Reviews from

in the past

imagine lego indiana jones 1 mas mais repetitivo e adaptando (muito mal) o quarto filme

Game broke early on and never worked again.

Favorite level as a kid was the one were the mannequins came to life as zombies.

Very weird Lego game. Levels are basically small microlevels that feel really underwhelming to play through now.

I guess it helps it stand out, but it's not exactly in a good way

played via ps+ stream. i regretted playing it 100 % for a second (!) time.

Not giving this game a 2.5 star review because its bad or anything, but just because I got this game as a gift many many years ago from my dad when I was still a kid but he never bothered to get me part 1, so when I played the game I was lost as to what was happening (especially because at the time I was so young I had never seen any Indiana Jones movies) and due to that ended up not enjoying it very much.

Why was this game so hard tho

did you play this? this game... is an absolute joke

Playthrough was done in co-op mode at all times with my then girlfriend, so how the game accomodates to two-player gameplay is practically how I experienced it this time.

LEGO Indiana Jones 2 is a continuation and "reimagining" of the very first LEGO Indy game, after some time the engine was developed enough and after one whole LEGO Batman, features such as the crosshair in order to take out specific objectives or aim a projectile somewhere got added, and overall the game got a bump in graphics... At the low low low low low low low cost of pretty much everything else that makes all the other previous LEGO games so good.

Let's start with the basics, LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures released in the same year and two months after as The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the fourth Indiana Jones movie that had released in theaters back in 2008, which would make that game sort of like a promotional game for that specific movie since it was... Already out? I don't know, but the thing is that I don't know the specifics or why they flat out just didn't include a fourth chapter for the movie in that game in the same exact format as they had already done for movies 1-3. A level per major arc/act of this, with some very clear in-game progression as one level could have multiple parts taking place in different scenes of the movie. But instead, Traveller's Tales opted for the impossible.

Instead of taking the normal way of making an extension of the original in order to include a campaign based on Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, they decided to make a whole new game, from the ground up. And this wouldn't be such a big and glaring issue if the game straight up didn't suck.

So, in LEGO Indy 2 you're faced with the same old but instead of being fully fledged levels that have different phases or any sort of gameplay gimmicks to them, you have one moderately big hub world per "playset"/chapter, and you have 5 story micro-levels per hub, they are mostly one screen only and don't have any collectibles in them besides studs and achieving True Adventurer. Instead of getting any Minikits per level, having the closest thing be the Colored Bricks per hub which is pretty much the Extras on crack and that you can unlock by just breaking 10 of a certain object in these.

The micro-levels are a very big downgrade from any iteration of levels we've seen in past LEGO games, as they finish as soon as they start when you finish the only objective in them that's usually killing some boss, their goons or completing some minor puzzle, and again, they all take place in one screen/location mostly making them have no impact on the player whatsoever when playing through them, and then when you go back and play the movies that were already on the first LEGO Indy game you can see how much the translation from actual levels to these has butchered any sort of resemblance, or any sort of glimpse of actual good level design away. They are all pretty sucky, only upside is that you can pretty much blast through them with no problem as they don't take nearly as long as normal LEGO chapters...

With the exception of vehicle levels.

Vehicle levels are pretty infamous between my opinion of LEGO games, in the modern era they have gotten rid of them but for the classic ones there's still levels where the objective is to go on a plane and then complete various objectives while airbound, underwater or in the ground. LEGO Indy 2's vehicle stages are probably the worst there are in all of these, it's one big ass map with a very high number of studs for True Adventurer, and your objective is that with the most hideous controls ever, take out a series of enemies that appear.
I cannot express just how much of an eye roller it was when one of the levels in any playset was one shoehorned and forced vehicle level ever, all of them taking so long and to add insult to injury most of them wouldn't let you have True Adventurer from the get-go since there just wouldn't be enough studs in the map for it.

The hub worlds are probably one of the best parts of this game, since you get to free-roam and unlock characters, vehicles, participate in races, unlock Extras and play bonus levels... But it's not like once you buy a character you can freely use it in any hub. Every playset has its own designated characters, a lot of them fill out the same categories because you ultimately need them to complete Treasure Levels, but it's so lame that you simply cannot use characters from Raiders on Crystal Skull levels and that pretty much for everything, it really just removes the magic and reminds you how repetitive is gonna be this process for the whole 6 times you have to do it in all of the hubs, a complete wasted opportunity.

One of the best parts of this game is definitely the bonus levels you find in the hubs, a lot of them seem to have been made with the in-game level creator and they are just straight up fun. They use the mechanics of the game accordingly (whenever objects don't decide to explode or get stuck mid-air), are bite-sized and a lot of them feature some level of skill to get through, they are definitely way more fun than the main story levels or the Treasure Levels.

Speaking of the level creator, while I don't have any problems with it because I think it was a neat as hell addition with some very intuitive and fun ways to design levels.

I must take it with the awful ass character customization in this game, who the HELL thought it was a good idea to not include the SKELETON head. Are you for real. I couldn't make my cool skeleton guy for the entirety of this game. this is why INDY 2 SUCKS WHY DOES THIS GAME EVEN EXIST AAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

click here if you wanna see lego indy 2 propaganda

mto bom ficar amarrando os amgs com o chicote no modo coopkkkkkskkkkkkkk

Lego Indiana Jones 2 is... a peculiar game. It changes many aspects from previous "Lego" games and introduces some interesting ideas, but they are poorly executed.

Let's start with the "Hub world," which underwent a significant change, now being a larger world where you have to walk around to find the levels, as well as the "treasures" and the different blocks. Yes, these are no longer found within the levels, but in the "Hub world."

Due to the changes in the "hub world," the game's levels now only require you to fill the "studs" bar to complete them 100%, making the levels quite short. Another addition, more of a return than something new, is the requirement to complete levels twice, with another "studs" bar to fill (similar to Lego Star Wars 2 and Complete Saga), but with the twist that the level will be entirely different.

Another change in the game is the absence of stores to buy characters and blocks; you have to find and purchase them directly in the "hub world." Dealing with characters is more... bothersome, as some characters only appear after completing certain challenges in the game, and they STAY IN THE "HUB WORLD," which means you can't switch to them (unlike in previous Lego games) whenever you need them. Instead, you have to search for them throughout the "Hub world" and then enter the level.

Oh, I almost forgot, who decided to change the car controls? They handle terribly!

And... the game features a "level creator" mode that is "okay," but the online functionality doesn't work, so it's just there.

Lego Indiana Jones 2 is... enjoyable, especially in multiplayer (thanks for adding the "split screen" feature when players move apart), but it's an experiment with more flaws than strengths.

The most unique Lego game ever.

Such a stand out from the rest of its siblings through its environments and gameplay mechanics that are completely its own. If I thought the first Lego Indy was a bit audacious for its time, Lego Indy 2 amplifies that by 1,000.

Such an admirably enormous, messy swing.

I've always been iffy on streaming games via the PlayStation Plus PS3 streaming service but as the first game I've ever played via the service, I managed to do literally everything with little to no interference.

LEGO® Indiana Jones 2, and I hope people understand when I say this, is literally just LEGO® Indiana Jones 2.

Coming out literally a year or two after the original, the main draw of this game is the then-newest Indy movie, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, as it takes up half of the game's levels.

Instead of the game being your average "play through the game, and then play through them again for collectables", you only have to play through the main story once at the least (I had to play through the game basically twice for the platinum trophy but for 100% as long as you get True Adventurer on every level as you play through for the first time you shouldn't have to replay it).

All the collectables are hidden around the 6 hub worlds.
30 coloured bricks (10 each of Red "Score Multiplier" bricks, Green "Novelty" bricks and Blue "Enhancement" bricks), 5 "Treasure Levels" (which replace the "Free Play" mode), 5 Bonus Levels hidden around each world and a "Super Bonus Level", which you unlock by completing all the world's Treasure and Bonus Levels.

The Super Bonus Levels come in handy pretty early on as all 6 hub worlds feature one, and they're all "collect a million stud" levels you can replay as often as you want, plus you get to keep the million once you finish the level, so you're basically guaranteed to get the score multipliers easy if you have the patience to grind studs.

Like LEGO® The Incredibles, this game opens with the newest entry and lets you play through the rest of the movies once you complete it, but unlike Incredibles this one actually makes sense since the game assumes you've played through the original trilogy in the first game.

The original trilogy does feature in this game, too, which makes sense but also doesn't, since you'd probably have played these movies before in the first game and now it wants you to play them again.

My assumption is that this game, much like LEGO® Star Wars: The Force Awakens, was planned to be just the newest movie and due to the critical reception of it they decided to throw in the original trilogy in order to up sales.
Maybe they should've made an original adventure that takes place after Crystal instead.

Some of my issues with this game, other than certain trophies which I'll get to shortly, are the characters still not being perfected yet.
You'll need a certain character in order to unlock stuff in the hub but when you're not playing as them they'll walk around the hub world and you have to find them.
Planes have annoyingly wide turns, too, and some time trials are heavily reliant on dual play which I can't do.
Trophy-wise, I don't know why they added a trophy for replaying every level in Quick Play mode since that doesn't count towards to the 100%, plus there's also a trophy for doing Scholar Access 10 times but you only do it 8 times in normal playthrough..

Overall, this was still a pretty fun 30 hours, even if it did get boring rather quickly.
If you're ever in the mood to play through the Indiana Jones movies I'd suggest just playing the original, but if at a later date you get that urge I'd suggest you play through this too.
Don't play it 2 days after you 100% the original like I did, you'd get Lego'd out really quickly.

I actually almost quit this game early on but once I got my first trophy I forced myself to keep playing and once I got used to it I had a lot of fun when it wasn't freezing, slowing down or lagging out.

One of the weakest LEGO games made by Traveller's Tales. LEGO Indiana Jones 2 is filled with tons of cookie cutter levels that repeat over and over again throughout the entire game. Only a level or two from each of the 5 chapters are anywhere close to the quality of the other LEGO games. I enjoyed the hub worlds and even the secret levels within them but they don't fill the void of proper stages that are largely missing from the game. The level creator is fun for like 10 minutes but then becomes largely forgettable. I would have dropped this game after the first chapter if I wasn't playing co-op.

Don’t worry, it was impossible to make this game good. I mean come on it was based on The Crystal Skull

after fully playing through Jones 2 I can say that it's got a lot going against it from the start; the format and core structure the game takes is unlike any other Lego game, opting to focus less on individual levels and more on the hub world. it's a prototype for the modern day lego game in a sense.

it's hard for me to articulate every thought i have, but the short of it is that this core design the game both gives the game a unique identity while also robbing some of the replayability. but between this and lego marvel 100%ing id take this anyday

One of the most pointless games ever made. The level design is pretty empty and boring, and half the game is a worse retelling of the first three movies which were already covered in the vastly superior original game.

I had some fun playing this game as a kid, but I remember this was one of the Lego games that suffered from the developers’ transitioning from their classic game design to their modern game design. I don’t know if that makes sense but that’s the only way I know to describe it. I also remember the level creator wasn’t as good as it should’ve been.

I dont really remember liking this one very much

this one is so bad
The levels are one screen to focus on the open world. Would be acceptable if the open world was good but i guess they forgot to do that.

Some new ideas presented are neat but are trapped in a terrible game.

Also better than lego star wars

Got stuck on the first level when I was a child

My least favourite Lego game to date. Always stuck on levels, glitchy as hell and I never actually completed it back in 2009.

i love this game to death but i love this game enough to understand that it has many problems that it shouldn't have, not just with glitches and bugs but with level design in general

way too much of the game's levels are just a giant room with puzzles and that is truly a shame because some of the things in this game are magical, even shit as small as freeroaming the hub and its areas where levels start

still very fun tho

I was disappointed they changed a lot of the level designs since I had such fondness for them, but kinda dug the interim playable area being a large world combining all locations from the films.

Music amazing again.

i'd say this game gets even more flak than lego indy 1 because of the hubs and recycled levels from the first three movies, but if you didn't play lego indy 1 it's awesome. plus it's one of the first lego games with a level editor so A+