Reviews from

in the past

Big improvement over the first! I really like the intro before the title screen and Dr. Light sending messages after bosses, it's small stuff but it establishes the setting and makes the game feel more connected then just bunch of random stages like the first game. Energy tanks were also a really nice addition!

Yes, I played this on the worst port possible

This game is absolutely fantastic and holds up well. The difficulty is there, but manageable. It feels rewarding to slowly get better and better at the game until you understand your entire kit and can come up with clever ways to do things. Wonderful game!

Definitely an improvement on the original, but it still has some major issues. This is not the best in the series but its still pretty good.

It's pretty cool, basically a complete improvement over the first one besides the quick man stage. [[points off for the stage]]

Series fans know damn well Mega Man 2 is not the best one (or at least, future amenities like sliding and charge shots must make a game without them hard to go back to), but I felt I had to see this one through to the end anyway, for its cemented place in broader gaming culture and all that. And it doesn't disappoint!

It almost never felt unfairly difficult--most obstacles are fairly telegraphed, and while it stung a bit when I missed out on certain goodies, that was typically on me for not daring the more ambitious path and earning them. But let's get something clear here. Fuck those horizontal murder beam things from the parts where you fall in Quick Man's stage. That shit blows. And so does the Boobeam Trap.

So yeah, not a game free of sin, but so much of the rest of it is fun that I'd still say give it a shot.

Mega Man 2 is like, the best tasting margherita pizza you'll ever have in your life, but it's a teeny bit undercooked. It's classic, iconic even; down to the intro cutscene, the stage themes, the setpieces and the robot masters - and even if it's missing some of the additions that would later become synonymous with the series like the slide and charge shot, the core run and gun gameplay still serves as something well worth going back to. But man it is not perfect. Especially when looking at stuff like the Wily Stage 4 boss. You really need to go into that fight with a full supply of crash bomber ammo and can't afford to waste any of it or take any route other than the most optimal one. It's this super weird blemish on an otherwise challenging yet very thoughtfully and fairly designed 8-bit platformer. Huge props to the localization team for actually making it more accessible for its overseas release at least: a rarity for the time. I personally prefer playing on difficult but it's no wonder that 2 is often regarded as the most accessible classic series entry.

Also John Backloggd please change the boxart to the Japanese one please and thank you

INSANE jump in quality from 1 but its still not a masterpiece. certain levels are still very sloppy but still a far cry from the worst 1 had to offer

Megaman 2 (1988): Amplía y mejora el original, pero por el camino deja picos absurdos de dificultad, vías muertas y defectos que no deberían estar en una secuela continuista. No es que sea peor, pero con las bases ya puestas uno espera más. Anunque la BSO es espectacular (6,35)

Better than Mega Man 1, but that's a low bar to beat. Actually enjoyed this one, to be honest. Not a great game, but a good one.

ilk oyun kadar zor değil, güzel

This is definitely quite the step up from the first game! It's also one of the most overrated video games ever in my eyes! It's good, but like.. it's nowhere NEAR the best imo.

This is the game where Mega Man started to get going. While this isn't the magnum opus of the series for me (not even close), Mega Man 2 is a definite improvement over the original in almost every way. Better level design, physics and music. The game does still have a few slipups (Heat Man's dissapearing blocks are obnoxious and FUCK THE BOOBEAM TRAP), but overall, it's a great game. WOOOOO METAL BLADE YEAH

I really liked this game. It's really difficult, obviously, but I thought the bosses were really good and the music was great.

So many people have collectively decided this game is overrated lately and I don't get why. There may be a serious "mad because bad" thing going on here (despite this being the easiest classic-series Mega Man game) since this is probably the first Mega Man game most people check out.

Mega Man 2 is simply really fun. The levels are a blast and tearing shit up with the metal blade feels really good. The Robot Masters are all classic, since they hadn't worn out the concept to the point of increasingly esoteric theming yet. The game also looks great, sounds even better, and the intro and ending cutscenes are outstanding and iconic. Mega Man 2 is among the very best action games of the 8-bit era, a time when action games (and especially action-platformers) were in. It's definitely the best of the classic-series Mega Man games for me, with 3 close behind.

The worst Mega Man game on NES. I really don't get how it had a meme status as blatantly the best one for the longest time. The weapon balance is extremely shit, some of the bosses are horrible (Boobeam Trap may be one of the worst bosses in videogame history) and it's just mildly infuriating to play. Feels like people only really like it because of the admittedly good soundtrack (that has unfortunately been so overplayed at this point I can't bear it) and spamming metal blades.

It was, at least, a step in the right direction for Mega Man and brought some mainstay stuff to the formula that really worked out later on, but MAN is it rough here. Worth playing to formulate your own opinion on but I do feel like this is the most undeservedly praised NES game.

Wait, people hate this game now? It’s pretty much THE Mega Man game, and one of the greatest NES games there is. The levels are well designed, the bosses are unique, the challenge is stiff but fair, and while it does have a few questionable design choices (Boobeam Trap can suck my left nut), it does everything else so right that it pretty much renders the first game obsolete.

Metal Blade go woosh

I don't like Mega Man 2 as much as some. It's janky, and some level design can be empty. Wily stages sound good but get kinda crappy after the first one, and the arsenal is fairly boring.

Listen, the music is incredible, but both the level design and weapon balancing are failures on a fundamental level. The game is poorly designed and poorly thought through.

I respect what this game did for the franchise but it's one of the weakest entries in the classic series and i hate that they used it as the "base" for MM9 and 10 and that every other weapon selection after 3 are mostly variants of MM2 weapons.

It's a fun game, and very quick to beat on replays, but there's a bunch of stuff that just suck so much ass like Alien Wily and the Boobeam Trap. The entire Wily castle for me makes me want to drop the run, it ranges from to easy to just boring/tedious.

There are some really fun levels, but metal blade is too good and the game really falls apart in the Wily stages.

me lo pasé por la musiquita del dr. willy

I'm sorry, but Heat Man and Quick Man's stages are obscenely badly designed. Those two stages alone should disqualify this game from deserving anywhere near the amount of praise it's received.

Not realistic, but realism is getting BORING in games.

metal blade is a weapon in the mega man series