistema de comandos, onde você precisa "fundir" os comandos para criar novas golpes, magias e ações. Além das diferenças na jogabilidade, cada personagem possui comandos exclusivos.

• O jogo apresenta desafios interessantes! O modo arena e as batalhas dos chefes extras são simplesmente sensacionais. O confronto é diferente com cada personagem e sempre é mais difícil com o Terra por ser o mais lento do grupo.
↳ O Mysterious Figure foi um inferno de enfrentar com o Terra. Como ele é lento, o boss o acerta facilmente e não para de bater, além disso existem alguns combos que simplesmente não dá para desviar direito com o Terra... Triste, mas foi uma sensação muito boa ao vence-lo.

• Eu de coração amo muito esse jogo, mas preciso destacar alguns defeitos:

• Para platinar, é necessário completar o jornal, que seria uma lista de coisas para fazer e coletar, 3 vezes (um jornal para cada personagem). Completar o primeiro jornal é divertido mas ter que refazer tudo mais duas vezes é um saco.

• Apesar da grande variedade de comandos, a maioria deles não são muito eficientes, especialmente contra os chefes extras. Já por um outro lado, alguns golpes são bem OP e de certa forma obrigatórios para derrotar alguns chefes. Alguns desses golpes são: Thunder Surge, Fire Surge e qualquer golpe Mine, como o Mine Square.

Conclusão: No geral, eu amei minha experiência com esse jogo e futuramente pretendo revisita-lo para rever a história que é contada.

I want to like this game for its story and characters But

Having to replay the whole thing TWICE just to unlock the final episode was actual torture. All the worlds are so empty and boring, there's no reason to have you visit them as each character. Never Land was specially bad.

It doesn't help that the combat system is so awful. You can barely stagger bosses, which makes half of the commands you get useless. All the major fights play out the same way: You spam dodge while you wait for the enemy to stand still so you can use the one or two actually useful moves you have. Or just shotlock to win. Not a single boss fight in this game was actually fun. Maybe it's because I was playing on proud mode, but I don't care enough to try any of the other difficulties.

Also, why can't you see what commands you're crafting? Why do you even have to level up abilities? Why are half of the items you find in chests useless?

I would unironically rather play the command board mini game than the main story to be h

My literal favorite Kingdom Hearts game and I don't care what anyone thinks about that. Love this game to death, and I love you Terra

This review contains spoilers

enjoyed a fair bit more than my original, non-FM outing on PSP, mostly due to playing it on not the PSP. Love the overarching story of Terra, Ventus, and Aqua and all the connections that are revealed to the rest of the games; some real crazy, near mind-blowing stuff at times. that being said, I do not enjoy the Disney worlds and they’re contained stories very much. The first three worlds may be the worst in the franchise as I can recollect (except for the abomination that is KH2 Atlantica). so re-doing them on the second and third characters is a slog; but things get a lot better and move along quicker once you get to Radiant Garden. overall I enjoy the overlapping story and the blanks getting filled in. The combat did grow on me again, and it is fun getting powerful commands and going nuts with a full deck, but I still prefer the simpler combat of KH1 and KH2. The secret episode is great, very cool to have a new piece I haven't experienced before, thanks to the final mix. so it is another step on the long replay journey building up to eventually finally playing KH3. only a KH: 3D replay stands in my way of new KH gaming.

Unlike 1 and 2, really have no desire to 100% this game (and not just because I fucked up real bad and saved over my terra file…[still was able to get the final and secret eps without having to replay tho]). Just seems like more of a chore even tho it probably actually isn’t. didn’t beat any secret bosses either; grinded to get the secret episode on standard, so was a much higher level and thought I’d give it a go, but vanitas remnant killed me in on hit so like yea no.

I believe I will still have to leave BBS in 4th place behind 1, 2, and 358/2 —